Whole-Hearted: A Malsum Pass Novel

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Whole-Hearted: A Malsum Pass Novel Page 11

by Kimberly Forrest

  Connie sat there for a moment, drawing great gulps of air into her lungs. She was shaking so badly, the statue fell from her grip. She needed to check him. She knew she needed to make sure he was either dead or out cold, but everything inside of her rebelled against getting that close to him. Drawing on her last ounce of courage, she extended a shaky hand and pressed her fingers to his neck. He had a pulse. She needed to tie him up and gag him in order to buy herself enough time to get out of here.

  Grabbing the gaudy gold tasseled tiebacks that held the velvet curtains back from the bed, Connie forced her fingers to work and tied the male hand and foot. Then she stuffed his pocket square in his mouth and gagged him with his tie before sitting back on her heels and staring at her handy work. Satisfied the male was fully incapacitated and restrained, she set about searching his room.

  Starting with his desk, she went through each drawer and wanted to shout with joy when she found a gun. It was a little weird looking, but once she saw the box of darts with their little flags underneath it, she figured it out. It was a tranquilizer gun and she had absolutely no idea how to use it, or even load it, but anyone she came across wouldn’t know that. She stuffed the thing into the waistband of her sweatpants. She would just have to hope that if she encountered anyone, they wouldn’t call her bluff if she pulled the gun on them.

  Going to Graydon’s nightstand, she had to resist the urge to kick the male as she stepped over him. Only the thought that it might wake him, kept her from acting on the impulse. The nightstand offered up something even better than the desk. A Taser. Pushing the red button on the side, Connie smiled as electricity snapped and crackled, that arc of blue-white light the prettiest sight she’d ever seen.

  Graydon had already said that his father was gone, and there should only be the one guard on duty downstairs near the cells. She had no idea how many guards might be on the grounds this time of night, but she had to chance it. Going to the bank of windows, Connie tugged back the curtains an inch and glanced out but quickly gave up the idea. It was too dark to see anything. Gathering her courage, she took several deep breaths. This was her chance, probably her only chance. She’d face whatever came, but she had to move. Now.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Connie was actually grateful for sock feet as she moved silently out of Graydon’s room and into the hall, keeping her eyes peeled for guards and her ears keen. She picked up the sound of feminine laughter near an open door by the stairs. Moving carefully, Connie peeked around the corner and felt anger bloom in her chest. Maria was there, in a long silk negligée, her back to Connie as she spoke to someone on a cellphone, laughing at something the caller had said. That bitch! Living here in the lap of luxury while insinuating herself with the captives to earn their trust in order to exploit it. Connie wanted to barge in there, rip the phone from the devious brunette’s hand, and slap her silly. She halted her forward momentum. She couldn’t afford her anger to cloud her judgement. She needed to stay on track and get out of here.

  Just as she made to move past the door, the jaguar sniffed and said, “I’ll call you back.” Then in a louder voice, “I know you’re there.”

  Connie pulled the tranquilizer gun from her pants and leveled it at the jaguar. The look on Maria’s face was pure surprise. Then her lips twisted and she shook her head. “My brother let you out didn’t he?” A sigh. “Is the idiot still breathing?”

  Brother? Connie sniffed, grateful to have her olfactory senses working at least. No, Maria was definitely feline, not a wolf like Graydon. Confusion had to be clear on Connie’s face as Maria sighed once more. “Benedict took me in while my real family had abandoned me. Offered me up like I was expendable to save their precious boys.” She sneered, her almost black eyes sparking with hatred. “So, yes, Benedict is my father and Graydon is my brother despite the difference in species. Now, tell me” Maria articulated through clenched teeth, “Is. He. Alive?”

  Connie nodded, keeping her eyes on the jaguar who, she was sure, was fully capable of shifting and killing Connie in a heartbeat. Connie was very familiar with the effects of feline claws. She bore the reminder on her hip after attacking Lily Munroe – now Oremun – in a stupid act of jealously a year ago. The only thing saving her right now from a very painful death, was a weapon that wasn’t loaded.

  Motioning with the gun toward a vanity table with a small wrought iron chair, Connie said, “Sit so I can tie you up or I shoot and then tie you. Your choice.” Praying that the female didn’t call her bluff, she clenched the gun harder in her hand feeling the rubber grip slide against her sweaty palm.

  The female eyed her, debating her options, but then went to the chair and sat gracefully, like they were about to do nothing more than have tea and conversation. It made Connie’s hackles rise. As if she wasn’t perceived as a threat! Connie refused to let the other female’s air of nonchalance intimidate her. She kept her eyes on the feline as she carefully moved toward her. Spotting the matching robe to the nighty Maria was wearing in her peripheral vision, Connie reached one hand toward it and pulled the silk belt free of its loops and contemplated how she was going to keep the gun trained on Maria while she restrained her. They made it look so simple in movies. And while the feline may look like she was cooperating, Connie spotted the flash of claws unsheathed. With a mental screw it, Connie reached for the Taser, dropped the gun, and threw herself at the other female as she pushed the red button.

  Maria was unconscious, which was unexpected, how high was the voltage on this thing? But Connie certainly wasn’t going to complain. The maneuver, unfortunately, hadn’t been flawless. She glanced down at her stinging belly. Four horizontal tears in her T-shirt and more blood. The cuts hurt like a bitch, but she could tell they weren’t very deep. She had gotten lucky. Hopefully that luck would hold as she tied and gagged the female, snatched Maria’s cell phone, and shut the door behind her. She still had to make it out of this house and get through whatever awaited her outside.

  From the upper landing, Connie poked her head carefully over the rail and examined the main foyer. Blessedly empty. Connie closed her eyes and sent up a little prayer of thanks. Quickly and quietly, she made her way down the stairs and crept into Benedict Brooks’ office. Also empty, thank the Lord. Moving fast, she closed the lid on the laptop, unplugged it, and shoved it down the front of her sweatpants. Just as she was about to leave the office and head for the door, she spotted mail in a box on the corner; mail with an actual address that she could give to Daisy, or Alek, or whomever, so that they could come and bust this place wide open. Phoenicia, New York. She’d never heard of it, had no idea how far from home she was, but that didn’t matter. She had a phone, could call someone to come get her before she ditched the thing. Or she could hitchhike, whatever. She could figure out all of that once she was home free.

  Checking carefully outside the office door, Connie sniffed and listened. She could hear voices in the distance, laughing, chatting. Servants perhaps in the kitchen? Or guards taking a break. Connie wanted to shoot across the foyer to the large front doors, but an image of Rin came to mind. That poor Kitsune was to be used in a hunt. Chased and then killed for sport. She couldn’t leave her. Connie knew this detour would mean she would have to face the guard downstairs, but she had to at least try. She would not leave Rin behind.

  Going back to Benedict Brooks’ desk, Connie rummaged through it and pulled out her confiscated hairpins. Then she searched through the rest of the drawers looking for another weapon. This time, she found one of those Taser guns like police used and she wanted to kiss the thing. She wouldn’t have to get right on top of her target, she could shoot the zappers right into the guard, pick the lock on Rin’s door and they could both get the hell out of here.

  As the plan played out in her head, Connie thought it was perfect until she actually tried to execute it. What she hadn’t planned on was the guard being armed since they’d never carried a weapon when she’d seen them during the day. She pulled the trigger on her Taser
and he pulled the trigger on his tranquilizer gun. There must have been an angel on her shoulder though, when the dart with the little flag hit her belly with a little thunk and harmlessly bounced off thanks to the laptop that was tucked under her clothes. Meanwhile, the guard was twitching on the floor.

  Trying to ignore the man’s grunts and thrashing, Connie eyed him for a moment. He probably had keys to the cell, but if she touched him, would she get a nasty shock? Deciding not to test the theory, she moved quickly, sniffing each door until she found Rin’s. Setting to work with her hairpins, she picked the lock and pushed the door open. Rin just stared at Connie’s smiling face for a moment, her mouth opening and closing in shock before she stood.

  Connie motioned for her to come. “Let’s go. We need to move.”

  The guard was struggling to his feet, tugging the little darts out of his body as they left Rin’s room and the smaller woman pulled back a lip with a snarl, executed a perfect roundhouse kick that connected squarely with the man’s jaw, and knocked him out cold.

  Damn. Connie was impressed. Rin obviously had skills whereas if Connie had tried something similar, the guard probably would have laughed as Connie either broke her foot or fell flat on her face. While Connie stood there with her mouth open, Rin just shrugged and grinned with satisfaction.

  The women sneaked up the stairs, eyes and ears peeled for more guards. Connie was about to make a run for the door when Rin put a restraining hand on her arm and pointed. Next to the door there was an alarm. Was it armed?

  “How much time to you think we’ll have if it triggers?” Connie whispered.

  The Kitsune narrowed her eyes in thought. “I doubt it’s connected to police considering what they’re doing here is illegal, but it will alert all of the guards on the premises.” She shrugged. “Thirty seconds, possibly less.”

  Connie bit her lip. They had no idea what was waiting for them outside that door and now they wouldn’t have the time to check. With a deep breath, and a hard swallow, Connie nodded. “We run.”

  “We run.” Rin repeated with determination.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Jacob continued to keep his eyes trained on the house. When darkness had fallen, several windows had been illuminated, but curtains and blinds kept them from seeing inside. He’d spotted a few shadowy movements, but nothing he could clearly identify.

  “The other team is heading back.” Alek said, waving the hand held radio. “Nothing on their end. The elder Brooks went to a nursing home and took his mother out to dinner. No Connie.”

  Jacob nodded and trained the binoculars back on the house. “I’ve got movement.” He said as the front door opened and two women shot out at a run. “It’s Connie!” Jacob yelled, jumping to his feet. Not bothering to wait, he took off running to intercept as a loud, screeching alarm broke the silence of the night and exterior lights popped on to illuminate the property.

  As Jacob was barreling down the hill, his feet sliding on damp grass, his brain was spinning. The property was surrounded by a wall. While the front section wasn’t as tall as the back, it was still at least eight feet of sheer-faced concrete. There was no way Connie was going to be able to make it over. Her only option would be to run for the wrought iron gates at the bottom of the drive. That, at least would offer a chance with plenty of hand and foot holds to pull herself up and over.

  As if she had read his mind, Connie and her new friend pulled up short and then veered back toward the drive. A shot rang out and Jacob’s heart seemed to stop. His lungs seized in his chest. He heard a startled scream, but Connie and the other female kept running, their heads ducked down for protection. Answering shots from behind Jacob pierced the air. Alek and Daisy covering them. Jacob ran faster, for the first time in his life wishing he was feline so he could leap over that retaining wall instead of running around.

  The wall was getting closer and he lost sight of the females as gun fire continued to rain down. It was impossible to tell who was firing from where at this point, when he saw headlights bearing down on the property from the road. The elder Brooks had returned. He needed to get to Connie. It was imperative that he get there first. Jacob dug deep, tapped into his wolf, and leapt forward with a burst of speed.

  He got to the gates just as the car pulled into the drive and the bear shifter barreled out of the open driver’s side door. From the corner of his eye, Jacob could see both females climbing the gate, the smaller brunette almost to the top. The bear shifter lunged for Jacob, his meaty shoulder impacting Jacob’s belly. Jacob let out a grunt as he was flipped end for end before hitting the ground hard on his back. He snarled, his eyes and teeth shifting as he rolled into a crouch and leapt on his enemy, burying his teeth into the flesh of a shoulder.

  Jacob heard another wolf snarl, could sense the other male, and knew he had to finish this quickly in order to protect Connie. Shaking his head, his teeth still imbedded in muscle, Jacob had every intention ripping his opponent apart when he heard a roar, saw the tell-tale orange and black stripes on white as Alek in full shift leapt overhead toward the black wolf snarling and snapping at the females still clinging to the gate.

  Headlights from another vehicle lit the scene and all hell broke loose. A lion, and three more wolves soon joined the fray, but now was not the time to celebrate as Jacob felt claws stab deep into his side. He let out a yelp of pain, releasing the bear shifter’s shoulder. Another wolf, its red fur almost identical to Jacob’s wolf when he was in shift, snarled and jumped onto the bear’s back. Tarvahl’s teeth gripped the back of the large male’s neck. The bear shifter bellowed his rage, threw Jacob away from him so that he could focus his attention on the wolf making mincemeat of his back.

  Jacob had every intention of going once more for the bear and helping his father when he heard a mighty roar. Samuel, a massive golden maned lion reared up on his hind legs, and with an enormous paw, claws extended, slapped the bear shifter to the ground while a tiger stood over the now prone body of the black wolf.

  With the threat contained, at least for the moment, Jacob looked to Connie who was throwing a leg over the top of the gate. She glanced down at him, her eyes lighting with happiness, before she simply dropped, confident that he would catch her. Jacob’s chest filled with pride. He would always catch her.

  Connie looked around in amazement, her thoughts all jumbled. Part of her was happy to stay wrapped in the security of Jacob’s strong arms while she tried to catch her breath, but another part of her wanted to keep running; to put as much distance between her and the place of her captivity. When the alarm had sounded, security lights had lit the entire property like daytime spoiling any thought she had had about using the darkness as cover. But for the moment, allowed her to see everything clearly. Benedict Brooks in wolf form, as well as a large bear – possibly that big bruiser she had met at the engagement party – were on the ground. Were they even still alive? The four guards that had scrambled out of the mansion to give chase were lying face down on the lawn on the other side of the gates she had climbed, taken out by gunfire from a higher vantage point. Connie could see Daisy even now moving to greet the others with a sniper rifle in hand. Daisy had made those shots? Her friend had mentioned learning how to shoot and how to fight, but damn! Her girl had some mad skills! Connie was impressed.

  Alek, massive as a tiger, moved forward to rub his sleek body against his mate. A loud purr rumbled from his chest and Daisy dropped a hand to stroke down his fur with a warm smile on her face.

  Alek’s other team members Samuel and Dev shifted back to skin, unconcerned with their nudity or the chill of fall in the air. Samuel moved straight to Rin, who was eyeing the group with uncertainty, prepared to calm her fears. Connie wondered if the big male should probably put some clothes on first, but Rin barely seemed to notice. Jacob’s father, Tarvahl also shifted and that’s when Connie spotted a wolf she hadn’t seen in years: Dark gray interspersed with black and a white neck and underbelly. How long had it been since David Tully had par
ticipated in a hunt or a run where she had seen him in fur? Too long; yet here he was, her daddy, her hero, and come to save her.

  Connie’s eyes filled with tears and she wiggled out of Jacob’s arms. Jacob hesitated a moment as if he didn’t want to release her, but then his grip loosened. Connie ran to her father, knelt before him, and threw her arms around his neck; her tears dampening his fur. Her father let out a little whine as he nuzzled the top of her head and then raised his own head and howled.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  It was decided that Alek, Sam, and Dev would stay behind to clean up any loose ends on the property and that Tarvahl would drive everyone to a hotel and then come back for the team with the van. Before they left, Connie pulled the laptop from the front of her pants and handed it to Dev. The male looked at her like she was a miracle worker. “Is that what I think it is?”

  Connie grinned, “Straight off the big boss’ desk.” Her lips twisted into a grimace as Dev took it from her. “I heard a crack when I climbed over the fence, so I hope it’s still usable.”

  Dev waved away her concern. “Probably just the screen, no worries.” He winked at her and put a hand to his heart, his expression that of a lovesick puppy. “Courage, brains, and beauty.” He shook his head slowly in awe. “If we mated, our children would be amazing.”

  Connie blushed. Courage. No one had ever given her such a lovely compliment. She startled when she heard a low growl but relaxed when Jacob stepped up beside her and laced their fingers together. “We need to get her and the other female out of here.” He said, his voice still a bit growly with irritation before he turned and looked at Connie, his expression softening. “Are there any other females inside?”


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