Black Dog Security- Complete 5-Part Series

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Black Dog Security- Complete 5-Part Series Page 58

by Camilla Blake

  Barbara came back out to clear the plates and was all smiles again, even when I asked her if I could help her clean up. Even when Jared cut her off to tell me not to be ridiculous, she still kept smiling. After she left, she came back out a few minutes later with a swatch of black material in her arms.

  “We have a few extra bathing suits. I thought maybe you’d want to go swimming. It’s mighty hot out here.”

  I smiled back at her and stood up. “You know what? That sounds nice. Will you escort me to the bathroom, Miss Barbara?”

  Jared looked annoyed, but he pulled out his phone and acted like he was busy when we left. Barbara showed me to a closer bathroom, one that Jared had seemingly forgotten about when he’d taken me to the bathroom upstairs, next to his bedroom. She waited while I changed and then had towels waiting on me when I stepped out.

  I rested my hand on her shoulder. “Would you ever consider quitting and working in a bar?”

  She laughed and patted my hand. “He’s not always so bad. You’re just a pretty thing and Jared never learned how to act around women.”

  I nodded, not really believing that he wasn’t always an asshole. “If you change your mind, just tell the big guy walking around outside. I’d find something for you.”

  Walking away, she winked at me over her shoulder. “Now, that big guy… he’s a tall glass of water on a hot day like today, isn’t he?”

  I laughed. “Tall, hot, and well made.”

  “Oh, if I was fifty years younger.”

  “I’d have to fight you for him. He’s my present to myself right now.” I shrugged. “It’s cheaper than shoe shopping.”

  She cackled. “I’m sure it’s a lot more pleasurable, too.”

  And then she was gone. I stared after her for a few seconds and then shook my head before heading out to the pool. If only I’d had someone like her when I was growing up. Instead, Jared got her and his parents—and he was a waste case.

  I went out to the pool, ignoring Jared, and dove in. I loved the water. It was cool and refreshing against my hot skin. It felt like a caress as I moved through it. Plus, I’d seen Vince before I jumped in. I could tell he was watching me. Even in the modest one-piece that Barbara had handed me, I had a feeling that Vince would still appreciate it. He seemed to find most things about me attractive, for some unknown reason. Except for my singing. Asshole.

  I swam the length of the pool and then broke water at the end where I’d seen Vince. I held on to the side of the pool and looked around for him. Instead of being where he had been, he was at the other end, by Jared, stiff as a board, talking at him.

  I watched for a few seconds and then slowly swam their way. I couldn’t hear what they were saying across the massive pool, but Vince didn’t look happy.

  “You’re out of line. Go back to your job or you won’t work for me.” Jared was puffed up, but there was a tremor in his voice that told how nervous he was to be coming face to face with Vince.

  Vince, who was towering over the state senator, pointed back at me and shook his head. “I’m out of line? You’re out of line. I didn’t bring her here so you could drool all over her and harass her with your creepy fucking stare.”

  “She’s a stripper. She’s used to it. What’s your problem?”

  I hoisted myself out of the pool as fast as I could when I saw Vince pulling his arm back. I grabbed it and put myself between the two men, virtually saving Jared’s pitiful little life. “Hey, Vince, how about we not hit people?”

  “Go ahead. Let him. I’ll sue his ass for every little penny he has. You want to be an enemy of the state? Go ahead, Vince. Hit me.”

  I spun around and put my back against Vince’s heaving front. “First of all, do you want to die? Because one punch from Vince and you’ll be toast, dumbass. Second of all, you’re a state senator. Calm down with the ‘enemy of the state’ shit. You have all the power of a gnat when it comes down to it. Third of all, just because I’m a stripper doesn’t mean I want you looking at me or hinting at some late-night hookup in the dark, you hypocrite. And lastly, treat Barbara with some respect, you speck of shit. Ask her nicely for things and fucking eat a sandwich for dinner, like normal people.”

  I turned back to Vince and put my hand on his chest. “When does your shift end? I’m ready to go home.”

  He looked like he was trying to hold on to his anger, but was fighting a smile. “Home?”

  I coughed. “Your home.”

  “You both can leave right now. Black Dog Security no longer works for me. I don’t need anyone around me who brings their stripper friends around, anyway. I don’t want anyone thinking I hang out with the likes of you.”

  I smiled up at Vince. “Is he still looking at my ass?”

  Vince actually laughed. “I think we’re being asked to leave.”

  “I’ll go get changed and be right back.” I gave him a stern look. “Don’t hit him while I’m gone.”

  He shrugged, but crossed his arms over his chest and took up a post by the door while I ran in to change. I left the bathing suit drying in the sink and pulled my hair up in a messy bun before dressing and hurrying back out to Vince’s side.

  Jared glared at us while we left and it wasn’t until we were in the truck, leaving, that I started to worry.

  “Was that bad?” I chewed on my lip. “I’m so serious about my work and not losing any money and I think I just cost you that job.”

  Vince gave me a confused look. “You didn’t cost us that job. You saved us from a law suit. I was seconds from smashing that asshole’s face in.”

  “Did you guys need that job?”

  “Not at all. We’re overbooked right now as it is. Lauren won’t be happy with me, because it’s the first government client we’ve had, but I don’t think we want our name attached to that dickhead, anyway.”

  I blew out a breath. “Thank God. I was worried.”

  Chapter 17


  I looked over at Carolina and waited for her to ask me why I’d snapped at the asshole state senator. I tried to think of a better reason than the one I’d originally had, but I couldn’t sugarcoat it. I’d seen him ogling her all fucking day. All fucking day, while I’d been working, he was looking down her shirt and staring at her fucking tits. He’d taken her upstairs, away from me; he’d tried to get in the pool with her. I’d seen the creepy look on his face as he watched her move through the water and I just lost it.

  “What?” She smiled at me and stretched. The windows were down and she hung her head out of the window. If we hadn’t been going slowly down a small private road, I would’ve made her bring her pretty little head back in before it got smashed.


  She sat up and twisted in the seat so her legs were across the bench seat and resting on my leg. “You were hot back there. All big and bad, about to kick some ass for me. What’d he say that made you so mad? I heard the bit about me being a stripper, but I’m guessing there was something else?”

  I blew out a breath and tried to relax. I needed to hit something or to fuck the hell out of Carolina. “He didn’t say anything.”

  She made a face. “What do you mean?”

  I held her gaze and raised my eyebrows. “He didn’t say anything. Nothing at all. He was just… watching you. He was trying to get in the pool with you—and I snapped.”

  She laughed suddenly and ran the tip of her toe towards my dick. “You wanna get back at him for real?”

  I was expecting some shock or at least a little horror at my behavior, but she just went with it. “What do you have in mind?”

  She unbuckled her seatbelt and moved across the seat until she was pressed against me. “I’m thinking it’s been about eight hours since you were inside of me. You’re not being a very good present, Vince.”

  I jerked the truck over the side of the road and put it in park. Before she could say anything else, I was in the middle of the bench seat with her on my lap. Faster than I should ever admit, I had h
er leggings yanked down and my dick out of my unzipped pants, impaling her.

  We were on Ghering’s private driveway, pulled over, but anyone could see us. If Ghering looked out of his front windows, he’d see us. What should’ve been enough to make me stop and move the truck somewhere private just spurred me on. While she rode me hard, I pulled that shirt down low enough that I could see her breasts and suck them into my mouth.

  We both came hard and fast, her with another of her screams that I knew Ghering would hear. It made me want to turn her over and fuck her again. Instead, I held her against me. Our sweaty bodies slid against each other and I grinned at her when she lifted her head to look at me.

  “You never disappoint, Vince.” She wagged her eyebrows and grinned back at me. “I think we probably gave Jared quite the show.”

  “Don’t say his name while I’m in you.” I tried to take the snarl out of my voice, but I was still in that crazy place that I’d been in before.

  She wrapped her arms around my neck and planted a kiss on my lips. “Of course not. What was I thinking?”

  I fought a laugh and slapped her ass. “I should’ve taken you somewhere more private. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I liked it.” Her body pulsed around me to let me know she was serious. “I guess I do have a slightly voyeuristic streak.”

  “No, seriously. Marry me.”

  She laughed, thankfully, and patted my shoulder. “All right, big guy. Let’s go wherever we’re going next.”

  She lifted herself off of me and I felt something wet land on me. Looking down, I felt my whole body go cold when I saw what it was. She must’ve realized at the same time that I did. We hadn’t used protection. I’d come inside of her like some kind of fucking dumb kid.

  Carolina went quiet. She just pulled up her pants and hurried into her seat, where she buckled herself in and stared straight ahead.

  I scooted back into my seat and buckled up before putting the truck in drive and continuing down the road. My mind was racing. I didn’t know what I should say or do. I was shocked that I’d done something so stupid. Everything I’d been doing was stupid.

  I could feel the mistake we’d just made deep into my bones. Some sick part of me, the part that had become some possessive monster when it came to Carolina, was still hard about coming inside of her. I’d claimed her in every way. The rational part of me, the part of me who had siblings who couldn’t stop putting out kids, realized that I had potent-ass sperm and I’d never been so stupid before. I knew that my family had strong swimmers and I’d made sure to always be careful about that shit. I didn’t want a kid. I didn’t want a family. I didn’t even think I’d want Carolina after another week or two.

  I pulled up to a red light in town and gripped the wheel. I wanted to throw up. I was panicking big time.

  I heard Carolina’s sharp intake of breath and glanced over in time to see Frank Porter sitting at the light next to us, aiming a gun at Carolina’s head. I slammed on the gas just as he shot. Her window shattered and the headrest behind her head jumped as the bullet slammed into it.

  Racing through the intersection, I swerved around traffic and stomped on the gas. “Are you okay?”

  “What the fuck do you think? Where were you? I was practically shouting your name for you to go and you just sat there!” She sounded hysterical.

  I cut around a slow-moving van and glanced back to see that Porter was chasing us. I swore and slammed on the brakes to take a fast right turn. Carolina slid across the seat and ended up with her head in my lap. “Get your seatbelt on!”

  She shoved herself on the floor and growled at me. “Fuck you. I’m not getting shot at again because you’re off somewhere panicking about how you might’ve knocked up a stripper.”

  I glared down at her. “Is this really the time?”

  “I don’t know, Vince. Is it? Is it really the time to fade away while you’re supposed to be protecting me?”

  “I thought you didn’t want my protection.” I nearly slammed into the back of a car that cut in front of me and had to swerve into oncoming traffic to avoid it. Still, Porter kept up.

  “I didn’t realize that not protecting me meant that you let Frank put a bullet in my head!” She smacked my leg and then cursed when I took another turn going fast and she face-planted into the seat. “Fucking hell, Vince!”

  I got on a less congested road and stepped on the gas. Flying through the city, I slammed on the brakes and took another turn before straightening out and speeding up again. I was going to lose Porter. I wasn’t worried about it anymore. He wasn’t great at chase, apparently.

  What I was worried about was Carolina killing me. I’d fucked up. I took another turn and heard the back of her head hit the dashboard. She sounded like a pissed-off cat down there and I almost laughed.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you? Why do you look happy? Frank almost just put a bullet in my head!”

  I took another turn and she went back into the seat. “Want to get up here and put your seatbelt on?”

  “Want to fuck off?”

  “Fine.” I took another turn and she hit the dash again.

  She screamed and then I heard the worst sound ever. That sniffle again. Only this time, it was accompanied by the sound of her crying.

  “Fuck. Carolina, I’m sorry. Don’t cry.” Jesus, she was really crying. I glanced down at her and winced when I saw how pale and splotchy she looked. Huge tears were leaking from the corners of her eyes and she looked miserable. “Shit. Hold on. We’ll be home soon.”

  “I don’t want to go back to your house, you asshole.” She slowly climbed back into her seat and yanked on her seatbelt. “I want to go back to the shelter.”

  My stomach dropped and I shook my head. “I can’t do that.”

  She crumbled forward, holding her face in her hands. She said something, but it was so muffled that I couldn’t understand it.

  I drove home as fast as I could, while still making circles and making sure Porter wasn’t following us. My chest felt tight and I had a headache forming at the back of my head. As soon as I parked in the garage, I closed the door and went around to get Carolina out.

  She fought against me and stormed into the house by herself. She even tried to slam the door in my face. I followed her to my bedroom and blocked her from slamming that door on me too. In the bathroom, she stripped down and got in the shower.

  “Carolina. I’m sorry.”

  She turned her face up to the water, but I could tell she was still crying.

  I jerked my clothes off and climbed in with her. “I’m sorry. I fucked up. I should’ve been paying attention, but I was panicking. You were right. Not because I don’t want to knock up a stripper. Because I don’t want a family. I don’t want kids.”

  She stayed away from me, still. “You were mean. And you almost got me killed.”

  I scrubbed my hands down my face. “I fucked up. Big time. I’m sorry, Carolina. I know I messed up. Can we just forget it?”

  She turned her back to me. “No. We can’t. I also can’t forget how much you looked like you were having fun. We were running for our lives and you were enjoying yourself.”

  I took a step back. “I wasn’t—”

  “I saw your face, Vince. I know you were. You loved it.”

  I grabbed a towel and got out of the shower. “What do you want me to say? I like shit like that, okay? I like the adrenaline and the rush.”

  She turned back to me and frowned. “Kind of like fucking a stripper, huh?”

  “Yes. I mean, no. Not like that.”

  “Get out, Vince.” She shook her head and swiped at her eyes. “Leave me alone.”

  I swore. I’d somehow managed to fuck everything up. I wasn’t even sure what had happened. What was so bad about me liking adrenaline rushes? What was bad about the fact that fucking her gave me a high?

  Shit. I didn’t want to leave her, but I wasn’t going to crowd her if she didn’t want me around. I went out to the
bedroom and sat on my bed while I listened to her in the shower. There was no singing and, I imagined, no dancing.

  Something about that was a punch to the gut. I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. My headache was getting worse.

  My cell phone rang and I almost ignored it, figuring it was Lauren calling to rip me a new one about Ghering. Just in case it was something else, I answered, though.

  “You have to get to the office right now, Vince.” It was Lauren, but she wasn’t angry. She was panicking.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Jade… She’s dead.”

  I stood up and started rushing around to find clothes. “What? What the fuck happened?”

  “I don’t know. Mercer had just left. You know how this is going to look, Vince. Hurry.”

  I hung up and yanked on a shirt and pants. Fuck. They were going to think he’d done it. But there should’ve been someone on duty. Someone should’ve been there to protect her.

  Like I should’ve been paying better attention to protecting Carolina.

  I rushed into the bathroom and found Carolina just getting out. There was a towel wrapped around her head and her eyes were bright red from crying. It was like a punch to the gut, but I couldn’t deal with it right then.

  I scooped her into my arms and carried her out to the bed.

  She screamed at me. “I told you I needed space! I’m not just going to fuck you so you can get your high!”

  I yanked the handcuffs out of the bedside drawer and figured I’d have to explain those to her later. Snapping one around her wrist and one to the headboard, I made sure it was secure and backed away.

  She was breathing heavily, her towel open. Her body on display, I wanted to look, but I couldn’t. I had to go.

  “I’m sorry. I’ll explain when I get back. Something happened at the office and I have to be there. I’ll be back as soon as I can. I just want to make sure you’re here and safe while I’m gone. I’m sorry!”

  I could hear her screams all the way out to my truck. She was furious.

  Chapter 18


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