TWISTED DESTINY: The Complete Saga

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TWISTED DESTINY: The Complete Saga Page 55

by Leia King

  Ryan stilled.

  “Unless you want them to overrun the entire compound and rip through every one of your wolves?”

  Cora watched hesitation flicker over Ryan’s face. Instead of seeing reason, he growled ferociously. He was clearly too worked up, beyond being able to see reason.

  “Stop, Ryan!” she yelled, approaching him cautiously.

  He turned just as she laid her hand on his arm. She watched his expression soften at her touch. Despite everything, she knew it was calming him. It was the power she had over him as his mate. He couldn’t fight it.

  He released a heavy breath and stepped back, allowing Luca to do what he needed.

  All four of them looked on as Luca placed his right palm over the vampire’s forehead and murmured an incantation.

  A few moments went by, before he removed his hand and stepped back.

  “Your majesty,” the vampire said as he struggled to sit up.

  “Kane, lead the vampires back to the mansion. Immediately.”

  The vampire eased himself off the table and staggered out of the mess hall to carry out his Prince’s orders.

  “Call your wolves off,” Luca ordered Ryan. “All of my vampires will now be standing down. I have broken Oriana’s hold over all of them, through him.”

  “How about I let my wolves rip them to shreds instead?”

  “Ry,” Josh cautioned.

  “My father would see that as an act of war,” Luca reminded him.

  Ryan locked eyes with him. And then a howl ripped from his throat. “It’s done.”

  “Thank you.”

  Ryan hissed. He forced himself to tear his hateful gaze from Luca and address Cora instead. “She has our son.”

  A chill ran down Cora’s spine. “What?” she choked.

  “Oriana has our son. She came here and took him while you were off fucking the Vampire Prince, my goddamn brother. You whore!”

  Cora stepped back, shocked.

  Her shock quickly morphed to anger at the way Ryan had just spoken to her, in public, too. “You slept with that wolf girl!”

  She saw him flinch at her accusation. His glare moved to Luca. “You told her?”

  She didn’t give Luca a chance to respond as she demanded of Ryan, “Where? When?”

  “In the Dark Realm. Everywhere. Many fucking times. She’s the best fuck of my life!” he screamed irately. “I enjoyed every second of it, Cora! She gave me everything.” He stepped into her and grabbed the collar of her jacket, jerking her towards him. “You see, she’s something you’ll never be. Wolf, darlin’. And you? Now you’re just a fucking whore.”

  Before she could stop it, her magic burst forth, a ball of silver fire blasting Ryan back. He crashed into a table over on the other side of the room and it collapsed under the impact. She heard him grunt as he struggled to his feet amid the wreckage, using the chair for support.

  “I had an entire relationship behind your back! I’m in love with her! Is that what you wanted to hear? Is it, Cora? Do you feel better now you’ve revenge-fucked Luca to hurt me? Do you?”

  He made a move towards her, but Luca burst into the fray blocking his path to her.

  “You’ve got some balls. I could rip your fucking head from your body before you could even lift a finger. Do you really think I won’t? You fucked my wife! I can smell it everywhere. Your scents are all over one another!”

  “You’re destabilizing her magic, Ryan. I can feel it.”

  “I don’t give a fuck.”

  “You will when she brings this entire place down. You want your son back? Then you both need to work together.”

  “Vazra’s magic!” Shaye called out.

  They all turned to her.

  “I felt Vazra’s magic when Oriana teleported into my room and attacked me. He’s allowing her to channel his power.”

  “Then he’s behind this as much as her. He’ll know where my son is,” Cora said.

  “It’s a strong possibility,” Shaye agreed.

  An argument ensued between all four of them as to what to do, how to approach the situation.

  Cora wasn’t paying attention. Their voices faded into the background and everything seemed far away, just a haze, as her thoughts consumed her. Her entire body was trembling as she struggled against the darkness rising within her, willing her to release it. It was more powerful than it’d ever been. And for the first time, she wasn’t sure she could keep it down beneath the surface. It was intoxicating, empowering.

  She wanted to release it.

  Her emotions were on overload.

  Orion being in danger. Sleeping with Luca and all the complications associated with that, because of the fact that it had meant something to her, despite her adamant denial. And Ryan. The knowledge that he’d had an entire relationship behind her back. The way he’d spoken to her was unforgiveable. She was the Princess of the White Realm, the most powerful sorceress in all the realms. No one spoke to her like that, treated her that way. It was about time she drove that home to them all!

  With the darkness inching its way closer and closer to the surface, she was overcome with a strong urge to strike Ryan, to rip him apart.

  Orion. Yes, he was her focus right now. Her son was the only thing that mattered.

  “No one harms my son!” she screamed.

  She’d said it louder than she’d intended and abruptly she felt all eyes on her.

  It didn’t matter. A split second later, she teleported away.


  Nathanial and Marella stood holding one another beneath a picturesque waterfall in the castle gardens with Haraz before them as their officiant. Marella had conjured a silky black gown. The bodice was embroidered with sparkling, blood-red diamonds. Nathanial smiled. She was dressed in the colors of the realm. She was perfect. He wore his stately robes, the clothes he donned during meetings of his royal court and to official ceremonies. They were black with golden seams and blood-red diamonds embroidered along the cuffs and collar.

  “This night, I join thee. Marella, Head of the Coven of White Witches, borne of the White Realm. Nathanial, Vampire King and Protector of the Dark Realm,” Haraz began.

  He nodded to his king and Nathanial took the cue, scraping a talon over his wrist, drawing blood. She offered her wrist to him and he obliged, gently breaking the skin ever so slightly. They pressed their wrists together and turned back to Haraz.

  “The joining of your blood is a symbol of your union. You are bound to one another by blood, magic, and soul. Husband and wife. King and Queen of the Dark Realm. You may complete the joining.”

  Nathanial smiled and took Marella in a passionate kiss. A shimmering glow enveloped them, their magic fusing together to signify the solidification of their marriage.

  He pulled back and gazed at her in awe, emotion welling up inside him at finally having wed the woman he had wanted for centuries.

  After Haraz excused himself, Nathanial swept his new bride up in his arms and teleported her back to their chambers.

  Laying her down on the bed, he told her, “Finally, I get to take you as my wife. You have no idea how much I have wanted this, Marella.”

  She smiled happily. “I do know, my husband.”

  He chuckled. “I like you calling me that.”

  Just as he reached for his robes, a powerful sensation ripped through him, making him choke. He looked to Marella. “Do you feel that?”

  She sat up, nodding. “A huge surge of power.”

  “Cora,” he realized. “Something has happened.”

  “It’s unstable. Wild.”

  “I know. I must go to her. Now. I am sorry, angel.”

  “I will go with you.”

  “All right.”

  He saw her surprise. She had obviously expected him to argue and try to convince her to stay. “Really?”

  “Yes. If Cora has lost control, my power will not be enough. I will have to draw on yours, Luca’s, and Michael’s.” As he led her back through the room and down
the corridors, he called out, “Michael!”

  Michael appeared in front of them within a second. “I felt it, too. She’s headed for the White Realm. The energy she’s emanating right now is so extreme that I didn’t need to use any effort to locate her. It’s just coming through loud and clear.”

  Nathanial closed his eyes briefly, reaching out with his highly-attuned senses. “The barrier to the White Realm is down. Luca is on his way to the gates as we speak.”

  “What could have set her off?” Marella asked worriedly.

  “I am not sure. I’m trying to tap into her thoughts, but she is blocking me. When we get there, do not act without my word. This is a delicate situation. Our objective is only to subdue her if needs be, should she fail to regain control herself. No harm must come to her.”

  “Of course,” Michael agreed. “I just hope the four of us will be enough. Her power is incredible.”


  Cora rematerialized in the throne room of the White Realm.

  She locked eyes with her father who lounged calmly on his throne as if she hadn’t just unceremoniously appeared, her magic sparking with fury.

  “I felt your power from a great distance. Nathanial has foolishly removed the block I implanted.”

  “How dare you violate me like that!”

  He rose to his feet and descended the throne steps. “It was for your own good, to protect you. To prevent something like this from occurring.”

  “Where. Is. My. Son?”

  “Orion is merely a means to an end, Cora. Just like your union with Ryan. It was to bring forth this product.”

  “Product?” she spat, disgusted. “He’s my son!”

  “That is the form he had to take, yes.”

  “Because of you and your manipulations, I no longer know what’s real! You’ve twisted everything! You’ve caused me nothing but pain! Your actions have affected everyone!”

  “You’d do well to treat your father with respect!”

  Cora scoffed. “You stopped being my father a long time ago.”

  He stepped into her personal space and glowered down at her. “I warned you not to go after Oriana. But you went against my orders. Now your son will pay for your disobedience.”

  Incensed, Cora thrust her palms at him. He flew back several feet and skidded to a stop at the foot of the throne steps.

  “Tell me where my son is!”

  Another voice rang out behind her. “Right here, princess.”

  Cora spun around to see Oriana holding Orion in her arms.

  He wasn’t moving.

  “What have you done to him?”

  “It’s merely a sleeping spell.”

  Cora stepped forward. Oriana stepped back.

  “What do you want with him?”

  “I want you gone, so I can enact my agenda without your interference. You are the only thing standing in my way.”

  “In the way of what?”

  “Destroying the Dark Realm and Nathanial.”

  “Not happening.”

  Oriana’s eyes narrowed with contempt. “You won’t have a choice when you’re dead.”

  “You can’t kill me. You don’t have the power.”

  “Your magic is already unstable. All you need is a little push and you’ll lose control completely, engulfing yourself with your own magic. Orion is just the push you need now, thanks to the success of my plan for Ryan. You are far beyond unhinged.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? What push?”

  Oriana snickered. “Do I really need to spell it out? I’m going to kill your little wolf pup and you’re going to watch.”

  Nathanial, Marella, and Michael passed through the White Realm gates, just as Luca and Ryan were hurrying down the palace steps.

  “Cora has spelled the palace to keep everyone out. I can’t breach it alone,” Luca informed them.

  “Brute force didn’t help either,” Ryan added.

  “How did this happen? How did she lose control like this?” Nathanial demanded.

  Luca and Ryan exchanged a heated look. Nathanial understood immediately. “She knows about Jada. And Luca took her to his bed.”

  Luca and Ryan both nodded in unison.

  Nathanial’s gaze bore into Luca’s as he communicated with him telepathically.

  You slept with your brother’s wife?

  She came to me. I swear it. She wants to break the bond between her and Ryan. I tried to discourage her, but I love her. I couldn’t turn down what was likely my only chance to be with her.

  All right.

  What? You’re not mad?

  I don’t condone what you did, but I understand it.

  “The thing that pushed her over the edge is that bitch taking our son,” Ryan growled.

  “We cannot let Cora lose control. If we can breach the barrier and get to her, we can tell her that Orion is impossible to kill. That should calm her down,” Marella said.

  “She may have already slipped too far,” Michael pointed out. “If she’s touched the darkness within even just slightly, she may not be able to break its hold on her. It is intoxicating once you give in to it.”

  “You managed it. You’re not the evil fucker that you were,” Ryan said.

  “Only because Nathanial stripped me of my powers, while I was imprisoned in the Dark Realm. It forced me to go cold turkey and start to kick the addiction. I haven’t tapped into that darkness since.”

  “I can help her,” Luca announced.

  “Fucking it out of her won’t work,” Ryan snapped.

  Luca snarled. “You talk about your own wife like that?”

  “After she spread her legs for you, yeah.”

  “It wasn’t like that.”

  Ryan scoffed. “Oh, come on. It was a revenge-fuck. She just wanted to hurt me for what I did with Jada. She still loves me. Don’t kid yourself that it was anything more than that to her. She’s hated you for so long, you really think she’s over that?”

  “Yes, I do. She felt something when we made love. It wasn’t fucking as you so crassly put it.”

  Ryan raised his fist.

  Nathanial stepped between them. “Stop.”

  “Save the schoolboy jealousy for after we’ve stabilized the most dangerous sorceress in all the realms,” Michael said.

  Nathanial watched Marella take Ryan’s hands in hers. “Ryan, mistakes have been made on both sides with you and Cora. A lot of it is the result of external influences. You must hold onto your love for her. Do not let your anger rule your head and cause you to dismiss the deep bond of love that you and Cora share.”

  Ryan blew out a heavy breath. “I hear you.”

  Nathanial saw Luca’s eyes narrow at Marella’s words. They didn’t have time for sentiment or personal grudges.

  “Lay your egos aside. All of you. We must make haste and tear down the barrier,” he ordered.

  With that, he took Marella’s hand and led the way to the palace doors.


  “You’re just gonna stand there and let this happen, is that it?” Cora demanded of her father.

  Her eyes narrowed when he moved to Oriana’s side, signaling his allegiance.

  “I didn’t want it to come to this, Cora, but you ignored my warnings. You wouldn’t stand down. Instead, you betrayed me and the realm in favor of an alliance with Nathanial.”

  “He doesn’t mean any harm to any of us! Both of you do. You want to destroy his kingdom, which will kill every single Dark creature in the process. It’s genocide!”

  Oriana scoffed. “You are so naïve. Too new to all of this. Those lives are a small price to pay to stop the unification of the realms. If that happens, Nathanial will have unlimited power. He will be unstoppable.”

  “I don’t see the problem. He’s a wise, noble King.”

  “He is a threat!” Vazra bellowed.

  “You’re worried about your own power diminishing,” Cora accused, stepping closer to them. She glared at Oriana. “And you? All you care abo
ut is revenge for him killing your mate. You’re so far gone that you’re willing to kill your son’s mate and to harm his only child. You disgust me!”

  Oriana hissed and pressed her palm to Orion’s chest. “I will rip his heart from his chest!”

  “No!” Cora screamed, bolting forward.

  In her haste, she didn’t see Vazra raise his palm. He fired a bolt of silver fire at her. It smacked into her chest and sent her crashing into the wall over on the other side of the room. She grunted as she hit the floor, only just managing to soften the impact a little with her hands.

  Her chest stung where his magic had made contact. It hurt like a son of a bitch. But there was no time for that. She had to save her son!

  She rolled to her side and hastily climbed to her feet. She raised her palm, but stopped when she realized that Oriana’s magic hadn’t had any impact on Orion. She hadn’t managed to do anything to him. He was still sleeping soundly.

  “What is this?” Oriana asked Vazra.

  “I don’t know. It’s impossible.”

  “The child is invulnerable?”

  “Yes,” Nathanial’s voice boomed through the room.

  Cora watched as Nathanial, Marella, Michael, Luca, and Ryan hurried into the room. She rolled her eyes. The frigging cavalry.

  “Release him!” Nathanial commanded Oriana.

  “Make me,” Oriana said with a smirk. “Come on, Nathanial. Take me down, like you’ve been dreaming about for the last two centuries.”

  Nathanial raised his palm.

  Oriana thrust her magic at Marella.

  But, as the Vampire King, Nathanial’s reflexes were faster than any being. He blocked her assault with his body and took the hit himself. His eyes widened in shock and he collapsed to his knees, choking. “Sunlight,” he rasped.

  Oriana laughed. “You fool.”

  Marella dropped to her knees beside him and pressed her palms to his chest, frantically trying to heal him. Luca joined her and took her hand in his to give her a power boost.

  Ryan roared and lunged at Oriana. Vazra thrust out his palm and fired a silver bolt of magic at him, propelling him across the room. As he fired again and again causing Ryan to cry out in agony, Michael let his power fly. Shimmering red lightning bolts rained down on Vazra stopping his assault on Ryan.


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