Magic (Coeur du Bayou Trilogy Book 3)

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Magic (Coeur du Bayou Trilogy Book 3) Page 2

by Lisa Coots

  “Where's the baby?” he demanded taking another step closer, his eyes boring into hers.

  “I don't know.” Her whisper was barely audible.

  “Whoa…,” Ben interrupted, “Can we all just get some coffee and have breakfast before we jump into it?”

  “Of course. I'm sorry.” Mason blinked away the feelings and tried to focus on the present. “Sometimes it takes me by surprise.”

  “Yeah, Mason, if you'd like to finish dressing, then we can catch up while we wait for Serena to get back.” Ben waved his fork in Mason's direction.

  Mason looked down at his bare chest and feet. “I'm sorry. Please forgive my manners. I must seem like a madman to you. I'm usually better behaved, but when it comes to Rena I lose my head. Your name again?”


  “Faith,” he repeated smiling. “Please excuse me. I'll get dressed and we can start over.” He backed towards the door.

  She smiled at him. “You call her Rena?”


  “That's sweet.” The smile disappeared as she turned back toward the stove. “Now sit and eat before it gets cold.”

  “I should…” Motioning to his chest, he smiled apologetically.

  “No, don’t bother. I won’t faint, but my brother would never come to the table without a shirt on.” She gave a little snort as Mason pulled out the stool next to Ben and sat.

  “Eat. I’ve got baking to do once I clean this mess.” She placed a heaping plate of eggs, bacon and toast in front of him then hurried back to the stove.

  Ben shrugged, flashed a devilish smile and dove back into his food.

  “Tell me,” Mason urged.

  “No. When Serena gets back. I haven’t had a chance to talk to her. I don’t know you.” Glancing over her shoulder, she narrowed her eyes at them. “You’re not a photographer, and you….” Brandishing the spatula in Mason’s direction, she turned to face him. “You’re her husband, really?”

  “Actually, I am a photographer.” Ben’s tone was calm, but he sat up straighter letting his fork drop onto his plate.

  “You’re right. We should wait for Serena. If she hasn’t told you about us, I’m guessing there’s a reason.” Mason gave her a smirk.

  Faith turned back to the stove with a flip of her ponytail, obviously annoyed.

  “You live here?” The smell of the food had his stomach growling. He gave in and picked up the fork.

  “No, I bake here.” Gathering utensils, she dropped them in the soapy water of the sink.

  “There’s a connection. You and this house.”

  “I said wait for Serena.”

  “Wait for Serena for what?” The bags of groceries crinkled as Serena’s arms tightened around them at the sight of Mason shirtless.

  “He’s jumping into it.” Ben glanced up briefly, then went back to his plate.

  Mason got up from the counter and walked towards her. Serena’s mouth went dry.

  “We dress for meals around here.”

  “Yes, I’ve been made aware.” He held out his arms, and she thrust the bags into them. Careful not to touch him, Serena stepped back and turned her attention to Faith.

  “You didn’t have to cook for them, hun. They’re not guests exactly.” Dreading this moment, she hesitated trying to find the words.

  “I’ll be happy to pay for the rooms, if that’s a problem.” Mason searched for a spot to put the groceries down.

  “And food,” Ben chimed in. “I’ll pay for the food. This is great.”

  “No, you’re here to work. I don’t want your money.”

  “Work?” Faith grabbed a bag from Mason and started digging out the items.

  “Yes, work. I’m Reuben Peltier and this is Mason Del Toro. We’re paranormal investigators. Our team is called Spirit Catchers, Inc.”

  “Paranormal…” Hugging a jar of mayo to her, Faith processed the information. “Serena?”

  “Serena worked with us for a while. We…,” Mason started to explain.

  “Mason,” Serena warned.

  “Sorry, love. I think the cat was already half out of the bag. She’s connected obviously.”

  “You know?” The question was more of an accusation. Serena felt her anger rising.

  “I just picked up some of it. We haven’t really talked.” Finally putting the bag on a counter, Mason turned towards her. The ease with which he stood in her kitchen, bare chested chatting with Faith irked her. With a swish of her skirt, she headed out of the kitchen.

  “Rena, wait,” Mason called following her into the foyer.

  She stood at the open front door of her home unable to contain her irritation.

  “What?” She turned to face him, anger vibrating through her.

  “What is it? It's not just me being here. There's something else.” His concern should have dampened her temper. Instead it fueled it.

  “Not you? It is you! You walk into my house… I dreamed of this house my whole life, even before you. I found it. I bought it, and you walk in... knowing. I can't see it, not clearly. Why? Why won't it show me?”

  He reached for her his face a mask of compassion.

  “No, Mason.” She held her hands out in front of her. “Then you... I was trying to put everything together. Start over. I had a chance here.”

  “Start over? Without me?” His bare chest heaved with anger. “No, Rena. We both know that's impossible. Don't keep running away. I'm going to fix this.”

  “By accusing me?” Her raised voice echoed through the foyer.


  “You basically accused me of pushing Richie down the stairs in front of my friends.”

  “No.” His black bangs spilled over into his eyes as he shook his head in denial.

  “Yes, you did.”

  “I just said what I felt.” He shook his head once again as if to clear it. “He felt. He thinks you pushed him and he's not happy about it.”

  “That much I gathered on my own.”

  “I'm not leaving.”

  “I didn't say...”

  “You didn't have to. I can see it on your face. Whatever our problems, we will work it out. I won't leave you to deal with this alone.”

  Being read was the last straw, her fury came out like a venomous whip. “Got a whiff of money? Or is it fame?”

  The front door slammed shut, followed by another door upstairs. The air changed around her suddenly. The whiff of wet dog mixed with rotting meat invaded her nostrils. Richie.

  “Bitch.... Where's my money?” The sickly whisper caressed her cheek.

  “I don't have your money,” she hissed into the air around her. “And I didn't push you.”

  She turned in a circle searching for the source of the voice.

  Mason grabbed her arm pulling her up against him protectively. She felt the hard muscles of his chest against her back through the thin material of her shirt. The spark from their skin touching traveled through her body like a rampant wild fire. His bare arms encircled her, sending her emotions reeling.

  “Did you hear that?” she asked him trying not to focus on the heat between them.

  “Yes, I did.” His voice so near her ear sent another seductive wave of heat down her body. When she tried to move away from him, he added, “Did you feel that?”

  “Yes,” she whispered stepping out of his arms.

  “I’m not leaving.”

  “I know. Let me know when you want to set up the equipment and I’ll tell you where I’ve had the most activity.”

  He nodded, his gold eyes never leaving hers.

  “Ben, finish eating we have work to do. Faith, when you have free time, I’d like to talk to you and your man.” Not bothering to turn, he addressed Ben and Faith who watched from the kitchen doorway, then headed up the stairs.

  Serena let out a sigh, her insides still quaking. She knew better than to let her anger flow freely. With Mason around it would be more difficult to control her emotions.

  Magic was a funny t
hing. Careful what you wish for, girl. Once you get it, you just have to deal with it.

  “I need to go... walk or something.”

  “I’ll come with you.” Faith quickly slipped off her apron and handed it to Ben.

  “It’s ok. I know you have baking to do.” Not sure she was ready for the barrage of questions she tried to put Faith off once again.

  “No, I need to talk to you.”

  “Maybe we should do this later, when Claire’s here.”

  “No, come on.” Faith took her by the arm leading her to the door. “You’ve got some ‘splaining to do, Lucy.”

  She could hear Ben chuckling behind them. Faith opened the door and pushed her out into the sticky Louisiana summer heat. Serena drew in a deep breath of pine, to clear the lingering stench of Richie.

  Once they were down the path, Faith finally spoke up.

  “Serena, what’s going on?”

  “You were there. You saw.”

  “Yeah, I saw what I assumed was Richie last night. That doesn't explain everything else. Ben? Mason? Are you married?”

  “No, we’re not actually married. We did talk about it, but things didn’t work out.”

  “So you worked with them on the paranormal stuff?”

  The determined look on Faith’s face told Serena she wasn’t getting away without all of the details. This was it. The conversation she had hoped she’d never have with her friends.

  “Yeah, I can sense things, like they can. It’s not always like this though. Faith, you have to understand. I didn’t come here for this. I dreamed about this house for years. When things didn’t work out with Mason, suddenly here it was. I found it when I needed it, just like magic. I belong here. I didn’t mean to keep anything from you and Claire. My life before didn’t seem relevant. I never thought you’d be pulled into this….” She searched for the right word to describe everything that had happened and came up empty. Her hands had been moving in jerky arcs as she talked, now dropped lifelessly to her sides. “You know.”

  Narrowing her eyes at Serena, Faith considered for a moment. Her mouth twitched into a smirk.

  “What?” Waiting for the judgements and accusations, she steadied herself.

  “So what’s your real last name?”

  Laughing heartily at the unexpected question, she felt some of the weight lifted. Faith’s wittiness was one of the reasons she loved having her around.

  “That’s what you want to know? It’s Klump.” Watching for Faith’s reaction, she wasn’t disappointed.

  “Oh yeah, I’d rather Del Toro, too. Sounds exotic.” She lifted her eyebrows then dropped them again. “Just a warning though, Evan was pretty freaked out.”

  “I know. Everyone was. I half expected him to show up first thing this morning to interrogate me.”

  “It’s still early.” Faith snorted.

  “I really expected Claire to show up, too.”

  “Evan probably won’t let her out of his sight.”

  “What about Jake?”

  “Jake knows what’s going on. I don’t think any of us understand it, but this house means a lot to us, too.”

  They reached the small graveyard, long forgotten, until Claire had literally tripped over it while hiding from Richie last Halloween.

  “He knew. Mason knew about her baby. How?” Faith's voice was filled with amazement and her dark eyes looked to Serena for answers.

  “He can sense things.”

  “Yeah, but I had to tell you after I saw it. He knew.”

  “It’s different for each of us. Sometimes things are clear for me and not him. Here, he seems to be picking up on everything.”

  “So what’s next?”

  “I’m hoping he can help. They have equipment. EVP recordings sometimes pick up voices.” Serena ran a hand over a headstone thinking about Richie. “Richie was just loud and clear. Did you hear him?”

  “No, but I figured it was him. I heard what you said. Was last night the first time?”

  “No… Well, the first time I’ve seen him.”

  “Why didn’t you tell us?”

  “I didn’t want to upset Claire. She’s finally happy. I thought maybe I could figure it out, so she’d be rid of him for good. That’s why I called Ben for help.”

  “So none of it’s over? Richie, the mystery lady or her missing baby?”

  Serena shook her head sadly. “No, I don’t think so.”

  Faith pulled at the long grass next to a headstone. “Have you always been like this?”

  “Yes.” Not ready to talk about her life and insecurities, she ran a hand over the head stone. “Do you feel anything here?”

  Faith looked up in surprise, a wad of grass in her hands.

  “No, it’s always in the house.” As if to test, she dropped the grass, wiped her hands on her jeans then touched the headstone. “No, nothing…”

  “Let’s head back. It’s getting hot out here.”

  “Ok. Are you sure you’re ok with all of this?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re always so calm, but I can tell this is getting to you.”

  “Faith. Come on. I’ll be fine. I just don’t want anything to mess up our business plans. People are attracted to haunted places, but Richie is so angry he could scare people away.”

  “Oh, no. We can’t let that happen. Can Ben and Mason help us get rid of him?”

  “I’m betting on it. That’s the only reason I’m letting Mason stay.”

  “Hmm... I don’t read people, but I know there’s more between you two.” Faith glanced slyly at Serena as they walked back down the path. She stopped suddenly grabbing Serena’s arm excitedly. “What if he’s connected to the house too? Like me. That’s why he can sense things. Have you considered that?”

  The thought stunned her. Not only had she not considered it, the thought had never occurred to her. No, it couldn’t be. As closely as they were tied already, if he was also involved in the mystery of the house, she’d never be rid of him. Coeur du Bayou was hers. She wouldn’t even entertain the thought that he could take it from her.


  Serena heard the raised voices before she saw Evan's cruiser in the driveway.

  “Oh, no!” Faith picked up her pace and hurried ahead.

  Tempted to turn back or sneak in through the back door, Serena continued on. After Mason's demonstration on the stairs, she knew she'd have some questions to answer. The cop in Evan wouldn't be able to let it go.

  As she reached the porch, Evan’s voice was loud and clear. “Damn it, Faith! Go home!”

  “Evan, stop it.” Hands on her hips, Faith was holding her ground.

  “I'm not sure your presence is needed here, officer.” Blocking the doorway, Mason now fully dressed crossed his arms, his tone dismissive.

  “Deputy.” Evan corrected.

  “Ah, yes, labels...” She could hear the amusement in Mason's voice and cringed.

  “Where's Serena?” Evan demanded.

  “I'm not sure I like your tone, deputy. What exactly is the nature of your business here?”

  “Mason. Stop.” Serena warned climbing the steps quickly.

  “I could ask you the same thing.” Evan leaned in mincingly towards Mason.

  “Cut it out. Both of you.” Pushing her way between them, she faced Evan. “Is there a problem?”

  “I need to talk to you. Alone.” He looked past her to glare at Mason.

  Before Mason could reply, she warned him. “Not your house. Remember that. These people are my friends. They are always welcome here.”

  “As you wish.” His gold eyes flashed with anger, before he turned on his heel. “We're setting up in the upstairs room. Faith, remember I need to talk to you.”

  “No...” Evan's protest was immediate, so was Faith's reaction.

  “Hello? Grown up, remember?” She added an eye roll for good measure then answered Mason, “I'll come by with Jake tonight if he can get away. I've got to get in the kitchen

  “Come on.” Serena motioned towards the parlor. “Is this room ok, or should we go in my office?”

  “Huh?” Evan frowned at Mason's back then followed her into the parlor.

  “You said it was private.”

  “Oh yeah, I need to know what's going on here. Who is that guy to you?” Jerking a thumb towards the foyer, he paced nervously.

  “What?” Shocked at his concern, her heart warmed. She had expected his visit but had assumed he'd be questioning her past, especially after hearing she wasn't using her real name.

  “Look, you've been a good friend to Claire, and Faith. This guy.... I don't know. Something doesn't feel right.”

  “Please sit, Evan.”

  “Is he your husband?” Ignoring her request, he paced keeping an eye on the doorway.

  “No,” she answered truthfully, then added, “not in this life.”

  “So if you want him to leave, just say.” Not actually hearing her, his hands fisted at his sides. “I'll make him go.”

  “Thanks, but honestly, I think I need his help.”

  “With what?”

  “Richie. You saw him last night. I know you did. You can't pretend that didn't happen. You and I both know it was him. We saw him last Halloween. He died on that staircase.”

  “Exactly. How could it be him?” Sitting heavily on the sofa, he finally looked at her.

  “Evan, I know you don't want to believe any of this. Believe me, I wish I had that luxury.”

  “I'm sorry. I want to help you, but if I let myself believe that was Richie last night, standing behind Claire.” He shook his head. “I don't want her anywhere near here, her or my pigheaded sister.”

  “Talking shit behind my back, bro.” Elle breezed into the room, hair spiked and a sassy grin on her face.

  “Ugh.... Either of my pigheaded, foul mouthed sisters.” Hanging his head, Evan groaned.

  Elle gave a smirk. “I just came to say goodbye to Faith. I was surprised to see you here, but two birds, one stop. I've got to get back to Dallas, but I'll be back for the wedding.”

  “Yeah, ok.” He looked uncomfortably at Serena then hung his head again guiltily.


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