TWISTED DESTINY: The Complete Saga

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TWISTED DESTINY: The Complete Saga Page 35

by Leia King

  It was one of the things he liked most about Cora. She challenged him. Even before he’d taken her virginity, with her inexperience, she’d still given him a run for his money. And after what she’d done to him with her newfound power? There was nothing hotter. He could feel his cock stirring at the mere thought of it. He reprimanded himself quickly. He was on a mission.

  Actually, he and Nathanial were on a mission.

  When they’d first arrived at the marketplace, everyone had immediately bowed at their feet, a reverence for the Dark Realm King. It was an odd experience. Nathanial hadn’t seemed the least bit fazed by it. But, then again, he’d had several centuries to get used to it. While Ryan did hold power over his pack and all the human realm wolves as a whole, he’d never really thought about it, or really acknowledged it. He’d only thought of it in terms of him being their protector, not their revered king. But, seeing the reaction that the people had to Nathanial, made him realize what power he really did have, power that would only increase once he officially took the Dark Realm throne beside Nathanial. It was unnerving as all hell.

  As he looked around, holding Orion protectively against him, he didn’t see a single wolf. There were vampires galore, a few gargoyles, and some dark warlocks and witches. But no wolves. So, none of the wolves followed Nathanial? They were all resistant to his rule? Things were much worse than he’d thought.

  “This way,” Nathanial said, striding through the crowds towards a tavern at the edge of the marketplace. “We should be able to ascertain the route to the wolf resistance from the riffraff in here. They love to talk for a reward.”

  The crowds immediately parted to allow him through.

  Ryan stopped short on following him when a potent scent reached him.


  He scanned the area quickly, searching.


  A figure hidden by a hooded, black robe was trying to escape inconspicuously from the rear of the tavern. In the rush, the hood brushed against the doorframe and thick, golden hair tumbled free, falling down past her shoulders. He saw her flinch and sniff the air. She swung her head in his direction, then her gaze locked with his through the crowded marketplace. Damn, she was good. Before he could do anything, or react in any way, a blur of motion obscured his vision.


  In a split second, the Vampire King stood before the girl, his hand wrapped around her neck, holding her off the floor. She gagged and flailed her limbs wildly in a futile attempt to get away.

  “Release her,” Ryan commanded, approaching.

  “She is one of the resistance. A most infamous member, in fact. She is the sister of the leader. That is correct, is it not, Jada?”

  “Release. Her. Now,” Ryan growled, laying a firm hand on Nathanial’s shoulder.

  Nathanial’s gaze snapped to his. He hesitated for a moment, but, then he released her with a disgruntled grunt.

  Immediately, she tried to bolt.

  “Not so fast,” Ryan said, snatching her wrist. She struggled, trying to break his grip, but he held fast. “Look at me,” he said, his tone gentle and reassuring.

  She raised her gaze to his. She flushed instantly, clearly pleased with what she saw. He watched her bite her bottom lip as if to stifle her reaction as her gaze raked over him. She was turned on just by looking at him, that much was clear. And then her eyes fell to Orion in his arms, indicating that he was already mated and his mate had borne him a child, and he was sure he saw a look of disappointment flash in her eyes.

  “You’re… him,” she breathed.


  “The Wolf King. You’ve returned. Her eyes lit up.

  Wow. He really wasn’t used to the notoriety. It was really strange. “Your brother leads the wolf resistance?”

  She hesitated on answering, her gaze flitting to Nathanial, who growled low in his throat.

  Ryan adjusted Orion’s weight in his arms and stepped closer to her. “Jada, right?”

  She nodded, her eyes regarding him warily.

  “I’m not gonna hurt you. Neither is he,” he said, gesturing to Nathanial. “Right, Nathanial?” he called over his shoulder, without looking at him. His gaze remained with Jada. She needed the reassurance that his eyes promised her.

  “Yes. No harm will come to her,” Nathanial responded after a few tense moments.

  Ryan knew how hard it must have been for him to relinquish control, especially over a chief member of the wolf resistance that threatened his very kingdom. But Ryan had come to know Nathanial to be a wise king. Despite all the bullshit in their tragic past, that much was undeniable. Nathanial knew that Ryan had to be the one to take control of the wolves, not him. It was only Ryan who they would pledge their loyalty to. He was the Wolf King, not Nathanial.

  “Take me to your brother,” he commanded.

  “You will… kill him?”

  The look in her eyes cut into him. So much distrust and naked fear. “That’s for him to decide.” If he challenged him, he’d have to take him down. It was how wolves operated.

  “I will lead you to the edge of the dark forest and he will come to you,” she agreed, her big, blue eyes fixed on his.

  Damn. That look in her eyes did things to him. And her scent was… so fucking sweet. He needed to get a grip immediately. He was married. He was holding his son in his arms. He needed to stop thinking like a wolf. He had to be more than that.

  “Good,” he told her, looking away.

  Before he could say anything else, he started coughing violently, the force of it causing him to lose his grip on the girl. He tightened his grip on Orion, so that he didn’t slip from his arms. He could feel himself sweating, but he wasn’t hot. He felt ice -cold. He had a damned fever. His hand trembled, as he wiped away the beads of sweat on his brow with the back of his free hand.

  “Again?” Nathanial asked, coming to his side. He whispered quietly to him. “I know what you are planning to do, Ryan. You are too weak right now. You can barely shift into wolf form for more than a few minutes, because of your sickness. You cannot take on the leader of the wolf resistance in this state.”

  Ryan met Nathanial’s intense stare and whispered back, “I may have the birthright, the royal blood that declares me King of the Wolves, but until I prove that through my actions, it’ll mean nothing to any of them. It’s not our way. As King, I should be able to smack down any challenge that comes my way, whether I’m at my best, or not.”

  Nathanial ran his hand through his hair. It was obvious he didn’t like the plan, but he understood it. He knew he was right. “As you wish.”

  “Lead the way,” Ryan commanded Jada.

  She murmured her compliance and turned around, leading them out through the marketplace, towards the dark forest in the distance. Calling it a forest was generous. It was nothing more than a series of dead trees situated on dry, lifeless soil. There was no beauty in the Dark Realm. Once the realms united, all of that would change.

  “Do not even think about trying to run. I am a vampire. I will have no trouble catching you,” Nathanial warned.

  Ryan watched her tremble at his threat. He rolled his eyes at him. The girl was scared enough as it was.

  Or, so he’d thought.

  Until he watched her sneak a look at him and wink slyly, before turning back around. He watched her hips sway, her sweet little ass teasing him. She was doing it on purpose. She was a wolf, which meant she could sense his sexual appetite, his desperation to get laid, because he’d been apart from his wife for too long. Dammit!

  “Not the damsel in distress that she had led you to believe, is she?”

  “You knew?”

  Nathanial smiled. “Of course. Why do you think I reacted the way I did when I saw her? You knew it, too. You just chose to ignore it, because of your guilt.”


  “You like women who challenge you. You are drawn to her.”

  “You can’t smell her like I can. She’s….”

“She desires you to take her,” Nathanial finished for him. “Looking and fantasizing does not equate to betraying your love, Ryan. Forget your guilt.”

  Ryan smiled with amusement. “Is that advice that you’re offering me?”

  Nathanial chuckled. “Apparently so.” And then he added, “It concerns me that we might be starting to get along.”

  “That is concerning.”

  It wasn’t more than a few minutes before they reached the edge of the forest. Jada stopped suddenly and let out a howl that echoed hauntingly around them. A moment later, they heard the trees rustling.

  Ryan shot out his hand as he felt Jada about to bolt. His fingers wrapped around her upper arm and he held her steady against him. He’d expected her to fight him. Instead, her eyes locked with his, the heat from her desire burning right through him. He fought to calm his body. Fucking hell. Her mouth opened slightly, as his fingers fondled the soft silk of the robe covering her arm in an attempt to readjust his grip.

  “You’ll like what’s underneath,” she whispered, her gaze darkening, tempting him.

  He swallowed hard. “And what’s that?”

  She grinned and unbuttoned her robe with her free hand. She pushed it back so that it rested just off her shoulders, exposing every delicious thing that was underneath. A plated bustier covered her ample tits, pressing them together into a cleavage that left his mouth watering. It bared her midriff. It was covered with black tattoos. Pack markings that Ryan didn’t understand, because he wasn’t a member of her pack. The tiniest shorts he’d ever seen, barely covered her lower half and they hung low around her hips. A golden belt stocked with ammo and with two hunting knives holstered to either side of her hips encircled her waist. Her boots were made from some sort of animal skin that extended halfway up her thighs. She was a warrior. A smoking hot one.

  Ryan had never been at a loss before with any woman. But, as he looked her over, his throat became dry. His heart thumped so violently in his chest that he could barely breathe, let alone, get a word out. He felt his cock stand to attention, responding for him.

  “I know all of the rumors about you,” she said. Her gaze dipped to the bulge in his jeans and she licked her lips. “Everything that you have to offer.”

  Before he could respond, Nathanial ripped her away from him and moved her to his side. “That is enough, wolf whore. He is already mated. You can see his son with him,” Nathanial chided her, disgusted.

  Ryan nodded a silent thank you.

  What was wrong with him? It wasn’t as if he wasn’t used to women throwing themselves at him. He should’ve been able to handle it easily enough. But, no. Nathanial had needed to step in and save his ass. Damn. He needed to get a grip and stop letting his needy cock rule his head. He was bound to one woman only. His sweet Cora.

  Focus on the mission, fool!

  The rustling from the forest escalated to a reverberating thunder. A few moments later, six guys emerged, flanking someone who was hidden behind them. Part of a wolf pack. They were protecting him, their Alpha. The leader of the wolf resistance in the Dark Realm.

  “Ryan Winters. You’ve finally returned,” a commanding voice boomed from behind the six muscle-bound guys. They were all shirtless, wearing only brown pants that were made from the same material as Jada’s tiny shorts.

  Ryan recognized the voice. It was definitely familiar, but he couldn’t place it.

  And then its owner stepped forward in front of his wolves.


  Nathanial’s gaze snapped to his. “You know him?”

  “You could say that.”

  He saw the Alpha smiling at him, enjoying his stunned reaction.

  “We know of him only as Alpha. No one knows his real name,” Nathanial informed him.

  “Damon Hunter.”

  “The only guy to ever kick your ass,” Damon said, approaching them with his wolves at his back.

  Ryan growled, “I was a kid, a teenager.”

  “Shouldn’t have been a problem for a pureblood. The goddamn Wolf King.”

  Ryan took Damon in. He was a huge motherfucker. All muscle. While Ryan certainly didn’t lack in that department, Damon did have a few inches on him. He had to be at least seven feet tall. He was covered with so many tattoos that it was difficult to see any actual skin. With his skinhead look, combined with the nasty scar etched into his right cheek, several on his chest, and another seven-inch-long one on his left forearm, he looked every bit the tough fucker that he remembered.

  “It won’t be a problem now.”

  Damon smiled. And then his gaze shifted to Nathanial, who held Jada steady at his side. “Release my sister, vamp.”

  Nathanial snarled at him. “She is insurance, wolf.”

  Damon made a move towards him, but Ryan shot out his hand, pushing him back. “Calm the fuck down, Damon. We’re just here to talk.”

  “Release my sister and we’ll talk as much as you fucking want, Ry.”

  Ryan nodded at Nathanial. He released her and she hurried over to her brother. As she did, she threw Ryan another seductive wink. Her brother caught it and scowled at her. He gestured for her to go to his wolves behind him. She did as she was told without the slightest protest.

  “Thanks,” Damon said to Ryan.

  “Nathanial comes here in peace.”

  Damon scoffed. “Really?”

  “Yes. You think I’d lead the Vampire King here to you guys, if he didn’t? Give me some fucking credit.”

  Damon considered his words as he continued to study him curiously. His gaze wandered to Orion asleep in his arms. Ryan could tell by the look on his face, that it was the first time since Damon had approached that he’d actually noticed Orion. He’d been so concerned with other things.

  “He’s yours? Your son?” he choked out. “The bridge?”

  “He’s mine,” Ryan confirmed.

  Damon held his gaze. And then he started to laugh. “So, what? After all these years, you’ve come back to take your throne? To take your place as Wolf King and stand with the Vampire King to unite the realms?”

  “Why the hell else would I be here?”

  Damon gestured to Nathanial, his hand shaking wildly with unadulterated rage. “He killed Cornelius! That’s how all this started, how I came to lead the resistance. Now, you ally yourself with him? He murdered your father! He’s a fucking bloodsucker, Ry!”

  “So simpleminded,” Nathanial scoffed.

  “Don’t be a fucking idiot, Damon. Me taking my place as Wolf King of the Dark Realm will benefit wolves more than any other beings here. As for Nathanial, our issues are our own. Not yours.”

  Ryan could see from the look in Damon’s eyes that he knew he was right. He knew the wolves only stood to benefit from his and Nathanial’s alliance and even from the White Realm uniting with the Dark. There would no longer be a need for a resistance, for any of them to hide. They could live their lives as free beings, once again, free from civil war after two long centuries of nothing but.

  Ryan knew why he was really so resistant. It was about power. He didn’t want it to end. He enjoyed being the top dog.

  Damon took a threatening step towards him and growled, “These are my wolves now, Ryan. All of the Dark Realm wolves. They bow down to me.”

  Ryan turned to Nathanial and gestured to Orion. Nathanial understood and took his son from him.

  Ryan stepped forward and told Damon, “A good Alpha puts the interests of his pack ahead of his own.”

  “If you have something to say, say it, Ry.”

  “I just did. Release your wolves to me, Damon.”

  Damon smiled with amusement. He turned to his wolves and they roared with laughter. He told Ryan, “You’ve been living in the human realm for two hundred years. Those wolves are wolf pups, compared to me and mine here. You haven’t taken on a real wolf for several lifetimes. You’re weak.”

  Ryan seethed at the challenge and Damon’s attempt to humiliate him.

  He shook off h
is leather jacket and then stripped off his shirt until he was standing before him, ready for a fight.

  Damon smiled at the challenge. “You think you can take me? After last time?”

  “Sounds like you’re afraid I can.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure. You don’t look too good, Ry,” Damon warned, gesturing to his chest.

  Ryan didn’t take his eyes off him. He already knew what he was staring at. The black veins prevalent over his skin. Another symptom of the sickness he’d been suffering from, since being back in the Dark Realm. He’d noticed it yesterday, but he’d been too preoccupied with other things to deal with it.

  He heard Nathanial’s gasp.

  Damon’s fist came at his face.

  It plunged into his left cheek, like a block of cement.

  He was weaker than usual and it actually had him stumbling.

  Catching Nathanial’s eye, he saw his eagerness to help. “No,” he choked. The Vampire King couldn’t interfere. It had to be Ryan only. He had to challenge and beat Damon to be accepted as their king.

  Another hefty punch came his way and he managed to block it and push Damon back. His eyes flashed with the sign of a shift.

  “We do this as men,” Ryan said quickly.

  Damon cocked an eyebrow. “You have a death wish, Ry? You know you’re way stronger in wolf form. Every Wolf King is.”

  Of course, he fucking knew that. But, he was having a little problem in that area, because of his damned sickness. He knew he wouldn’t be able to hold his wolf form long enough to kick Damon’s ass.

  “Then you’ll have the advantage, right?” Ryan shot back.

  “Fine by me.”

  Ryan called over his shoulder to Nathanial. “Hold my boy tightly. He won’t react well to this.”

  Nathanial nodded.

  Ryan lunged at Damon, driving him to the ground. He thrust his fist into his face and Damon growled, as the back of his head smacked painfully onto the hard soil. He dropped his claws and raked them down Ryan’s forearms, drawing deep wounds. Ryan grunted and ripped them from his flesh.


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