TWISTED DESTINY: The Complete Saga

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TWISTED DESTINY: The Complete Saga Page 21

by Leia King

  “Are you so naïve, that you believe the dark and light are such separate entities?”

  David grabbed his arm suddenly.

  Ryan hissed as the silver from his accursed ring burned his flesh.

  “This ring is made from faery silver, the purest of all white magic, Ryan. And it burns you. So, tell me again that the dark and light are not separate entities,” David said, smiling victoriously. “You are no different than a vampire in that respect, wolf. Just like the cross and the sun burn their evil flesh, my ring burns you. You think yourself better than Nathanial and Luca? Just like them, you are driven by the monster within to inflict pain and death. The princess will see that soon enough. And she will turn away from you. It has already started. The incident at the waterfall was just the beginning.”

  “She’s destined to be with me,” Ryan retorted, seething.

  David scoffed. “If there’s one thing I know about Cora, it’s that she hates submitting to any notions of destiny. The only reason she submitted to the part of her destiny involving being with you is because of the pull between you. The sexual desire. Something she wasn’t used to dealing with at the time, on account of her purity. But I’m sure, knowing your nature, that you have already taught her a lot in that respect. And it will work against you soon enough when you watch her conquer it.”

  “You’re wrong.”

  “Her power has the potential to transcend her father’s, the most powerful man in all the realms. You think when she learns how to wield it properly that her magic won’t be able to transcend destiny itself?”

  Ryan shook his head. “That’s impossible.”

  “She will desire other men. You’ll see soon enough.”

  Ryan fisted his hand in his shirt, jerking him towards him. “Is that a threat?”

  David smiled maliciously. “A promise, wolf.”

  “You won’t touch my wife.”

  David shot out his palm and a blast of golden light smacked into Ryan’s chest. He cursed and fell back against the wall. He shook his head to will away the disorientation that the faery’s magic had caused.

  When he turned back, the asshole was gone.

  He growled ferociously, the force of his fury causing the ground to reverberate beneath his feet.

  Ryan had disliked David immediately. The guy had no idea how lucky he was. When he’d found him in his chambers, his instincts had willed him to rip his head off. Normally, he wouldn’t have hesitated. Any threat to his wife was enough to seal the guy’s fate. But he’d forced himself to hold back because he was in the White Realm. He was on King Vazra’s territory. He couldn’t kill a member of his Royal Court in his own home. No, he had to wait until the time came when David stepped through the White Realm gates onto his territory. And then he wouldn’t hesitate to rip his fucking head off.

  Ryan had tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, but the guy kept pushing it. He’d disrespected him, burned him with silver twice, and just moments ago, he’d basically told him that he planned to make a play for his wife.

  Although it pained him not to be able to end the faery fucker right away, he managed to take some comfort in the fact that he trusted Cora. He trusted that she would never give herself to another man, least of all, David. Besides, while Ryan was away and back in the human realm with his wolves, Cora would be spending all of her time with her father, training to control her power. If David did go to her, Ryan had every confidence that she would send him away immediately. The faery was a fool. Cora’s power was growing so much every day. If he tried anything, in all likelihood, she would kill him.

  It would be okay. She was his wife. She loved him as deeply as he loved her. And she was carrying their child. They were destined to be together. No one could break that.

  He took a moment to calm himself before walking back into the palace, doing his best to push the confrontation with David out of his mind.


  Ryan smiled as he watched Cora finally open her eyes.

  “Hey,” she murmured, tiredly.

  “Hey,” he said, stroking her hair gently, as he lay beside her. “What time did you come to bed last night?”

  He’d fallen asleep in the early morning hours.

  “Late. My father and I were training for hours.”

  “How did it go?”

  She smiled happily. “It’s coming along really well. The hardest part was learning how to release my power. The rest is just concentration. I actually kicked his ass twice last night.”

  Ryan cocked an eyebrow. “Really? Already?”

  “Yeah. He was on his knees. He had to ask me to stop.”

  Wow. She was getting so much stronger, so quickly. “Congratulations, my love,” he said, stroking her left cheek softly.


  Ryan grinned down at her. He knew that little noise of hers was her signal for take me now. He gazed at the duvet cover she had pulled up to her chin. “You’re naked underneath.” He’d felt her against him earlier. It was what had awoken him. Her naked ass pressed against his cock.

  “I was too tired to bother with pajamas.”

  “Something I’m very grateful for,” he said, climbing on top of her and straddling her hips.

  “Tsk. Tsk. You’re wearing boxers,” she complained.

  “Life’s not fair,” he teased.

  She reached for the waistband of his boxers. “I want you.”

  He gripped her offending hand. “I have to leave very soon, my love. I want to say a proper goodbye to you first.”

  She shrieked as he ripped the duvet cover off her. He readjusted his weight on top of her so she could feel the full length of his hard cock grinding against her pussy. She writhed beneath him, frantically trying to rub herself against him. But he held her still with his full weight. He didn’t want to fuck her like they normally did. Hard and rough. Not after the incident the other night. He didn’t want to leave her with any reminder of what had happened. No, he wanted to leave her with the memory of absolute pleasure from his touch. A memory that she would never be able to forget.

  “Just relax and lay back,” he whispered in her ear.

  He crawled down the bed. He nudged her thighs apart with his knees and settled between them.

  He spread her pussy lips apart and then his tongue flicked her clit ever so lightly. She gasped and bucked against him. He smiled to himself. She was so responsive. He’d have her coming within moments.

  He teased her lips gently and then circled her clit, never quite touching it.

  “Ryan… please,” she begged.

  He spoke into her head. I love it when you beg me for it.

  He tortured her for a little while longer, before assaulting her clit mercilessly.

  She screamed into his head. Oh God, yes! Yes, Ryan.

  Her nails dug into his shoulders and she thrashed beneath him wildly.

  Don’t make me restrain you.

  When he felt her hands fisting in his hair, trying to control his movements, he grabbed her wrists and pressed them down into the bed, holding them still.

  That’s better. I love you at my mercy.

  No. I want to feel you! Fuck me, Ryan.

  He ignored her and continued his ministrations. She was dripping wet and he lapped at her juices furiously, savoring her sweet taste on his tongue, his lips.

  Ah. Not yet! Stop! I’m gonna come! I want you first!

  But, instead, he bit down lightly on her clit. She came around him screaming his name aloud and in his head. He kept licking her, tasting her, until she whimpered for him to release her over-sensitized clit.

  He pulled away and crawled back up her body. Cupping the back of her head, he brushed his lips over hers, then took her in a soft, lingering kiss.

  “I love you so much.” He stroked her hair. “You are perfect, my love. It hurts me to have to leave you.”

  She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him down on top of her. “I don’t want you to go, Ryan.”

  Her word
s cut at his heart and he struggled to keep his emotions in check. “Take care of our son while I’m gone, okay?”

  “I will,” she responded in a broken sob.

  He tightened his arms around her and cradled her head to his chest. He felt her tears on his skin. “It’s okay. I’ll be back before you know it. Focus on your training.”

  “I’m sorry, Ryan. I think the pregnancy is making me more emotional than usual.”

  He chuckled. “I figured as much. You never need to apologize to me, though. Besides, at least I know how much you’ll really miss me now.”

  She frowned up at him. “Of course, I’ll miss you. I love you. You’re my husband, my everything.”

  “I want to get us wedding rings.”

  “Really? But we’re already bonded.”

  “Under wolf law, yeah. But I want everyone to know.”

  She rolled her eyes at him. “You mean David, don’t you?”

  “Yeah. And… others.”

  “Oh, baby. You have nothing to worry about. You’re blowing it out of proportion. He can just come across as kind of abrasive at first.”

  Wow. The asshole really had her clueless. She had no idea what kind of a psycho he really was. “He wants you. He told me last night. Plain as fucking day, Cora.”

  “I don’t care how he feels. I love you.” She cradled his face gently in her hands, making him moan out at her soft touch on his skin. “Only you, Ryan. Always.”

  “I know, but—”

  She silenced him with her finger to his lips. A wide grin lit up her face. “Besides, once a woman has had a wolf in her bed there is no going back.”

  Ryan burst out laughing and she joined him until they were both lost in hysterics.

  When Ryan finally managed to calm down and catch his breath, he grinned and climbed off the bed. “I’ll make sure I keep all my wolves away from you then.”

  “I would like a ring, you know,” she called to him, as he pulled on a pair of fresh boxers and then reached for his jeans draped over the loveseat by the window.

  He turned back to her and smiled. “Whatever my wife wants, she gets.”

  “Anything?” she teased.


  She chuckled and nestled herself in the bed covers. He could see how tired she was. He wasn’t surprised after the merciless way he’d just worshipped her sexy little body.

  “Go back to sleep.”


  “I don’t want you to watch me leave.”

  She nodded sadly and did as he asked, turning on her side and closing her eyes to welcome sleep.

  Ryan finished dressing and shrugged on his leather jacket.

  He slumped onto the loveseat and watched her quietly. He knew she’d be able to sense him leaving the room while she was still awake. So he waited until he heard her breathing slow and become shallow, indicating she’d slipped into sleep.

  He stood up quietly, his eyes never leaving her as he made his way to the door. Damn. It was real hard leaving his pregnant wife. It wrenched at his heart.

  But he had no choice. He had to take care of his wolves. They needed him.

  And she needed her father. His magical teachings.

  Ryan swiped away the tears that’d welled in his eyes and took a deep breath. He forced himself to turn away from her.

  Then he opened the door and stepped out.


  Ryan and Shaye made their way through the forest.

  They’d been walking in comfortable silence since they’d passed through the White Realm gates over an hour ago. Ryan had a lot on his mind and he knew Shaye did too. She had a big task ahead of her with trying to protect his wolves against the strength of Michael’s magic.

  They were almost through the forest and just ten miles from the wolf compound. But, as they made it to the clearing, an unwelcome sensation had Ryan coming to an abrupt halt.

  “Vampire,” he muttered, scenting the air.

  “What? Where? I don’t see anything,” Shaye said. He watched her spin around anxiously and scan the surrounding area. “I’m not sensing anything either. No dark energy.”

  Ryan walked back to her. “Teleport us out of here,” he commanded. “Right now.”

  She nodded and grabbed his hand. She closed her eyes and he watched her start drawing on her magic. Ryan braced himself for the disconcerting feeling of teleportation.

  But it never came.

  Shaye broke her grip on him and shrieked in agony. She slapped her hands to her head.

  “What’s wrong? What’s causing you pain?”

  “That would be me.”

  Ryan recognized the creepy voice instantly. “Michael! Show yourself!”

  He materialized in front of Shaye, smirking at her predicament. The sick bastard was getting a thrill out of it. “Can’t cast out my magic, witch?”

  “What does that mean? What are you doing to her?”

  “Blocking her ability to do magic. It’s very painful for a witch of her caliber.”

  “Release her!”

  “I will.” Michael glared at him. “If you stand down.”


  “Luca would like a word with you. If you agree to come peacefully, I will release your white witch. And, don’t you need her to protect your wolves tonight? Well, try to protect them. From the looks of it, her magic is no match for mine. Your choice, wolf. You, or your pack?”

  “No, Ryan!” Shaye screamed. “Cora’s blood runs through your veins. That is what they want.”

  Ryan hesitated. He knew Shaye was right.

  A bolt of lightning shot from Michael’s hand. It struck Shaye head on, sending her careening across the grass. She hit the ground hard, skidding to a heap, screaming all the while. Ryan grimaced as he watched her writhe around in uncontrollable agony.

  “That’s the poison from the claws of my wolves. In magical form,” Michael revealed. “It comes in handy from time to time.”

  “Fucking hell,” Ryan gasped.

  “Do you need more convincing?” Michael asked. He readied his magic, threatening to strike Shaye again.

  Ryan stepped forward. “No! Stop!”

  Michael stayed his hand, cocking an eyebrow.

  “I’ll meet with Luca,” Ryan added.

  “All right. Good decision.” He waved his hand in Shaye’s direction. Magic sparked and her screams ceased.

  A wave of relief came over Ryan as he watched her climb to her feet.

  She glared hard at Michael. “You continue to subvert the laws of magic.”

  “I know. Brilliant, isn’t it? So much power.” He turned his attention back to Ryan. “On your knees, wolf.”

  Ryan gritted his teeth.

  “You have five seconds, before I rain agony down on your witch again,” Michael warned.

  With a growl, Ryan lowered himself to his knees.

  “Much better.”

  Michael approached. Stopping in front of him, Ryan watched in disbelief, as he pulled a pair of cuffs from his wool coat. Fucking hell.

  “I can tell by the fear I’m smelling from you that you already know what these are.”

  “I fear no one, you psycho.”

  Michael laughed. “Oh, but I know you fear these. Every wolf does. Pure silver. Impossible for any wolf to break, too.”

  “No! Leave him be! He’s already agreed to meet with Luca!” Shaye yelled, knowing, as Ryan did, the agony that the cuffs would cause him the moment they touched his skin. They weren’t just tinged with a little silver either. Michael had said they were pure silver.

  “Shaye. Go to the compound,” Ryan told her.


  “Go. Don’t tell my wolves about this. Not until the full moon has come and gone. They’ll lose control if they know I’m in danger.”

  The two of them locked eyes and his eyes flashed at her. He wanted her to read his thoughts. He didn’t have the ability to read hers, but he knew she could read his via her magical ability. She nodded,
getting it, knowing him well.

  He spoke into her mind. If you don’t leave now, Michael will kill you. Without your help, my wolves will die. I need you. Draw on the magic of your coven and it’ll be able to overpower Michael if he attacks. Leave now. I know what Michael is about to do. I know, if you witness it, you won’t leave me. But you have to. For the sake of my wolves.

  He watched her nod again, letting him know that she’d heard him. She hesitated for a moment, clearly not wanting to leave him to face Michael’s wrath alone. But then she followed his wishes and teleported out.

  “It’s actually quite sad,” Michael said.

  “What is?” Ryan snapped.

  “That, no matter how many allies you have, not one of them has the means to stop me. Or Luca. Not one of them can prevent your suffering. Yet, you prevent theirs. Tell me, Ryan, why would you defend them when they are clearly useless to you?”

  “Not everything is about power,” Ryan seethed. “A megalomaniac like you wouldn’t understand.”

  “You are naïve.” He walked around behind him. “Until you accept how vital power truly is, you will continue to suffer.” He wrenched Ryan’s arms behind his back. “If you are not the strongest, you are always at the mercy of the being more powerful than you.” Michael snapped the cuffs to his wrists, making Ryan hiss as the silver burned his skin upon contact.

  He seethed in agony and fought to stop himself from crying out. He didn’t want to give Michael the satisfaction.

  Michael stepped back, eyeing Ryan curiously. “Those should have rendered you unconscious. They do to any wolf.”

  “I’m the Wolf King,” Ryan spat at him.

  He saw a flash of magic out of the corner of his eye. An invisible veil shattered, revealing Luca and two vampire bodyguards. No wonder Shaye hadn’t been able to sense their presence. Michael had been hiding them in a cloak of magic.

  “I wouldn’t worry, my friend,” Luca told Michael. “Even the Wolf King won’t be able to withstand this.”

  Luca snapped his fingers and an object materialized in his clutches. It had Ryan’s eyes widening, knowing exactly what it was. He’d heard horror stories about it. He’d just never imagined he’d see one up close and personal.


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