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Through The Fire and Flame (The Kurtherian Endgame Book 3)

Page 20

by Michael Anderle

  She rolled her eyes as she reached for the door. All sorts of helpful shit like that had been occurring to her recently.

  Usually at 4am, right after her traitor brain got done showing her all the ways it had invented for Pete to die that day in crystal-clear detail.

  The puking usually started right around the time the tears stopped.

  Whoever said pregnancy was easy was fucking lying, although Bethany Anne had seemingly sailed through it.

  She definitely hadn’t told Tabitha that the glow came from all the blood rushing to your head during the endless time spent praying to the gods of waste disposal.

  Still, her nanos usually cleared it up by noon—one of the benefits of being one of the most enhanced humans ever to walk the path between the stars. Tabitha wrinkled her nose. That poetic shit kept occurring to her. Like, everything was too cute. Pregnancy was turning her brain to mush.

  She hoped it was the baby’s influence because if she started coming out with flowery crap like that when she was in a fight, she wouldn’t have to try too hard. Her opponents would all die laughing.

  Addix raised her head when Tabitha entered the Vid-doc room. Her initial alert melted slightly when she saw it was Tabitha, and her mandibles twitched a welcome.

  Tabitha raised a hand. “Reporting for teacher duty, Addix.”

  Addix visibly relaxed. “Blessed are those who bring sleep to the weary.” She high-fived Tabitha’s still-outstretched hand on her way to the door. “The children tell me this is called, ‘Tag, you’re it.’”

  Tabitha snickered. “Sure thing. Eight solid hours, and then you relive me as soon as you’ve eaten. I have an…appointment.”

  Addix’s mandibles sort of rippled.

  Tabitha’s frown returned. “Who am I kidding. Does everyone know?”

  Addix shrugged. “You know, secrets around here never stay secret for long.”

  Tabitha grunted and walked over to get into her Vid-doc. “Yeah, well, I’m about done with gossiping.” She lay back and waited for the doc to connect to her onboard technology. “Eight hours.”

  When Tabitha opened her eyes, she was still in the Vid-doc room. “Did it fail?”

  She pushed open the Vid-doc lid and looked around for Addix. The Ixtali being absent was enough to set red lights off on Tabitha’s suspicionometer. “Ooh, I'm in the game. Nice work!” She hopped down, noticing that the nausea that had been the ever-present companion to every movement she'd made so far that day was also absent. “Addix, is my baby okay?”

  Addix’s calm voice came from the speakers that were usually reserved for CEREBRO. “I assure you that the child is indeed being taken care of. CEREBRO has isolated the fetus and is feeding in a mixture of nutrients and the neurochemical cocktail you produce when you are content—one of Eve’s upgrades. Any more questions before I hand you over to Phyrro?”

  Tabitha had a hundred. “If Eve can do this to prevent the stress imprinting on my baby, does that mean that the children are able to bring skills from the game into the real world?”

  Addix’s reply was considered. “Maybe. You should be on the lookout for any new abilities either child exhibits. Alexis and Gabriel are in the rejuvenation cycle of the game construct, awaiting their tutor and the scenario.”

  Tabitha waved a hand in a circle. “That’s why the replica of the base. You have already considered it.”

  Addix answered a little faster this time. “If only I were that wise. This has been Michel’s goal all along. In his wisdom, he tasked Eve and me to be his and Bethany Anne’s guiding hands in their absence.”

  Tabitha sat down heavily in the nearest chair. “Shit. Like, what the fuck am I doing? I can’t think like that. How do I plan for a future when I don't even have a clue what’s happening to Peter right now?”

  “Why would you try to make such large decisions before Bethany Anne returns your mate to you? Have faith in our Queen,” Addix counseled. “Concentrate on your immediate goal.”

  Tabitha frowned. “It's my ability to parent that's in question here, not my faith in Bethany Anne.”

  Addix sounded stern. “You are making that face a lot recently. If you need someone to talk to, I am here for you—after I have rested. Phyrro will assist with anything you need until then. If at any time you want to exit the game before I return, you can use this room as a door.”

  Tabitha threw up an impatient hand. “Yeah, yeah. Send in Alexis and Gabriel. Let’s find out what the little cherubs are really capable of.”

  Devon, QBBS Guardian

  Tim Kinley made his way down the ramp of the QBS Second Chance with Rickie and Joel trailing him.

  Rickie was playing the goof as usual.

  Tim put a stop to his best friend’s play with a quick jab to his stomach. “Quit dicking around. We’re here to do a job that’s gonna be a hundred times harder if we act like clowns.”

  Rickie rubbed the sore spot where Eric had shot him some hundred-odd years ago. “Why do you always have to hit me there?”

  Tim shrugged. “To remind you what happens to stupid people when you’re being stupid, so it’s kinda down to you how often it happens.”

  Rickie gave Tim the finger. “Bite me, Commander.”

  Joel winked at Tim and stuck a foot out as he walked.

  Rickie stumbled over Joel’s foot, falling straight into another jab to the gut from Tim. “You’re a pair of bastards.” He doubled over, a feint to cover the leg sweep he brought Joel down with. “Good thing I’m a bastard too, or I’d be fucked with friends like you two.”

  Tim snickered.

  Rickie inclined his head and stood back to let Joel up. He pointed at Tim, then Joel. “Him, I’ll take shit from to the end of my days. You?” He shook his head, “Not so much.”

  Joel rolled his eyes and pushed past. “Please tell me you’re not still sore about Georgia Aisha?”

  Rickie grinned as he and Tim followed Joel out of the hangar. “Dude, I’m sore that we’re here to babysit a bunch of kids on Devon. It’s got nothing to do with you persuading that fine woman into bed. Who’s gonna turn down those baby blues for this old battle-dog?” He slapped his broad chest a couple of times. “Me, I need a woman who can handle all of this, or I’d rather be alone. I’m not changin’ just to get my dick wet.”

  Tim shook his head in sympathy. “You’re setting the bar too…um…high, I guess? Where are you going to find a foul-mouthed party animal who can’t even take her impending death seriously?”

  “Don’t forget she has to find him at least marginally attractive,” Joel chipped in.

  Tim looked at Rickie and pointed at Joel. “He’s got a point.”

  Rickie shrugged. “If she’s out there somewhere, I’ll find her. Until then, it’s the solo life for me.”

  They followed directions the station EI gave them to the elevator that would take them to the command center.

  Tim tuned out Rickie and Joel, concentrating on taking mental notes of every place and person they passed. He’d been upgraded before leaving High Tortuga, and his onboard technology was impressive, to say the least. It was up to him to use it to keep the Interdiction just the way his Queen commanded it to be.

  Management was kind of his thing, thanks to BMW’s shocking lack of the skills needed to run a bar. Rickie had often written Tim that he should charge for managing the sacred creators’ lives as well. Tim had shrugged the joke off, knowing that he was lucky that Bethany Anne was more patient than most assumed.

  She hadn’t pushed him to reach this potential. He’d been left to reach it in his own time, and now he was ready to live.

  The doors opened and the lights came on automatically as the three men exited the elevator and walked onto the sleeping brain of the station.

  Joel let out a low whistle. “Can you believe we made it to this?” He swept a hand to indicate the banks of screens coming to life around the room as the station’s systems were routed one by one to the command center

  Tim huffed and walked o
ver to the main console. “Yeah, I can. I can believe it because we decided to quit living like bums and put some effort into achieving something for once in our damn lives.”

  Rickie ran a hand over the plush fabric on his chair before taking a seat. “And now we have a station to run.”

  Tim scanned the available systems using the one-handed keypad in the arm of his chair. “Not just the station. We’re responsible for all of Devon and High Tortuga’s defenses this side of the Interdiction.”

  Rickie’s easy grin faded, his face going slack. “Shiiiit. By ourselves?”

  Joel groaned.

  Tim looked up from his inspection of the satellite network. “Did you even read the assignment brief?” He sighed and rubbed a resigned hand over his head when Rickie just shrugged.

  This was going to be a fucking riot.

  Immersive Recreation and Training Scenario: High Tortuga, Space Fleet Base

  “Aunt Tabbie?” Alexis was clearly taken aback by the appearance of Tabitha outside the Vid-doc.

  Tabitha grinned and winked at Alexis. “The one and only. According to Addix, you two never sleep.”

  Alexis shrugged. “We do too sleep.”

  Gabriel looked around with a similar frown. “The scenario is just the base?”

  Alexis had a sly smile working its way across her lips. “Aunt Addix promised us some fun, and she delivered.” She held her hand palm up and screwed her little nose up in concentration. Her focus soon turned to frustration. She scowled at Tabitha. “Why can’t I make energy balls? I can make magic, which is not real. This is a real-world scenario and I have nanocytes, so where’s my energy ball?”

  She waved an imperious hand, and for a split second, Tabitha was glad that Alexis had not developed control of the Etheric before she had learned to master the hair-trigger temper she’d inherited from Bethany Anne.

  Tabitha tilted her head. “But you don't have the ability—yet.”

  Alexis stamped her foot. “It's not fair!”

  Tabitha raised an eyebrow but couldn’t keep her face straight for long. She dissolved into helpless laughter, clutching a hand to her chest. “You are too much like your mom.”

  Alexis rolled her eyes and huffed. “If I was just like my mom. I would have an energy ball in my hand right now.”

  Tabitha considered Alexis carefully as her laughter subsided. The keen intelligence behind her niece's young eyes couldn't be easy to deal with. “Why are you so concerned with making energy balls?”

  Alexis narrowed her eyes, showing Tabitha a tiny hint of what was to come. “Because. Mommy and Daddy are always away keeping everyone safe from the bad guys. If we can fight, then they have to take us with them, because Mommy won't have a leg to stand on. Daddy keeps saying so, just not while Mommy's there.”

  Gabriel nodded his agreement. “Yeah, Aunt Addix was supposed to teach us about energy. I thought it was a lame idea until Alexis told me we could blow stuff up like the adults.”

  Tabitha would have found the whole exchange amusing if not for the fierce delivery. Her lips pressed together as she knelt and gathered one of the twins under each arm.

  Gabriel squirmed. “Ew, Aunt Tabitha!”

  Tabitha kissed each of them on the forehead and let go. “We’re still going to explore energy.”

  Gabriel had the expression of a boy who'd just had his dessert replaced by a steaming pile of broccoli. “Fiiine. But I'm not taking any surprise quizzes at the end.” He pointed at Alexis, “We could take an extra math class if you just want to get answers right.”

  Alexis couldn't help the grin that escaped. Or the way her eyes lit up. “I didn't know that was an option.”

  Gabriel shrugged. “It is—on your own time. I don't need to know how something works to use it.”

  “Um, you kinda do when it comes to messing with the Etheric,” Tabitha corrected gently. “Your Mom and Dad might be persuaded to take you with them when you're older, but not if your powers are out of control.”

  Alexis strode ahead as they left the Vid-doc room. “That's why I'm trying it out in the game first. No real danger.”

  Tabitha winked. “And the base maintenance crew will appreciate that we did. This is probably going to get messy.”

  Tabitha led Alexis and Gabriel through the virtual base.

  Their footsteps echoed on the polished floors. Alexis moved closer to Tabitha, who noted Gabriel doing the same on her other side. “Are you two…guarding me?”

  The twins gave her matching exasperated glances.

  “You’re not exactly being careful,” Alexis pointed out.

  “You never know if Aunt Eve left one of her surprises,” Gabriel added as they crossed the open courtyard that wrapped the inner sanctum and separated Bethany Anne’s family home from the rest of the prime building.

  Tabitha took a right to head for the delivery entrance. She could almost feel Alexis’ curiosity. “Can either of you tell me anything about the Etheric?”

  Gabriel snorted and waved at Alexis.

  Alexis drew herself up and took a deep breath. “The Etheric is a source of energy and a physical place that some of us can go. Gabriel and I went there one time.” She lifted a hand to block out the artificial light, which had been set at the wrong end of the spectrum.

  “Here is good,” Tabitha announced a long couple of minutes later.

  Alexis sniffed. “Where exactly is ‘here?’”

  Gabriel came to stand by his sister and looked around with growing puzzlement. He indicated a door in the wall. “That door isn’t there outside the game.”


  QT2 System, Construction Zone Boundary, ArchAngel II

  “Proximity alert.”

  Bethany Anne looked up from her work at the sound of ArchAngel’s voice. “What now?”

  ArchAngel’s avatar looked at Bethany Anne, her face mirroring Bethany Anne’s confusion. “I do not know. The signature, or lack of one, is that of the Shinigami, but Shinigami is with Barnabas.”

  Bethany Anne raised an eyebrow. “Broadcast to the ship.” She waited for a beat for ArchAngel to make the connection. “Eve, if that’s you, I suggest you announce yourself before I start shooting.”

  Eve's face appeared on Bethany Anne’s tablet. “You can shoot if you like, but then your new ship will get all scratched.”

  Bethany Anne grinned, dropped the tablet, and got to her feet. “Guide them into hangar one, ArchAngel.”

  She opened her link to her husband as she made her way to the hangar. Michael. Our ride is here.

  It’s about time, he returned.

  Meet me at my hangar, Eve and Akio are bringing my new ship in as we speak.

  Michael was waiting for her when she arrived.

  They walked hand in hand into the hangar as the doors were closing on…


  “Some ship,” Michael remarked dryly.

  Bethany Anne said nothing. She waited for a moment, and the empty space shimmered and resolved into a class II Shinigami ship.

  She turned to Michael with a knowing smile. “She really is, isn’t she?”

  Michael approached the ship and read the name aloud. “Izanami. Whose choice was that?”

  “That would have been mine,” Akio intoned from the ship’s external speaker as the ramp descended. He appeared at the top of the ramp a moment later. “We can debate that later. We have people to save.”

  Bethany Anne walked past Akio and into the ship to locate Eve.

  “Just you and Michael?” Eve asked when they arrived on the bridge.

  Bethany Anne shrugged. “We four are enough. Well, six, including ADAM and TOM.”

  “Seven,” the raspy voice of Izanami interjected. An avatar that looked like a mix of Baba Yaga and Eve appeared on the screen, her white hair blowing in an imagined breeze, her smooth, passionless face completely flawless. She bowed deeply to Bethany Anne. “Welcome aboard, my Queen.” She turned to Michael and inclined her head again. “Welcome to you too, my liege.”

  Bethany Anne took one of the six couches and returned the AI’s nod. “Good to have you with us, Izanami. Now, how about we go get our people back?”

  “Are you certain about going it alone?” Michael asked as Izanami took them out into space.

  Bethany Anne’s face was set in hard lines. “The fleet is on standby, waiting for my call once we complete the extraction. We are not alone, Michael. We have the location of the Ooken splinter world, thanks to ADAM’s little friend.”

  Akio looked over in confusion. “ADAM made a friend of an Ooken?”

  “You could say that,” ADAM answered from the speaker. “I slaved one of the EIs piloting their drones and got everything we needed.”

  “Access codes?” Eve asked.

  “Of course,” ADAM replied. “Not that we will need them. We can pretty much walk in and take over. Their systems are much less advanced than ours.”

  Bethany Anne raised a finger. “Which is how we get the upper hand in this rescue. The trick will be getting in and out with our people without alerting the rest of the colony. Once we reach the planet, we’re at an immediate disadvantage since we know the Ooken operate on a sort of hive mind.”

  “We know that how?” Akio queried.

  “Causing one pain brought a reaction from the others we had captive,” Michael offered. He made a face of appreciation when none of those gathered objected.

  Akio nodded his understanding.

  “However,” Michael continued, “my concern is what happens to us if the ship is damaged and we are cloaked. The only way anyone can find us is if they bump into us by mistake.”

  Bethany Anne rolled her eyes. “Nobody will find the ship to take a shot; don’t worry about it.” She waved her finger in a circle. “Izanami.”

  “Yes, my Queen?” the AI replied.

  “Open the Gate and take us to the splinter world.”

  Admiral Thomas watched them leave from the ArchAngel II. A frown creased his features when the Izanami vanished from both sight and scanners.


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