Black Dog Security- Complete 5-Part Series

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Black Dog Security- Complete 5-Part Series Page 31

by Camilla Blake

  It gave me plenty of time to see how fucked up the station was. They were dirty. Their agendas were more than evident. When one officer walked by and suggested I stop hanging around murderers, I nearly snapped the metal arm off the chair I was sitting in. When another asked me how many men I thought Mercer would be able to keep off of him in prison with one leg, I just stared straight ahead, realizing that they wanted a reaction. They wanted to lock me up, too.

  When Sergeant Allen Fielder wouldn’t make eye contact me with, I knew. The Steltons had done their thing. They’d pulled their puppets’ strings and now the puppets were dancing.

  I was livid. My whole body shook as I tried my best to keep it together.

  Cooper and Vince showed up and sat with me after a while. We were all just as tense as we listened to the jeers of some of the officers. They all had shit to say about Mercer. They all thought it a good idea to comment on Elizabeth’s body.

  Hot flashes washed over me as I told myself that I’d get her out of there. I just hoped I wasn’t lying to myself. Whatever happened to her was my fault. I should’ve protected her more.

  “Your girl’s going to be fine, brother. We’ll make sure of it.”

  I looked over at Cooper and the weight of everything settled on my shoulders. “Like I made sure Sonnie was fine? Fuck. I don’t deserve Elizabeth. I didn’t keep her away from this.”

  Cooper shook his head. “You’ve got to get over that shit. Sonnie thought I was outside. She went out to find me. If I hadn’t been fucking up, she wouldn’t have thought I was sneaking in through the backyard. She would’ve known where I was. You saved her when it counted. And none of us deserve women. Especially not good ones. We’re all dicks.”

  Vince nodded. “Besides, I heard you couldn’t keep her away. Mercer said that your girl’s a live wire.”

  “He thinks she could take you if it came down to it.”

  I looked back towards intake and thought I was seeing things for a second. Out marched Elizabeth, her red hair bouncing from side to side in her loose bun. Her eyes were red and her bruises looked even worse from the time they’d had to develop more since I’d seen her last, just a couple of hours earlier.

  I stood up and rushed across the room to her. She yanked away from the officer who still had his hands on her and rushed across the room to me. If I expected her to be a crying mess, I should’ve known better.

  She was livid, but also excited. “I did it!”

  I caught her as she threw herself into my arms. I tried to be gentle with her, but it seemed that only one of us was concerned with her banged-up body. “Whoa. What’s happening?”

  She laughed and spotted the officer who’d arrested her. “You’re done. Did you take the orders to arrest me from the Steltons directly, or did it come from someone else? Either way, you’ll be lucky to get a job policing toddlers on a playground when I’m done with you.”

  I pulled back and stared down at her. “What the fuck happened?”

  “Mark Stelton came back to see me.”


  She shrugged. “Don’t worry. It went well. We talked for a little while and he finally saw reason.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  She nodded towards the arresting officer. “Barney over there didn’t check my clothes before he put me in my holding cell. He also didn’t seem to hear me when I screamed at him to get Mark away from me, fortunately. Mark and I talked about everything. I must’ve accidentally pushed record on the recording device in my pocket.”

  I glared over at the officer. “Did he touch you?”

  “Nope. They had the courtesy to close me into my cell, at least. But Mark explained to me how Helena has been really stressed lately because she’s broke.”


  “Yeah. Apparently, Poppa Stelton had tighter reins on her than anyone realized. He’d been giving her an allowance for years. After he died, she just had her measly CEO salary from the Stelton Firm. That was hardly enough to support her sex and drug habits.”

  “What?” I was officially a broken record.

  “Yep. Her husband has all the money. She knew if she lost him, she’d actually be broke and she couldn’t chance that. She overheard someone talking about Paul and his list. She heard that he was going to reveal who the big fish was. So, to keep her money intact, she killed Paul to keep it a secret.” Elizabeth smirked up at me. “I have a talent for getting people to talk. Mark just spilled all the beans. He’s apparently really sick of his little sister. He just kept venting about all the horrible stuff she’s done.”

  “No fucking way is that real.” I just kept shaking my head. “No way.”

  She wagged her eyebrows. “It was a mixture of luck and talent. I think I’m really cut out for this private-investigation business.”

  I wanted to argue with her, but I was shocked.

  “When Mark saw the recorder, he knew his bread was buttered. He traded his sister for me not squealing to the media about his involvement. Helena is being picked up right now.”

  “What the fuck? How did you pull that off while under arrest for murder?”

  “I told you. Talent and luck.” She looked behind me and shook her head. “I’m guessing the big hunks are more of your friends? Do you mind if we wait here until Helena is brought in? I’d really like to see the look on her face when she sees me.”

  “Don’t call them hunks.” I shook my head again, confusion and awe slowing me down.

  “That’s all you have to say?” She scoffed. “Solve a murder case and look at the recognition I get.”

  I introduced Elizabeth to the guys while looking around. Had she really managed to handle it all herself? It didn’t make sense. I’d felt sure that there was going to be some intense moment where I had to save her, but she’d just gone ahead and taken care of it.

  Cooper and Vince were sitting in shock, too, while listening to her tell the story again. She spoke like it was nothing, her smile genuine and proud. She’d just taken down a member of the richest family in the whole state. Well, maybe not richest, after all.

  “And the cops who arrested me have to look over the evidence that I helped gather now. Assholes.”

  A hushed awe fell over the station and I looked up to see another set of officers bringing in Helena Stelton. She was uncuffed and still holding her head high. It seemed she was trying to take the unfazed path, but it also seemed that everyone in the station knew why she was there.

  Elizabeth stood up and sent Helena a little finger wave when Helena looked her way. Helena’s eyes narrowed and her face went bright red.

  Like she wasn’t in any trouble at all, the officers let her walk closer to Elizabeth, the only sign that she wasn’t a free woman anymore being the light grip one of them had on her forearm. She stopped way too close to Elizabeth for my comfort.

  Elizabeth, I was pretty sure, had never faced someone and felt real, honest-to-God fear. She didn’t give a fuck. “Helena. Nice try with the whole sorry attempt at framing me for murder. If only you’d ever learned a real work ethic, you might’ve gotten away with it. Luckily for me, you suck, so I’m free.”

  Helena snarled. “This isn’t going to work. Whatever you did, it won’t work.”

  The venom in the woman made me tug Elizabeth back, into my arms. I didn’t trust Helena. At all.

  “It’s already worked. You’re here. You’re going to be here for a good while. Apparently, someone sent the local judge on a last-minute vacation when she thought it’d be me sitting in jail. Oh, and your brother is back there singing like a canary. Anything to avoid getting himself in trouble.” Elizabeth shrugged. “If I were you, I’d tell them that he helped you move the body.”

  Everything happened so fast that if I hadn’t spent most of my adult life getting shot at, I would’ve missed it. Helena moved quickly to grab one of the officers’ guns. She was lifting it and putting pressure on the trigger before either of them could respond.
  Elizabeth was oddly silent as I spun us around and threw both of our bodies to the floor. I was already on top of her when the first shot rang out. I lay there, expecting more, expecting pain, but none came.

  When I finally did look up, I saw Sergeant Fielder holstering his gun and Helena Stelton’s lifeless body on the ground, the gun kicked a few feet away from her hand.

  Chaos erupted, but still, over everything, the sound of Mark Stelton screaming was piercing.

  Chapter 27


  Black Dog Security was an odd place. With its large rec room in the back, stray dog outside, and collection of retired soldiers, it was full of life. I’d never been in a security office before, but I hadn’t expected there to be barbecues thrown there. The men saved lives for a living. It felt like they’d be more serious.

  With the exception of Mercer, though, they were all fun. Even Branson had lightened up for the party. Now that he knew I wasn’t in danger of being taken out by anyone, he wasn’t so worried all the time. It probably helped that we were surrounded by his buddies and their guns.

  “I’ve never had a party thrown in honor of me not being dead before.”

  Lauren gave me a look. “It’s a party to celebrate you making it through everything.”

  Branson shook his head. “It’s definitely a party in honor of no one killing you for your mouth yet.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “Tread carefully. You’re still in a lot of trouble.”

  Vince nudged me. “Who knew that women hate it when you save their lives?”

  “Shut up. I’m not pissed that he saved my life. I’m pissed that he threw himself in between me and a bullet. He got shot!”

  “Fucking barely.” Cooper rolled his eyes. “I’ve seen worse gunshot wounds from BB guns.”

  I tried to remain calm, but they were working me up. “A bullet hit him. A fucking bullet from a gun, going very fast, hit Branson in the hip and tore through his skin. That’s getting shot. He was shot. He had to go to the hospital.”

  “He had to go to the hospital because you slapped him and he stumbled over a chair trying to get away from you. The hospital trip was for a potential broken ankle. Not a gunshot wound.”

  Branson bit his lip.

  “If you agree with him, I’m going to sprain your other ankle.”

  “Technically, it was just a graze. I didn’t even notice it until I fell on it.”

  I nodded and turned to Sonnie, Cooper’s girlfriend. “I’m going to pretend this conversation isn’t happening. Do you know anyone who’s hiring?”

  Mercer leaned forward. “I was thinking…”

  “No. Absolutely fucking not to whatever you were thinking.” Branson shook his head.

  “We’re short. Lauren needs help.”

  Lauren perked up. “I do. It’s been getting busier and busier. It might not be as exciting as catching your boss killing someone, but I’ll keep it interesting.”

  “Really? I’d love that.”

  “No. No, no, no. It hasn’t even been a whole week since you nearly got yourself shot.”

  “I’m not going to get shot. It’ll be fine.”

  “I think I remember you saying that about Helena Stelton, too.”

  A thread of sadness threatened to hit me, but I pushed it down. Helena was gone and I was sorry for that, only because it meant she wasn’t in jail with Mark.

  “I accept. When can I start?”

  Lauren shrugged. “Take some time to finish healing and then you can start.”

  Branson pulled me into his lap, but I smacked his hands and moved away.

  “You’re going to hurt yourself. You’ve got stitches.”

  “You’re really getting on my nerves.”

  I tried to get angry at him, but I couldn’t fight the smile that was emerging. I was just so thankful that he was okay. I’d been so angry that he’d put his own life in danger for me. I’d slapped the hell out of him and that wasn’t like me. When I’d heard the gun, I’d been sure he was going to be dead on top of me.

  For some odd reason, the idea of that had rocked me to my core. I really liked the idiot. When he wasn’t being overbearing and overprotective, he was okay.

  “What are you smiling about?”

  I leaned over and kissed him. “You like me. I don’t get on your nerves.”

  He laughed. “Sure. Whatever you say.”

  The barbecue went on, all of us having a good time. There was still tension and stress in their group, but they’d put it aside for the day. I got to know them better and liked what I saw. Working with them would be interesting.

  I was cutting a slice of cake when Branson wrapped his arms around me. I leaned into him and smiled. “Need something?”

  “Yeah. I have to tell you a story.”

  I made a motion for him to go on.

  “Not here.” He put my cake down and took my hand. Pulling me away from the table and towards the bathroom at the back of the room, he gave me a wild smile that made my stomach flutter.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I told you. I have to tell you a story.” He pulled me into the bathroom with him and shut the door. As soon as it was closed, he had me against it, his lips on my neck. “It’s a story about a guy thinking he’d never be able to enjoy the little things in life again.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Like what?”

  “Like spontaneous sex in a bathroom.” He grabbed me by the waist and lifted me. “You know, just simple things like that.”

  I locked my legs around his waist and worked at the buttons on his shirt. “And what happened to him?”

  He cupped my ass in his hands and kissed me. “The same thing that happens to all straight men. He met a woman.”

  I giggled. Devon had been teaching him all about not lumping all men together. “And then what?”

  He pulled back and looked at me. “Take the job. Do anything you want, Lizzy. Just stick around. I know I don’t deserve you, but fuck if I’m not willing to try.”

  My heart lodged in my throat and I cupped his face in my hands. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  He pressed his forehead against mine as he worked his hand under my dress. His fingers found my core at the same time I thought of something.

  I moaned, but regained myself enough to speak. “Except for February. I’m going somewhere with Sammie and Devon in February.”

  Branson muttered, not really paying attention. “Great. Cool.”

  “It’s this all-male review in New Orleans. We went last year, too. It’s during Mardi Gras and it’s so much fun, and the men take their clothes off. It’s so hot.”

  He pulled back and growled. “You’re fucking with me, aren’t you?”

  I grinned. “Sure.”


  I shivered. When his voice went all deep like that, I was helpless against him. “Branson.”

  “You’re definitely fucking with me.” He refocused his efforts and before long I was flying high against that bathroom door, coming apart for him again and again.

  I wasn’t fucking with him, though. That all-male review in New Orleans was something else and there was no way I was missing it.

  Then Branson was giving me his own male review and I thought that missing it wouldn’t be such a bad thing.


  Chapter 1


  Four in the morning. 4:00 a.m. and my alarm was blaring. I swung my arm over to hit it but remembered belatedly that Gerald had replaced it with some torture device that you had to chase around the room like a goddamn maniac to get it to shut up. Instead of cheap plastic, my wrist connected with solid wood side table and I swore. I sat up blindly and kicked the pile of blankets and throw pillows off of my legs.

  “Charlotte! Turn that off!”

  Scowling, I rolled out of bed and shoved my glasses on my face so I could see the little creature flying about my room. In the process of trying to grab it, I tri
pped over a side chair and smacked my leg into a coffee table. When I did catch the alarm clock, I threw it to the ground and kicked it into the wall. It gave a last war cry before making the sound of technology dying.

  “About fucking time.”

  Two minutes past four in the morning and I was already beaten and ready to call it quits on the day. I looked across the room at my adoring husband, John Banks, and scowled. He’d been the morning I was desperate to quit for years.

  A swift knock on the door rang out and Sharon, my makeup artist, poked her head in. “Honey, hurry up.”

  I pulled a robe on, one from the stack that was sent to us by various companies, and hurried into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I didn’t have time to pee. Most mornings, I didn’t pee until around ten. There was no time.

  Shoved into a makeup chair, I was poked, prodded, and transformed from an ugly stepsister to Cinderella herself. Sharon took away my glasses and worked on me with the precision only someone who sold their soul could have at 4:00 in the morning. After she did my face, she set my hair in curlers and sent me to Carlos.

  Carlos, a retired personal trainer to the stars, made me work out in the most grueling of ways and then sent me back to Sharon to touch up the makeup that I’d sweated off. She finished my hair and sent me to Gerald, who was just waking up but had the wherewithal to be able to shove my tired body into something befitting someone much classier than me.

  From Gerald, my stylist-slash-manager, I was sequestered into the recording studio set to the very back of the property. There, I recorded a podcast about God knows what, until Mike, the sound-tech guy, was happy. Right when I was really waking up and realizing what drab garbage I was spouting off, the recording was finished and Mike was kicking me out of the studio.

  By then, it was closer to ten in the morning and I finally got to pee. After that, breakfast was served. One egg white and a piece of turkey bacon, followed by some sort of drink that was supposed to give me energy and keep me alert, but all it ever did was send me rushing back to the bathroom.


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