Sixx and the Incubus: The Sidekick Chronicles

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Sixx and the Incubus: The Sidekick Chronicles Page 12

by Becca Vincenza

  Solace looked over at me and pulled her brother a little closer. I edged nearer to the workstations and tried to peek and see what the vials were labeled, but my attention was split. As much as I wanted to ignore their conversation and allow them a bit of privacy, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off.

  As I walked farther into the lab, I realized what it was. There weren’t just vials of blood but harvested body parts as well. In a trio of tall glass jars, eyes bobbed and rolled through a gelatinous preserving liquid. I gagged when I leaned down to get a better look. The pupils were triangular, which made me think they belonged to a para. Next to that nightmare-inducing specimen was a leathery-looking sack that reminded me of pictures of venomous pouches I’d seen in high school biology. Shuddering convulsively, I moved away from the corner of creepy body parts. My eye was drawn to one of the lab tables where detailed drawings of the anatomical structures of different paras and humans were laid side by side. Words were scrawled in the margins and beneath each creature in a language I’d never seen.

  “Cyril! You fucking idiot. You can’t!” With Solace’s raised voice, Cyril shot me a look. I paused and focused on them.

  “I only did what I had to do to save you. If you leave with me now, she has a better chance,” he whispered.

  That was strange. I shouldn’t have been able to hear him from all the way over here in the lab. As I fumbled through the reasoning for my suddenly enhanced hearing, another sound hit me.

  A low, grating growl.

  My brows bunched, and I tried to follow the sound, but it was like trying to pick out a sound when a TV was blaring and someone had music playing. Trying to pinpoint it wasn’t easy. Especially because my brain kept misfiring, telling me it wasn’t in my range of hearing.


  I snapped out of my daze and looked over at where Cyril stood with his sister. I only meant to give them privacy while still staying within a safe distance, but now I realized I was in the bowels of the lab, far from him.

  His sister watched me closely with narrowed eyes. “What is she?”


  Solace gave him a look of disagreement but shook her head and tried to plead with him once more. “You need to leave, Cyril. Both of you. They’ll be back soon.”

  Cyril implored, “Come with us.”

  “You know I can’t,” she said, looking utterly heartbroken. Reaching out and touching her brother’s shoulder, she gave him a shaky smile.

  Cyril’s jaw was clenched tight with his anger. “You’re leaving with us,” he insisted.

  “Cyril…” Her voice took on a soft lyrical tone that instantly drew me in.

  “Don’t,” he snapped, his eyes glowing with his power.

  “We’ll get out of this, but right now, I have to stay here. You know I do.”

  “He’s –” he began, but his sister cut him off.

  “I already have an escape plan figured out. You’re free now, so you need to leave.” She gave him a meaningful look, pleading for him to understand, but Cyril was just as determined to ignore her. She was obviously hiding something. It must run in the family.

  When I heard the growling sound again, I was drawn to the sound. While the siblings continued to argue, I crept back down the hall. Some of the rooms were situated the same as the one I’d been held in at Nova’s lab. Most rooms had long windows where people walking by could observe the action from the safety of the hallway, but there were some rooms that only held small windows at the top of the door, braced by bars. In the rooms that faced the hallway, I saw metal reclining chairs with thick leather straps dangling from the sides, bracketed at the front and back with blood drawing machines. The first two rooms I passed were unoccupied, but the floors were stained with blood.

  My stomach flipped upside down at the sight, and I almost turned around to rejoin Cyril, but the growl came again. I followed the sound to a room with only a small window at the top. I leaned up on my toes to peer through the small window and almost lost my footing when I saw who the inhabitant was. I gasped, and my heart pounded in my chest.

  “Oh, my God. No…” I gripped the door handle and tried to wrench it open, but it was firmly locked. I scraped and tore my nails in a desperate attempt to get into the room. I peeked through the window again and slammed my hands against the door.

  A face appeared closer to the window, wearing a scraggly beard that was longer than it should have been, paired with hair that was too greasy and thick to belong to Olezka. A scar ran across one empty eye socket, and my stomach heaved. The prisoner’s face was so familiar yet so different.

  “The rings are not kind, Seis. We need to leave,” Cyril said, pulling me away from the door. I shook my head, trying to find my voice. “Seis! They’re coming back.”

  Solace’s gaze kept snapping back to the elevator that opened right into the lab. The numbers above flickered as the elevator moved closer to our floor.

  “Wait, Cyril!” I protested, digging my heels in without making a dent in his single-minded focus to drag me from the lab. “I know it’s not Olezka, but…”

  A crashing sound came from inside the room, and the door rattled as the beast within took up where I left off. I looked up to see an eye that matched my mate’s almost to a tee. But there was unbridled anger in this creature’s gaze that would never be softened.

  I raised a hand and reached for him. “Illarion.”

  He peeled back his teeth, showing off wicked-looking canines, and turned his glare to Cyril, who was still trying to tug me backward. No matter how frightening he appeared, I recognized that creature as family. Olezka’s other brothers had welcomed me and called me their sister. He wouldn’t hurt me. I needed to save him. I had to. Olezka would never forgive me if I left him behind. I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself.

  The elevator dinged again. My eyes swung to the lights above the door and saw they were only a floor away. I looked back over at Illarion. He met my gaze after following my sightline.

  “Go,” he growled, his voice muffled through the heavy glass.

  “But…” It was wrong to leave him. I understood how Cyril felt now. There were no good choices. None. I had to save him. I ripped my arm from Cyril’s grasp and pulled on the doorknob, knowing there was no way I could leave him behind and remain unscathed.

  “Cyril, get her out of here!” Solace hissed as the elevator dinged a final time. Cyril wrapped his arms around my waist and dragged me away, whispering something in my ear that made me feel heavy and lose my train of thought.

  “There!” Solace whispered and pointed. Cyril slapped a hand over my mouth as if he was afraid his magic hadn’t done enough to disable me. His sister smacked her hand against the wall, revealing a sliding door that opened to a small supply closet. We ducked into the closet just as footsteps sounded on the commercial tile.

  “Solace! What are you doing? We need to get this place cleaned up. He’s on his way!” a fidgety voice yelled.

  I leaned forward to look through the sliver of the door that remained open. If we closed it now, it would click and give our position away. Illarion glanced over at our hiding place once more before disappearing back into his cell.

  My heart burst as I thought about his missing eye and how ragged he looked. Sunken cheeks paired with firm, toned muscles didn’t equate to someone who ate the right amount to keep the look.

  “Sorry, sir. I was having issues with the hybrid.”

  “Yes, the Lord needs him alive, though. Disgusting creature.”

  Solace made a sound in the back of her throat like she disagreed but wouldn’t dare say otherwise. The elevator dinged again.

  “My Lord, you’re early!” the squirrely voice squeaked.

  “I heard a rumor your brother might be in the area.”

  When Key’s oily voice rang through the laboratory, I leaned forward, trying to see. I noticed he was accompanied by another High Fae who looked like he belonged in the Hot Nerds edition of Vogue. He wore a white
lab coat that fit his lithe, tall body like a glove, enhancing his features. With platinum blonde hair slicked back away from his forehead to expose orange-colored eyes that looked like a sunrise, I could tell he was Light Fae.

  “Why would my brother be here? He’s in your fighting rings, isn’t he?” Solace said innocently.

  Key curled his lip. “Don’t play dumb with me. I knew he would come back for you at some point. I only hoped he wouldn’t squander his limited freedom by being so stupid.”

  Limited freedom?

  Cyril tightened his hold on my mouth. His other hand crept forward and gripped my hip, pulling me backward.

  Warning bells shot through my head.

  Oh… no.

  Chapter 17

  Before he could speak again, another para stepped off the elevator.

  “My Lord, there have been reports of the other hybrid in the fighting rings.”

  “Good. I need to keep an eye on him until I know where his infuriating human mate went,” Key snarled.

  I cringed, and Cyril eased his hold.

  How did Olezka get into the fights? Is he okay? My thoughts raced, but I had to stay focused since we were seconds from being caught.

  “What’s the status of the drug?” Key snapped.

  “Well, my Lord, with the last batch sent to us, we were able to distribute it to our sellers with no issues.”

  “Good. Round up the humans who bought the drugs. We need to start the next phase of testing soon. Things are moving slowly in the Veil, and I need your brother to return soon with that human.”

  “Fuck,” Cyril hissed, returning his punishing grip on my hip and tugging me back against him. He moved his other hand from my mouth to my neck. I twisted in his hold the best I could, but he moved too quickly, applying pressure at the delicate nerve between neck and head.

  My vision started to fade.

  “Cyril better bring me that damned human.”

  My world went dark.


  A haunted version of my mate watched me in my sleep. I could practically feel Olezka’s sense of betrayal when I realized I would have to tell him how I left his brother behind to be experimented on by Key and his cronies. I groaned, my head splitting with a headache as I tried to recall the last thing that happened before I fell asleep. I snuggled my face into my pillow; the scent was strange and made me recoil before I’d fully awakened.

  I lifted my face, and when I tried to move my arm to massage my temples, something tugged at my wrists. I blinked my eyes open and realized my hands were bound together. I dropped them and jerked my head from side to side, trying to take in my surroundings.


  Memories of the events that happened right before I blacked out came filtering back to the surface. From within that supply closet, Cyril knocked me out before I could hear more of what Key was saying. I now knew without a doubt that Key and Cyril were working together. My heart rate kicked into high gear as adrenaline dumped into my veins with the imminent threat of danger. I needed to get out.

  I observed the room in which I found myself and started filtering and discarding different escape plans and scenarios in my head. The musty bed where I lay squeaked when I shifted my weight. The cheap, thin comforter was a hideous pattern that made me cringe when I thought about what had happened on it or under it. The furniture was old and dated; it looked manufactured for efficiency and cost-effective for cheap hotels. The dingy walls featured peeling wallpaper, and a twin bed that matched mine sat only a couple of feet away. I noticed a small sink and smudged mirror situated in a cramped nook beside the bathroom door. I was definitely in a motel of some sort, but why?

  I kicked my legs and tried to swing them over the edge of the bed but quickly realized they were tied together. Unable to stop the noise, I whimpered as I tried to contort my legs closer to my hands so I could attempt to free them.

  “I wish you wouldn’t do that. I don’t want to use my powers against you again,” Cyril stated calmly, standing in the doorway to the bathroom. He stepped into the room with wet hair like he’d just taken a shower, but at least he was dressed.

  I leveled him with a glare. “I guess you could say I’m confused. Apparently, you – the person I thought was my ally – are supposed to bring me to Key, yet it looks like you’ve kidnapped me instead… and have me tied up?” I asked, my gaze narrowing.

  Cyril ran a hand through his slickened hair, his dark green eyes flashing up to meet mine guiltily before dropping again. “It’s not easy to explain, but I knew you’d run the second you woke up, hence the rope.”

  “Thank God it wasn’t for other things,” I muttered with a huff. I peered up at Cyril again. “Well, start explaining or start untying because this is far from comfortable,” I groused. My knees were tucked to my chest, making it hard to breathe.

  Cyril shook his head and indicated for me to uncoil. “I will keep your hands tied until you hear the whole story because, frankly, I don’t trust you.”

  “Seriously, Cyril – what the hell am I going to do?” I snapped.

  “I told you before, Seis, you’re scrappy and smart. You’d come up with something.” Cyril strode forward and untied the rope around my ankles.

  I tucked my legs close to my body, waiting for him to take a step or five back. I didn’t trust him, not anymore. His presence alone made me jumpy. “Start talking, bud.” I jerked my chin up, trying to sound brave and in charge even though I was far from it.

  Cyril folded his hands together and sat on the edge of the bed across from me. “What I told you before is all true, but I left out the part where Key came to me the one time my owner brought me back to the Veil while they were visiting home. He came with an offer. He still wanted to keep me and Solace separate, which was why I was given to my previous owner, Esterma. We almost escaped him before, and he wasn’t willing to lose either of us, so he took drastic action. Key offered a solution. If I brought him a curvaceous human with wild curls and glasses, he would allow my sister to leave.”

  I raised my brows, skeptical. “Just like that?”

  “It seemed too good to be true, but I agreed because I was desperate. Then, when you appeared in the cell with me, I decided to take things into my own hands. Looking back, I think it was his intention all along. He doesn’t like his playthings too close together. It makes it easier for them to escape. He needed you away from me, but in his single-minded pursuit to control Ana, he failed to mention you were mated to the hellfire hound.

  “In the end, striking the bargain with you was my plan. I needed a failsafe. I realized Key wouldn’t release Solace even if I brought you back. She’s too important to the success of his plans. I had hoped that if I could convince her to leave with me, I would use you as a distraction.”

  A stab of betrayal hit me. I thought we had become friends through our ordeals together, but he’d only used me to get to his sister.

  “Why didn’t you give me to Key there in the lab? You had a perfect opportunity.”

  “If I’m being truthful, it’s because I didn’t want Key to win. Sorry, Seis. One day, you’ll have to learn our world is not kind,” Cyril said, peeling his lips back from his teeth in a nasty snarl.

  “I never thought it was.”

  “No, but you act like everything is all roses and sunshine. Your mate was right not to trust me. Now, I’m into this far deeper than I care to be. I need to find a way to get my sister away from Key, which will be harder now since he knows I’ve gone rogue and will be keeping a closer eye on her.”

  “And what? You just want me to go along with your plans like we’re best friends?” I cut in, annoyed.

  Cyril's eyes burned with barely restrained power. He looked pissed. “You will.”

  “And why is that?” I challenged.

  “For two reasons,” he said, standing from the bed and striding over to me.

  I leaned back on the bed, trying to escape but knowing it was a pointless endeavor. I didn’t feel safe anymore. I
t was even worse because he used his sister’s relationship against me to get me to trust him. I knew he was doing everything to protect her, but anger burned through me.

  No matter what I was up against, I didn’t think I could sacrifice another person to save Ana.

  “Don’t try to act so self-righteous, Seis. You would have.”

  “What?” I snapped, wondering if he could hear my thoughts after all.

  He smiled cruelly at me. “Your thoughts were written all over your face, but none of that matters. I’ll put this in terms you will understand: if you don’t do what I want, your mate will be in the same position as his twin.”

  My heart stuttered in my chest. The last thing I remembered Key saying before Cyril knocked me out was that Olezka was in the fighting rings. Something must have gone wrong on their mission, and he was captured. Key knew who he was and how essential he was to Erebus.

  “No,” I whispered. I would never let that happen.

  “Yes. Not only will you follow my plan perfectly, but you’ll do it willingly because you wouldn’t dare allow someone innocent in all these stupid fae politics to get hurt. My sister didn’t ask to be part of that bullshit. I’ve given too much of my life to it, and I refuse to have her live the same life.”

  A sense of dread washed over me. Cyril was at his wit's end and willing to do whatever it took – sacrifice anyone in his way – to bring his sister back. Olezka was in the fighting rings, and if he didn’t end up dead, he would be left scarred and twisted, the same as his twin brother. The anger that raged in Illarion’s eyes would never be quenched. I didn’t want that future for my happy but still so serious mate. It pained me to know that was Illarion’s reality.

  “What’s your plan?” In the end, I knew there was no other choice. I would eventually find a way out of the situation with Key, but Cyril’s sister didn’t ask to be part of any of this. They could finally be free of these wicked games. If I could help him free her, Cyril might help me save my mate.

  Chapter 18


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