
Home > Other > War > Page 17
War Page 17

by R. S. Broadhead

  She burst out the side door and into the night. I paused for a second and gave him a stern look. There was no point in arguing. He wasn’t going to let me do this by myself. “Fine,” I said through gritted teeth. Without waiting on him to reply, I pushed open the door and stepped out into the darkness. Tonight, I was finally going to come face to face with my enemy, and I couldn’t be more ready for it.



  Who knew a spirit in solid form could drive? I was shocked when she jumped into the driver’s seat of one of the Jeeps and fired it up. I expected her to make the trip on foot since she couldn’t do the flying shit she was doing earlier. She backed up and slammed it into drive.

  “You two be careful. Please, Reese, only find out where he’s at for now and come back. We need to develop a plan before you go in there and get yourself killed,” Fuzz said.

  “Sure,” I yelled out the window as I darted forward. I was positive he hadn’t heard me. It didn’t matter. If I saw I had an opening to go and get my hands on Dermetheus I wouldn’t hesitate to take it.

  Once back on the main road, we made a few turns, and soon Jackson was an image in the rearview mirror. My hands tightened around the steering wheel as my heart rate increased. This was it. I was finally going to come face to face with him. I hadn’t seen him since the night he’d killed Steele. Was I really ready for this? Stop it. I was ready. I wasn’t the same feeble girl as that night.

  “Figured he would have a place close to the portal here,” Harley said, interrupting my thoughts. I didn’t reply. I was too busy trying to decide on my best form of attack. “You’re not planning on just finding out where he’s at, are you?”

  My eyes rolled toward him before focusing on the road once more. “You don’t have to go in with me if you don’t want to. But I need this. I need to face him.”

  He shifted in the seat. “I get that, but without backup it’s a suicide mission.”

  I remained silent. Of course it was. But if he died along with me, I didn’t care. I had completed my job.

  “Holy shit! You’re willing to chance that, aren’t you?”

  We veered off the road at a red light.

  “I am.”

  He sat back and shook his head. “That’s insane.”

  I leaned forward and flicked my headlights off. “Speaking of insane…” The spirit rolled forward, leaving us behind. “Of all places, he hides in an abandoned mental institute.” I trained my eyes on the red of her taillights as she continued down the overgrown entrance.

  “I’m going to back up and park up the road. We can sneak around through those trees on the side over there.” I eased our Jeep back and found the perfect spot to conceal it behind some bushes. Our footsteps fell in sync as we quietly trotted through the woods. By the time we neared the wood line and could get a clear view of the yellow glow of the building, I was gasping for breath.

  Glancing back and forth, something struck me as odd. “Funny there’s no Valks out there. Looks like he’d want to protect the place.” Nausea settled in the pit of my stomach. I hoped the spirit hadn’t led us to the wrong place or worse, we’d been led into a trap of some kind. Before I could voice my thoughts, a distinct growl turned my blood icy.

  “Reese!” Harley’s strangled muffles called out. My head whipped around. I found the whites of Harley’s eyes as they practically bulged from the sockets. A large Valk stood to the back of him, holding a syringe firmly imbedded into his neck. A second later, he went limp.

  My stomach rose to my throat and somewhere from the distance I heard a scream. It wasn’t until another Valk’s paw clasped around my throat that I realized it was coming from me. A sharp stick pierced my flesh, jarring me from my terror filled stupor. Wiggling my body, I flung an arm back and broke free. The two predators didn’t follow. They only watched as I staggered back breathing hard. I felt tears of panic splash down my cheeks.

  Squeezing my lids tight, I fought with my foggy brain to push through whatever was powering its way in my veins. I called out, the words failing me and rendering more into a soft moan. My tongue felt numb, like it was suddenly too big for my mouth. I refocused, opening my eyes only to see Harley’s crumpled form shrouded by the shadows. Beads of sweat populated along my hairline as I mustered up enough strength to position my fists in front of me.

  “She’s got a lot of resilience in her,” one of the Valks said.

  “True. As fun as this is to watch, I think the boss is ready to see them.” That earned a grunt from his friend. An explosion rolled through my temple as one’s fist connected. I was hurtled in the direction of the ground as my knees buckled from impact. Before I hit the solid surface, everything went black.

  Pain laced my joints. I wiggled my numb fingers, trying to get the blood to flow. I peered over my shoulder. The shackles hadn’t changed from the last time I checked. They were still pressed firmly around my wrists. The only difference was the once flesh-toned digits were now purple. I wilted to my knees. The intensity of agony increased.

  Sweat rolled from my hairline down my face. I stared at the drop as it splatted against the dirty floor. This was a hopeless situation. No one would find us. They didn’t know where we were. At that moment, I would’ve given anything to have one of those annoying microphones that Fuzz had made us wear when we first started our missions. My mouth twitched as I thought back to Dax getting knocked out. A throaty laugh echoed against the walls. It sounded foreign, like it belonged to another person. Not me. My smiled faded. The severity of the situation once again took precedent. The lock on the door turned. I inclined my head and squinted toward the forms entering the room.

  “I think she’s ready to talk, don’t you, Talgon?” Dermetheus’s voice chimed.

  I blinked. My vision cleared and focused on the beast. He was bigger than I remembered, and even more terrifying. I involuntarily shuddered at the memories I had with this thing. Wheeler. He was once my boyfriend. I swallowed a gagging sensation as I zeroed in on the new asset. The skin on his forearms was raised slightly. At the wrists, a sharp tip from a blade poked through, coming over his knuckles.

  “Yes, sir.” His sharp teeth snapped together, the saliva glistening against the light.

  Dermetheus stopped a foot from me. He gestured with a thumb toward the shackles. “Take them off while we talk.”

  “Are sure that’s wise? She’s unpredictable,” Talgon said.

  “I don’t think we have that to worry about right now.”

  Two Valks skirted around the pair. Within seconds, I was released from the shackles. I plummeted toward the floor, twisting my arms, attempting to catch my body, but they were too weak. They were like jelly. I hit face first, sending a searing white-hot pain though my skull. I rolled over to my back. The taste of copper filled my parched mouth.

  “Sit her in the chair.” Dermetheus said.

  The Valks grabbed me under the arms and hoisted me into the air. I grimaced in pain. Every nerve tingled as the blood rushed back into my limbs. I was dropped into a chair across from Dermetheus.

  He sat back and crossed one leg over the other. “Now, that’s much better, isn’t it?” I didn’t answer. His lips twitched, but his smile remained plastered in place. “Here’s how it’ll work. I talk, you listen. I ask questions, you answer. Do you understand?”

  I remained silent. He nodded in the direction of Talgon. Before I could look in his direction, my vision was dotted. More blood filled my mouth as I wiggled my jaw back and forth. He hadn’t hit me hard enough to break it, but I had the feeling if I didn’t do as told, it wouldn’t be long before that happened.

  “Do we understand each other now?”


  “Good.” He leaned toward me. Instinctively, I flinched. A low chuckle escaped through his lips. “That’s what I like to see in you, Reese. Fear.”

  His words gutted me. I hated him more than anything in this world. I wanted to end his life. I studied his smug expression. It was the same expre
ssion he had worn the night he’d killed the love of my life and destroyed my world. My fist clenched. It was still too weak to make a difference if I struck him.

  He glanced down at the movement and held up his pointer finger. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” His lips puckered as his eyes went up to the ceiling. “Of course, I would enjoy it. You, not so much. More pain, definitely.” He clapped his hands. “Let’s get down to why I’m here. You and I aren’t that different. We are both trying to lead our people to better lives. Key word, lead. We’re leaders. Strong. Have been through a pile of shit to get that way.” He stood, pacing.

  “I’m nothing like you.”

  He stopped and bent low. His face came close to mine. “Really? Dark thoughts never cross your mind? You haven’t killed before?”

  I swallowed and dropped my gaze.

  He stood upright. “That’s what I thought.” He resumed his pacing. “Just imagine what you and I could be together. We could rule all the realms. Be unstoppable. Of course, I’m strong enough for that to happen alone, but honestly, I’m tired of having to deal with your shit. I’d rather have you on my side.”

  “I’ll never join you. It’s stupid you’d ever think I would.”

  His lips curved. “I thought you might say something like that.” He crossed the room and opened the door. Two more Valks entered, dragging a slumped figure into the room. Harley groaned as they tossed him to the floor. His face was covered in blood. Another Valk came in pushing a metal cart lined with already bloody tools. The three of them gave their leader a slight bow and left the room.

  Dermetheus slowly walked over to the cart, never taking his off mine. He picked up something with a hook on the end. Heat burned across my face and down my neck. I struggled to stand, but failed and crashed back down to the chair. He laughed. Bending at the waist, with a flick of his wrist he stabbed the hook into Harley’s hand and dragged it upward, opening the flesh along the way. Harley cried out.

  My chest heaved. “No! Please stop!” I screamed through scalding hot tears. More than anything, I wanted to trade places with him. He didn’t deserve the torture he was enduring.

  The tool rested on his arm as Dermetheus stopped to look over to me. “Why should I stop? The way you’re acting I’d swear that you loved him.” He shook his head in mock sympathy as his tongue clicked against the roof of his mouth.

  I didn’t say anything.

  He drew his lower lip between his teeth and made a hissing noise. “You do! Agh! This makes this so much sweeter. Have we forgotten about the last man you loved and what happened to him?” He tapped a finger against his chin. “What was his name? Steele? Oliver Steele?”

  My jaw tightened.

  “I’m right! I can tell by your expression.”

  Anger surged, quickening my pulse. “Don’t ever say his name,” I growled. My muscles bunched. Tears leaked from my eyes.

  He neared me and caressed my face within his hands. “I’ll say whatever I want. Now are you ready to hear what I have to say? If not, we can continue to torture lover boy over here or you can see who else I’ve found to join the party.”

  Excruciating waves of anguish brought bile to the back of my throat. Who else had he found to use against me?

  He motioned for someone on the other side of the door. Whimpers reached me before their presence did. I screamed in agony when my parents were ushered into the room.

  “I don’t know who you are, but I’ve told you I’ll give you whatever you want. Money isn’t an issue,” my dad pleaded.

  Dermetheus didn’t say anything, only pushed my dad’s chin in my direction.

  “Reese?” he murmured.

  My mother cried out. “How are you alive? We buried you.”

  Before I could answer, one of Talgon’s blades slid free of its flesh sheath and in a blur sliced through both of their necks. Blood hit my face, blinding me. Their gurgles filled the room as they choked on their last few seconds of life.

  My emotions ran rampaged. I swallowed, clenching my jaw.

  “Now, if you decide not to listen again, I’ll do the same to him, only more slowly,” Dermetheus hissed.

  My vision came back into focus through the red haze. I numbed the anguish dying to be released. I would not give him the pleasure. He wanted to see me grovel.

  “What do you have to say?” I asked through gritted teeth.

  “Finally. It only took a little bit of blood and now the two of us can be friends, huh?” He laughed at the concept and continued. “Yes, Lamia was sent to make sure you idiots didn’t destroy the relic. I have to admit it was pretty smart to wash her concept of reality like you did. However, her lack of ability to tell you where we were at wasn’t the only thing the Magal did to her. We also placed cameras within her eyes. Everything she saw, we saw. So yeah, you’ve been watched from the inside. I really wasn’t playing fair, I guess.” He stopped and stared down at me. “You’re the only one that can claim the energy from the portals. I want you to finish what you started and bring it to me when you’re finished. Plain and simple.”

  “If I agree to this, you have to promise you won’t hurt anyone else. That includes him.” I motioned toward Harley. “He goes with me when I leave.”

  “Oh, no worries. I wouldn’t want him to stay. He stinks of dogs. I think you know what I’m capable of without holding him here to make sure you hold up your end of the bargain. So we have a deal?”


  “Good. Sleep now. You’ve got work to do.” His eyes flicked to someone behind him. Another sharp pain at my neck made me flinch. My eyes closed and darkness once again consumed me.



  When I woke up, I was in the medical part of the training facility. I rolled over to find Harley next to me. He was still unconscious, but at least most of the blood had been wiped from his face. Shuffling into a sitting position, I dangled my feet over the floor while my equilibrium caught up. When the dizziness subsided, I crossed the room and stood beside him.

  My fingers ran over the stitches along his forearm. He’d almost died because of me. My parents had died. Would they even get buried or would he just toss their bodies somewhere? Grief overtook me, and I staggered back. I needed something to the take the edge off. Now. I couldn’t deal with this right now. If I did, I would crumble. I ran with every ounce of strength I could find within me.

  I found the only bar still open in Jackson. The Pine. It was kind of ironic considering this place also held horrible memories for me. I mean, who was I kidding really? This entire town was one big shit show of how fucked up my life really was.

  I twisted the knob and shoved the door open to be greeted by the bitter smell of grease. Ugh. It made my stomach churn. The bartender swiped a towel through the inside of a mug and set it down in front of her before giving two guys sitting there a sideways glance. That was the thing with this place, most of the employees were bitches. But alas, they were my only way to the outlet I deserved. I needed that escape right now.

  I plopped down on the stool next to a guy in pressed khaki shorts and a polo shirt tucked tightly into his waist. His squeaky clean demeanor was the complete opposite of me. I was still covered in my own blood, and the smell of sweat radiated off me.

  Placing my elbows on the shiny wooden countertop, I leaned forward and rested my face in the comfort of my grimy paws. “What does a girl have to do around here to get a shot?” I licked my peeling lips, not bothering to look up at the three around me. The preppy guy and his friend whispered to each other, too low for me to hear clearly. Not that I wanted to. I knew I was the topic of choice.

  “What would you like, hun?” the bartender asked.

  I peeked up at her through my fingers and glanced over the bottles nearest to me. My eyes landed on a black label and despite feeling like shit, the corners of my lips pulled up. “Jack Daniels.”

  “You got it.” With a few swift steps, she snatched a shot glass out from underneath the bar and had the
amber liquid filled to the brim. She carefully set it down in front of me, only taking in my appearance in short glances. “You starting a tab or you want to just pay for that?”

  I reached down, taking notice that she slightly stilled as her pupils dilated. Inwardly, I laughed. Guess I did look like someone that would go postal in here. I pulled a hundred dollar bill from my pocket and slammed it down. “Give me the bottle. You can keep the change for your tip.”

  She visibly relaxed. Her eyes landed on the bill in front of her and a mode shift was clear. “Sure thing!” Within seconds, she had the bottle sitting next to me and the bill was gone. “Let me know if you need anything else.”

  I nodded and took the first shot. Yep, still burned the way I remembered. It had worked once at making me forget an awful experience, so it needed to hurry and work its magic now. Although seeing your parents killed before you was a little different than having an ex-boyfriend tell you he’d found the one. I couldn’t help but laugh. The moment Sim had told me that, I’d thought my world was over. Reaching out, I untwisted the top to the bottle and poured another round. That pain had nothing on this. I stared the liquid, turning the small glass between my fingers. I was literally alone in this world now. Sure, my parents had thought I was dead, but after all this was over I had planned to reach out to them. I was only trying to keep them safe until everything played out. Now it was too late.

  I pinched my eyes together and lifted the drink to my lips.

  “Rough night, huh?” a voice beside me asked.

  I didn’t turn in his direction. The fact that he had finally decided he was brave enough to speak shocked and amused me at the same time. “You have no idea.” I pushed my fingers through my tangled hair and turned to face him. “Think about the worst thing that’s ever happened to you and magnify that by about one hundred. That was my night.” I quickly took another shot expecting the conversation to be over.


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