Magic (Coeur du Bayou Trilogy Book 3)

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Magic (Coeur du Bayou Trilogy Book 3) Page 13

by Lisa Coots

“Well, we did the dress thing without any trouble, right?” Faith asked hopefully.

  “Yeah, I didn’t notice anything,” Ben shook his head and continued, “and nothing else has happened. It’s been days.”

  “I didn’t feel anything.” Serena’s eyes never left Mason’s. “Did you?”

  He had been avoiding this conversation for days. “No, I didn’t feel Richie at all. Maybe he’s gone.” Mason gave Faith a reassuring smile and leaned against the counter next to Serena.

  “Ok, great. So, another session with me then?”

  “Uh, yeah, if you’re up to it.” Ben looked to Mason for confirmation.

  Mason nodded silently, taking a cautious sip of his coffee.

  “Good, we can find out more. I know the name will come out soon. I can feel it.” Faith’s dark eyes shone with enthusiasm as she leaned on the counter in front of her.

  “The name?” Mason asked absently.

  “Yeah, the guy…” Faith stopped suddenly, looking into the empty cup before her.

  “He made her the rocker because he knew she was pregnant, and he planned to marry her. Was there anything else we need to know?” Serena asked patiently slipping an arm around Mason’s waist.

  “Umm…” Faith’s enthusiasm dimmed as she looked to Ben.

  “I had to tell them. It happened and they needed to know.”

  “So Claire talking to Richie, it worked?” Faith asked hopefully. “We were wondering.”

  “We don’t know. Maybe. He’s been quiet.” Serena smiled. “Let’s just concentrate on Anna.”

  “Let’s do it.” Pulling off her apron, Faith stood to hang it on the peg near the back door.

  “Now?” Ben choked.

  “Yes, she’s right. The sooner we get to the bottom of this the better.” Mason could feel Serena’s eyes on him as he stepped away from her. “You’ll be able to move on with your plans, Rena.”

  Unable to meet her eyes, he took his coffee and left them in the kitchen to prepare.

  Serena watched them set up in the pale yellow room. It was hard to be a calm observer when you cared so deeply for the people involved. Ben was busy checking the equipment and Faith laid back on the bed without having to be told. Mason, when he finally joined them, looked exhausted. The dark circles under his eyes were worrying her.

  Ever since the dress session, he had not been sleeping. The first night, when he hadn’t sought her out at bedtime, she had found him pacing in his room. He told her it wasn’t Richie, and she believed him. The house hadn’t warned her and she had felt nothing out of the ordinary. Their routine stayed the same, but something was bothering him. Each night she’d fall asleep in his arms only to find him watching her when she awoke.

  Now he took his seat next to the bed, giving her a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “Are we ready?”

  Ben nodded and Faith closed her eyes instead of answering.

  “Faith, concentrate on your breathing. Inhale, exhale. Relax and remember you are safe. When it’s time to end the session, I’ll say the word j’adoube. When I say the word j’adoube, you will awaken immediately refreshed and energized.” Mason’s voice was smooth and soothing. After a few minutes, he spoke again. “Anna, are you with us?”

  “Yes.” A soft giggle followed.

  “Does your father know about the baby?”

  “No, not yet. He won’t be pleased. He wanted me to marry Harold.”

  “Who is Harold?”

  “The son of one of his business associates. Poppa says they’re building a town here and it’s very important.”

  “I don’t understand. What’s important Anna?”

  “That I marry Harold. His father will probably be mayor, and Poppa needs to be on the town council. So they can bring the gambling boat.”

  “I thought your father owned the lumber yard.”

  “Yes, he does but he’s trying to help build the town.”

  “Oh.” Mason looked confused, then continued on another course of questioning. “Do you like Harold?”

  “No. He sweats a lot.” Her nose wrinkled distastefully.

  “But you love someone else?”

  “Yes, we’re going to have a baby.” Joy and shame played across her face. Her hands moved over her stomach making circular motions.

  “What’s his name, Anna?”

  “Poppa doesn’t like him because he’s from across the river, but I don’t care. I only stayed to take care of Momma, but she’s gone. I want to go live with him, but he says we have to wait until Poppa gives his blessing. Poppa won’t. I know he won’t.”

  “Will you see him again soon?”

  “Poppa’s away again. He’ll come tonight after Cook’s to bed.”

  “He comes in the house? To your room?” Mason asked in a soft voice, then sent a worried glance to Serena.

  “Only when Poppa’s away.”

  “Do you love him, Anna?”

  “Yes, I told you. Don’t you believe me?”

  “Of course, but I don’t know anything about him. Tell me about him. What’s his name?”

  The sly look that crossed her face sent chills down Serena’s spine. “Why? You gonna tell Poppa?”

  “No, I wouldn’t do that. I just want to help you.”

  “Why you keeping him from me?” Faith’s brows drew together in anger, as Anna’s voice lowered.


  The door flung open sending Serena from her seat. Backing towards the bed, she whispered to Mason, “Wake her up.”

  “Anna, who do you think we’re keeping from you?” Mason urged in a soft voice.

  “Mason, wake her up,” Serena whispered fiercely, feeling the air change around her. The door slammed shut.

  “Dude.” Ben’s eyes were huge as he watched the meters in front of him.

  Faith’s sobs were a mixture of heartbreak and anger. Serena glanced back to see Faith writhing on the bed clutching her stomach.

  “Mason!” Serena hissed as the door sprung open once again.

  “No! Poppa, No!” Anna’s voice rose, echoing through the house.

  “J’adoube!” Mason’s voice was loud and clear as he spoke the word.

  The door slammed shut and Faith bolted upright in the bed still screaming, “No!”

  “Faith? Faith, are you ok?” Still standing in front of the bed, and Mason, Serena turned to her friend.

  Faith blinked back the tears wrapping her arms around her stomach tightly.

  “Breathe. You hear me? Breathe, dammit,” Mason ordered firmly.

  Faith sucked in a lungful of air then panted frantically. Serena found herself taking in a breath and letting it out slowly.

  “Slow and easy, Faith. Calm down,” speaking softer now, Mason tried to calm her.

  After a moment, Faith found her voice. “What happened?”

  “It’s ok. It’s over.” Serena held out a bottle of water to her.

  “I don’t understand.” Faith took the bottle then looked around the room slowly.

  “Tell me what you are feeling right now,” Mason gently coaxed.

  “I’m sad. He’s gone. Someone took him from me.”

  “Who? Who did they take?” Grabbing her arm, Mason pushed for the name.

  “Jake.” Faith pulled her arm from Mason’s grasp.

  “His name is Jake?” Sitting on the bed next to Faith, Serena gave Mason a fearful look.

  “No, I don’t think so, but I feel like it’s Jake.” Confused, Faith frowned at the unopened bottle of water in her hand.

  “Do you smell anything?” Mason continued his questioning. His gold eyes intensely on Faith.

  “Like what?” Faith blinked at him, her eyes still unfocused.

  “Something burning?”

  “No, I don’t smell anything. I just want Jake. I need to see him.” Tears started to gather in her eyes.

  “Ok, hun.” Serena patted Faith’s knee. “I’ll bring you home, if you want.”

  “No, call Jake. You can’t keep him from me.�
�� The plastic protested as Faith’s grip on the water bottle tightened.

  “Faith, no one is trying to keep Jake from you.” Concerned, Serena reached to grasp her shoulder. Mason stood, she could feel his frustration. Without saying a word, he left the room.

  “I’ll go call Jake, hun. You just lie here and rest.” She patted Faith’s shoulder and followed Mason shutting the door behind her.

  Mason stood on the landing gripping the railing. His stance reminded her of how she had found him the day of the dress session.

  “Mason, are you ok?” Serena asked covering his hand on the railing with her own.

  “Yes. I’m fine.” He grasped her hand in his.

  “I wish you could tell me what’s wrong.”

  “Ahh, love. Nothing…” Squeezing her hand, he looked away and sighed, “I just felt so close to getting the name from her, but honestly, I don’t even know if that will help.”

  He smiled sadly at her. She pressed a palm to his cheek and gazed into his eyes. She hated the agony reflected in them. Not being able to help Faith wasn’t the only thing bothering him. Serena could feel the heaviness weighing down his spirit.

  Mason reached for her, pulling her to him. The kiss was soft and tender. Serena instantly felt the warmth growing inside her. Their magic was intact. He loved her still, but there was something he wasn’t sharing with her. Wanting to take the pain from him, she kissed him back more urgently. He pulled back gently and sighed. “J’adoube.”

  “I don’t understand, Mason.”

  “I adjust. It means I’m going to fix this, Rena. I have to.” His words were desperate and his gaze filled with longing.

  “Mace…” Before she could say anything else he swept her in his strong arms, dancing her a few steps to the doorway of his room. Their bodies moved as one, and she had to smile. Dancing with Mason, just as their lovemaking, was second nature. It seemed as though they had been doing it forever. Even with his muscular build, he moved gracefully and confident. He twirled her one last time and released her hand with a mischievous grin.

  “You’d better see about your friend, love. We’ll finish this later.”


  Serena knew something had happened the day of the dress session. Mason still wasn’t talking and Serena was still in the dark as to what it could be. He insisted it wasn’t Richie, and the house had not warned her. Ben would have said if the meter went off, so she assumed it wasn’t Richie. Mason’s reaction to her in the dress had puzzled her. His declaration of being her husband, while odd, wasn’t totally out of character. Since they met he had a habit of blurting out that statement as if someone was challenging their relationship. There were times when Serena was certain Mason wasn’t even aware of uttering the words. Strangely enough, it comforted her. Their magic was real.

  More information had come out at Faith’s session, but Serena felt they were no closer to figuring it all out. Faith’s obsession with Anna was growing, and her reality seemed to be mixing with the past. Serena wasn’t comfortable with this development.

  Serena watched Mason’s chest rise and fall. He had finally fallen asleep on her daybed and she meant to let him sleep for as long as he needed. Moving quietly, she made her way from the daybed to sit at her desk. Something was keeping him up at night. No matter how many times he denied it, she knew better. The darkened circles under his eyes were all the proof she needed.

  He still watched over her during the day, sought her out at night, and shared a bed. Their lovemaking was as passionate as ever, but she could still feel his distress. They had even finished their dance as he promised. He hadn’t brought up the missing money, or the failed TV show since his return. Wondering if somehow that was the cause, she slipped silently out of the bookcase door to find Ben. Maybe he had picked up on something she hadn’t. Hoping he would have more insight on the cause for Mason’s sleeplessness, she closed the door with a soft click.

  Walking through the parlor, her eye caught the candlestick on the mantle. Richie had been quiet. So had the house. Maybe Anna felt she had their attention now and didn’t need to work so hard.

  Serena noticed her reflection in the foyer mirror as she paused to listen to the house. The soft hum of the air-conditioning was the only sound she heard. Her own dark eyes stared back at her. She was still the same, but different in many ways. That young girl that had searched for so long had unintentionally found what she had been searching for. The magic of a home. Coeur du Bayou. Remembering the state of disrepair when she had first arrived, she felt proud of what she had accomplished here. With Mason’s return and the wonderful friends she had found, she felt her life was full. The magic of belonging.

  Her thoughts turned back to Mason and his strange turn of mood. She continued quietly up the stairs to find Ben. As she neared the landing, she could hear the click of a mouse and muttering coming from his room. Funny, she’d now probably consider it Ben’s room even after he left. The thought of him leaving made her sad.

  Knocking softly on the half open door, she called out, “Ben?”

  “Yeah, come in.”

  “Hey, I wanted to talk to you.” Serena pushed the door open to find Ben hunched over his desk in concentration.

  “Ok. What’s up?” Not bothering to glance at her, his focus remained on the screen in front of him.

  “Did something happen at the dress fitting?”

  “No, I told you. Nothing went off. EMF meter didn’t even blink. I’m still going through the pictures, but I haven’t found anything.”

  “Oh.” Disappointed, she leaned against the doorjamb.

  “Why?” Finally taking his eyes of the screen, Ben’s curiosity got the better of him.

  “Mason’s been acting funny since that day. You saw him. Something happened.”

  “Yeah, that was weird, but Mason can be weird.” Shrugging it off, Ben’s gaze returned to the monitor.

  “He hasn’t said anything to you about it?”


  “Don’t you think he’s been acting funny?”

  “Hmm.” Ben considered for a moment, then turned back to her. “I guess he has been kind of quiet now that you mention it.”

  “Right. No idea why?”

  “No clue,” he shrugged, then added, “Hey, while you’re here. Take a look at this. I think I found Anna’s grave back there in the cemetery. I’ve been digitally enhancing the pictures I took. This one could be hers.”

  Serena stepped closer to look over Ben's shoulder. The enlarged image of a headstone had pixels highlighted spelling out Anna’s name. “Oh, wow. Ben, that’s awesome! But that’s not the big one.”

  “No, not the mausoleum. I’m going to try the library tomorrow. Do some research on the town. She mentioned them building it. Maybe somewhere in the records I’ll come across information that would be helpful. Between the lumber yard and town officials maybe we’ll get a better picture of the history of this place.”

  “Ben, you are a genius.”

  “Yeah, ok,” he replied sarcastically.

  “No really.” She patted him on the shoulder, taking another look at the screen. “I wouldn't have thought to research the town’s history.”

  “Hey, I don’t feel stuff like you guys do, so I have to have other resources.”

  “So you think the town records will have something about the lumber yard and who owned it?”

  “Or the mayor. This Harold guy’s father. Maybe the newspaper. See how far it goes back. Early 1900’s. This place may have just been starting but there were other towns and bigger cities around by that time.”

  “I guess you're right. I never thought of what was here before… this.” Serena motioned with her hands, flinging them out wide.

  “Oh...wait a minute.” Ben clicked frantically through the computer files.


  “Well, some of the audio…,” he paused clicking through the files, “from before. It was really low and hard to make out. I didn’t think it made any sen
se. Maybe it does, hang on.”

  “You didn’t tell me about this.”

  “I know because I wasn’t sure it was anything important. You know sometimes, you try to make something into what it’s not, just because you want it so badly…”

  Serena nodded. She knew that feeling exactly. She thought maybe that’s what she had been doing with Mason when they first met. She wanted it to be magic so badly. When he had accused her so suddenly of planting the recorder, she had been doused with the reality that maybe it wasn’t meant to be. So she had fled.

  Ben looked up at her, his face serious. “I’m not going to make stuff up, Rena.”

  “I know Ben, but maybe you should have let us listen to it, too. Especially Mason, if it had something to do with what he experienced.”

  “Yeah, I guess, you’re right. Things have been so crazy since I got here. Then Mason. I don’t know. I just want to be sure. Here. Listen.”

  The sound of a door slamming came from the speaker.

  “Faith?” Mason’s voice was unsure.

  The thud of footsteps sounded, followed by a deep hoarse voice. “No... ruin me… need support…..beat it out…….whore....”

  Some words were clear, others garbled. The ones that stood out to Serena were; ‘ruin’, ‘beat’ and ‘whore’.

  Looking into Ben’s shocked face, she whispered to him, “Anna said something about a boat, didn’t she?”

  “Yes, she did.”

  He clicked a few more times and brought up the video of the last session. They both listened in silence waiting for her to bring up the boat.

  Ben stopped the video when she did.

  “Wow! That’s a start. Hmm...” Ben looked at his watch. “I won’t make the library today. Maybe I can try a few searches online and see what I come up with.”

  “Ok.” Serena thought it over. “Do you think that’s why the father didn’t want them together because this Harold guy had connections?”

  “Sounds like it.” Ben nodded in agreement.

  “I’ll leave it to you then. Hungry? I can start supper.” Serena smiled already knowing the answer.

  “Always.” He smiled at her. When she reached the door, he called out, “Rena?”


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