Black Dog Security- Complete 5-Part Series

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Black Dog Security- Complete 5-Part Series Page 25

by Camilla Blake

  Her husband took her by the arm and looked over at me. “You can go. I’m here now.”

  Gerald sighed and nodded. “I don’t need you tomorrow, either.”

  I looked at Charlotte, for once not feeling like she was a terrible pain, but like maybe she was in a bad situation. She didn’t look scared, though. She looked frustrated. You sure, Mrs. Crier?”

  She nodded at me. “Thanks.”

  I took a long walk around the mall, trying to calm down completely before getting behind the wheel. There’d been times when I’d first gotten home that I’d have flashbacks behind the wheel. I’d almost killed myself more than once that way. I always came to before slamming into something, but there’d been close calls that made me careful about getting behind the wheel when I didn’t feel great.

  I sat down in the food court eventually and had a slice of pizza before heading out to my truck. I’d just started it when my phone rang. Seeing it was the office line, I answered. “Branson.”

  “You need to come in right now, Branson. There’s trouble.” Lauren’s voice was near hysterical.

  “I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”


  I sped the whole way and slammed the truck to a stop in front of Black Dog when I saw the two patrol cars parked there. I raced inside, not knowing what I was going to find. I didn’t think any of the cases we were working would’ve ended badly, but I just didn’t know.

  I nearly ran over a uniformed officer when I came in. I saw him reaching for his gun and held my hands up. “I’m not looking for trouble. I work here.”

  “Easy, Officer Hinkle.”

  Detective Rance walked into the front room, Mercer and Rance’s partner, McHale, following him. McHale had Mercer’s arms behind his back, his hand on Mercer’s shoulder, leading him.

  “What the fuck is going on here?”

  Lauren wasn’t too far behind. “They’re arresting him. They’re charging him with murder.”

  “Are you fucking insane? Mercer didn’t murder Jessica.” I felt like I was having another bad dream. No one could really believe that Mercer had murdered a woman.

  “The way we see it, he did. We know you boys did your fair share of killing overseas, but you don’t get a free pass here.” McHale squeezed Mercer’s shoulder and pushed him forward. “Now, if you’ll excuse us.”

  I stepped in the way. “You’re making a mistake. Mercer didn’t do this. You can’t lock him up.”

  “I’m going to tell you the same thing I told your friends in the back. You get in the way and I’ll lock your ass up, too. Step aside.”

  I stared the detective down for a few more seconds, until Lauren grabbed my arm and pulled me aside. “We’ll get you out as soon as we can, brother.”

  “Don’t worry, Mercer. We’ll take care of it. You’ll be home before you know it.” Lauren’s voice broke, but she kept her head up straight as the detectives led Mercer outside and put him in their patrol car.

  I stood there, shocked, as I watched them drive away with Mercer in the backseat. He hadn’t said anything. He’d looked blank. I was sure he was feeling a version of what I’d felt earlier, in the flashlights of the cameras.

  Adrenaline surged through my body, fear for one of my closest friends making me angry. I ripped my phone from my pocket and dialed my contact at the police station.

  Sergeant Allen Fielder answered on the second ring, already expecting my call. “I can’t help, Branson.”

  “The fuck you can’t. Call these assholes off of Mercer. Mercer didn’t do shit. I know it, they know it, you fucking know it.”

  “I don’t know shit. Blood found in his kitchen matches Jessica’s blood type. He came back the weekend she disappeared, after she dumped him. It doesn’t look good for your friend.”

  “You’re telling me they really were able to find blood in a navy fucking SEAL’s house from more than a decade ago?”

  “What are you suggesting, Branson?”

  “You fucking know what I’m suggesting.”

  “Watch it. We’ve been friends for a long time, but these are my men. I trust them implicitly.”

  “And Mercer is my friend. I trust him with my life. I owe him my life. If you think I’m going to sit back and let your men take him down for this, you’re sorely mistaken.”

  I hung up and slammed the phone down on the counter. Turning around, I slammed my fist through the drywall that covered the wall near the door into the back. A sick feeling of helplessness washed over me and I wanted to scream. I wanted to break something. I wanted to hurt someone.

  That sensation was a dangerous one. I never lashed out at people, because I was a big guy. I hurt people when I lashed out.

  Cooper, Vince, and Tucker filed into the front office, all of them looking just as grim as me. Lauren collapsed in the chair behind the desk, her head resting in her hands. She was crying. She never cried.

  I looked around at all of them and felt my stomach clench. “We have to figure this out.”

  Cooper nodded. “Your contact wasn’t any help?”

  “Fucker’s backing his men.”

  “That’s fine. We don’t need him. I’m going down to the courthouse. We need to get him bailed out as soon as possible.”

  Vince nodded. “I’m going with you.”

  Lauren stood up and wiped her eyes. “Me too. And if any of you tell him I cried over him, I’ll cut your balls off.”

  Tucker looked at me and nodded. “We can stay here. I’ll watch the office, and Branson can make some more calls maybe. See if we can’t find out some information on these cops.”

  Everyone nodded and the three of them left. Tucker sat at the desk and shook his head. “This is fucked up.”

  “We’ll fix it.”

  My pulse raced and I grabbed my phone on my way to the back. I’d do whatever I had to. Mercer was innocent and he didn’t deserve to sit in a jail cell.

  Even while stressing about Mercer, my mind still stopped on Elizabeth. I couldn’t help but wonder if she was getting herself into trouble. The idea didn’t sit well with me because I knew I couldn’t do anything to help her. She’d be on her own and I couldn’t think of anything scarier for her. There was no telling what she’d do.

  Chapter 16


  Brenda was sitting at her desk when I walked in that Monday morning. I’d spotted Helena leaving, so I knew the coast was clear. I didn’t want to go back in that office, no matter what, but it didn’t feel as horrifying when Helena wasn’t there.

  I eased myself into the chair across from Brenda and smiled. “How’s your morning going?”

  She blinked up at me a few times and then grinned. “Sorry. Helena’s got me so busy that I’m seeing everything in double right now. How are you, Elizabeth?”

  “I’m okay. Caldwell’s keeping me busy, too.” I laughed. “I don’t know why we don’t get accurate titles. Like CEO of the CEO, or President of the President of Marketing.”

  She laughed and nodded. “You’re not kidding. Some days, I feel like I’m the one running this place.”

  “At least the one doing all the real work. I know how it goes. Caldwell dictates emails to me some days.” I flashed a look over my shoulder and leaned in. “He also giggles every time he says dictates.”

  Her rosy cheeks rounded as she laughed loudly. Like Sammie, she had the face of an angel. “We should write books about all the stuff we see and hear.”

  “If not for that pesky NDA.”

  “I hate that thing. There are so many things I want to tell my girlfriends.” She shook her head. “They have all of these amazing work stories and I could beat all of them, but only if I chance being sued.”

  “I’m sure some of yours are almost worth being sued for. Helena can be a real piece of work, I’m sure.”

  Her eyes widened and she nodded. “You have no idea.”

  “She told me I needed to wear pantyhose.”

  “Oh, my God. If I don’t wear them,
she stares at my legs all day and scowls. It made me feel so uncomfortable that I just gave in. I’d rather be sucked into a pair and suffocating slowly for ten hours a day than have her eyeing me all day.”

  I shivered. It wasn’t for dramatics. The idea of Helena scowling at me all day long was quickly becoming a real fear of mine. “That is literally my worst nightmare.”

  “Yeah, well, that’s just the tip of the iceberg.”

  “That’s all it took to sink the Titanic.”

  She giggled and sat forward. “This is fun. We should do this more often. No one else I hang out with here talks to me about Helena. They’re all terrified of her. Not that I blame them.”

  “Oh, I’m still terrified of her.”

  “Everyone should be.” Brenda gave a shiver of her own and shook her head. “Things were easier when Mr. Stelton was here.”

  “I didn’t get to work here with him for long, but he was really nice. I liked him.”

  She shifted some paperwork on her desk and I noticed a book under them. The cover had a bulked-up man in army fatigues, holding a blonde woman in his arms. He was complete with dog tags and everything. She saw my eyes and laughed. “I have a weakness for these romance books. The ones with soldiers in them? They’re so hot.”

  I grinned as an idea popped into my head. “One of my friends used to be a soldier. He still looks like he is one. He’s big, beautiful, and super intense.”

  She perked up. “Is he single?”

  I laughed. “I don’t know. Want to see something cool, though?”

  She nodded.

  I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed Branson’s number. I didn’t want to think about how I’d already memorized it.


  “Branson. Where are you?” I put a touch of helpless female in my voice and winked at Brenda. “I’m in Helena Stelton’s office and I need help.”

  Before he could respond, I hung up. I looked over at Brenda and grinned. “He should be here soon.”

  “Are you serious? Just like that? How’s he know where Helena’s office is?”

  “He came to see me last week. I pointed it out.”

  She stared at the door, eagerly waiting for him. “There’s no way he’s just going to show up. You didn’t even tell him what you need help with.”

  I grabbed her book and crossed my legs. “Just wait. I’ll just read for a few minutes while you work.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Like I’m going to be able to work now. You just told me a big soldier man is coming to rescue you. Is this like a party trick?”

  I tilted my head to the side and tapped my chin. “I guess it could be, but I’m pretty sure after today, he won’t be coming to my rescue anymore. He’s definitely going to try to rip me a new one for making him come for no reason.”


  I grinned. “Try. He’s too cute for me to be all that upset when he gets fussy with me. He gets all angry and it’s hard not to imagine that that’s how he looks when he’s… you know.”

  Her mouth dropped open and she started fanning herself with a file folder. “You obviously already have your claws in him. I still want to see him, though.”

  We talked for a few more minutes and I was in the middle of telling her about my yoga class when her mouth dropped almost all the way down to her desk and her eyes bugged out of her head.

  I looked over my shoulder and I got it. I really did. Branson was standing there in gym shorts and a T-shirt, covered in a layer of sweat and panting. His hair was wet and his eyes were alert. With him came the light scent of pure male musk and I felt for Brenda. I was used to his hotness and I was still shaken. I’d never seen him quite like he was then. It was mouthwatering.

  “Elizabeth.” He said my name with such intensity that I felt like melting. “You don’t look like you’re in trouble.”

  I tore my eyes away from him and looked back at Brenda. “Ta-dah!”

  Brenda took the book back from me and dropped it into the trashcan behind her desk. The metal ring of it hitting the bottom echoed in the room. “Ta-fucking-dah!”


  I happily looked back at Branson and bit my lip. “Branson.”

  “Did you have me come all the way here for no reason?”

  “No. There was a reason.”

  “A real reason?”

  “That’s subjective.”


  “Ugh. Fine. Yes, I had you come all the way here for no reason. Brenda likes books about soldiers who are heroes and romantic and all that. I wanted to show her what a real one looks like.”

  Branson’s face turned red and his jaw worked like he was chewing a thick piece of steak on the back of his teeth. “Come on. You and me are going to go somewhere and have a little talk.”

  I looked back at Brenda and wagged my eyebrows. “I’ve been a bad girl.”

  “Come back and see me later. We should talk more.”

  I uncrossed my legs and slowly stood up. “I’ll be back after my talking-to.”

  Branson took my arm and pulled me out of the office. Down the hallway he went, opening doors when he got to them, startling different employees, until he found a copy room that was empty. He pulled me inside and slammed the door shut. I watched as he locked the door and turned to me.

  “You’ve got a lot of fucking nerve.”

  “I did it to impress Brenda. I think she can get me closer to Helena. And she’s fun. I like her.”

  “Fuck getting closer to Helena. Fuck it all. Fuck you, Elizabeth!” He ran his hands through his hair and turned to face the wall behind him. When he turned back around to face me, he looked exhausted. “I’m not your fucking puppet. I’m not some toy you drag out at the party to impress your fancy friends.

  “In the last few days, I’ve watched my best friend get arrested for a false murder charge, I’ve heard him screaming in his cell because he’s having flashbacks of being held as a prisoner of war, I’ve slept for about three hours in total. I’m fucking exhausted. And the few minutes I had to try to relieve some of the stress today, you call me while I’m at the gym and tell me you need help. I thought you were in trouble.”

  I took a step back and felt my face flush. I’d messed up. I felt stupid and horrible. I’d used him without even realizing it. “I… I’m sorry, Branson.”

  “You should be. Fuck. I thought you’d gotten yourself hurt. You sounded hurt. Don’t fucking do that.” He crossed to me and cupped the sides of my neck, his thumbs stroking over my throat. “I don’t understand you. I don’t know what the hell you want. I’ve got too much shit going on for your games, though.”

  I held my breath as he leaned down and gently pressed his lips to mine before backing away and letting me go. I wrapped my arms around my waist and stared at him. “I didn’t know.”

  “Please, stay away from Helena. You’re smart, but everyone slips up. You could very easily end up without a job and hurt. If you run into any trouble, call me, but I’ve got to focus on other shit right now.” He unlocked the door and grabbed the handle. “Stay safe.”

  I watched him open the door and go. There was a surprising ache in my stomach and tightness in my chest. I wanted to cry. More than cry. I wanted to sob. I felt like I’d just been dumped. By a really good guy, too. Knowing it was all my fault felt like shit.

  Embarrassment was just the icing on the sad cake. I’d treated him poorly. What had I been thinking, calling him in like he was some kind of object that I could play with? That was a horrible thing to do.


  I was still standing there when someone walked in and startled at seeing me. I angrily swiped at my cheeks when I realized I’d been crying and hurried back to my office. I needed a sick day.

  I grabbed my purse and left a note for Mr. Caldwell before heading out.

  I needed to be home, curled up on Dad’s couch with a bucket of extra-buttery popcorn. And a big jug of sweet tea. And maybe some of Sammie’s cookies.
  Chapter 17


  Nothing made sense. Not even in the slightest. It’d been a couple of days since I’d decided to stay away from Elizabeth. Mercer was out of jail finally, after us getting the runaround from a local judge. Charlotte Crier was being even worse than ever after the mall experience. And I was out on a date with one of Lauren’s friends.

  I didn’t even know where to start with how I’d gotten there. I wasn’t really even sure. One minute I’d been working out in the gym at the back of Black Dog and then the next minute, I’d told Lauren yes when she’d asked me if I’d take one of her friends out.

  It was the perfect storm. Normally, Lauren wouldn’t ask me because she knew that I’d get pissed off. She was trying so hard to act like things were normal, though, that she’d just gone out with her friends and then asked me. We were both shocked when I said yes. I didn’t want to go out with anyone, but my mind was slowly driving me insane with thoughts of Elizabeth, so I’d just said yes. Like an asshole.

  My brain was anywhere but on the woman sitting across from me and I couldn’t even remember her name. I was worried about Mercer, worried about Elizabeth, even worried about Lauren. Things were chaotic and I could think of ten places that I’d rather be. Mercer needed an extra set of eyes. He’d gone basically catatonic. He was suffering from having spent the days in jail. Lauren was a mess. Elizabeth was probably scaling the walls outside of Helena Stelton’s residence by that point. I couldn’t worry about her, though.


  I blinked and focused on the woman speaking to me. She was pretty. She reminded me of Charlotte in the way that she looked so put together and nice. She didn’t even stare at my scars. I just couldn’t do it. I also couldn’t walk out on her, though.

  “Yeah? Sorry. I just got lost for a second there. What were you saying?”

  She smiled. “Lauren seems extra stressed, too. Something big must be happening at the office.”

  Mercer was being framed for a murder, we were pretty sure. That was pretty big. “Yeah.”

  “Is your job always so exciting?”


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