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TWISTED DESTINY: The Complete Saga

Page 69

by Leia King

  Before she could do anything, the door flew open and the bitch sauntered through it towards her.

  Cora noticed the bandages across her right side. What looked like black blood had seeped through the middle of it. The wound that Nathanial had inflicted. It must have been brutal. It’d been weeks and she still hadn’t recovered. Damn, he was good.

  “How did you find me, Cora?”

  Cora merely shrugged. Like she was going to reveal her secrets.

  Oriana came to a stop a few feet from her, scrutinizing her. “You came here to kill me? Your husband’s mother?”

  Cora scoffed. “Please, he no longer considers you his mother. Ryan wants this as much as me. As much as all of us. You’re dangerous and you need to be put down. For good.”

  Oriana smirked at her. “You’re taking a big risk. You should have waited.”


  “You’re pregnant. Did you think I wouldn’t see it? There is only one spell that can conceal a pregnancy and I’ve used it myself. That baby bump is as clear as day to me, Cora. You’re a fool. Your power is compromised. You won’t be able to beat me. I’ve been practicing magic for centuries, my girl. Your extreme power was the only advantage you had.”

  Cora watched her discreetly move her right palm.

  She reacted instantly, throwing a ball of silver magic at her.

  It hit her in the chest and she stumbled back. But just a little. Shit. Before her pregnancy, it would’ve sent her right through the other side of the house.

  She looked down at her pendant and saw that it was glowing. Good, the magic had worked. Oriana wouldn’t be able to teleport away now. She was bound to the area.

  The pendant distracted her and when she looked up, a bolt of black lightning was headed for her. Too close for her to counter it!

  It slammed into her side with such force that it propelled her several feet across the grounds towards the barn, blasting her through the wall, into the barn itself. She hit the floor hard and rolled to minimize some of the damage. Given the awful state of the barn, the roof creaked. Moments later, it came crashing down around her.

  She threw out her hands and cast a shimmering, silver shield. It deflected the falling debris just in time. “Phew,” she breathed.

  Groaning, she forced herself to her feet. The fall had reverberated through her entire body. She lifted the shield and walked towards the barn doors. They flew open just before she reached them and Oriana stood there, a murderous look on her face.

  “I’m glad you came. You’re helping me to further my agenda without even realizing it. After I rip you apart, Nathanial will be forced to send Marella to kill me. She’s the only white witch strong enough to take me down, outside of you. And when he does, I will kill her, his mate. He will suffer for eternity, just like I have.”

  “It was your deception that led to Cornelius’s death in the first place,” Cora told her. “You misled Nathanial to save your own ass. That’s why he killed Cornelius. It should’ve been you. It’s why you’re like this now. You know it was your fault that Cornelius died. Your guilt has twisted you.”

  Oriana screamed and thrust bolts of black lightning at her. Cora was ready, countering with balls of silver light. They ripped right through Oriana’s magic, shredding through the lightning and disintegrating it before it reached her.

  And then Cora ran at her, driving her to the floor.

  Her old Seeker training took over as she pinned her to the ground with her knees and her nails pressed roughly into her wrists. She smashed her fist into her face. “You took my life!” she screamed. “You spelled Ryan to fuck another woman! You took my son!”

  “And you killed your own father without a second thought,” Oriana spat.

  “It’s not going to work. You can’t distract me,” Cora said as she thrust her fist into her face again.

  Oriana choked and spat out the blood filling her mouth. Cora wrapped her hands around her neck, choking her. She’d incapacitate her by choking the life out of her and then she’d seal her death with white fire, the only true way to kill a white sorceress.

  “Your mother died here. Do you want to know who killed her?” Oriana choked out.

  “Shut up!”

  “It was Vazra.”

  Cora froze. What?

  Oriana took advantage of her distracted state and wrenched one of her hands free.

  Before Cora could stop her, she pressed it tightly to her belly. A burning sensation ripped through her. She tried to ignore it and focus on choking her, but it became searing. She jumped back in shock. She heard Oriana sputtering out a laugh.

  A sudden wave of nausea gripped her and she fell to her knees, vomiting all over the asphalt. What was happening?

  She caught sight of Oriana struggling to her feet, but she couldn’t focus on anything other than trying to stop herself from retching. She looked away and hung her head, trying to catch her breath.

  “I broke your protection spell around the baby. In the most unpleasant way possible, hence your current discomfort.”

  Shit. She could feel her approaching. Her energy levels rose and she knew she was about to strike.

  But then she felt a sudden rush of dark energy. The trees surrounding the farmhouse rustled violently against an ice-cold wind. And then a bolt of red fire exploded around her. Oriana screamed and Cora heard a thud over by the house.

  “Hold her off!” Luca’s voice thundered to someone.

  And then he was down on his knees beside her. He brushed her hair out of her face and pressed his hand gently to her belly. “Hold on, sweetheart,” he whispered softly.

  She choked as another wave of nausea hit her and she lurched forward, vomiting violently again. Luca held her steady with his free hand so she didn’t smack her head on the ground. His other on her belly emanated a cooling sensation that was soothing. She knew he was casting another protection spell over her baby. He knew that her magic was weaker then and that it would cost her too much power to do it again herself. And he also knew about the baby. Clearly Nathanial had told him everything.

  The wave of nausea and weakness that had consumed her dissipated suddenly and she eased herself to her feet. “Better, princess?”

  “Yes,” she breathed. “Thank you. Nathanial sent you?”

  “Yes. He couldn’t come himself. Marella is giving birth to their child.”

  Wow. “And Ryan?”

  “We didn’t tell him.”

  Cora turned her attention to the farmhouse. And that was when she saw who Luca had come with.

  Kristoff was locked in a vicious battle of black magic with Oriana.

  She watched as Oriana summoned a black chain and hooked it around his neck. He roared in agony.

  “Shit, it’s fused with sunlight,” she realized as she watched smoke encircle Kristoff’s neck as it melted into his flesh.

  “It will kill him!” Luca cried.

  Both of them fired their magic at Oriana.

  She fended off their attack by summoning a shimmering, black shield with her right palm. But it split her magic and she was forced to retract the chain around Kristoff’s neck.

  Kristoff fell to his knees, choking and grasping his bloodied throat.

  Incensed that the battle was going in Oriana’s favor, Cora bolted forward, her upturned palms firing silver energy at the black shield. Oriana threw her chain at her, using her magic to wrap it around her neck. To Cora’s shock it actually burned her.

  Oriana laughed. “Silver. You may not be wolf, but your child is. Hurts, doesn’t it?”

  Luca swept his hand at the chain, shattering it with his power.

  Oriana screamed in fury and summoned a ball of fire. “You dare to strike your own mother? You think this is fire, Luca? It’s pure sunlight,” she hissed.

  She threw it.

  Cora caught Luca’s eye and saw his eyes widen.

  He couldn’t move or it would hit her. The ball was moving too fast for him to be able to move her out of the way e
ven with vampire speed on his side.

  She heard Kristoff yelling over to him, instructing him to conjure a shield. But there wasn’t enough time.

  “Step back!” she willed him. She couldn’t let him sacrifice his life for her. She couldn’t let anyone.

  But he just shook his head at her.

  The ball of sunlight was barely a few inches out when he was suddenly shoved roughly from the side.

  Cora heard a familiar roar and gasped as she saw Ryan suddenly standing there in front of her, protecting her.

  She screamed as the ball hit him square in the chest.

  An agonized roar ripped from his throat and he fell to his knees.

  He choked for a few seconds, but then, shockingly, he climbed back to his feet, letting out a ferocious howl that reverberated through the area.

  She couldn’t believe it.

  Even though sunlight couldn’t kill a wolf, a ball of fire made from the actual sun itself had the power to rip through any being. Technically, it should’ve knocked him out at the very least and torn a hole right through his chest where it’d hit. But it had barely done a thing to him.

  “Holy fuck,” Luca exclaimed. “Very impressive,” he said and Cora watched as he quickly erected a protective barrier around the four of them. Kristoff moved to his side and assisted as Oriana continued to pound against it with wave after wave of magic.

  Ryan shrugged. “A perk of being Wolf King.”

  Before anyone could react, Ryan leapt through the air, summoned his claws and swiped at Oriana’s shield, decimating it. He slashed at her throat, ripping through her flesh.

  She staggered back.

  In a burst of speed, Luca stood behind her and grasped the sides of her head. He jerked it sharply to the side, snapping her neck with a blood-curdling crack.

  She crumbled to the ground.

  The two of them looked at Cora as they stood over Oriana’s limp body.

  “All yours, my love.”

  Cora’s eyes were wide with shock as she approached them. “Damn, if this is what it’s like when you two work together, you should do it more often.”

  Kristoff joined them. He glared at Oriana, taking a moment to appreciate her defeat. He spat on her with disgust. “That’s for my wife,” he muttered. He took a moment to calm himself, before addressing Cora. “She’ll rise again unless you finish it with white fire.”

  “I know.” She looked at Ryan. “Don’t stop me. This will weaken me, but I will be fine, as will the baby, okay?”

  He nodded his understanding. “I won’t interfere. I know you’ve got this.”

  “All right,” she said as she moved her feet shoulder-width apart and held her palms over Oriana. “Let’s finish this.”

  A moment later, white fire flowed from her palms, washing over Oriana’s body at her feet. The fire grew quickly, the flames rising and engulfing her entirely until they could no longer see her at all.

  “Shit,” Cora exclaimed through gritted teeth as she struggled to call more power forth to finish the job. Because she was using so much to sustain the baby she had to call it from her essence and that hurt like a bitch. It actually burned through her.

  She glanced at Ryan, worried he’d try to stop her now it was clear she was in a significant amount of pain. He met her gaze and shook his head at her, letting her know he wouldn’t interfere as promised.

  A wolf growl escaped her as she pushed harder with her magic. She saw Ryan’s surprise matched her own.

  Her final push was enough and she watched as the flames fanned out and then disappeared in the next second, leaving nothing but a scorch mark on the ground where Oriana had been.

  “She’s dead in the absolute never-coming-back sense,” Cora announced with a heavy breath. “She’s gone. It’s over.”

  A sharp pain ripped through her. She looked at Ryan in shock. “And I’m in labor.”

  “What?” Ryan exclaimed, hurrying to her and pressing his hand to her belly. “Oh, shit. That must be what the growl was about.”

  Luca joined them. “May I?” he asked Ryan.

  Ryan nodded and moved his hand so Luca could touch her. Like Nathanial could, Cora knew Luca would be able to sense how close the birth was.

  “Now,” he said, eyeing them worriedly.

  “You mean now as in tonight, right?” Ryan asked hopefully.

  “No, I mean now. Right now.”

  Cora shook her head. “No, I need help. It’s a wolf. She’ll rip me apart. Ryan!” she cried, afraid. Another searing pain ripped through her and she screamed, “Ryan!”

  Ryan swept her up in his arms. “Teleport us, Luca.”

  “No,” Kristoff said, joining them. “It’s too dangerous. I will assist with the birth.”

  “With black magic?” Ryan asked.

  “Yes, but it won’t hurt the child or Cora in any way. I promise. I will stop the child from shredding her, Ryan. Black magic is the best for that. She won’t feel any pain. Luca, you will use your dark energy to call the baby forth. And, Ryan, you will stop Cora from trying to kill either of us with her magic.”

  “I—” Luca protested.

  “What?” Ryan pressed. “What’s wrong?”

  Kristoff rolled his eyes. “He has a thing with childbirth. It makes him uncomfortable. Luca, you’re not going to be anywhere near the birth canal. You will stand with Ryan. After what’s happened between the three of you, I’m sure Ryan wouldn’t allow it any other way.”

  “Damn straight,” Ryan responded.

  “Let’s get her inside to a bed. Or, at least, a couch,” Kristoff said, striding towards the house.

  Ryan was overcome with nervous tension.

  They’d been at it for hours and now the baby was resisting the final leg of the brutal journey. Cora was fading. It had to be soon. Come on. Come on.

  “Luca, more power. This baby is stubborn,” Kristoff instructed as he held Cora’s thighs apart.

  Luca nodded and the red glow from his palm over Cora’s belly grew brighter, more vibrant.

  Ryan sat beside Cora on the bed, stroking her hair. “Okay, my love?”

  Her glazed eyes looked up at him and she smiled widely. “Great.”

  The black magic that Kristoff had used on her to stop her pain had worked like a charm. She wasn’t feeling anything at all. A side effect of such potent magic was that she was incredibly high.

  “Get ready to push, okay?” Ryan said. “Our daughter needs you.” Ryan had been talking to her constantly to ensure that she stayed awake. That was how fucking high she was.

  “Yes,” she said. “I will.”

  Ryan saw amusement dancing in Luca’s eyes.


  “I take it, it wasn’t like this last time?”

  “Fuck, no. She was in so much pain.”

  “Well, I’m very glad that isn’t the case now.”

  “Cora. Push!” Kristoff yelled, cutting through their conversation.

  Cora did push, but it was too weak.

  “Harder, Cora! Much harder!”

  “You’re the strongest sorceress in all the realms. You can do this,” Ryan told her. “You want to see our daughter, don’t you?”

  “Yes. Yes, I do,” Cora replied, mustering her strength and pushing hard.

  “Good! Good!” Kristoff praised her.

  Ryan watched Cora’s eyes grow heavy. “Anything you guys can do to speed it up would be great. She’s not gonna be able to stay awake much longer.”

  Kristoff nodded to Luca and told him, “Increase the power.” And then he told Cora, “Push, Cora! Just a little bit more and it will be over.”

  She did as he asked and then a little cry cut through the room.

  Ryan watched in wonder as Kristoff lifted a tiny baby girl into his line of sight. “Oh my God,” he breathed.

  Kristoff waved his hand over her and a blanket came into being, wrapping around her. He smiled and handed her to Ryan. “Your daughter, Wolf King.”

  Ryan took her i
n his arms. The first things he noticed were her deep-blue eyes. Just like Cora’s. He drew her to him, pulling her close and choked out, “My daughter.” He eased himself back onto the bed and held her before Cora. “Here she is, my love.”

  Cora smiled happily. “She’s so small. Smaller than Orion was,” she said, caressing the tiny blonde hairs on her little head.

  “I know.”

  “Forget what I said,” Ryan heard Kristoff tell Luca.

  “Really?” Luca asked.

  “Yes. Should you and my daughter wish to bear a child, you will have my blessing.”

  “Thank you,” Luca said. And then he added, “We should give them some privacy.”

  Kristoff laughed. “I’m not sure they even realize we’re still here.”

  “Hey! We’re well aware,” Ryan said, eyeing the two of them. “Thank you. Both of you.”

  “No problem,” Kristoff said.

  “Just a little bit of magic,” Luca added.

  “No,” Ryan said seriously. “You saved her life. She can’t give birth to a wolf without help. If you hadn’t been here….”

  “Ryan,” Luca said, laying a hand on his shoulder. “We’re no longer enemies. We’re all in this together. We help each other these days. Besides, you saved my life outside.”

  “Well, I couldn’t stand by and let her fry you. Nathanial would’ve been pissed.”

  Kristoff laughed. “Indeed. He is one person you never want to anger. Trust me.”

  “He’s a good guy,” Ryan said.

  “He’s the best,” Cora added in what sounded like a drunken slur.

  Ryan chuckled. “I think you need to sleep for a bit. Not here, though. This place is run-down.”

  “Kristoff and I will teleport you back to your place,” Luca said.

  “Then I can sleep?” Cora asked Ryan.

  “Yes, my love. Then you can sleep for as long as you like.”


  Cora opened her eyes to find Ryan staring at her from the other side of the bed.


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