I began writing Killer Instinct about a month ago during the UK’s incredible heatwave. I think it was July. I had a plan of what I wanted to achieve, and where to push the story. In the main, what you’ve read is what I had planned.
Except for Maar’s heart attack.
I’ll let you into a little behind-the-scenes secret.
When I sat down to write that sequence, the original plan was to have Maar freak out about the USARIC animal compound break in. He sees the drone footage of RAGE’s van bust through the gates and Finbow and the security guard shoot each other dead. This happens in the book, of course, but the follow-on action was for Maar to order the execution of all the board members and demand Kaoz rehouse him elsewhere.
But when I sat down to write the scene, he saw the footage and - for some very peculiar reason - he clutched his chest and hit the deck, complaining of pains and being unable to breath. Now, this is where the story gets interesting. When I write my books, I kind of imagine a giant IMAX screen a few inches from my face, and simply TYPE what I see as I’m watching. It’s fairly easy to do if you’re imaginative and can type at a reasonable speed.
I typed and typed and typed, and continued to watch the movie, only to discover the damn characters were doing their own thing. Maar hit the floor. And then - gasp! - Crain and Santiago have a very nasty discussion about whether or not it’d be a good idea if Maar just died right there on the floor. Maybe the medics would arrive “too late.” I stopped typing and took a smoke break on my balcony and remember yelling at myself “Hey, we never agreed to do that, Mackay!”
A few seconds later, I got giddy with excitement. It opened up a new exploration for Maar that conforms to the plans I have for him in the next two books. I can’t tell you about the idea I had now that Maar has had a heart attack, but it’s going to be great. I’m really excited about the opportunities it has opened up. They’re fascinating, and I hope you think so, too, when you get there.
Also - you may not have noticed this, but one of the main themes in Killer Instinct is that of “heart.” Maar’s heart attack. Tripp’s assumed heart break at being told his wife has remarried. Jelly tears out Mastazita’s heart. The numerous instances to pounding and beating, particularly when a character realizes they’re in trouble. Even Emily experiences it when the news media turn up and suggest Jamie’s been kidnapped.
That kind of thing.
The first idea I had for Killer Instinct was the very last chapter - the one-on-one fight between Jelly and Mastazita. I listen to music whenever I’m out, and loaded a host of sci-fi movie / action music - and some hiphop, believe it or not - and played that sequence out over and over again in my mind.
Also, I knew that the fight sequence had to be quite long - perhaps a bit longer than readers would expect. The point of that final fight was to progressively break each opponent down piece by piece. They sustain some terrible injuries, but shake it off and get back up. After a while, they’re cut and seriously wounded, but they get back up. Both are so determined to kill the other, and will stop only at actually dying before they give up.
In order to really exacerbate the fight, Mastazita had to kill White, Jelly’s daughter. I don’t know if you felt any emotion at that part, but I was in tears as I was writing that sequence. Furie runs into her mother’s arms and White runs on and into the Mastazita’s clutches. We know what’s going to happen. There’s one line Jelly says after White is executed that summed it all up for me, and that was “I’M GOING TO TEAR YOUR HEART OUT, YOU SON OF A BITCH!!” — with exclamation marks, of course. Because that’s precisely the way I felt at the time. I think it’s the moment Jelly sheds any vestiges of being an outright protagonist and just wants to murder.
Did you feel the anger and rage running through her veins at that point? I did, but it’s not for me to say. I hope I stirred enough emotion in most readers for them to want Jelly to run after Mastazita and kill him. I didn’t name book four Killer Instinct for nothing lol — also, I think we all know that if it weren’t for the domestication of the common cat, they are, after all, hunter/gatherers and would kill for reasons far less severe than what you see in this book.
Cute and cuddly they may be, but they are animals. The instant I ignore that fact with Jelly, or any of the cats, the whole series falls apart. I know some readers might check out completely and having read about the death of a kitten - but, it happens, doesn’t it? I’d rather they check out because they can’t handle the picture I’m painting, than check out because they don’t believe the motives of the characters or the story.
That final battle sequence was actually the first chapter I wrote, mainly because I wanted to keep a tally on length; a carefully calibrated sequence of events. Once I had that last chapter down, writing the others was easier as I had something to build to.
It’s vital that readers recognize that Jelly may not win the fight. That Mastazita might actually kill her. He’s taller and bigger than her and, despite being blind, certainly a credible foe. See, this is why I want to be a fly on the wall and watch readers reading it. I think in terms of movies, and if we were all watching that particular final scene together, I’d be watching the audience, and not the screen. Why? Because I’m curious as to people’s reactions. I always have been. I love the idea of having written or otherwise produced something that evokes a reaction in my audience.
The entire story hinged on that final battle, and everything was a lead-up to it. I’m talking specifically about the scenes set in space, of course. Keeping with the theme of asking more questions than I answer, I like the idea that they’ve landed somewhere and don’t know where they are. Again, it’s not terribly important to the story. What is important is that the theme of evolution has made itself known again.
Did you spot it?
Cats attacking dogs - or in this case, wolves. It’s an indication of where I’m driving the series, and how it all might end. I’ll forewarn you, now, though - it might not be quite what you’re thinking.
Also, I’m curious to know if you saw a slightly different approach to narrative and structure in Killer Instinct.
You might not have noticed, but every odd-numbered chapter is set in space. Every even-numbered chapter is set on Earth. This was my attempt to balance two stories together with as equal weight as possible. We’re getting to that point, now, where the events on Earth are just as important as those in space. Again, an indication of what may (or may not?) be coming up next.
I enjoyed writing the sequences on Earth a lot. Hanging out with Jamie, his kidnapping and eventual integration into the RAGE group. It was a blast bringing back the other children to set them up for what lies ahead. I think what I loved most was the irony of RAGE’s actions. A large amount of humans get killed - most of them USARIC mercenaries - in the pursuit of rescuing animals. I find that dichotomy fascinating. We’re reading a lot in the media, lately, about extreme left-wing groups silencing the opposition and, in many cases, turning to violence in order to underpin their liberal values. To me, a healthy debate and actually listening will get society where it needs to be a hell of a lot faster than violence. So, all those mega chase and action scenes - in my mind at least - operate on higher plane than just outright action. In RAGE’s attempt to do good, they actually make the world a little bit worse.
They may find that they’ll pay a price for this by the end of book 6.
I’m convinced now, of course, that Star Cat will in fact conclude with the sixth book. I’m not one for outstaying my welcome, or milking an idea beyond its value. Get in, tell a great story, and get out - and leave readers satisfied and, preferably, wanting more.
The tentative title for Book 5 is EXODUS - but I’m not settled on it right now. What I can tell you is that book 5 is a much different beast to Killer Instinct. I consider Killer Instinct to be something of an epic action-fest, wrought with anger and darker in tone to the others. Exodus (if book 5 ends up with that title) will be a shift in gear, and will have you on the e
dge of your seat in a different way to Killer Instinct.
I hope to see you at the end of book 5 when it’s out.
In the mean time, please drop me a line and let me know what you thought of Killer Instinct. I love hearing from you. And I love reading your reviews at Amazon.com!
Andrew Mackay,
Hampshire, UK
(September 6th, 2018)
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‘Star Cat: Killer Instinct (Book Four)’
Copyright © 2018 Chrome Valley Books
Written by Andrew Mackay
Edited by Ashley Rose Miller
Cover design by Kveather
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead (or somewhere in between), events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
For K
Also to:
My immediate family.
All the CVB Gang Members / ARC Street Team.
Jennifer Long, Adele Embrey, and Barrie, as always!
The members and admins of 20BooksTo50K.
Up next: Star Cat 5: Exodus
Beyond the stars.
Beyond your wildest imagination.
Discover how it all began…
Star Cat: Origins
Young Jamie Anderson’s world is turned upside down by tragedy.
But a new character is about to enter his life and change it forever.
A little cat named Jelly.
USARIC are preparing a mission that will change history.
And perhaps even the future.
There’s a contest coming … to find the first cat in space.
Wonder, beauty, and something fantastic are about to enter Jamie’s life.
Star Cat: Origins is the prequel to the groundbreaking sci-fi series.
It all started here…
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