Man in the Middle [Wolf Creek Pack 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

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Man in the Middle [Wolf Creek Pack 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) Page 12

by Stormy Glenn

  Taylor winked and humped his hips, making his cock bounce in front of Justin’s face. “Like I have a problem with that.”

  Chapter 11

  Chase closed the bedroom door quietly behind him and headed down the hallway. Taylor and Justin were sleeping, and they needed the rest. The last couple of days had been hard on everyone, especially Justin.

  Chase still wasn’t sure how he felt about Prince Dominic’s claim that his mate was a vampire. It would explain a lot, like why he had such troubles regulating his sugar levels. It did not, however, explain why Chase had never smelled vampire on Justin. There was just no way to mistake the unique scent that every vampire had.

  And Justin didn’t have it.

  Well, at least not before. The scent was very faint, almost as if smelling it from a distance, but it was slowly growing on Justin. Unfortunately, Chase couldn’t figure out if it came from Justin being in a house full of vampires or Justin himself.

  Which was exactly why Chase was on his way downstairs to talk to the prince. He needed to know more before he sat Justin down and talked to him. He needed to know if his sweet little mate was really a vampire.

  Chase stopped outside the prince’s study door and knocked softly. When he heard an answer, he opened the door and stepped inside. Prince Dominic was sitting behind his desk going over some papers. His mate, Danny, sat curled up in a chair by the window reading a book.

  “Good morning.” Chase nodded to the two men. “May I have a moment of your time, Prince Dominic?”

  “Please, call me Dominic.” The prince smiled as he waved a hand toward one of the chairs in front of his desk. “We are family after all.”

  “That’s kind of what I wanted to talk to you about,” Chase said as he sat down. He rested his hands on his lap and folded one of his legs, resting the ankle on top of his other leg.

  “Yes, I was expecting you.”

  Chase arched one of his eyebrows at the prince’s response.

  Dominic chuckled. “I would have had questions if I had just found out that my mate was a shifter. I assume the same is true for you finding out that your mate is a vampire.”

  “I’m still not convinced that Justin is a vampire.”

  “I can assure you, he is.”

  “But how can you be so positive?”

  “It’s in the blood.”




  Chase nodded. “Dominic. I’m not a vampire, and while I really have nothing against them, I just don’t know that I can be as sure as you are without more proof.”

  “Would corroboration from Prince Zacarius be enough proof?”

  Chase stared at the prince for a moment as those words sank in. He knew Devlin trusted Prince Zacarius with his life. They were mated. And Devlin was his brother, someone Chase trusted with his life. If Devlin trusted his prince, then Chase knew he could as well.

  “Very well.” Chase nodded at the prince. “I’ll accept Prince Zacarius’s word.”

  Dominic started to reach for his phone but paused with his hand over the receiver. “Would you prefer that I call the prince, or would you like to?”

  “Maybe it would be better coming from me.” Chase sighed as he pulled his cell phone out and dialed his brother’s phone number. He’d rather talk directly to Devlin than try and ask the prince for help. He really didn’t know the prince that well.

  “Hey, bro,” Devlin said when he answered. “What’s up? Did you claim those two mates of yours yet?”

  Chase chuckled. His brother knew him too well. “Yeah, they’re mine now.”


  “That’s kind of why I’m calling. I need your mate’s help.”

  “Yeah, sure, whatever you need.”

  Chase grinned as a feeling of closeness with his brother swept through him. He had always been close to his brothers growing up, but the last few years had put space between them. It was nice to know that his brothers still felt the same way about him.

  “Justin has gotten himself into a little trouble, you might say. Prince Dominic believes that Justin is a vampire and not a diabetic. I’m not so sure. I haven’t smelled vampire on him since the day I met him, until now. Considering that we are currently staying in a house full of vampires, I can’t know for sure that what I smell is coming from Justin or someone here in the house.”

  “Whoa, dude, you’re staying with Prince Dominic Ruelle?”

  Chase almost groaned. He so did not want to explain to his brother exactly why he was staying with the prince, but he knew he would have to at some point. “It’s a long story. I’ll explain it to you when you get here.”

  “Get here?” Devlin sighed. “I’ll need to talk to Zac about that, Chase. It’s kind of against the rules for covens to associate with each other. Let me make sure that this is something Zac feels comfortable doing. He’s kind of—hold on.”

  Chase pulled the phone away from his ear and stared down at it for a moment before putting it back up against his ear. He heard someone talking, two voices, but they were muffled so he couldn’t quite make out what they were saying.

  “My prince has informed me that not only am I dumb shit for even questioning his willingness to help you and your mates, but we will be on our way to Prince Dominic’s estate just as soon as Albert can get us packed.”

  “Uh, thanks.” Chase could barely hold in his grin as he replied to his brother. It seemed that Devlin’s mate had his brother’s balls in a vice. “It will be great to see you.”

  “Yeah.” Chase could hear the amusement in his brother’s voice. It was good to hear his brother so happy. “Maybe I should call Donovan, Flynn, and Elliot, and drag them along with me. We can have us a regular family reunion.”

  “As nice as that would be, maybe we should hold off for a little while. Things are kind of dicey at the moment, Dev. Besides, last I heard, Flynn and Elliot were visiting with Mom, Dad, and Tereza at some lake.”

  “Oh, yeah.” Devlin chuckled. “Dad mentioned something about that.”

  Chase smiled despite the situation he found himself in. Devlin never was good at remembering things like that, especially if they didn’t involve his prince. When it came to Prince Zacarius, however, Devlin remembered everything.

  Chase wondered if it would be the same between him and his mates.

  “It would still be nice to get together at some point,” Chase said. “I still haven’t had that much time to get to know Tereza or Elliot, and—” Chase lifted his head and cocked it to one side, a sound from outside the prince’s study catching his attention. When he heard it again, the sound of someone yelling, Chase knew he had to go investigate.

  It sounded like Justin.

  “Let me call you back, Dev,” Chase said and then he hung up before his brother could say anything else, his mind already turning to the sounds coming from the hallway. Ignoring the confused look on the prince’s face, Chase stood and walked toward the door. He opened it and stepped out into the hallway, listening again.


  Chase grinned and started walking down the hallway.


  He could hear Justin coming closer, but he was pretty sure the man was upstairs from him. Chase quickly made his way to the bottom of the stairs and waited until he saw Justin come into view, and then he snuck around the side of the staircase and hid from view.

  “Marco!” Justin called out again.

  Chase pressed his lips together to keep from laughing out loud as Justin walked down the stairs, calling out “Marco” every few steps. It was absolutely adorable. The man was obviously lost in this gigantic home, and Chase thought it smart as hell, and comical as well, that Justin was walking through a vampire coven shouting.

  As Justin reached the bottom of the stairs and started down the hallway Chase had just come down, Chase stepped up behind the man. He liked this game.

  “Marco!” Justin called out once again.

!” Chase called out as he swept Justin up into his arms, ignoring the man’s small yelp of surprise as he grabbed him.

  “Chase,” Justin whispered, tilting his head to one side and giving Chase more access to the creamy arch of his throat. Chase took full advantage, licking a line up the side of his mate’s neck. “I was looking for you.”

  “I heard.” Chase laughed. The pure delight he found in holding his mate in his arms astounded Chase. He knew he would be possessive, and might even be slightly obsessive, but he never realized that just holding Justin would bring him such joy.

  “You were gone when I woke up.”

  Chase could hear the accusation in Justin’s voice, along with the hurt. He knew what Justin thought even without the man saying anything. Justin thought he had left. He knew his mate had grounds to feel that way after his recent behavior.

  “I didn’t go anywhere, mate,” Chase whispered against the side of Justin’s neck. “I was simply talking to Prince Dominic about you and this whole vampire thing. I wanted to know why he believes you are a vampire. That’s all.”

  Justin sighed deeply as if a great burden had been lifted from his shoulders, and Chase felt like crap. He turned Justin in his arms and cupped his hand around the man’s chin, tilting Justin’s face up to his.

  “I’m not going anywhere, Justin.” Even though he spoke the right words, Chase could see the disbelief in Justin’s eyes, and he knew only time would prove that he spoke the truth. “I’ve claimed you and Taylor as mine, and I’m not giving either of you up.”

  Justin’s eyes dropped, and his finger started fidgeting with the buttons on Chase’s shirt. “I know, I just—”

  “You just have no reason to believe me after the way I have behaved.”

  Justin’s green eyes were filled with surprised wonder when they flickered up to meet Chase’s. “Yeah.”

  Chase smiled because of the shocked look on Justin’s face, almost as if the man didn’t think that Chase would understand his uncertainty, which, sadly, Chase knew he was totally responsible for.

  “I know it will take time, mate,” Chase said as he rubbed his thumb over Justin’s lush lips. Gods, they were such perfect lips. “But you will believe me eventually. All I can promise you is that I will not be leaving either you or Taylor again. I don’t know what the future holds for us, but we are a team now.”

  “I like that.”

  Chase felt a huge sense of relief when the sadness and hesitation in Justin’s eyes began to fade, replaced by a sparkling green that was filled with happiness. That was the look he wanted to see on his mate’s face every day, not the sadness that had so filled Justin over the last couple of months. Chase was starting to see what Taylor was talking about.

  When Justin smiled, it was like touching heaven. His green eyes were shining like twin fireflies in the midsummer night. The man was simply breathtaking.

  “Maybe we should go upstairs and be there when Taylor wakes up so he doesn’t think we’ve both abandoned him.”


  The fireflies fluttered away, being replaced by a dull and murky green as Justin’s eyes quickly dropped down to Chase’s chest again. That was not what he meant to happen. He just didn’t want Taylor waking alone and thinking the exact same thing that Justin had thought.

  “Yeah,” Justin said quietly, “he’s pretty mad at me right now.”

  “He loves you, baby. You really scared him when you left.”

  Wow, he was really winning a lot of points with his words. He thought about keeping his mouth shut but decided that Justin needed to hear how agonizing things had been for Taylor. Chase’s chest still ached every time he thought about how upset Taylor had been.

  He didn’t even want to think about how scared he had been not knowing where Justin was or what was happening to his mate out there all alone. Never in life did he want to feel that way again and he wanted Justin to know this.

  “Taylor loves you more than the air he breathes. When you left, he thought his life was over. You can’t do that to him again, Justin. If you have a problem, you need to talk to Taylor about it, not leave.”

  Justin’s eyes were vivid green when they snapped up to Chase’s. They were filled with reproach, well-deserved reproach. “I could say the same thing to you.”

  “Yes, you could. We’ve all made a lot of mistakes in this relationship, Justin. What we need to do is learn to work together, and share what we are thinking and feeling instead of trying to hide it from each other.” Thank fuck all the right words were coming out now. Chase was beginning to think his foot was going to stay permanently lodged in his mouth.

  “Do you think we can?”

  “It will be hard, but if we want it enough, then we can do it.” Chase smiled and moved his hand from Justin’s chin to the side of his face. “And I know that I want it enough to do whatever it takes to make this work.”

  Justin stared at Chase for a long, intense moment. Chase didn’t know what to think. Justin’s expression was totally unreadable. And then Justin snickered. “Wow, when you switch gears, you don’t mess around, do you?”

  “All or nothing, baby. When I fuck up or do the right thing, I give it my all.”

  Apparently Justin didn’t find that funny.

  Chase had. He was only trying to ease the tension between them.

  Chase sighed and stepped away from Justin. He pushed a hand through his hair as he turned away, dragging his hand down his face to rub his chin. So, okay, it had been just a few hours since he had claimed Justin, a few more since claiming Taylor.

  Chase knew he couldn’t expect either man to forgive him for denying them in that short amount of time. He just hoped that at some point, they would begin to understand where he had been coming from.


  Chase shoulders slumped when he turned around at Justin’s soft call only to find his mate looking at him with such worry in his eyes. “Come here, baby,” Chase said as he held out his hand to the man. Once Justin stepped forward and was safely enclosed in Chase’s arms, Chase rested his chin on the top of Justin’s head.

  “Now, you listen real carefully to me, Justin. I explained this to you and Taylor last night. I didn’t claim you both because I was afraid for your safety. I’m still afraid. But don’t ever think it was something I did easily. The time without the two of you was just as agonizing for me as it was for you, only I didn’t have some to console me like you and Taylor did. I had to live my nightmare all alone.”

  “I just don’t understand why you’ve suddenly changed your mind after all of this time,” Justin murmured against Chase’s chest. “According to you, we’re still in danger, so what’s different? What changed?”

  “I guess you kind of changed things for me. I thought my heart had stopped beating when Joe called me told me that you were missing. And the pain that Taylor was in when I arrived at Joe’s, I never want to see that on his face again.”

  Justin’s quiet sob made Chase’s heart ache. Chase knew deep in his heart that Justin never meant to make Taylor upset. While he understood that, he still didn’t quite understand Justin’s motives in leaving Taylor. And he wasn’t sure he had the right to question Justin about it.

  But he had to ask anyway.

  Call him suicidal.

  “Why did you leave Taylor?” Justin’s shoulders moved against Chase as he shrugged. Chase smiled slightly. “That’s not an answer, Justin.”

  Justin’s burst of laughter was muffled from the way that he had his face buried in Chase’s chest, but he heard it anyway and it brought a smile to Chase’s lips. “Tell me, baby.”

  Justin sniffled as he leaned back and tilted his head up to Chase’s. He stared into Chase eyes just long enough for Chase to wonder what the man was thinking for the strange look on his face.

  “Taylor has always taken care of me, even before we were lovers. Since the day we met, he seemed to make it his mission to make sure I was cared for and safe. He’s done so much, even going against ever
ything he believed in just so that I would be safe. And I guess I thought maybe if I wasn’t around, he’d have someone to take care of him for a change.”

  “You thought I’d claim Taylor if you weren’t around?”

  “Yeah, sort of.” Justin shrugged again. “I hoped, anyway.”

  “You know Taylor is going to be pissed when he finds out.”

  Justin chuckled. “Yeah.”

  “I am pissed.”

  Chase’s head snapped around and up. He grimaced. Taylor stood at the head of the stairs, staring down at him and Justin with a grim look on his face. Chase watched him come slowly down the stairs, staring intently at Justin the whole time.

  Chase frowned when Justin started to shake. This wasn’t good. If they were going to try to make a go of this thing between the three of them then they needed to work together, not make Justin so upset that he was shaking.


  Chase’s eyebrows shot up when Taylor held up his hand. Had he just been silenced?

  Taylor finally stopped when he reached the bottom of the steps, and he crossed his arms over his chest. He looked imposing. It was actually kind of hot, but Chase didn’t like the way it upset Justin.

  “Taylor, this is—” Chase snapped his mouth shut when Taylor held up his hand again. Taylor never took his eyes off of Justin.

  “Justin,” Taylor said, “look at me.”

  Justin shook his head.


  “I don’t wanna,” Justin murmured against Chase’s chest.

  Chase felt a growl building in his chest when Justin’s shaking increased. This was not the way to settle things between them. Justin was not a child. The three of them were adults, and Taylor needed to start acting like one.

  Okay, so he had run from his mates, but he had good reason, Taylor did not.


  That was better.

  Justin slowly lifted his head and turned to look at Taylor over his shoulder. “I’m sorry,” Justin whispered.

  Chase felt his eyebrows climb up his forehead again when Taylor suddenly smiled. He knew he was new in the relationship already established between Taylor and Justin, but he really felt out of the loop.


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