TWISTED DESTINY: The Complete Saga

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TWISTED DESTINY: The Complete Saga Page 51

by Leia King

“The dead see all. He watches me. Always.”

  She visibly jolted. “You feel him?”

  “Alphas are always connected to their fathers. He’s part of me.”

  She lowered her palms completely and moved closer. “What? Why have you never told me this?”

  “You weren’t around to tell.”

  “Can you feel him now?” she asked, real anxious.

  Damn. It was working better than he’d anticipated. “Yes.”

  “And? Tell me, Ryan!”

  He forced himself to meet her gaze. “He’s sad.”


  “For you. That you’re hurting.”

  She brought her hands to her face in distress and turned away.

  Ryan sighed inwardly with relief. He sputtered out a bloodied cough and hissed as it splattered against the open wounds etched into his chest.

  And that was when he realized.

  He wasn’t healing.

  How the hell?

  Cora’s blood could heal any wound. It still ran through his veins.

  The last time he'd been tortured, his wounds had healed within a few seconds, during the torture. But now… nothing. He’d never felt so weak. His body dripped with sweat, but he shivered in the cold, dank dungeon cell.

  His reprieve from Oriana’s torture was short-lived, when she suddenly spun back around, screaming, “You dare use your father to manipulate me!”

  She fired something different at him then. It was no longer the bolts of energy that she’d assaulted him with before. Those things had caused his body to convulse wildly. They’d felt like he was being electrocuted by thousands upon thousands of volts of electricity.

  As her magic hit him, enveloping his entire body in a shimmering, black glow, he realized immediately what it was. Silver!

  A howl tore from his throat.

  “Ryan, I can stop this anytime. Just give me the name.”

  “Go. To. Hell,” he rasped.

  Infuriated, she raised her hands again.

  But, she never got the chance to strike him.

  A blinding, silver light exploded all around him.

  Three blurry figures hurried in. He couldn’t make them out. But he could sense two of them were vampires. And the other he knew well. Anytime, anywhere. Cora.

  Another blast of silver light filled his vision and he heard a thunderous explosion along with Oriana’s screams.

  “Do not look at him, Cora!” Nathanial’s voice thundered. “Concentrate.”

  Ryan felt strong arms around him then. Someone else moved to his side and broke the restraints. His body went limp, caught by the arms around him. The contact on his open wounds was a fresh new hell and he found himself whimpering.

  “I am sorry,” Nathanial said.

  Ryan felt himself being gently lowered to the floor. He heard Cora yelling his name, her footsteps nearing him.

  “Where is Oriana?” Nathanial’s voice boomed through the room.

  “She teleported away,” Cora replied, breathlessly.

  Nathanial snarled. “Cowardly move.”

  “He’s not healing?” he heard Cora exclaim, her voice wavering.


  Ryan felt her gentle hands in his hair. Her lips brushed his forehead.

  “Cut me, Nathanial,” she demanded.


  “Cut my wrist. I’ll heal him.”

  “If you let him drink from you, he will not be able to pull back,” a familiar voice warned her.

  Ryan recognized it instantly and growled. Luca.

  “Nathanial can force him to pull back, Luca.”

  “Use your magic. He is losing consciousness. He will not be able to drink,” Nathanial told her.

  Ryan didn’t hear her response.

  Everything slipped away.


  Nathanial listened to Damon’s irate demands.

  His arms folded, he leaned against the corridor wall, awaiting an end to the wolf’s little speech.

  Following their successful infiltration, the wolves now had possession of the second orb and Damon was determined to make it known that it afforded him a great deal of leverage.

  Or, so the arrogant wolf believed.

  Unbeknownst to him, Nathanial had hold of something of much greater personal worth to Damon. He knew his enemy well. He would choose it over the orb, when the orb should be absolute priority. No doubt whatsoever. The very survival of all Dark Realm creatures hinged on protecting the remaining four orbs. Yet, he knew Damon would exchange it. Decision-making like that was exactly why the wolves had never succeeding in their efforts to overthrow him.

  “Jada is here, in my castle.”

  Damon stilled.

  “She must remain here for the time being.”

  “You demented bloodsucking piece of—”

  “You may maintain possession of the orb,” Nathanial interrupted, before he dug himself any deeper.

  “What? Is this some kind of bloodsucker mindfuck?”

  “It is dangerous for it to remain in the castle at present.”

  “So, if you don’t want the orb, why won’t you release my sister?”

  “We have been enemies for years. It is understandable that you do not trust me. Allowing you to remain in possession of the orb should be considered a gesture of good faith.” He lowered his voice, as he revealed, “Your sister must remain here under my watch. She requires my magical protection from Ryan.”

  “Who are you to decide that they shouldn’t be together, huh?”

  “The pull between them is unnatural. I need time to investigate it.”

  “Unnatural? Like the pull between his wife and your son? Or, how about between her and Ryan? All that fated shit. How do we know it wasn’t manufactured unnaturally by the White Realm?”

  “The bond between Ryan and Cora is true. They are destined mates.”

  “As are him and my sister.”

  “Impossible. There can be only one joining. Something is wrong.”

  “Like what?”

  “As I said, I need time to investigate. The more they interact, the more complicated and dangerous things will become.”

  “Fine, then I’ll keep her away from him. She doesn’t need to stay in this vamp castle. She should be with her family, her own people.”

  “You do not have the means to do that.”

  “I can overpower my sister just fine.”

  “But you cannot hope to overpower Ryan.”

  Damon cocked an eyebrow. “You think he’d try to go through me?”


  Nathanial felt his pulse jump. But, his stubbornness prevailed, and he puffed out his chest, saying, “Only my King can command me.”

  Nathanial took a threatening step towards him. He had tried to employ patience, but Damon continued to push. “Your King is in no fit state to give you an order right now. So, you will heed mine. Ryan and I have an alliance. As such, my word will suffice. You cannot deny me and you know it. Do not try. Trying my patience is a very foolish thing indeed. Leave, wolf.”

  Damon growled and stepped back. “If you hurt her—”

  “I would not harm anyone whom Ryan cares for.”

  Nathanial watched the surprise flicker in Damon’s eyes.

  “This isn’t just duty to you? You care about Ryan?”

  “He is like a son to me.”

  “I… wow.”

  “I see you are surprised that I am not the cold bloodsucker that you always took me for. Perception is not always in keeping with reality, Damon. You would do well to remember that in the future.”

  “But… Cornelius. You murdered him.”

  “A mistake I now have to live with for eternity.”


  “It should have been Oriana. My perception was skewed at the time. You see the consequences?”

  Nathanial saw him struggling to absorb his revelations. The wolf had always seen him as a ruthless demon, but now he was forced to reevaluate.
He had him agreeing, “I will protect the orb and pull my wolves from the castle.”

  “You and your wolves are welcome to remain on the grounds for as long as you like. Your King has taken his rightful place now. Wolves belong here as much as vampires. But Jada must remain here in secret until I have uncovered the truth about her and Ryan’s connection. The White Realm Princess is still in the Dark Realm and she cannot be made aware of Jada’s presence or her connection to Ryan. It could destabilize her magic, magic that is far beyond even mine. Do you understand the severity of the situation now?”

  Damon’s eyes widened. “Yes.”

  With a final nod, he turned on his heel and strode away.

  Nathanial breathed a sigh of relief. Now that Damon understood, hopefully he would keep the wolves quiet about Ryan and Jada. He doubted very much that Ryan had been discreet about what he had been doing with her. Wolves rarely were when it came to sex. Too many people already knew about it. Short of killing them, there was little else he could do but hope Damon did not make it worse, and contain things on his end.

  Things were approaching a tipping point. He had to do everything in his power to pull the situation back from the edge. The fate of so many depended on it.


  Ryan awoke to find himself tucked up in bed in the same guestroom he’d stayed at last time he’d been in the Dark Realm castle.

  He struggled to sit up, finding he was almost completely devoid of energy. He was weak, weaker than he’d ever felt. He glanced down at his bare chest to see that all his wounds had healed. Had it been Cora’s doing? He remembered her being there in the dungeon, Nathanial telling her to use her magic.

  Shit. He stopped himself. Thinking about her hurt. Real bad.

  He needed to take his mind off her, off everything. Needing a distraction, he forced himself out of bed, his body trembling, his every footstep unsteady.

  Making it to the door, he struggled with the stubborn doorknob, before finally managing to open it. So, he was currently as weak as a human? Was that it?

  He glanced at the robe hanging on the back of the door, but dismissed reaching for it. He couldn’t summon the extra energy. Walking at a snail’s pace was taking everything he had, as it was. Besides, although he was shirtless, he at least had on a pair of jeans. It was good enough.

  As he stumbled from the room, he recalled there being a kitchen at the end of the corridor. One that was stocked with real food, not just blood. Gripping the walls for support, he slowly made his way there, frustrated beyond belief that he couldn’t pick up the pace, let alone employ his wolf speed.

  He finally arrived and staggered in through the open door, only to see the place wasn’t empty as he’d hoped. In fact, the last person he ever wanted to see, even on a good day, was sitting up at one of the tables.

  “Luca,” he growled.

  The shithead took him in, shaking his head with what seemed to be disappointment, and no small amount of amusement. “You look like shit.”

  Ryan could only glare at him lounging with his feet up, sipping from a glass of blood, like he didn’t have a care in the world. It nagged at him that he couldn’t burst over there, rip him from his comfort and haul him from the room.

  Fortunately, the scents of a variety of appetizing food diverted his attention and he made his way over to the fresh buffet at the rear of the room. His mouth watered as he reached it, taking in the delectable meats and hearty stews in particular. His favorites.

  He snatched up the largest cut of steak he could find, tearing into it ravenously, gripping it with his right hand and using his left to steady himself against the table. As soon as he’d devoured it, he grabbed a plate and began slowly piling it high.

  He wavered on his feet, cursing as he used the table to steady himself.

  “You need help, brother?”


  As usual, he didn’t listen. In a flash of vampire speed, he stood beside him. But, instead of assisting, he commented snidely, “You’re lucky Cora isn’t wolf. Or, vampire.”

  Ryan put his plate down and, exerting great effort, turned to face him. “What?” He cringed inwardly at the obvious weakness in his voice. His throat was like sandpaper and every time he used the little energy he had to speak, it worsened the pounding of his head.

  “I can smell her scent all over you. Another wolf.”

  “Stay out of it.”

  He took a threatening step closer, invading his personal space. “Cora is your wife.”

  With his senses compromised due to his weak state, it was only then, when Luca was right in his face, that he noticed a scent all over him. A very familiar scent. “She’s all over you.”

  “You think I fucked her? My own brother’s wife?”

  “Did you?” Ryan seethed, a growl rumbling low in his throat, making him choke with the effort.

  Luca grinned at his predicament. And then, he used the rare opportunity of Ryan’s obvious inability to do him damage to twist the knife. “I’m curious, brother. What is it that you want to hear? That I did? Or, that I didn’t?” He folded his arms across his chest. “If I did, then you’re off the hook for your betrayal. If I didn’t, well, shit, Ry.” He smirked. “Either way, it’s over between the two of you.”

  Ryan gritted his teeth. “Did. You. Fuck. My. Wife?”



  “I kissed her. That’s it. She wouldn’t even kiss me back, because of her loyalty to you. A pretty amazing feat considering we both know she feels something for me.” Luca’s hand shot out, wrapping around his throat and making him choke. He jerked him against him. “You don’t know how lucky you are. There will never be a woman like her again in either of our immortal lives. You struck gold, all the riches of all the realms, by being gifted with her.” He released him roughly and Ryan struggled to maintain his balance.

  Luca turned away and paced the room slowly. “Your fated love. Your destined mate. You didn’t earn it. And you certainly didn’t deserve it! But you got it, nonetheless. And what do you do with it? You fuck it up. Cast her aside for some cheap whore.”

  Ryan forced a warning growl from his throat. “She’s not a whore.”

  Luca spun back to him and scoffed. “Really? She’s more than your little fuck toy? What is she then?”

  “Also my mate.”

  Luca froze, clearly struggling with his revelation. “Impossible.”

  Ryan shook his head. “Possible.”

  “Well, either way, you’ve still made your choice. Thank you for that.”

  “Touch my wife and I’ll kill you.”

  “Kill me? You can barely stand, almighty Wolf King.”

  “This is temporary,” Ryan warned.

  “Save your threats. I want her to come to me.”

  “You always just take.”

  “That near-death experience altered a lot, provided me with a new perspective, new realizations. One such realization being that I am in love with her.”

  Rage sparked in Ryan, his wolf desperate to breach the surface. “She is mine.”

  “Not for long. Not after she finds out.”

  “After who finds out what?”

  Ryan stilled. Luca spun around.

  Cora sauntered on into the kitchen. “Well?” she asked. “What were you guys talking about?”

  Ryan caught Luca’s smarmy grin. He’d clearly picked up on the anxiety spiking through him at the thought of Cora discovering his infidelity.

  Shockingly, Luca didn’t rat him out. He actually covered it up, telling her, “Oriana. We were saying that she’ll yield when she witnesses the full force of your power next time.”

  Cora looked between the two of them. Her eyebrows rose with suspicion.

  Luca quickly added, “It won’t be long once she finds out about the true might of your power. Then, she’ll be forced to surrender. That’s what we’d been discussing.”

  Cora nodded. “I see.”

  Luca smiled sweetly at her, making Ry
an want to rip his head from his body.

  “You did well today. You kept control,” the asshole praised her.


  “How did it go with the barrier? Did you and my father manage?” Luca asked.

  “Yeah. No one without an invitation from Nathanial will be able to pass through into the Dark Realm. Well, unless they have the power to break through my magic.” She grinned. “Which they don’t.”

  Luca chuckled.

  “Are you okay?” Ryan cut in.

  “I’m fine,” she said, approaching him. “But you aren’t. You should be in bed. Why are you up?”

  He gestured to his plate of food.

  She picked it up and moved into him, offering her shoulder. “Lean on me.”

  He hesitated.

  “Would you rather Luca put you to bed?”

  Fuck. He heaved a sigh and complied.

  Luca stepped aside to allow her to lead him out of the kitchen. Ryan could feel her struggling against his weight.

  Apparently Luca noticed, because, in the next second, he was there. He took hold of both of them and swept them down the hall, stopping just outside Ryan’s room.

  He leaned into Ryan and whispered so quietly that only a supernatural being could hear, “I didn’t tell her about your activities, because then she will hate me. But you must.”

  Ryan met his intense gaze.

  “Thanks for your help, Luca,” Cora said.

  Luca nodded politely and then walked away back down the corridor.

  Ryan tensed as Cora wrapped her arms around him, helping him back into bed against his will. He grunted with the effort of hoisting himself up into a sitting position.

  Cora perched on the other side and placed his plate of food on his lap. He could feel her watching him eat. He focused on his meal, refusing to offer her a single glance. He couldn’t.

  When she still didn’t get the hint and leave him to it, he told her, “I’m fine now.”

  Still, she didn’t get it. Instead, she moved further onto the bed, closer to him. Reaching out, she began stroking his hair. “I’ve missed you, Ryan.” She nuzzled against him, her voice pained, as she murmured, “Seeing you like that earlier was awful, baby. I can’t get it out of my head. What she did to you? You were so messed up, I almost lost control.”


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