The Perfect Score

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The Perfect Score Page 1

by Rob Buyea


  Because of Mr. Terupt

  Mr. Terupt Falls Again

  Saving Mr. Terupt

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Text copyright © 2017 by Rob Buyea

  Cover art copyright © 2017 by Will Staehle

  All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Delacorte Press, an imprint of Random House Children’s Books, a division of Penguin Random House LLC, New York.

  Delacorte Press is a registered trademark and the colophon is a trademark of Penguin Random House LLC.

  “The Guy in the Glass” by Dale Wimbrow. Copyright © 1934 by Dale Wimbrow.

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  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available upon request.

  ISBN 9781101938256 (hc)

  ISBN 9781101938270 (glb)

  Ebook ISBN 9781101938263

  Random House Children’s Books supports the First Amendment and celebrates the right to read.





  Also by Rob Buyea

  Title Page



  Part 1: The Players



  Natalie Kurtsman



  Part 2: A Letter Arrives and School Begins



  Natalie Kurtsman



  Natalie Kurtsman



  Part 3: A Second Day for the Record Books


  Natalie Kurtsman



  Natalie Kurtsman



  Part 4: Getting Down to Business




  Natalie Kurtsman


  Natalie Kurtsman


  Part 5: A Group Is Formed, but Not a Team




  Natalie Kurtsman



  Natalie Kurtsman


  Natalie Kurtsman


  Natalie Kurtsman

  Part 6: Tough Love



  Natalie Kurtsman



  Part 7: A Grand Idea




  Natalie Kurtsman




  Part 8: A Grand Reopening

  Natalie Kurtsman





  Natalie Kurtsman





  Part 9: The Holidays




  Natalie Kurtsman



  Part 10: After Break



  Natalie Kurtsman



  Natalie Kurtsman



  Part 11: A Game-Changing Plan

  Natalie Kurtsman




  Natalie Kurtsman




  Natalie Kurtsman


  Part 12: The CSAs





  Natalie Kurtsman




  Natalie Kurtsman

  Part 13: After the CSAs





  Natalie Kurtsman






  Natalie Kurtsman


  Part 14: Our Results

  Natalie Kurtsman




  Natalie Kurtsman





  Part 15: Consequences




  Natalie Kurtsman




  Part 16: In the End

  Natalie Kurtsman





  Natalie Kurtsman



  About the Author

  For Mom and Dad

  Things need to get ugly before they can get better. It’s that simple. It’s a fact of life. Think of a good bruise you got from a football game. That bruise is a nice black-and-blue to start. Then it turns into a nasty green-and-yellow mix before finally getting better. Think of a leaky pipe in your ceiling. My old man would tell ya you’ve gotta cut a big, gaping hole up there in order to fix it. It’s gonna be ugly before he can make it any better. And think of babies. A lot of people think babies are adorable, but I happen to disagree. When my little sister, Meggie, came home from the hospital, I took one look at her and said, “Wow, she’s ugly.” She was all round and pudgy like a snowman, with a floppy and misshapen head.

  “Niño! Don’t say that!” Mom scolded.

  “Well, she is,” I mumbled. Her dented head reminded me of someone who had just taken his football helmet off.

  The good news is, after a while things straighten out and we don’t look so bad—usually. That’s not the case for everyone, though. There were definitely a few kids in school that hadn’t happened for yet—and might never—like Trevor and Mark and definitely like Scott Mason. That boy was a mess. He mighta been one of the smartest kids in the whole darn school, but that didn’t keep him from showing up every day with his shoes untied, his backpack half zipped, and scarecrow hair. He woulda looked better behind a face mask. Meggie, on the other hand, wasn’t all that ugly anymore, but I didn’t dare tell her that. Good looks aside, my little sister was still a royal pain in the you-know-what. Dad liked to say she was fortunate to have his good looks, but I think he meant Mom’s.

  My old man said lots of things, and I made sure most of them went in one ear and out the other. He didn’t know what he was talking about half the time, but that truth about things needing to get ugly before getting better…I got that from him.

  Except that bruise and leaky pipe and baby stuff is simple compared to the kind of ugly that went down this year.

  I’ve been doing gymnastics since I was five. I’ve got a natural talent and body for it, but to be great, it takes more than that. It takes lots of hard work and commitment. So when I turned seven, Jane had me join the traveling team and I began practicing five days a week and it was fun.

  By the time sixth grade rolled around, I was practicing six days a week. My sessions went for three hours—sometimes longer. Every so often I missed a Friday
in school, because that’s when Jane and I were putting on the miles to get to the next meet, but it was worth it. Jane was always reminding me that if I managed to win at some big competitions and kept getting all As, then I’d get a college scholarship.

  This year Jane had me scheduled for a few smaller warm-up meets in preparation for my big run at the end of the season—first the state championships and then Regionals. The top gymnasts in the state qualify for Regionals. I made it last year but didn’t do much at the meet. This year Jane’s plan had me winning States and making noise at Regionals. I was already picking at my calluses. Jane kept telling me if I placed high at Regionals, then I’d put my name on the map. She said that needed to happen so college coaches would start paying attention to my results.

  Of course, I also needed to make sure I kept doing what I was supposed to in school. Jane said school and grades came first, but she didn’t seem to get nearly as worked up over my tests as she did my gymnastics. School was more like the thing I did in between my practices. That’s just the way it was.

  I used to love gymnastics.



  Kurtsman Law Offices

  BRIEF #1


  I know the difference between right and wrong—always have. It amazes me how people can actually goof that up. I mean, it’s not terribly complicated. When in doubt, stop and deliberate with your conscience. I do it all the time.

  Natalie, should you do this?

  I know that if I have to ask myself this question, chances are I shouldn’t do it, because something is wrong. So you see, it’s really very simple. That’s why I plan to follow in my parents’ footsteps and be a lawyer when I grow up. (This is also why I document everything.) I know the rules and I follow them. I like rules. It’s also true that lawyers are generously compensated for their services, and naturally I want a job where I’ll make money—I won’t deny that—but not because I’m greedy and want to be rich and famous; that would be wrong. Rather, I hope to do something brave and important. What? I don’t know yet. Ambitious, certainly.

  Now, two things happen when one’s always doing what one is supposed to in school. Being well-behaved and following the rules makes one perfect in the eyes of adults but repulsive in the eyes of one’s peers. As a result, one develops the reputation of being a know-it-all. And you might assume that since I’m a know-it-all, I must also be the teacher’s pet.

  Objection! That’s speculation.

  However, in this case, you’d be correct. I am the teacher’s pet—every year. I could let that upset me—kids saying those things about me—but that would be foolish. So what if I don’t have any friends; I don’t need them. My conscience keeps me company, and our conversations are far more important for my lawyer training than the meaningless gossip that would transpire with any immature kid my age. So what if everyone wants to call me a know-it-all? They can tell me how sorry they are when they come knocking, begging me to be their lawyer because they’ve done something wrong. Lucky for them, if that happens, I’ll do what’s right.

  But, Natalie, not everything in life is so black-and-white.

  Yes, I’ve heard that before. When it comes to right versus wrong, I don’t believe it.


  I should’ve listened more to my conscience. Things got blurry this year. It wasn’t so easy to see clearly.

  I might be messy, but I like to help, and I always mean well. It says that right on my old report cards.

  Scott is a nice boy. He likes to help out, and he always means well.

  They also say I need to work on self-control, because sometimes I say and do things without thinking. And I need to work on completing my assignments, especially in writing, because I hate to write. I love math and reading—but I hate to write! I also need to improve my organization. (Mom swears I’d lose my head if it weren’t attached.) But my report cards have said those things ever since kindergarten.

  Something else I’m good at is coming up with ideas, but things don’t always turn out the way I hope or plan—even though I try hard. That’s been noted on my report cards, too.

  Scott has no shortage of ideas,

  but things don’t always turn out as he envisions.

  Those are the exact words Mrs. Hollerbeck wrote back in first grade after I caught a snake at recess and brought it inside so we could have a class pet. Lightning—that’s what I named him—snuck out of my pocket, and I didn’t know it until he slithered across Mrs. Hollerbeck’s foot. Boy, did she holler then. I scrambled after my snake, but Lightning didn’t want to cooperate. I chased him this way and that way, zigzagging around desks. It took my fastest hustling, but I finally got him cornered and grabbed him.

  By then a bunch of kids were standing on their chairs, screaming and yelling. Trevor and Mark, too, only they were hooting with laughter. And Hollerbeck was still hollering.

  I didn’t have to go see Principal Allen that time because there was so much noise coming from our classroom that he came and found me. We walked outside and released Lightning back into the wild before going to his office.


  None of this changed in sixth grade. It only got worse. Way worse. I really made a mess of things this year.

  I couldn’t wait for school to start—and I didn’t like school. But I liked summer even less. I’d had enough of summer.

  It was our last summer weekend before the start of school, and me and Randi were hanging out in my yard, throwing the football back and forth.

  Randi’d been my best friend since we were little. No, we weren’t boyfriend-girlfriend, even though my snot-nosed sister liked to say that. We happened to live near each other, out in the hills, where there weren’t any other kids around, so we’d been playing together our whole lives. We mostly hung out at my place, ’cause I was always busy watching Meggie. Maybe some people found it weird that a boy and girl could be best friends, but we didn’t. Randi’s name wasn’t very girly, and neither was she. She had a short haircut and was often mistaken for a boy ’cause of it, but that didn’t bother her. No kids made fun of her, ’cause she was tough and she was nasty at football. She was even nastier at gymnastics.

  Anyway, we were looking forward to sixth grade. It would be our first year at Lake View Middle School, and we’d both been assigned to Mr. Mitchell’s class.

  “Do you really think he’ll be as awesome as everybody says?” Randi asked, passing me the pigskin.

  “Are you kidding? He rewards his students with extra recess, and he plays football with them, too. He’s gonna be way awesome!”

  “Must be it’s our destiny to have an unforgettable year,” Randi said. She was a big believer in destiny.

  “Whatever,” I said. I was a believer in luck—all kinds, even though my family had never known the good sort.

  I tossed her a spiral and then jogged out to the mailbox to grab the stuff our mailman had just delivered. There was never anything for me, but I always looked through the stack of envelopes. It was a good thing I did, ’cause this time something caught my attention. There was an envelope for Mom and Dad from school. I opened it.

  “Read it,” I told Randi, handing her the paper.

  That was when me and Randi first learned that Mr. Mitchell wasn’t gonna be our teacher anymore. According to that letter, Mr. Mitchell had had a family emergency and was moving away for personal reasons. In a scramble, the school had pulled Pearl Woods—an old lady!—out of retirement for a one-year stint teaching our class.

  This wasn’t destiny. It was rotten luck.

  “I can’t believe it—we’ve been Brett Favred!” Gav said after I finished reading the letter.

  “What’re you talking about?”

  “Brett Favre? He was only one of the all-time greatest quarterbacks in the history of the NFL.”

  “Yeah, so?”

  “Don’t you know anything?” He looked at me like I had three heads. “Brett Favre retired after an amazing ca
reer, but he came back to play again. He sort of retired a second time, only to come back and play some more, before finally retiring for real. We’ve been Brett Favred!” Gav exclaimed again, grabbing the letter from me. “We’ve got some old-lady teacher who they’ve yanked out of retirement to play again.”


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