TWISTED DESTINY: The Complete Saga

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TWISTED DESTINY: The Complete Saga Page 70

by Leia King

  He had Orion on his lap in wolf form and their new baby daughter in his arms still in human form. Both were sound asleep.

  “Hey,” she whispered.

  “Hey, sleepyhead,” Ryan whispered back.

  “How long have I been asleep?”

  “Ten hours.”

  “What?” she asked, sitting up. “That long?”

  “You were really high.”

  Cora gazed at her two children and asked him, “How was Orion with her? Was he okay?”

  “He loves her. He’s wolf and she’s his little sister. He’ll take care of her.”

  She smiled. “I want to wake them both up and cuddle them but I know that’s not a good idea.”

  “Fuck, you’d better not. It took me ages to get them to both fall asleep. Orion was so excited when he saw her. He stayed up way past his bedtime.”

  “I won’t,” she said, leaning back against the headboard. “So, what do you want to call her?”


  “Of course. I named Orion. It’s your turn.”


  Cora’s eyes widened in surprise. “Wow.”


  “I just didn’t expect you to come up with something so soon. I figured you’d think it over.”

  Ryan chuckled. “Since we found out you were pregnant, I’ve been giving it a lot of thought.”

  “You’re so sweet.”

  He scoffed. “Sweet? Please, no.”

  “Right, I forgot how much you hate hearing that. Even though it’s true.” She gazed at their daughter for a long while and then said, “I like it. Ariel it is.”

  “A beautiful name,” Nathanial’s voice came from the bedroom door suddenly.

  They both turned to see him striding in with a baby in his arms. “This is Isabella.”

  “A lovely name, too,” Cora said as her and Ryan looked at the tiny baby in his arms. “I can’t believe Marella and I gave birth on the same day. Sorry for stealing her thunder.”

  Nathanial laughed. “She was happy about it. I think she’s already planning a slew of joint birthday parties in the near future.”

  “God help us,” Ryan jested.


  “How is she?” Cora asked.

  “She’s doing well. Resting.”

  Cora winced as she adjusted her weight in the bed.

  “Are you okay, my love?” Ryan asked, concerned.

  She knew it was because she’d been up and about within hours after the first time she’d given birth. This time it was taking a lot longer.

  “Yeah. A little sore. I didn’t want to tell you at the time, because I knew how you’d react, but I had to pull on my essence to take down Oriana with the white fire. I didn’t have enough power left, because I was expending a lot to sustain Ariel.”

  “It just means it will take her a little longer to recover, Ryan. A couple of days and she will be back to herself,” Nathanial reassured him.

  “Cora,” Ryan chastised her.

  She shrugged her shoulders. “I had no choice.”

  “I heard from Luca that you slit her throat with your claws?” Nathanial asked Ryan, in an attempt to dissolve their argument.

  “Yep. Then Luca snapped her neck, just to be sure.”

  “I would have liked to have witnessed that, the two of you working alongside one another.”

  “It was a one-off,” Ryan joked.

  “I doubt that. You two are back on solid ground now,” Nathanial countered.


  “She’s gone, Nathanial,” Cora said. “It almost killed all of us, but we succeeded. None of us have anything to worry about. We can finally relax again.”

  Nathanial smiled. “Yes, you are right. The realms are safe once again.”


  Cora carefully walked to the courtyard steps.

  She wasn’t used to walking in heels like those of the silver sandals that were currently on her feet. She was wearing a silver, floor-length gown. The bodice was embroidered with colorful gems and diamonds. Her long, black hair fell in curls about her face.

  As she raised her hand in a friendly wave and looked out over the huge crowd gathered in the courtyard of the White Realm Palace, a thunderous applause shook the ground beneath her feet. Her people cheered her elatedly for several minutes before it finally died down.

  She glanced at Shaye, who stood beside her with Ariel in her arms. She smiled reassuringly at her. Cora turned her attention back to the steps and watched as Marella climbed them gracefully. She carried a white-gold crown in her hands that shone with white fire. The lifeblood of the White Realm.

  When Marella reached her, Cora bent down. Marella called out to the crowd, “I pronounce thee Queen of the White Realm, Protector and Guide of our people.” She placed the crown on her head and then stepped aside. Cora winked at her and then rose to her full height.

  The moment she did, the crowd went wild, clapping, whistling, and chanting her name.

  She descended the steps slowly and, by the time she reached the bottom, the crowd had quieted.

  “I’m honored to be your Queen. I vow to always have your best interests at heart, to cherish and protect the realm with all that I am. I will reign without prejudice.” She paused briefly before continuing, “Today I prove that to you with the unification of the Dark and the White. The peoples of the Dark Realm are not our enemies. They are our brothers and sisters. And they will join with us today. My children, Orion and Ariel, are symbols of this joining. They are the bridges of peace between us all. Today will be the first day of an eternity of coexistence without discrimination or fear. Today we become stronger!”

  She raised her fist into the air and the crowd cheered.

  She looked to Marella and she nodded at her.

  It was time.

  Ryan couldn’t believe how many beings had managed to pack themselves into the Great Hall. Every member of the Dark Realm populace, it seemed. The whole place was buzzing with anticipation and excitement.

  He and Nathanial sat on their thrones, ready to get things underway. Haraz stood beside Nathanial as his second-in-command. Josh and Damon stood beside Ryan. Ryan’s pack took up the front row of the crowd and they were taking care of Orion and Isabella while Nathanial and Ryan performed their kingly duties.

  “Now,” Nathanial said, taking Ryan’s hand. “Brace yourself.”

  “Got it, big guy.”

  A moment later, Nathanial thrust his free hand up to the ceiling. A steady stream of dark energy projected upwards. Within a second, it was joined by a bright white light pouring in through one of the windows. Cora’s magic coming from the White Realm.

  Ryan gritted his teeth. Nathanial hadn’t been kidding when he’d warned him to brace himself. It was a power rush unlike any he’d ever felt. Between Nathanial’s dark magic and Cora’s white that had just joined with it, it was almost unbearable. He could feel Nathanial drawing on his strength in order to maintain his ability to expend so much power in one shot.

  “How long?” Ryan choked out.

  “A few more minutes.” He eyed Luca, who stood by the window with Aerona, Michael, and Kristoff. “The forest?” he asked him.

  “Getting greener,” Luca responded.

  The forest of the Dark Realm was the best gauge for determining when the unification was complete. As soon as it grew and the trees, bushes, and flowers lived again, that would mean that the Dark had successfully united with the White.

  The crowd gasped as Nathanial’s dark magic and Cora’s white fused together suddenly.

  “Father, it is done,” Luca confirmed.

  Ryan felt Nathanial slowly withdraw his power and he released Ryan’s hand.

  The crowd roared its applause, clapping, growling, and howling its support.

  As Ryan and Nathanial rose to their feet to address their subjects, they smiled at one another.

  After centuries of unrest, discrimination, and hatred, they were finally
at peace. Wolves, vampires, dark witches, and warlocks were in the same room with one another without so much as a heated look passing between them.

  Despite all the obstacles that’d stood in their path, all the heartbreak and losses they’d suffered along the way, they’d succeeded.

  Cora released a heavy sigh of relief as she sank back against her throne.

  “It’s done,” she informed Marella, Shaye, and Asha, who were all watching her intently. “The realms are united.”

  Marella and Asha smiled excitedly.

  “Are you drained?” Shaye asked worriedly.

  Cora shook her head. “No, just a little high. I’ve never had such powerful dark magic coursing through me before. It’s a major rush.”

  Shaye, Marella, and Asha burst out laughing.

  “What?” Cora asked, perplexed.

  “It’s just a relief to finally have a ruler with a sense of humor,” Marella explained.

  “And one who actually listens to us,” Asha added.

  “Well, thank you, ladies,” Cora responded with amusement as she rose from the throne and walked down the steps.

  She hadn’t got very far when Ryan suddenly appeared in front of her.

  “Ladies,” he greeted them all smoothly.

  “How are you here? Did you just teleport?” she asked, stepping back in shock.

  He grinned from ear to ear. “Yep. Nathanial and Luca taught me.”


  “A few days ago. I didn’t tell you, because I wanted to surprise you.”

  She ran to him and threw her arms around his neck. He gripped her hips and lifted her up, holding her tightly against him.

  After everything they’d been through, they’d learned to appreciate moments like this in each other’s arms. They’d come to realize the strength of the love between them.

  A fated love that could never be broken, no matter what was thrown their way.

  They truly were destined.

  And no one had the power to change destiny.

  “I love you, Ryan Winters!” she cried.

  “I love you, Cora Black.”

  Leia King Library



  M/F Paranormal Romance

  Wild Hearts

  Savage Love

  Tainted Blood

  Darkest Desires


  Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance

  Immortal Burden

  Reign of the Beast

  Fallen Angel

  Out of Ashes


  M/F Paranormal Romance



  Ménage Paranormal Romance






  M/F Paranormal Romance

  The Complete Saga

  About the Author

  Where Magic And Passion Collide

  Leia has been obsessed with magical beings for as long as she can remember. Her stories are a seamless blend of hot alpha males and supernatural fantasy. Let’s not forget the badass women who give them a run for their money!

  Looking for a steamy, action-packed read immersed in magic and unforgettable alphas? You’ve met your match in King!

  Leia King is the paranormal romance alter ego of author, Franca Storm.





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