Black Dog Security- Complete 5-Part Series

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Black Dog Security- Complete 5-Part Series Page 33

by Camilla Blake

  I threw my napkin at him. “Funny. Get one woman to like you and suddenly you’re an expert.”

  Sonnie chose that moment to come out with Lauren and Elizabeth. “I more than like him. Did he not tell you?”

  Cooper wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her down into his lap. “You more than like me, huh?”

  They slipped into some mushy love bullshit and I just turned away. I was more than happy for Cooper and Branson, but seeing all the romance shit was too much. It left me looking at Vince with a scowl on my face. “Want to get out of here and go to that bar with the bartender?”

  “The redhead?”

  I nodded.

  “Can’t. I slept with her and she threatened to slash my tires if I came back.”

  I groaned. “What about the bar over on Twelve?”

  “You slept with the manager.”

  I tried to recall, but couldn’t. “Shit.”


  We both sat there for a few seconds, in our own thoughts. It was Elizabeth who finally broke us out of our heads.

  “You two are assholes.”

  I grinned. “Yeah. Women love assholes, though, it seems.”

  She shook her head. “You’re going to fall for one of these women, one of these days.”

  Sonnie nodded. “If karma has a say in it, she’ll sleep with you and then lose your number.”

  I stood up and brushed crumbs off of my shirt. “Now, that’s just mean. Saying I’ll fall for someone. Shame on you.”

  They laughed me off and refocused on their men. I said goodbye to them and left with Vince to find a bar we hadn’t ruined for ourselves.

  Chapter 3


  “Will there be photographers there tonight?” John flipped down his visor while we were stopped at a red light and checked out his face.

  “Gerald set it up, so I’m assuming so.” I crossed my arms and leaned even farther into the door of the car. I would’ve rather been anywhere else.

  He opened his mouth and pulled his lower lip down before poking at his bottom teeth. “I think I might get veneers. What do you think?”

  The light turned green and cars around us started moving. John was still staring at himself in the mirror.

  “The light, John.”

  A car honked behind us. John looked back and scowled. “Asshole.”

  I bit my tongue.

  He flipped his visor up and sped ahead. In and out of traffic he weaved. We were running late for our reservation, and suddenly it seemed he cared. Like he hadn’t when I came downstairs in an all-white dress and he’d freaked out. We couldn’t both be wearing all white. So, Gerald insisted I change, to keep John quiet and happy.

  “So, what do you think?”

  I frowned. “About what?”

  “Me getting veneers. Jesus, Charlotte. Pay attention.” He narrowly avoided hitting a minivan and swore at them as he sped away. “People in this shithole should really learn to drive.”

  Once again, I kept quiet. It wasn’t worth it with John. I couldn’t get out of dinner with him, no matter what, so keeping him pleasant mattered. John would play the character of my loving husband, and do it well, but when no one was looking, the barbs would be sharper.

  “Charlotte. Veneers?”

  I looked over at him and shook my head. “Your teeth are fine.”

  “Fine? Really? I have great teeth, but they aren’t perfect. I want them to look like a fucking Ken doll’s teeth. Perfection is everything, Charlotte. You’ll realize that one of these days. Especially if you want to go from big in a little town to big in a real town.”

  I had no interest in being big in any town. I didn’t really get a say in the matter, though. I didn’t run my own life. A management firm did. Gerald did. Some days, it felt like John did. I was the last opinion taken into consideration when it came to my career. I barely had a say.

  “What does this place serve? I hope it isn’t another ethnic place. I’ve had enough of weird sweat that smells like spice the next day.”

  I shot him an incredulous look.

  “What? Don’t look at me like that. I’m not racist or anything. I just would like some American food for a change. It’s not racist that I don’t like their food, Charlotte.”

  I shook my head and stared out of my window. The city flew by and the night sky was a cloudy dream, dark blues and deep purples painted with a fluffy hand. We passed a car with a man and woman laughing in the front seat.

  I watched them for the few seconds they were there and sighed. They looked normal and happy. It would be so nice…

  “It’s a good thing I made you change. You looked huge in that white dress. This dress is at least acceptable.”

  “I’m ten pounds underweight, John. I don’t look huge in anything.”

  “You managed to. Maybe ten pounds isn’t enough. I don’t want to look like I have a fat wife.”

  I scowled at him. “Do me a favor and shut up.”

  He pulled into the restaurant parking lot and pasted a smile on his tan face. “Don’t be a bitch. Come on. Smile pretty.”

  I forced a smile and thanked the valet who opened my door for me. Stepping out, I straightened the skirt of my not-white dress and stepped forward, just to be surprised with a bright flash.

  “You look beautiful tonight, Charlotte! When does your next book come out?”

  John stepped into my side and wrapped his arm around my waist. His fingers sat low on my hip bone and his mouth was suddenly on my ear. “Me and my wife are just going to have a low-key dinner. She can brag all about her next book later.”

  “What about you, Mr. Banks? I hear you’ve got a new role coming up in a big hit.” The reporter fed right into John’s wants.

  “Yeah. It’s a great gig. I’m just surprised they wanted me.” He ducked his head and looked every bit the charming man that he pretended to be. “Charlotte’s the real talent between the two of us.”

  “What are you wearing, Charlotte?”

  John eased me forward. “We’re already late, or we’d stay and chat more. You know wives. She took forever deciding on which dress to wear.”

  The men laughed amicably, while I inwardly cringed. I couldn’t stand the bullshit. I just wanted to get inside and eat something besides lettuce. I also wanted John’s hands off of me as soon as possible.

  We got inside and were escorted through the restaurant to a beautifully set table at the back of the room, with a view of the lake behind it. I saw a few people pointing and whispering as we walked by, but that wasn’t abnormal. Gerald and his company had worked hard to turn me into at least a local celebrity. It was everything I’d always thought I wanted, but as I sat and saw someone’s camera flash go off, I couldn’t help but regret ever wanting it.

  A handsome younger guy came over to our table and smiled. “Mr. Banks, Mrs. Banks. Your manager called ahead and ordered for both of you. I’ll get your wine poured for you now and your food will be out shortly.”

  I smiled and nodded, when what I really wanted to do was scream. Part of the reason I put up with going out all the time with John was because I got to order my own food. That meant actually eating. I had an idea of what Gerald had probably ordered for me, and I wasn’t surprised when the food came out and it was a salad with no dressing.

  John looked down at his steak, baked potato, and big slab of cornbread and over at my plate. His laughter was almost gleeful. “Gerald always treats me right.”

  My stomach growled and I had no choice but to stab the lettuce leaves with my fork and shove them into my mouth. At least there was wine. It could’ve been worse.

  “You’re frowning a lot.” John cut his steak, the knife dragging across the plate and making a screech that pierced my brain. “You’re not young anymore, Charlotte. You want even more wrinkles?”

  I drained my wine glass and there was immediately more being poured into it by the friendly waiter. He topped it off and then disappeared again.

, John? Do me a favor.”

  He popped a bite of what looked like perfectly rare steak into his mouth and grinned. “What?”

  I leaned in closer and pasted a big smile on my face. “Fuck off.”

  He choked for a bit on his meat and then cleared his throat. “Well, aren’t you just the picture of a lady? Do you want me to tell Gerald that’s how you’re acting in public?”

  I gritted my teeth before relaxing into my seat and shoving another bite of grass past my lips. “I’m ordering dessert.”

  “Do you really think that’s a good idea?”

  I nodded to the waiter who was walking past. “What do you have for dessert tonight?”

  He rattled off a list of things that all sounded delicious and I ordered two slices of the cheesecake, with whipped cream and chocolate sauce. When he walked away, I felt a real smile stretch my lips. Gerald could suck it. I needed something to eat. I was starving and I worked out enough to eat two whole cheesecakes.

  “I’m so glad I’m going out of town tomorrow.” John shook his head and cut more of his steak, complete with more screeching sounds.

  “Me, too, John. Me, too.”

  The rest of dinner was silent. I got my cheesecake and passed the rest of my dry salad back to the waiter before digging in. I loved sweets. John sat and watched with a judgmental gleam to his eye as I demolished both pieces and nearly licked the sauce off the plate. I could tell that he was fuming underneath the doting-husband act. He just hated when he didn’t get to me.

  When I finished, I was stuffed and felt like sleeping for a month. I had work to do when we got back home, but I wasn’t sure that I wasn’t feeling up for a fight to avoid it. My dress was tighter, but when I looked at myself in the bathroom after everything, I wasn’t sure it didn’t look better.

  I was too thin. I needed more meat on my bones, but if I gained anything, Gerald freaked out. Asshole. I was surrounded by them. And just like always, when I had some food in my system, they were more intolerable. It was like I was being deprived to keep me too weak to fight with them. I was one step away from being given French fries to brainwash me into something.

  John held my hand on the way out of the restaurant and kissed me while he was sure people were watching, while he was sure I couldn’t pull away and slap the shit out of him. He ran his knuckle over my cheek while the valet pulled the car around, and leaned in to whisper. “Your skin is dry. You’re going to look forty in a couple of years.”

  The valet handed John his keys and stepped back while John opened my door for me and helped me into the car. I slid into the leather seat and looked out the windshield, just to see a single sheet of paper on the dash that hadn’t been there before.

  I waited until my door was shut and my seatbelt was on to grab it. I flipped it over and the handwriting was so familiar that my gut instantly dropped. All the cheesecake suddenly felt like a bad idea and I was angry that I had to regret eating it.

  Dearest Charlotte,

  When will I get to run my fingers through your hair? When will everyone be out of the way so I can finally have you to myself? You’re so beautiful. You look so soft. When I’m alone in bed at night, I think about how soft your skin will be when you’re next to me.

  It won’t be too much longer now. I’ll have you one day soon. I’ll feel your hair and soft body against mine. I’ll taste you. I’ll mix with you until we are just one person, honey. I know it’s hard waiting, but it’ll be worth it. See you soon.


  I crumpled the letter in my hand and faced out of my window. John drove away, unaware of the letter. He was saying something, talking about me, but I couldn’t hear what he was saying. My ears were ringing from the panic of knowing that Sam, whoever he was, was near. Or had been near.

  The letter was snatched from my hand and the car swerved. I screamed, the shock too much for my frayed nerves.

  John straightened the car and held the letter up. He saw what it was and cursed. “What the fuck, Charlotte! Where was this?”

  “On the dash.”

  “What the fuck. What the actual fuck! This psycho is getting closer and closer. Call Gerald and tell him, right now.”

  Knowing what it would mean if I did, I didn’t reach for my phone. More threats from Sam meant more security. I could barely breathe in my house as it was. Sam was scary, but more security was suffocating. I couldn’t do it.

  “What are you doing? Call Gerald!” John grabbed my clutch from the console and hit me in the chest with it. “Call!”

  I shook my head. “No.”

  “What is wrong with you?”

  “Nothing. I’m not calling. It’s not a big deal.”

  “Not a big deal? This crazy asshole is going to try to kill me one of these days! I’m not getting hurt for you. No fucking way. You’re not worth it.” He hit me with my clutch again and then snapped it open and poured the contents out on me. “Grab your fucking phone and call him.”

  I grabbed the purse from him and started putting my stuff back in it. “You’re fine. This isn’t a big deal.”

  “My life is a big deal. I’m not dying for you, you little bitch. I’m going to Gerald as soon as we get home.”

  I bit my lip and groaned. I knew I couldn’t stop him. I wasn’t going to stoop to begging him to keep it quiet, when I knew it would be useless. He’d just get a kick out of having made me beg. Instead, I snatched the letter away from him and threw it out of my window as soon as I had it down a couple of inches.

  Chaos erupted from John’s side of the car, but I wasn’t making it easier for them to control even more of my life.

  Chapter 4


  I reported to Charlotte’s house the next morning, expecting everything to be as calm as it’d been the last couple of times I’d been there. What I found, instead, was a grown woman throwing a tantrum and the man I knew as Charlotte’s manager trying to corral her like he was a fucking rodeo clown.

  I normally waited outside, but the front door was slightly open so I let myself in. They were in the kitchen, facing each other over the massive island. The manager was wearing a three-piece suit, like he was one of those old mob guys, and the woman throwing the tantrum was still in a robe with her hair in curlers and these little slippers on her feet that separated her toes, which were painted the brightest pink I’d ever seen.

  The manager, Gerald, saw me, while the woman hadn’t yet. He clammed up faster than imaginable, but his silent signals that they had a guest went unnoticed.

  “I don’t want a security guard. I don’t need one. I don’t want anyone breathing down my neck all day long, watching me.”

  I couldn’t help the smile that made its way to my mouth. “Honey, I have no intention of breathing on you.”

  She spun around and her robe gaped open just enough for me to catch the curve of a breast. Her face turned a pretty shade of pink underneath her makeup. “You’re early.”

  “Charlotte, why don’t you go finish getting ready? You’ve got an interview to be at in an hour.”

  Charlotte looked like she wanted to argue. She looked like she wanted to stomp her pretty little feet and scream at him, maybe even me. Instead, she nodded and hurried off.

  “Mr. Fields. Sorry about that. Charlotte is under a terrible amount of stress and pressure right now. The added threat from the stalker isn’t helping anything. She received another letter last night.”

  I frowned. “Can I see it?”

  Gerald frowned then, his strangely smooth skin barely moving, except for a slight pull at his lips. “It’s not here.”

  I wasn’t the cops. I didn’t investigate shit, but I liked to have an idea of what I was guarding someone from. “Can I see a copy of it, at least?”

  He sighed. “Charlotte accidentally let it fly out of the car window last night. She and John were having dinner and while the car was valeted, the stalker must’ve put the letter inside.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “She accidentally let it fly out t
he window?”

  He nodded once. “I regret it, but nothing can be done now. It was just more of the same stuff. Sam seems to think that they’ll be together soon. With John leaving to go out of town early this morning, I think it’s important that you’re closer to her than you have been lately.”

  “I’ll keep her safe.”

  “We’re going downtown for an interview shortly. Will you ride with us or bring your own vehicle?”

  “It’d be better if I drove.”

  He nodded again. “Of course. I’ll get the keys to the cars for you. Whichever you think is best, we’ll take.”

  I stood there while he disappeared and then came back with a set of keys that looked like more than the average family would own. He pointed me to the garage and I went to pull the car of my choosing around. I found six impressive cars waiting. All foreign, all sexy as hell and just as expensive.

  While I wanted to test out one of the sportsters, I chose a sedan and pulled it around to the front of the house. I parked it and locked the doors before going back inside.

  I hadn’t been inside much, so I took my time walking around, getting familiar with the layout. The house was impressive, but almost like a show model. Everything was perfect, too perfect. It looked like no one lived in it.

  Upstairs, I was making my rounds when a door opened beside me and Charlotte stepped out. Her plump lips turned down when she saw me and she froze where she was. Her hair was down and curling softly around her shoulders and chest. She was in a white dress with a white coat on top, looking every bit like Jackie Kennedy, bar her light-blond hair. Those toenails were covered with pumps that matched the dress. With the high neck of the dress, gone was any trace of the side boob I’d seen earlier.

  It was a shame. Side-boob-and-bar-toes Charlotte was almost sexy, if you didn’t take in her attitude. Jackie Charlotte was boring and looking like she’d be as cold as an iceberg in bed.

  “Just making my rounds.”

  She shook her head. “You don’t have to do that. No one else has ever done that.”


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