Safe Haven

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Safe Haven Page 3

by Brenda Trim

  She wanted to be with this man forever, and in every way. She was hopelessly in love with Lawson Scott and had the urge to shout it to the world.

  “Yes. If you’re asking then the answer is yes,” Liv replied and smiled.

  His broad grin told her how pleased he was. “I love you, Liv. I haven’t told you this, but I think I fell in love the day you walked into my cell.”

  Liv couldn’t hold back the tears of joy. She wanted to hear those words, and now that he said them, she was full to bursting.

  “I love you, too, Lawson,” she said and pressed her mouth to his.

  The kiss quickly heated and his hands roamed her body, igniting every cell. “Make love to me,” she demanded.

  “Try and stop me,” he groaned then stripped her bare, claiming her body beneath the starry sky.

  Chapter 3

  The large concrete building reminded Lawson of PRL, where he was held captive for three years. He tugged at his shirt collar when his throat tightened. He hated coming to places like this but refused to turn the other cheek if shifters were inside.

  “So, what’s the plan? And, why are we here on a Saturday?” Ryan asked as they made their way across the parking lot.

  “Typically, staff isn’t around on the weekend and security doesn’t arrive until later. When I was here the other day, it seemed like our biggest hurdle will be getting past the reception area. There was a male behind the desk checking identification. We’ll approach as potential investors and hopefully gain access. Maybe request a tour of the facility or some shit,” Lawson explained as he opened the glass door leading into the building.

  The familiar clinical scent bombarded Lawson’s senses, and he wanted to vomit. He abhorred the sterile smell. It reminded him of his days chained to a concrete wall.

  “Hi. How may I help you,” came a female voice and Lawson glanced to the human sitting behind a large metal desk? This person wasn’t the male he encountered the other day.

  “Oh, I got this one, bro. Follow my lead,” Ryan murmured under his breath.

  What was his brother up to now? Lawson’s gaze slid to her hands and he saw the gold band on her ring finger. Fuck. This wasn’t the time for Ryan to make a move on a married female.

  “Well, hello, darlin’. I’d like to speak with the owner, if possible. That wouldn’t be you by chance, would it, because that would be a bonus,” Ryan said with a smile as he leaned on the counter.

  The human blushed and lowered her gaze shyly. “Oh, heaven’s no. I’m just the Saturday temp. No one here but me, I’m afraid. You can leave your info if you’d like. I’ll make sure Mr. Farrell or Mr. Jensen contact you next week,” she offered and looked up at Ryan and smiled.

  So this was one of Jim’s facilities. Fucking prick. Lawson would give anything for that motherfucker to walk through the door.

  “How often does Mr. Jensen visit this location?” Lawson interjected.

  “As far as I know, he doesn’t visit here. At least not on the weekends. I’ve been here for a few months and have never met the man. Mr. Farrell is in charge,” she explained, her eyes never leaving Ryan.

  That figured. The prick was laying low, but Jim couldn’t hide forever. Lawson had a private investigator searching for his whereabouts, and when he located Jim, Lawson would make the fucker pay for killing his father.

  “Hmm, that is a predicament. See, my colleague and I are only in town today and we were hoping for a tour of the facility. Any chance you could help with that? We’re potential investors, so I can assure it would be worth your time. Might even turn into a full-time position,” Ryan replied and winked.

  “You’re a shifter, aren’t you?” she asked as she squirmed in her seat.

  “Yes, but don’t worry. I don’t bite unless you’re into that sort of thing, Julie,” Ryan replied with another wink as he glanced at the nametag on her blouse. Or maybe he was checking out the cleavage on display.

  It wasn’t surprising to Lawson that she knew they were shifters. It was common knowledge that shifters were bigger than the average human. Shifters were not only taller but had bigger frames and broader shoulders. Their facial features tended to be sharper, as well. And, you rarely saw an overweight shifter because their metabolisms were far higher than humans.

  Her blush deepened. “I’m not supposed to leave my desk area. Saturdays are delivery days, and someone has to sign,” she responded, chewing on the end of her pen. Lawson could tell she was interested in Ryan’s offer.

  “Well, hell, that’s an easy fix. Bob here can man your station and sign for packages while you give me the grand tour, beautiful. Although I must admit, you’re quite the distraction. What is that incredible fragrance you’re wearing?” Ryan said and reached over to caress her hand resting on the desk.

  “Huh? Oh, um, it’s called Gypsy Water,” she murmured as her gaze remained fixed on Ryan as the web of his charm caught her. Spider and fly, Lawson thought.

  “Are you a gypsy, Julie? Wild and free,” Ryan husked, leaning closer.

  She swallowed. “Hardly. More like trapped and miserable,” she quipped, and Lawson could see her chest heaving beneath her clothes. He’d bet his right nut she was creaming in her panties at Ryan’s insinuation.

  “Let’s take that tour, darlin’. I promise it’ll be our little secret,” Ryan said then turned to face Lawson. “Give me fifteen minutes,” he whispered then turned back to the human and grabbed her hand, leading her around the back of the desk to stand beside him.

  “Don’t worry. I’ve got your back if a delivery comes,” Lawson called out to their retreating bodies but didn’t miss his brother’s comment as the door closed behind them.

  “And I’m about to have your front,” Ryan confessed, and Julie lifted her hand to her mouth and giggled.

  Lawson had no doubt Ryan could get in her soaked panties, but he needed to search the place and look for shifters. What the fuck was Ryan thinking? How in the hell was getting her naked going to help? He walked behind the desk, rummaging through the drawers for anything that might be a key or access card.

  Like clockwork, Ryan’s head popped through the closed doorway fifteen minutes later. He was shirtless and grinning widely as he dangled a lanyard in Lawson’s direction. It had an access card and a key hanging on the end of it.

  “The key locks the front door and the card should get you anywhere in the building. Now, if you don’t mind, I’ve got work to do,” Ryan said and waggled his eyebrows.

  “Smug sonovabitch,” Lawson countered and snatched the lanyard from his brother’s grasp. He noticed the picture id was of the male Lawson saw behind the desk the day he visited. The name said, Dave Lennard.

  “You’re welcome,” Ryan countered smugly.

  “Can you keep her busy for thirty?”

  “Bro, I can keep her busy for hours. She’s insane. This is the best job I’ve ever had,” he said and turned his head, listening. “She’s calling for me. See you in thirty,” he added and shut the door.

  Lawson walked to the main door and put the key in the lock and turned, sealing the building. Now, time to find out what Jim was doing behind closed doors. Walking to the doorway where his brother had stood, Lawson placed the access card to the magnetic pad and the lock released. So far so good.

  Lawson stepped through the doorway to see a hall lined with doors. He quietly made his way down the corridor, peering inside the rooms as he went. They were typical labs, and nothing seemed out of place. He noticed one door was closed and inched his way over, stopping shy of the glass panel. He took a quick glance and saw Ryan and Julie inside the room. The female sprawled across a large desk with Ryan’s head buried between her legs. Yeah, he was keeping her busy alright, Lawson thought as he slipped past the room and continued.

  There was only one hall so it wouldn’t be a long search. No indication of anything out of the ordinary. He got to the end of the hallway where restrooms and a breakroom were located. Fuck. Had he been wrong about this place? He didn’t
see any private areas or locked rooms.

  Lawson shrugged and walked to the men’s restroom, needing to take a piss. He stood at the urinal, relieving himself and noticed a closed door beside the bathroom stalls. Looked like a storage room, but it seemed like an odd spot to put it. Lawson zipped up then walked to the sink and washed his hands.

  Reaching over, he turned the knob. It was locked. There was no pad indicating it needed an access key. He shoved his hand into his pocket and grabbed the lanyard. He shoved the key in and turned. The door opened. It seemed unlikely that it could be this easy.

  He pulled the door to see a stack of paper towels and toilet paper, along with, some cleaning supplies. But then his senses tingled. He felt the presence of shifters. Glancing around, he didn’t see any signs of another room. Where the fuck were they?

  Toiletries went flying as he tossed items out of the storage closet. With the area emptied, Lawson noticed a magnetic keypad at the base of the wall. He quickly shoved the access card in front of it, and the wall slid open. The whole fucking wall. Jackpot, he thought, as a hidden doorway appeared.

  Lawson stepped through and winced at the screams of a female. “Get the fuck away from us,” she shouted as she cradled a wolf in her arms. By the stench in the room, Lawson knew the animal was dead.

  The room was dark, but he could make out the female. She was sitting on the floor, holding the wolf as tears streamed down her face. There was a human male sprawled on the floor near her feet, and Lawson could see his broken neck. He remembered doing the same thing to a security guard at PRL and could only imagine what happened in this room.

  The female’s eyes widened. “You’re a shifter! What the hell? You fucking traitor!” she spat and kicked out. Lawson could see the chains holding her to the wall, but that didn’t deter her determination. She was a fighter.

  “No, I’m not. I’m here to get you out of this place,” Lawson said and rushed to her side. “Is this your mate?” he asked, knowing she’d be dead within hours if that were the case.

  Once a life force was shared, if one mate died the other followed suit. The connection was that strong, and they couldn’t live without their other half. He recalled his mom’s passing after his father died. She wanted to join him even though that meant she was leaving her five children behind.

  “He’s my father,” she confessed and pulled the animal closer.

  “Are there others here?” Lawson asked, looking around.

  She backed up, dragging the dead wolf with her. “There’s two more males plus a Ravin,” she said and tilted her head to the side.

  “Ravin?” Lawson said, startled by her words. He’d never heard of anyone capturing one.

  “Yeah, he’s in a cage over there but whatever you do, don’t let him out,” she blurted and pointed.

  “Listen to me. I’m going to unlock your cuffs, but I need you to calm down. We still have to get out of the building, and I need you in control. Understand?” Lawson demanded.

  She nodded her head but didn’t let go of the animal in her arms. Lawson placed the card on the magnetic pad and sighed his relief when the lock released.

  Lawson stood and made his way in the direction she indicated. He passed by a room where two males were chained. They were beaten and bruised but alive. Quickly rushing over, he placed the access card over the magnetic pad and the cuffs unlocked.

  “We’re getting you out of here. Help the female. She can’t carry the wolf by herself. I want to check something first then we’re out of here,” he replied before he stood.

  “If you’re talking about the Ravin then I advise you to leave him be. He’s beyond reach at this point,” one male declared as he stood on shaky legs.

  No telling how long these males had been imprisoned. Their long hair and beards told Lawson it was quite a while.

  “Can you two walk?” Lawson asked.

  “Fuck yes. If not, I’ll crawl,” the other growled male as he got to his feet.

  “Good. Help the female. I’ll be right there,” Lawson said and turned to leave the room.

  A room at the end of the hall had a sign by the door that read ‘Hazardous Material. Authorized Access Only’. This room must be where they held the Ravin. Lawson took several breaths then held the access card to the magnetic strip. The lock released. He couldn’t fucking believe it. How could this Dave guy be such a dumbass and leave his access card with a dimwit like Julie?

  Lawson stepped inside and saw a small room. There was a cage up against the wall. Inside was a male. He was sitting on the floor, legs crossed and hands resting in his lap. He looked like he was meditating.

  The male’s eyes opened, and Lawson saw the eyes of a shifter. It shocked Lawson when he noted the male didn’t look crazed or out of control. Lawson took a few steps closer.

  “My name is Lawson Scott. Can you hear me?” he asked warily.

  “Of course I can hear you. Why are you here, Lawson Scott?” he replied, his light blue eyes pinned on Lawson.

  Lawson had never seen a Ravin, but this wasn’t what he expected. Rumors said they were lost in their minds and controlled by bloodlust. Were the speculations wrong? Or maybe this male wasn’t a Ravin.

  “I came to free you. The others said you’re Ravin. Is that true?” Lawson asked.

  “I don’t know. You tell me, Lawson Scott,” he answered. Okay, the male was a little strange, but that didn’t make him a Ravin.

  “Are you in control of your animal? I can’t have anyone shifting while we get out of the building,” he explained, staring at the male. They had to be wrong about him. He was a hell of a lot calmer than the female in the other room.

  “Yes, I’m in control,” he drawled, and Lawson thought he saw a flash in his eyes. His wolf was stirring, but again, the male seemed in control.

  Lawson couldn’t leave him. They wouldn’t get another chance. Once Jim found out what happened, this place would be on lockdown for sure. He had to believe that the male was telling the truth.

  Lawson swiped the access card across the magnet and the cage door unlocked.

  “Let’s go,” Lawson ordered and stood outside the cage waiting.

  “Can you help me to my feet? I’m very weak,” the male indicated.

  Lawson stepped inside the cage and walked towards the male. As soon as he reached his side, long claws extended from his fingertips and the male’s face elongated and contorted as long incisors slid from his mouth. He grabbed Lawson around the throat and sank his fangs into his neck.

  Lawson struggled in his hold, but the male’s grip was too strong. Lawson’s wolf howled, demanding Lawson shift, but he couldn’t. It was impossible to breathe. He slumped to the ground, trying to fight off the beast.

  An overhead shadow appeared, and Lawson felt warm liquid cover his face right before someone drug the Ravin from his body. Lawson scrambled to get away and saw it was the female. She raised a long metal pole over her head then beheaded the creature.

  “I told you, you stupid fuck! Why can’t males listen?” she shouted to Lawson as her makeshift weapon continued to stab the male.

  Lawson clutched his throat. He could feel blood pouring from the injury. “Go get my brother. His name is Ryan. Hurry,” he muttered, his voice raspy and weak.

  The female disappeared, and Lawson wondered if she’d left him there to die. He wouldn’t put it past her after hearing the anger in her voice. He tried to sit up but fell back to the floor. He had no idea what it meant to be bitten by a Ravin. All he knew was he was losing a lot of blood and needed help.

  Minutes later, he heard shuffling and muffled voices. He felt the weight of his body lift, and then his arms slung over the shoulders of two bodies.

  “What the fuck were you thinking?” came Ryan’s voice.

  “I wasn’t,” he murmured as his head dropped to his chest.

  Moments later, a bright light surrounded him and he could feel the sun shining on the back of his neck. They were outside. Next thing he knew, he was shoved to a
hard surface. He cracked his eyes and saw the familiar upholstery of the van they drove to Jackson. He said a silent thank you. They made it out of the building.

  And then Lawson prayed to live.

  Chapter 4

  Liv scanned the pizza joint, looking for her friend Cassie. Movement caught her eye, and she spotted a hand frantically waving. Liv smiled then made her way to the corner booth.

  “Hey, Cass. Thanks for meeting me on such short notice,” Liv said as she plopped down on the vinyl cushion.

  “No problem, especially since you said the beer and za were on you. Bart must be paying you well,” Cassie replied and put down her menu.

  “Bart is paying me way too much, and I hate it. He’s already invested a ton in the business, and I feel like a mooch,” Liv confessed.

  A cute blonde approached their table. “How’s it going, ladies. Care to start with an appetizer and drinks? If you buy a pitcher of beer, you get your choice of appetizer for free,” the young lady stated and pointed to a section of Liv’s menu.

  “Oh, that sounds perfect. We’ll take a pitcher of Bud Light and the spinach and artichoke dip,” Liv ordered.

  “Excellent choice. I’ll get your beer right out. My name is Abby if you need anything,” she spouted then made her way to the bar.

  “She’s too cheerful for someone working on a Saturday. So, how was your visit with mom? How is she these days? And Milo? I miss my buddy,” Cassie inquired.

  It was so good to hang with her friend. It had been too long. Between the new business and Lawson, Cassie and their friendship were pushed to the backburner and that wasn’t right. She would have to make spending time with Cassie a priority. Relationships, like they shared, were too important to let fall by the wayside.

  “Milo is old, girl. I worry about that pooch, but he seems to like exploring the property. Lawson is his new best friend. I wonder if it’s an animal thing. Anyway, Mom’s great. I think she might be seeing someone. She was preoccupied with her phone while I was there,” Liv shared.


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