Leave Me Breathless: The Ivy Collection

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Leave Me Breathless: The Ivy Collection Page 71

by KL Donn

  To say I was a little surprised when Megan answered before I could, would be an understatement. “I believe that seat has been taken.” And saying I was proud as fuck that she stood up for herself, would be putting it mildly.

  “Oh, I didn’t realize.” Of course, Ally couldn’t let it go that easily, lifting her nose in the air, one manicured brow arching high as she rakes a disapproving gaze over Megan.

  “Realize what?” Megan counters, her own brow rising in defense as she lifts her glass of wine to her lips.

  Ally snorts like she can’t believe she’s being challenged. “That you were anyone special.” Then shifts her focus to me. “We’re never quite sure with you, Jasper.”

  Anger surges through me, my blood instantly boiling, my spine locking into place as I shift in my seat. How dare she try and make my date, whomever it may be, feel insecure or less than what they may mean to me? Fucking bitch.

  “Well, now you know.” My head snaps to my right to look at Megan, who apparently doesn’t need me to defend her at all. “Maybe you can let Poppy know too.” I continue to watch as Megan takes a sip from her glass, my mouth dropping open when she speaks again. “Since there seems to be some confusion.”

  When Ally laughs out loud, then looks back over to Megan with a smile on her face, relief sweeps over me. “Well, aren’t you just a little spitfire?”

  “See?” I slap a hand on the table as I let out a bark of laughter, my attention swinging to Megan. “I told you!” This of course leads me to telling the story of how we met in the lobby, and my subsequent labeling of her as a spitfire. The tension at the table diffuses by the end of my tale, but I lean over anyway, covering Megan’s hand with my own as I do and whisper in her ear. “You’re amazing.”

  She angles her head, her eyes locking onto mine, amusement sparkling in them. “Not special?”

  “Amazing is way better than special.”

  She shrugs, her lips pulling tight as she tries to restrain her smile. “If you say so.”

  I scoot my chair, then brush my lips to her ear. “Let’s go right now and I’ll show you.”

  She turns her head until her lips are on mine, her breath mingling with mine when they move against them. “Let’s go.”

  My mouth curves into a wide grin as I lean back, then stand up to address our table. “We’re going to call it a night.” I reach for Megan’s hand as she stands, pulling it into my own. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Megan says goodnight to everyone as I pull her away, my desire to have her to myself and in my arms overwhelming any need I have to be polite. As soon as we’re in the elevator, I grasp her by the nape to haul her body to mine and crush my mouth to hers. She opens on a moan, her fingers curling the fabric of my t-shirt into her fists when I sweep my tongue inside. I turn and slam her back into the wall, my need for her obvious when I grind it into her hip.

  The elevator stops and the doors slide open, and I somehow manage to get us to her room and inside without severing our connection. In seconds, we’re naked, both of us tearing the clothes off the other. A single second after that, my hands are under her ass as I lift her onto the desk, her legs wrapping around me as I drive into her, both of us crying out as we join. There’s no tenderness between us, just primal need as I thrust into her repeatedly, her hair flying wildly each time we buck against each other. Her nails claw at my shoulders as she attempts to anchor herself, my own fingers digging so deep in her hips I’m sure there will be bruises.

  I lean over so that I can capture her mouth, thrusting my hips after each word I vocalize against her lips to drive home how I feel. “You. Are. Fucking. Perfect.”

  She locks her arms around my neck, her fingernails digging into my shoulders to hold me in place, her hips rocking into mine as she meets each of my thrusts. “So. Fucking. Good.”

  Her words fuel my hunger, my hips plunging faster as I increase the speed and intensity I’m driving into her, her mouth forming an O as I feel her center squeeze around my cock. “Yes, baby! Come! Come for me!”

  And she does. She lets out a long moan, her muscles convulsing around me, the strangling heat of her release triggering my own, my mind fragmenting into a million particles of dust. I clutch her body against mine as I shove myself as deep as I can, my cock pulsing as my cum shoots out in long spurts, the sound of my voice echoing against the walls as I groan out my relief.

  She relaxes her arms from around my neck a moment later, and I loosen my hold as well, capturing her mouth in a kiss. I don’t want to break our connection, so I slide my hands under her ass and lift, making sure to keep her pressed against me when I turn and lower her to the bed. I pull my lips away from hers so I can look her in the eye. “I’m not quite done showing you how amazing you are.” I steal another kiss then speak again. “Is it okay if I stay a bit longer?”

  “You can stay forever if you keep doing that to me.” She giggles before I silence her with my mouth, more than happy to oblige her.

  Too bad forever never turns out to be quite as long as you think it’s going to be.


  “I gotta go.” His voice a warm whisper in my ear as I blink awake. I feel his lips on my ear and I turn my head until they brush my lips instead. I slide my hand up his arm, my fingers drifting over the bumps of his muscles, stopping when I reach the edge of his sleeve. I slip them under the material then wrap my hand around his bicep as I try to pull him closer to me.

  “Don’t even think about it.” He leans back, extracting himself out of my grip, a soft chuckle vibrating up from his chest. “I have practice.”

  I stick my lip out in an exaggerated pout, then shift back on my elbows, shrugging so that the blanket slides down my body to expose my bare chest. “Well, if you have to go.”

  “You are so not playing fair.” He shakes his head, his tongue swiping along his bottom lip like he’s oh so hungry, and then takes a step back.

  I cock my head letting my hair fall over my shoulder as I turn on my side, bringing one hand over my breast. I watch as his eyes follow the movement of my hand, unable to hide my smile when he sucks in a breath in reaction to my fingers rolling a nipple between them. “When did I ever say I played fair?” I pluck the peak again, twisting it before I release it, the tip hard as it bounces in place.

  He growls, literally growls, before dropping to his knees beside the bed, his mouth latching onto my breast before I can even blink. His hands cup around my globe in a tight grip, and he sucks hard, flicking his tongue against the sensitive bud. Every swipe sends a signal straight to my core, heat pooling between my legs. My fingers weave through his hair, pressing his head into my chest as I beg for more. He sucks even harder and my hips buck off the bed from the sensation. I drag one hand out of his hair and down my body until my fingers find my center. I slide my fingers over my wet seam and start to push them inside, his lips suddenly popping off my breast, my hand flying up in surprise.

  My mouth falls open in protest, my brow creasing as I watch him rise back up to his feet. “What are you doing? Why are you stopping?”

  He smirks, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand. “I told you, gotta go.”

  I sit up, trying not to splutter. “But-”

  He bends, plants a kiss on my gaping mouth, then grins. “All’s fair in love and war baby.” He grabs both his and his sister’s jacket off the chair. “Don’t ever try and beat me at my own game.” He winks, then pulls the door open. “I’ll call you later.” And just like that, he was gone. Little did I know just how gone he’d be.

  I think about finishing what I was about to start before he so rudely left, but roll over instead and grab my phone off the night stand. It’s just after seven-thirty, which means it’s ten-thirty on the East coast. I turn on the lamp over the bed, then hit my Facetime connection for Leah. I grin like a crazy person when I see her face pop up on the screen. I can tell by the photos on the wall behind her that she’s in our living room.

  “Hey Megs!” She grins back at me a
nd waves, her brow furrowing after a second. “How come every time I talk to you, you’re in bed?”

  “Oh my God, Leah!” I slap a hand over my face, then drag it away, trying to reveal my best, ‘I’m so ashamed face’. “I think I’ve had more sex in the past three days then I’ve had in the last year.”

  “Well, aren’t you just a dirty little slut!” She admonishes me with affection. “And lucky too, I might add. I still can’t believe you’re doing the deed with Jasper Fucking Chase.”

  “Oh, guess what?” I sit up, a million things I want to share with her popping into my head. “I have so much to tell you!”

  “Tell me! Tell me!” She bounces in place as she encourages me to spill the beans.

  “I went to a sports store here yesterday to see if I could get a shirt with his name or number on it. You know, for the game tomorrow and stuff.” I look at her, and she nods for me to continue. “Everyone knew who he was. Like, I didn’t get what a big deal he was until I was in there.” I let out a giddy laugh, the one that she knows is my nervous laugh. “I’m seriously dating a famous person.”

  “I told you that the other day.” She rolls her eyes so hard they practically hit the ceiling. “I bet you haven’t even googled him, have you?”

  “Why on earth would I google him?” I wave a hand to dismiss the idea. “I do not want to get sucked down that rabbit hole. Just hearing what you know about him is scary enough. I don’t even want to know what the hell the internet has to say. I’ll make my own opinions, thank you very much.”

  “Okay.” She gives me a little frown. “I guess I shouldn’t tell you that TMZ blasted a story on the news last night about Jasper Chase and new love interest spotted at The Palm in Los Angeles having dinner.”

  “Shut the fuck up!” I yell, my eyes bulging out of their sockets.

  “And aren’t you glad I told you to wear the black dress? You looked fabulous by the way.” She continues, a smug smile on her lips.

  “This is so surreal.” I shake my head in disbelief. “He’s just a regular guy to me.” I blow out a breath. “Well, not just a regular guy.” I look her straight in the eye, my tone getting serious. “I really, really like him, Leah.”

  “Rut-roh.” Her head angles in concern. “I know that look.” She points at me through the phone, her voice rising as she blurts out her next question. “You like him, love him already, don’t you?”

  I flop back on the bed, groaning out loud. “Oh my god, you do!” I hear her yell from the phone, which is now face down on my chest. I lift it again, bringing her face into view, and nod once. She lets out a short huff of laughter. “Jesus Christ on a cracker, only you Megan Lewis. Only you would fall for a freaking famous football player.”

  “I’ve never felt like this before.” I sigh. “I don’t really know what I’m supposed to do.”

  “Well, have you talked about it with him?” Leah, ever the direct and sensible friend, gets right to the point. “You are leaving tomorrow, right?”

  “Yeah.” I nod, and then shake my head. “Well no, I’m not flying out until early Monday morning. But yeah, we both want to keep seeing each other, we just haven’t figured out all the details yet.”

  “What’s the problem?” She persists.

  “It all depends on his schedule.” I sit up again and cross my legs under me. “If they win the game tomorrow, he has that super game in two weeks, but if-.”

  “Super Bowl.”

  I stop blabbering and frown. “What?”

  “It’s the Super Bowl. Not Super Game.” She giggles. “It’s a really big deal, Megan. It’s like if you were an actor and you got nominated for an Oscar.”

  I roll my eyes. “Whatever. You know what I mean.” I stick my tongue out at her. “So anyway, if he has to play in that, he won’t be free for the next two weeks. But if they lose tomorrow, then I guess technically he’s available after that.”

  “And?” She raises her brows looking for more information.

  “And he said we’d figure it out once one or both of the games were over but that he wants to keep seeing me.”

  “Oh my God! You’re totally Jasper Chase’s girlfriend!” She squeals. “Wait! Does this mean you get to go to Super Bowl if they win tomorrow?”

  “I mean, I don’t know.” I lift my shoulders. “I didn’t even know what the stupid game was called. Do you think I asked him if I could go?”

  “Well, if he wins tomorrow, you’re asking him for a ticket, and you’re taking me with you!” She orders. “So, what are you doing today? Are you seeing him?”

  “I’m not sure.” I frown, unable to hide the fact that I hate being here for him, but not being able to actually be here for him. “He’s got a bunch of team oriented things going on today, and then the game is tomorrow. He said he’s going to try and get up to see me tonight, but he couldn’t promise anything. I’m sitting next to some people he introduced me to last night at dinner, so I won’t be alone during the game.”

  “Well, that kind of sucks.” She points out the obvious. “So, you’re just going to wait around in limbo?”

  “I mean, I’m going to go do some sightseeing today. I want to go see the Hollywood sign, and thought I’d go see all the sidewalk stars on Hollywood Boulevard. You know me, I’ll find a way to keep myself busy.” I slide off the bed to walk over to the desk and lift the pass he gave me to show her. “And look, I have a VIP pass. I can go down onto the field after the game if they win, and it lets me into the private area that the players will be in after the game so I can meet him.”

  “Well, that’s kind of cool.” She laughs. “Too bad it’s being wasted on someone who is clueless about football. Do you want me to give you an overview of the game basics?”

  “Oh my God, yes!” We spend the next half hour gabbing as she explains the rules of a football game so I won’t be completely lost tomorrow. I’m grateful for the lesson, but even more so for her friendship, and tell her that as we hang-up. I drag my ass to the shower after that, and do as I promised her I would, and get myself ready so I can go out and explore some of Los Angeles. I don’t get back to the room until close to seven that night, and am a little disappointed I haven’t heard from Jasper yet. I decide to order dinner up to my room instead of going out, in hopes he may show up, but the only thing I end up getting is a text from him after eight.

  Ran into some complications and won’t be able to make it tonight. Will text you tomorrow. Hope you had a good day. Miss you. Xo

  I don’t even text back. I know it’s childish, but I guess I don’t understand what could be so complicated he can’t come up and see me before he goes to bed. He is the one that asked me to stay. Why am I here if he’s not even going to be able to spend any time with me? I feel stupid about the choice I made to stay, and am definitely wondering if I made the correct decision. So, of course, I do the one thing I told myself I wouldn’t. I grab my laptop out of my bag, fire it up and open a google window. My fingers hover above the keys as I have an internal debate with myself about the fallout of what I’m about to do. Reason doesn’t seem to be a factor in my decision making however, and before I can stop, I type in ‘Jasper Chase’ and bang the enter key.

  The first two things I notice; he has his own freaking website and for Christ’s sake, a damn Wikipedia page. I am so in over my head. I click on the Wikipedia link because that seems to be the safer option. His birthday is in May, and he’s thirty years old, and oh look, he went to Kent State. Shit. I roll my head back and frown. I shouldn’t be finding out things like this about him on the internet. This is all stuff I want to find out organically. I bring my attention back to the screen and decide to click on images instead. That’s got to be safer, right? Holy fuck. There are thousands of pictures of him. So many of him in uniform and with his team, but as I scroll further down the page, I start to see him at events. I freeze when I lock onto a picture of him dressed to the nines with a beautiful woman on his arm. Of course, because it’s like watching a train wreck and you
can’t stop yourself, I click on the photo.

  The caption alone triggers my heart to start hammering in my chest. “Model Poppy McAdams and NFL Star Jasper Chase Heating Things Up.” The date of the article is from October. It’s January. So at least the article is somewhat dated. I stare at her though and can’t help but notice the similarities between us. I mean, she’s a smoldering super model, she even has that frosty look down as she stares into the camera with pursed fish lips, so we’re not really comparable. But she has long blonde hair, and blue eyes, and even though she’s thin, she’s got boobs. I look down at my chest and then back at the picture of her. I scoff. At least I know he has a type.

  I don’t bother reading the article. I’ve seen enough and slam the laptop shut, chastising myself in the process. “Stupid girl.” I knew I shouldn’t have opened this can of worms. I toss the laptop on the bed and decide to run a bath to try and soak away my bad attitude. The food arrives as the tub is filling, so I put it aside to eat after. I lounge in the bubbles for over thirty minutes, then shave all the places that need it, and change into Jasper’s t-shirt that I swiped the other night. It still smells like him, and if he can’t be here, at least I can enjoy a little part of him instead. A few hours later, I drift to sleep, still holding out hope that he might show up.

  When I wake the next morning, the first thing I do is grab my phone, and smile when I see two texts from him. I swipe the first one, which he sent around eleven, and smile.

  Missing your hair tangled in my hands as I kiss you. Sleep well. XO

  I mean, what kind of rough and tumble football player sends a message like that? The ice that had started to form around my heart melts. I laugh out loud when I read the next text, sent just a few minutes later. He’s taken a picture of Doug asleep in the bed beside his, his mouth hanging open.


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