Safe Haven

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Safe Haven Page 11

by Brenda Trim

  “No, not at all. I was going over the reports you sent from the lab. I’ve got a fire going in my room. Or, I can start one in the living room if you’d rather talk here,” Bart said, searching Liv's eyes.

  “Your room is fine. I don’t want you going through the trouble of making another fire,” Liv replied and wrapped her cloak around her body, trying to get warm.

  “Come on,” he said and grabbed her hand, walking to the massive staircase that led to the bedrooms.

  As they walked into his suite, Liv realized she’d never been in his bedroom. At least, not at this house.

  “Wow, nice digs,” she commented as she walked across the room to sit in front of the fireplace.

  Bart grabbed a throw from a nearby chaise and wrapped it around her shoulders. “Thanks. I haven’t had time to add any personal touches, but I like it here,” he admitted as he sat beside her on the plush area rug.

  “So, how’s it going with the reelection,” Liv asked, staring at the fire.

  “Did you come all this way to ask me about my job? Liv, I can see you’ve been crying. Talk to me,” he muttered and reached over to tuck a lock behind her ear.

  “Bart, I’m such an idiot,” she blurted then fell into his arms, sobbing.

  “You are the furthest thing from an idiot, TKO. I’m going to need a little more information, I’m afraid,” he said as he wrapped his arms around her and held her tight.

  “It’s Lawson,” she said with a sigh.

  “Yeah, I kinda figured that. What happened? You two get into a fight?” he asked, and Liv heard the agitation in his voice. He didn’t like Lawson.

  “I caught him with another woman.”

  “What! Are you fucking kidding me? That sonovabitch,” he gritted, and Liv felt his body tense. “I’ll kill that piece of shit.”

  Liv leaned back and met Bart’s gaze. His dark brown eyes blazed with anger. “Please don’t. The last thing I need is you going to jail,” she declared.

  “What happened?”

  “Before I go there, I need a drink. Please tell me that is fully stocked,” Liv muttered as she looked over to the wet bar along the wall.

  “Yeah, I’ve got whatever you want. Rum? Vodka?” he offered as he got to his feet and walked across the room.

  “Tequila, if you have it,” she answered as she reached inside the blanket to remove the cloak tied at her neck. If she was going to be here awhile, she might as well get comfortable. She tossed it aside and snuggled inside the fleece throw.

  “Tequila it is,” he replied and picked up a bottle then reached into a small fridge and pulled out a few limes. He grabbed a knife and cutting board then proceeded to cut the limes and throw them in a small bowl. He grabbed a salt shaker, and a couple shot glasses before he walked back over and plopped beside her.

  “Do you remember the last time we did shots?” he asked as he filled two shot glasses with the clear liquid. He held up the saltshaker, but Liv shook her head. She didn’t need anything but the liquor tonight.

  Liv pondered his question for a minute then smiled. “Yeah, we were at that dive downtown. That band, what was the name?” she asked as she tried to recall.

  “Bloody Sods!” they both said at the same time and started laughing.

  “That was a night to remember,” she admitted then threw back her shot of tequila, enjoying the burn it provided. She held her glass out for a refill.

  Bart poured, and she drank it before he had time to fill his glass. She shoved the glass towards him, wanting another. “Slow down, TKO, or you’ll be puking in my toilet like you did that night,” he stated.

  “I don’t care. Give me another shot,” Liv demanded, and Bart looked at her a moment then poured another shot of liquor.

  “Tell me what happened tonight,” he coaxed, setting the bottle down so that he could grab her hands.

  “It was awful. My worst nightmare,” Liv confessed as emotion choked her throat.

  “Are you sure you didn’t read something wrong?”

  “No, Bart. I saw him fucking another woman. With my own two eyes. No mistaking anything. I still can’t believe he would do that to me. To us,” she admitted and reached over, grabbing the tequila bottle. She tilted her head back and drank deep.

  Bart grabbed the bottle and took it out of her hand. “Stop, Liv. Drinking isn’t going to solve anything.”

  Liv leaned against Bart’s chest as the alcohol began taking effect. She didn’t care if it wouldn’t solve anything. It was numbing her pain, and that was all that mattered. She didn’t want to feel anything.

  “I want to forget,” she mumbled.

  Bart rubbed her back, offering comfort. He was so good to her. Always there when she needed him. Never letting her down, unlike some people. Bart was the real deal. She was so incredibly lucky to have him in her life.

  Liv nuzzled his neck, enjoying his masculine scent. It was so comfortable with Bart. He would never betray her the way Lawson did. She closed her eyes as her buzz relaxed her body. It felt so good. She slid her arms around Bart’s waist and relaxed. He leaned against the chaise, supporting their weight.

  His bare flesh was warm and inviting, and Liv ran a hand across his muscled abdomen. He shuddered slightly but didn’t stop her. She opened her eyes, trailing her hand up and across his chest, and an image of Lawson flashed through her mind. He was making love to Kristi. Liv shook it off, focusing on Bart. She needed to forget about Lawson, and this was how she could do it.

  Liv placed a kiss on Bart’s neck. She felt him tense, but he remained in place. She kissed his neck again, this time nibbling on his flesh.

  “Liv, what are you doing?”

  “Isn’t it obvious?” she asked as she moved lower to place her mouth over his flat nipple. She kissed the flesh, feeling it harden against her lips.

  “Liv, this is a bad idea. You’re drunk, upset, and not thinking clearly,” he groaned and grabbed her face between his palms, forcing her to look at him.

  “I’m thinking clearer than ever before,” she whispered and brought her lips to his mouth.

  At first, he didn’t respond. Liv continued to move her lips against his, licking at the seam. When she nibbled his lower lip, he groaned, and she delved inside, taking advantage. Her tongue stroked against his, and she felt his resolve slip away.

  Bart broke the kiss and leaned back, searching her eyes. “Are you certain you want this? I don’t want you filled with regret tomorrow,” he stated, his thumbs caressing her cheek.

  “I’m positive. I want you,” Liv demanded, then pushed him to his back, falling across his body. In the next moment, Liv felt Bart’s hand on her back, unzipping her dress.

  Liv was determined to forget Lawson. As far as she was concerned, he was dead to her.

  Chapter 13

  Lawson opened his eyes then slammed them shut when pain exploded in his head. He groaned and grabbed his head, trying to stifle the pounding noise. What the fuck happened? He tried to recall his last memory, but it was a complete blur.

  He cracked one eye and scanned the dark room. It was early morning hours if his internal clock was accurate. He glanced at the bedside table and immediately realized he was in an unfamiliar place. He managed to push to a sitting position and swung his legs to the floor. Where was he? He put his head in his hands, trying again to remember what happened.

  The sheets rustled behind him and he turned, expecting to see his beautiful redhead sleeping peacefully.

  “Good morning, Law. Sleep well?” Kristi murmured and reached to caress his back.

  Lawson jumped out of bed only to realize he was stark naked. He scanned the room, looking for his clothes. He recognized it as Kristi’s bedroom then spotted his things in a small pile at the foot of the bed.

  He quickly snatched his underwear and slipped them on, barking, “What the hell happened, and why am I in your room?”

  “Don’t you remember? We came back here last night and continued a private party,” she purred, sitting up. T
he sheet slipped, exposing her bare breasts.

  Images came flooding back at hearing her words. A shot of tequila. Vomiting in the restroom and then Liv helping him back to their room. Lawson looked around, trying to understand.

  “This doesn’t make any sense,” he muttered more to himself than anything.

  He spotted a long red wig on the floor. It was lying on top of the iridescent material. An image of Kristi with red hair came to mind.

  “That was you in the bathroom last night?” he asked as the pieces starting clicking together.

  “Uh huh. You got sick, and I helped you back to my room. You were a hot mess,” Kristi said with a laugh as she got up and walked to a small refrigerator, grabbing a water bottle from inside.

  Her naked body was a hard slap across the face. Lawson didn’t need any more details. His gut knotted, and he couldn’t deny the obvious. He'd slept with Kristi. Even worse than that, he betrayed Liv.

  “Put on some fucking clothes,” he ordered as he grabbed his pants and proceeded to get dressed.

  “That’s not what you said last night. In fact, you couldn’t get enough of me,” she replied as she twisted the cap and took a deep swig. “Want some?” she asked, offering him the water. “Better yet, how about you quench your thirst on me?” she said and tipped the container, allowing a stream of water to drip between her breasts.

  Lawson walked over and swatted the plastic bottle to the floor. “Tell me something, Kristi. Why was I so fucked up last night? I remember having one shot of tequila, and that’s it.”

  “I might’ve put a little something in your drink. You are always so uptight. It was nothing but a mild sedative to help you relax,” Kristi responded as she walked to the dresser and opened a drawer, sliding into a pair of booty shorts then throwing on a tank top.

  “I remember thinking Liv was in the restroom helping me. You pretended to be her,” he spat. His body shook uncontrollably as rage built to the point of boiling. Kristi tricked him.

  “I did no such thing. You don’t expect anyone to believe you were so messed up that you fucked me, thinking I was that pathetic human. That’s preposterous, Lawson. Face it,” she declared as she walked over and placed her hands on his chest. “Last night was meant to be. And it was incredible.”

  “It can’t be incredible when one of us doesn’t even remember it,” he gritted and grabbed her hand, squeezing it with all his might.

  “Ow!” she yelled and jerked it from his grasp. “You know what? Go ahead and keep living in your fantasy world where an Alpha chooses a human as his partner. It’s not going to last. Sooner or later, you’ll realize I’m better suited for you. You need a strong female by your side if you want this pack to live in harmony. I did you a favor last night,” she hissed and stormed to the bathroom and slammed the door closed.

  “Pack your shit. I want you gone in the next two weeks,” Liv shouted to the closed door.

  Lawson didn’t have time to deal with Kristi and her bullshit right now. He needed to find Liv and do damage repair. Did she know what happened? That was a stupid question. He didn’t go back to their room last night.

  He stormed out of the bedroom and looked down the empty hallway. In the early hours, the hotel was eerily quiet. Lawson walked to the lobby. It was vacant. The large family room, as well as, the dining area was desolate, too. Part of Lawson thought he dreamt the whole thing until he spotted the decorations still in place, evidence to the Halloween party.

  He bypassed the slow elevator and ran to the staircase, taking the steps two and three at a time until he reached the third floor. He rushed to his suite, praying Liv would understand and forgive him.

  He didn’t give two shits about Kristi. The female drugged him. He would never willingly cheat on Liv. He loved her and nobody else. She had to believe him.

  He barged into the room, his chest heaving and his heart racing. His head still pounded a drumbeat on his skull, but he ignored the pain.

  “Liv!” he shouted as he entered the dark room. Silence answered his call.

  He rushed inside and spotted the empty bed. It was still made, telling him he wasn’t the only one who didn’t sleep there. Where could Liv be? He remembered Cassie was in the room a few doors down, and he bolted into the hallway.

  Several loud knocks and an unkempt Cassie cracked open the door to her room. “Hey, what’s up?” she asked groggily.

  “Is Liv here?” he snapped, ready to barge into the room and check for himself.

  “No, dude. I haven’t seen her since you two disappeared from the party. Are you feeling better?”

  Suddenly, his brother Ryan walked up behind Cassie, wearing nothing but a sheet around his waist.

  “Bro, what happened to you last night?” he asked and wrapped his arms around Cassie.

  “I’ll explain later. If you see Liv, please tell her I’m looking for her,” he replied as he walked off. He heard Cassie yelp then laugh before the door to her room closed.

  If Liv wasn’t with Cassie and she wasn’t in their room, where could she have gone? What she must be thinking. How could he have let this happen?

  He glanced down and noticed he was wearing his clothes from the night before. His sensitive nose told him he smelled of sex and Kristi’s perfume. He needed to shower and clean up before he talked to Liv.

  He walked back to their room and shut the door. He checked his phone to see if Liv had texted or called. Nothing.

  He typed a quick text, saying that he needed to see her right away. Before he could put his phone down, he heard the familiar kissy sounds of Liv’s cell. He glanced at the dresser and spotted her phone. Wherever she went, she didn’t take her phone.

  He threw his clothes in the bathroom trash can and hopped in the shower. He stood under the hot spray of water, searching for words that might explain what happened.

  Everything he said out loud sounded like a sorry-ass excuse more than anything. He didn’t know how he was going to convince Liv that he thought it was Liv he was making love to and not Kristi. This whole situation was beyond fucked.

  Liv smiled as a warm hand rubbed her back, and she snuggled closer to the hard body behind her.

  “Good morning, TKO,” whispered a deep voice then she felt lips on her neck.

  Liv froze, and her eyes popped open. Reality came crashing down as she recalled where she was and the reason why. The image of Lawson and Kristi was followed by another of her and Bart. Oh, God. She was naked and in Bart’s bed. What the fuck had she done?

  Liv scooted to the edge of the bed and sat up, covering her naked body with the sheet. She was beyond mortified.

  “Morning,” she muttered as she looked around, trying to remember where her clothes were. Last time she saw them Bart was removing her dress.

  She remembered throwing herself at him like a cheap harlot. Luckily, she stopped things before they went too far, but she still slept in his bed. Naked.

  “Hey, don’t be like that. There’s no reason to hide from me,” Bart stated and sat up, leaning on his elbow. “I’ve seen you naked hundreds of times, Olivia."

  “Yes, but before last night, it had been a while,” she retorted, not wanting to say what was racing through her mind, which was Get your fucking clothes and run as fast as you can from this room.

  “Then what is it? Don’t shut me out, Liv. Let me help you,” Bart offered and reached over to stroke her cheek.

  Liv cringed and moved away. Being intimate with him was wrong on every level. Going to Bart was a big mistake, and it was all her fault. She came onto him, giving him the impression she was interested. It didn’t matter that she stopped events from proceeding beyond kissing. She was a terrible person. Bart was a good man and deserved better.

  “I need to be alone. I have a lot of decisions to make. I’ll get out of your hair as soon as I find my clothes,” she said, thinking she’d never done the walk of shame without doing the actual deed.

  Somehow this felt even worse. Liv had almost cheated on Lawson.r />
  Images of why she’d gone to Bart in the first place filled her mind. She shouldn’t feel guilty. Lawson was the one that betrayed her.

  Bart grabbed his silk robe then made his way to the fireplace, putting on the garment as he walked. Liv admitted his body would drive any woman to his bed. He was attractive, kind, and funny. Not to mention, very wealthy. No wonder he was plastered on every local paper as the sexiest governor to grace Tennessee. But she didn’t have a romantic bone in her body for Bart. No. She loved a cheating wolf. Liv wished more than anything she could erase the past twenty-four hours.

  He reached down and grabbed her costume from the plush area rug. “If you don’t want to wear this, I’m sure I can find some clothes that will fit,” he offered as he walked back to the bed, laying the garment beside her.

  “Yeah, I don’t ever want to see that again,” Liv confessed as she stared at the Red Riding Hood costume.

  She had such high hopes for her party, assuming it would be a fun night that ended with Lawson making love to her until dawn. What a joke. He ended up in the arms of another woman, and Liv was devastated.

  “Consider it history. I’ll find some clothes for you. Help yourself to the coffeemaker and shower then we’ll go downstairs and eat,” Bart instructed from a squatted position in front of her. Trust Bart to be good-natured and supportive despite the rollercoaster she brought to his room.

  “I should go,” she blurted then realized she had nowhere to go. Her home was a hotel three hours away, with a man that wanted someone else.

  “Don’t be silly. Take a shower while I find something for you to wear,” Bart countered quickly.

  “Ugh, what am I going to do? All of my clothes are at the hotel. And so is Milo. I have to get my dog. And then what? Where am I going to live? God, this is so messed up,” she sighed and lay back on the mattress. She wanted to curl into a ball and drown in her sorrows for about a year.


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