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Interlude Page 5

by D. Kelly

  I opened up to Allie in ways I’ve never opened up to anyone except Tyler. I’ve had my fair share of sexual partners and experiences. Owning a bar doesn’t exactly leave me lacking in the sex department. But Tyler is the only person I’ve ever felt a connection to until Allie. And what I felt for her was on a whole different level than how it is with Ty. I had no idea what to make of it. The next day, she acted like nothing happened, so I went with it. We’ve exchanged some light banter since then, but it’s probably for the best we let it go. Sasha said Allie had a couple of heated calls with her dad and her ex after my little stunt. Sasha also got me drunk to thank me for being the final straw to get Evan off Allie’s back. It was my pleasure. If anyone had talked to my sisters the way Evan talked to Allie, I would have killed them.

  Today is our last day of work before the bar closes for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. As I enter the bar, Sasha and Allie are arguing as they do inventory before the bar opens.

  “Sasha, it’s not that big of a deal. I’ve spent holidays alone before. I’ll be fine.”

  “If it were any holiday other than this one, I’d be here, but I have to go, Al.”

  This is the one time of year Sasha disappears due to something or someone family-related. She’s never told me where she goes, and I don’t pry, but she leaves Christmas Eve and shows back up sometime before New Year’s. I wonder if Allie knows where she goes.

  I find myself speaking before thoroughly thinking it through. “You can come with me to my family’s house. They’d love to have you. The Westons have always been a ‘the more the merrier’ kind of crew.”

  “That’s a great idea, Al. Jordan’s mom makes the best eggnog. I’ve had it at Thanksgiving there and it’s so good. Plus, who wouldn’t want to spend the holidays with a bunch of hot rock stars.”

  I flash Sasha an evil glare. “Bitch.”

  Sasha flashes me a sweet smile. “Hm, maybe, but I know you say it with love.” Sasha saunters toward me and throws her arms around my neck before kissing me on the cheek. “You know I love you most, J, even though I let your brother fuck my blues away.”

  “Why do I put up with you?”

  “Because you love me too.”

  Allie smiles at us, and I lean back against the bar when Sasha releases me. “What do you say, Allie? Want to come meet the family?”

  “How much family are we talking about?”

  Her hesitancy makes me reluctant to tell her, but she needs to make an informed decision.

  “My sister Rory, who will be home from college. My sister Diane, her husband Rob, and their daughters Saylor and Emme. Noah and Sawyer and their band mates Darren and Wyatt, plus Anna, Wyatt’s wife. Noah’s girlfriend Mel and her best friend Belle, who is some kind of entertainment blogger or writer. My parents and a variety of family from the guys in the band. Oh, and Warren, who is BAD’s manager but really like their fifth member, and his husband Sam. Mac and Ryan, who are their main bodyguards, will most likely be there too.”

  “Wow … that’s a lot of people.” Now she looks like a scared kitten, but suddenly, I really want her to come with me.

  “You should go, Allie. It will be a lot more fun than sitting home alone. They all spend the night and get drunk and then do Santa for the kids.” Sasha sounds wistful, but she always loves hearing the stories.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to come too?” I ask, but she shakes her head.

  “I’d love to someday, but I have to take care of business. Allie, go and enjoy it for both of us. I’d feel much better knowing you were together.”

  Allie throws her arms up in surrender as we both turn to her. “Okay, I’d love to come. Thank you for inviting me, Jordan.”


  Allie greets me with a smile when I pick her up the next day. I take her overnight bag and toss it in the back of my truck.

  “Are you sure I don’t need to bring presents or anything? We should stop and at least grab a hostess gift.”

  “Stop worrying. My mom would kill me if I let you bring anything. Besides, it’s at Sawyer and Noah’s beach house and they don’t want a hostess gift. Trust me.”

  “It’s sweet that you’re so close with your family. Not a lot of people have that. You’re lucky, Jordan.”

  She doesn’t know my history. It shouldn’t surprise me; Sasha is like a vault. At some point today, I’ll have to tell her since we’re going to be sharing a room, but not yet.

  “Believe me, Allie, I know exactly how blessed I am. I’m sorry you couldn’t be with your dad this week.”

  She snorts, and it’s pretty fucking cute. “I’m not. I’ve always been a pawn to him. Part of his political game. The senator’s daughter who was groomed to marry the man who would one day take his place when Dad leaves office. What a joke. Not only are our political beliefs on opposite sides of the spectrum but so are our ideas about family,” she says heatedly.

  “How so?”

  Allie huffs out a breath. “For him, it’s all about what value I can add to his campaign or his office. There was never time for skinned knees or broken hearts. When Evan cheated, he told me to get over it by doing the same and then get back to my engagement. My mom wasn’t like that. She loved me to pieces. That’s the kind of person I want to be, Jordan. One who values love over money and power.”

  “Wow …” I’m not sure what to say.

  “I’m okay, and with Sasha’s help, I’ll keep being okay. Enough about me. I am excited to spend time with your family. I’m not sure I’ve ever experienced a real loving holiday before.”

  I take a quick glance at her as I drive. She’s smiling, and I know I’d do anything to keep that smile on her face. If that means backing off and staying in the boss zone, I will.

  “You were really worried what happened that night would affect your job, weren’t you? I’m sorry if I pushed you past your comfort zone.”

  Her mouth drops open as she quickly shakes her head. “Jordan, you didn’t push me at all. I wanted what happened as much as you did. Maybe I still do, I don’t know. I’ve caught you looking at me the past few weeks.” She practically whispers the last sentence.

  “Well, Allie Cat, you’re hard not to look at. Besides, I’m not the only one who’s been looking.”

  She blushes. “You’re hard not to pay attention to. You run the bar like a tight ship and don’t put up with any BS from customers or your employees. You’re an enigma, Jordan. Most of the time, you’re moody and sullen, but all of that disappears when you look at me.”

  “Is that so?”

  Allie covers her face and shakes her head. “God, I’m sorry. I must sound crazy. I’m just trying to figure you out.”

  Huh, that’s different. I’m not sure anyone has ever admitted that to me. “I mean, if you want to stare at my sexy body all day, I’m not going to stop you. But the best way to get answers is to ask questions.”

  She slips down in her seat with an even redder face. “You’re an ass.”

  Allie makes me laugh, and maybe that’s part of why I like her. I spend so much time lost in my own head, laughing is something I don’t do often.

  When I punch in the code at the gate to Sawyer and Noah’s, Allie’s brow rises subtly. She isn’t the only one with questions. I know she comes from a significantly wealthy family, but I’m not sure why she’s working in my bar for cash.

  “This house is incredible.”

  “Yeah, it’s my home away from home. This was their first big purchase once their career took off.”

  As I park the truck, she takes off her seatbelt. “They’re twins, right? Who’s older, you or them?”

  Guess I’m going to have to address some of this now. “Actually, we’re the same age. It’s a complicated story and one I don’t want to delve too far into right now. The Westons are actually my cousins. My aunt and uncle adopted me when I was seven. I probably should have explained this sooner. Sometimes during the holidays, people will say
‘cousin’ or ‘aunt and uncle’ instead of ‘brothers,’ ‘sisters,’ ‘mom,’ or ‘dad.’ It’s fine, we’re used to it. They’re not wrong. We just consider ourselves closer than that.”

  She covers my hand with hers. “You don’t need to explain. Sasha is my sister in all the ways that count, I get it. But Jordan, if you ever want to talk, I’m a good listener.”

  I flash her a smirk as I open my door. “I know, and you’re also a good screamer.”

  She gasps in mock shock as I hop out of the truck. Deflection has always been the name of my game.

  Normally, I let myself in, but I left my house key at home. The sound of pounding feet greets my ears when I ring the bell.

  “Beat you, Uncle Sawyer!” Saylor yells excitedly as she flings open the door.

  “Uncle Jordan! You’re here, finally!” I scoop my soon-to-be-five-year-old niece into my arms and ignore the grin spreading across Sawyer’s face as he takes in my guest.

  “We’re here and ready for Santa!”

  Saylor giggles. “You’re silly, Uncle J. Santa only comes for kids.”

  “What? Say it isn’t so!”

  Sawyer shrugs and plays along. “Sorry, man, it’s in the manual. Once you turn thirteen, Santa taps out. Too many kids and not enough elves.”

  Saylor tugs on my shirt and points to Allie. “Who’s she?”

  I’m such a jerk. I got so wrapped up in the moment, I forgot to introduce her. “Saylor, Sawyer, this is Allie. Allie is Sasha’s best friend and works at the bar now. She couldn’t go home for Christmas, so I thought we could share ours with her. What do you think?”

  The expression on Sawyer’s face when I said she’s Sasha’s best friend is priceless. He looks like he swallowed a lemon. Good. Maybe he’ll stop fucking my bartender now. I put Saylor down and close the door behind us.

  “Hi, Saylor, it’s nice to meet you.” Allie bends down and holds out her hand, but Saylor quickly hugs her.

  “You too!” she says before darting off down the hall yelling. “Mommy! Uncle Jordan’s here and he brought a girlfriend!”

  Allie’s eyes grow wide, and Sawyer snickers. “Welcome to the family, Allie.”


  “Come on,” I say, taking her hand before quickly dropping it. She looks at me and smiles as if she understands I’m trying not to give my family the wrong impression. As we walk through the kitchen and into the living room, all eyes are on us. It makes me laugh that they’re all so curious.

  “Everyone, this is Allie. She’s new to town and just started working at the bar. Allie, this is my family.”

  Introductions are made, and Mom is beaming with happiness. She hugs Allie fiercely, and although Allie seems taken aback, she returns the hug. Sawyer, on the other hand, keeps eyeing us but his attention is eventually drawn to Amelia, Noah’s girl, and I already feel the undercurrent of a storm brewing between the three of them. The two of them always fall for the same girl—it never ends well.

  The house begins filling quickly with more people and presents. Allie quietly takes it all in.

  “Want some eggnog?”

  She nods eagerly. “Yes, I think some alcohol could really help right now.”

  Once we’ve got our drinks, we take a seat on the couch. Noah and Sawyer went to help unload cars, but I’d feel like a dick if I left Allie here alone with my sisters to swoop in on her like easy prey.

  Thank God for Mel. She’s relatively new at these functions—Thanksgiving was her first time meeting the family. I think she’s taking pity on us as she gives all her attention to Allie.

  “Have you known Jordan long?” As soon as the words are out of her mouth, my sisters zone in on us like radar on a target.

  Allie flashes her a grateful smile. “Actually, I started working at the bar the week of the show. I’m sorry for what happened to you guys. I’m glad you’re both healing well.”

  “It was scary, but we’re both perfectly fine now.”

  With a slight nod, Allie keeps talking, “So Jordan says you’re a writer. Anything I might have read?”

  Rory snickers, and Diane’s husband Rob tosses the couch pillow at her.

  “She wrote The O Factor,” Diane tells Allie with a hint of pride in her voice. I didn’t realize Diane decided she liked Mel yet, but the way she’s beaming, I guess she has.

  Allie shrieks and nearly sloshes her eggnog in my lap, “Get out! That was you? I loved that book!”

  Noah and Sawyer are back and look like they’re suppressing their laughter. For once, they’re not the celebrities being fawned over, and I’m sure they’re happy about it.

  Allie turns to me. “Jordan, you didn’t tell me she wrote The O Factor!”

  “Like I knew what Noah’s girlfriend wrote? I just knew it was some kind of sex book so it wouldn’t be anything I’d probably ever read. Now you know.”

  Allie rolls her eyes at me, and fuck if it doesn’t make me want to kiss her so they’re rolling back for an entirely different reason. I place my hand on her thigh, and she brushes her hand against it.

  Mom smiles at us and begins her inquisition. Being affectionate with her is a bad idea in front of my family. “So, Allie, does your family live close?”

  “No, it’s just me and my dad these days, but he lives in Washington D.C. and is working over the holidays. It’s the first Christmas I haven’t seen him, so Jordan took pity on me and brought me here. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Doesn’t look like pity to me.” Sawyer’s sarcasm is front and center tonight. Dad glares at him hard enough that he relents. “Just saying, they look cozy.”

  Mom throws him a “watch it” look before answering Allie. “Of course, we don’t mind, the more the merrier. And don’t pay a lick of attention to Sawyer. You know these boys are brothers in every way it matters, and it shows. You’ll see in the morning … I think the three of them get more excited for presents than my granddaughters do.”

  “Like Rory and Diane don’t get excited about gifts,” Noah says, defending our honor.

  “I’m pretty sure it was you and Sawyer who pushed so hard Jordan fell down and broke his arm one Christmas morning when you were about thirteen,” Dad reminds him.

  Allie and Mel bust up laughing. That was a hell of a Christmas, and even though I was in pain, I wouldn’t trade those memories.

  “You didn’t, Noah!” Mel exclaims through her laughter.

  “Oh, he did. They were so excited because they saw guitar-shaped silhouettes under the tree and it was all either of them had asked for the whole year. After that, we all piled into the car and spent the bulk of the morning in the emergency room.”

  I fill them in on the rest. “Yup, and when we got home, Mom and Dad made Noah and Sawyer pass out all the gifts to everyone. As punishment, they had to wait to open theirs until the rest of us were done.”

  “That doesn’t seem like too much punishment. My dad would have whooped my behind,” Allie replies.

  Karen continues, “Oh, that wasn’t all. We didn’t let them have their guitars until Jordan said they could. But Jordan has a good heart and he loves his brothers. They had those guitars opened before bedtime.”

  Someone is ringing the doorbell like crazy. While everyone is distracted at the commotion, I take the opportunity to show Allie to my room.

  I take her hand, and she follows me down the hall past my brother’s office. “This is my room.” I flip on the light as we step inside.

  “It’s huge.”

  “That it is. I love coming here and opening the windows so I can listen to the waves crash against the shore. It’s got a great view, too, but it’s hard to see right now. Anyway, there’s a private bathroom right there,” I point over by the closet, “In case you don’t want to wait for one later as everyone drinks more. But this is where we’re sleeping—”

  “We’re?” she chokes out.

  “Well, I can sleep on the floor or down in the studio, but the
house is full this weekend. Sawyer just assumed you’d be in here with me, but I don’t have to be. I don’t expect anything to happen between us even if we were.”

  Allie sits on the edge of the bed and looks up at me. Her cheeks are a bit pink, and considering the loaded eggnog Mom gave us, I’m not surprised.

  “Do you want to know something funny?”

  “Sure, if you want to tell me something funny.” I take a seat next to her and wait.

  “Mel’s book gave me the courage to leave Evan. Well, not exactly, but it opened my eyes. You really haven’t read it?”

  That’s crazy. “No, and I probably never will. What about it made you decide to leave?”

  She scoots up on my bed, leans on my pillows, and pats the spot next to her for me to join her. “Basically, the book is about a couple who sort of lost themselves in their relationship. They still love each other, but something is missing, and it becomes most apparent when they have sex. This probably sounds so silly to you.”

  I’m enraptured by every fucking word coming out of her mouth. I want to know her story, and if I have to hear about Mel’s to get it, so be it. “Not at all. I asked to hear it, didn’t I?”

  She nibbles her bottom lip and nods. “Okay, so there is a part in the book where she talks about complacency being a place where relationships go to die. Evan and I had been together since my sophomore year of college. We didn’t even have sex the entire first year we were together.”

  “Wow.” I pause. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to blurt that out, but it seems odd to me.”

  Her head bobs excitedly. “It was odd! He comes from old money so I just thought it was a family thing with him. There was something about him though. He was endearing, and sweet. Things were good, and when we finally had sex, it was … nice.”

  I let out a snort, and she glares at me. “I’m sorry, Allie. I’m not trying to make fun, but sex shouldn’t be classified as nice.”

  She hops out of bed and holds out her hand to me. “You know what? I’m not drunk enough to have this conversation with you. Let’s go have some more of your mom’s loaded nog and we can pick this up later.”


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