Rosewood Romances Series: A Sweet & Steamy Short Story Romance

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Rosewood Romances Series: A Sweet & Steamy Short Story Romance Page 7

by Amelia Star

  I reach out and she steps toward me, taking my hands so that I can pull her in close.

  “Please, say you won’t mind if I kiss you.” I’m not sure if I’m imagining it, but I would swear I can feel her heart beating like a hummingbird’s against my chest.

  “Mark.” Serena looks up at me, hesitating. Despite the moonlight, her eyes look darker than usual, and her hair looks so luxuriant. I’m anticipating running my hands through the thick curls.

  “Oh, Mark, I want you to do more than just kiss me.” Her voice, husky with desire, draws me to her.

  I press my lips against her full lips, and at last, I run my hands through her hair. It’s soft, and the curls wind around my fingers, as if I’m getting caught in her forever.

  We kiss deeply. I surrender to the feeling. My tongue parts her lips, and she moans with pleasure. Mindlessly, forgetting the very earth we’re standing on, I enfold her in my arms. My swollen cock presses against her hip, and she lets out another moan.

  “We should go inside,” I growl. Taking her hand, I lead her through the back door to the enclosed patio. We head toward the door to the kitchen, but I can’t get the key in the lock because I’m kissing Serena at the same time.

  Finally, Serena gives up on going inside the house. “Forget about that stupid key,” she commands, stepping between me and the door.

  As she faces me, I can’t help myself. “Beautiful. You are so beautiful.” Her skin has a rich, deep tone, and it smells spicy in a way that makes me delirious.

  The blinds surrounding the porch are all lowered, so no one can see in.

  “I’ve got to get your clothes off,” I murmur.

  “Yes,” she sighs as I slip her light sweater off. Her bare shoulders are strong and perfectly formed. I kiss them gently as I unbutton her shirt. When the shirt’s all the way open, I run my gaze over her curves. “More, let me see more,” I demand.

  She removes her shirt and jeans, then stands before me in her black bra and panties. “Come and get me, big boy.”

  I gasp in amazement–I’ve got to make this woman mine. All I can do is reach around behind her and undo the hook of her bra. Freed from the restraints of the lace and elastic, her breasts look the way nature intended–lusciously round and tempting. I take a dark nipple in my mouth and kiss, sucking and nibbling lightly. “You smell and taste so amazing, like a woman should.”

  She arches against the door, “Touch me everywhere. I want to feel you inside me.”

  The invitation is what I’ve been waiting for, and I reach under her panties. Her soft, curly hair entices me. When I find the nub of her clitoris, she purrs contentedly. I keep stroking her, then insert one finger. “Mark, give me more,” she insists.

  I put two fingers in and press in and out while my other hand reaches around and kneads her ass. Her cheeks are firm and full, and she comes alive with the stimulation from every direction. Most of my energy is focused on her pussy, though, which is so slippery with moisture.

  “You’re so wet,” I growl into her mouth, kissing her while I keep working my hand in and out, rhythmically, stronger and stronger, until she’s gasping with the intensity of the friction. I feel so close to the real Serena now, not the one who’s been keeping a wall between us, but the woman who she’s meant to be, passionate and powerful in her sexuality.

  “I’m going to come,” she confesses in a sultry voice, completely taken over. “I’m coming Mark, I’m coming!”

  I make small circles inside her as the walls of her vagina squeeze my fingers tight. I’m wishing it was my cock in there feeling the contractions, and I keep on kneading her full ass, and kissing her neck. “I can’t get enough of you, Serena.”

  She gives a wrenching cry, shuddering against the door, and I hold her by the shoulders to keep her upright.

  “That felt so good. I’ve never come so fast before. How did you do that?”

  I lift her chin and look into her eyes. “It’s because I’m falling in love with you, Serena. You know that, don’t you?”

  “I know that, Mark. And I am falling in love with you. I didn’t think it was possible, but my heart melts every time you look into my eyes.”

  With that, I lift her into my arms and carry her to the low, long divan along the side wall of the porch. She’s the perfect weight for me, with enough muscle to make her strong, but curvy and soft in all the right places. She’s an amazing woman, and I’m the luckiest man in the world to have found her.


  Mark stands over me, imposing in his masculinity.

  “Let me see you–all of you,” I demand, the way he did of me a short while ago.

  With a serious smile on his face, he removes his clothes, laying them across one of the wicker chairs to the side.

  “Oh, dear heavens,” I gasp. “You’re so big!”

  Then he’s looking for something in his pants pockets, and finds it in his billfold. A condom, which he rolls over the length of his huge dick.

  “I’ll be careful, don’t worry.” He joins me on the divan, lying very snuggly beside me a moment, then rolling gently on top of me, using his powerful arms to hold himself over me.

  “Who said you have to be careful?” I asked. “I want all of you.” I open my thighs and show him where his hands have been.

  His eyes widen, and he lets out a deep sigh. “You’re perfect–like the flowers in spring.” He bends down and sniffs, then tastes me with his tongue. “I’m going to enjoy this, my love. You relax.”

  His tongue is in me, moving in gentle, then powerful rhythms–gentle, then powerful, gentle, then powerful–over and over. I’m opening up, I’m unfolding. He’s peeling away the layers of my defenses one by one until I can’t take it anymore.

  “Mark!” I scream. “Come inside me, now. I need you inside me, come with me, please!”

  He lifts his head, towers over me, and begins inserting his cock slowly, fearful of hurting me.

  “I want all of you, put your huge cock in me now!”

  And he does.

  I thought I was going crazy with pleasure before? Now I’m going mad. It’s unreal, how he knows exactly where to move, exactly how to move–each place inside me that needs to be touched is being stimulated in exactly the right way.

  “My love, I’m coming,” he groans into my ear. “I can’t hold back with you!” he cries, and his energy shoots through my center, filling me with the truest ecstasy I’ve ever experienced. My mind shuts down, and I can’t see anything except Mark over me, his dark, dark body, enveloping me in pleasure.

  “I’ve never felt so at peace before.” Mark has satisfied my desires in a way no other man ever has before.

  Mark smiles and kisses me for a long moment.

  We listen to the crickets outside in his garden, and a pond or fountain, something with water running.

  “Do you have a fountain in your yard?”

  “Mmm-hmmm,” he murmurs. “Makes me think, I should go get washed up. Maybe I’ll make us something fresh from the garden instead of just popcorn. Would you like that?”

  “That sounds wonderful,” I say. “I’ll just stay here a bit longer and listen to the beautiful sounds outside.”

  Mark nods, picks up his clothes, and walks in his fabulous nakedness across the porch. He gets the door to the kitchen unlocked and goes inside.

  I must have drifted off for a few moments. I wake to the sound of one low-pitched chirping alarm after the other.

  Looking down, I notice Mark dropped his phone on the floor. It’s lying face up, and one message after another is coming through. Clearly, they’re from his mom:

  Did the herbal tea open your heart, Son?

  You need to come and have more if you haven’t felt your heart opening.

  A woman in your life will do you good.

  A woman who brings you children will do you even more good.

  You know it’s true, Son.

  I turn the phone over. It keeps chirping messages.

that’s what this is all about. Mark wants to have children. Why didn’t he tell me?

  He could have at least talked to me, so that I would know about his dreams. Now I just feel as if he’s keeping his hopes from me.

  Maybe Mark isn’t the man I thought he was. Maybe he’s got plans for a future, and I can’t be a part of it. If that’s the case, I should go, and let him find his dreams with someone else.

  Quickly, I rustle around and find my clothes in the dark. I should get out of here, before Mark comes to the kitchen. This has all been a sad mistake. But it’s not a mistake that’s going to be repeated. I’ll see to that, starting now.


  I take a quick shower, then put on a bathrobe and lay out another one for Serena on the bed. I can’t remember when I’ve been so happy, and I keep going over in my head how lucky I was to be in the woods that morning when Serena’s puppy escaped her grasp. Now, it’s Serena who is in my grasp, and I never intend to let her go.

  I’m thinking about what I have fresh to put together for a quick meal.

  “How does a chicken stir-fry sound, beautiful—” I’m in the middle of saying as I step onto the porch to find–no Serena. Anywhere.

  She probably went into the backyard to enjoy the garden under the moonlight, I decide. But when I open the door, call her name, and look around, I get no answer. She’s nowhere to be seen.

  Maybe she decided to head into the house, find the living room, and catch up on some TV programs she likes.

  I wander through the house. She’s nowhere to be found.

  By this time, my heart is racing a bit faster. I’m getting worried. But I try to stay calm.

  Finally, it hits me–I should just look out the window and see if her car is still there.

  It’s not.

  I’m really wondering what happened. Something must have happened, so she had to leave. She probably called or sent a text to leave a message on my phone.

  I head to the bedroom and rummage through my jeans’ pockets, but my phone isn’t there. Of course, I realize, it fell out of my pocket on the porch.

  When I find it, I understand everything.

  A slew of messages from my mom are on the screen, and it’s clear that Serena must have seen them popping up as they came in.

  My mother and her meddling ways. I usually just let her have her say, and go on about my business. She has her remedies for everything, but this time, her meddling has actually caused trouble.

  I’ve got to repair the damage, and fast.

  I hit the speed dial button for Serena’s number.

  No answer.

  I send a text. Sweetheart, please answer me. Let me explain the truth about how I feel about you, about how much I love you.

  I wait.


  Feeling defeated, I lean back on the divan. But only for a moment. There’s no way I’m going to let my mom interfere with what Serena and I have together.

  I know what I need to do. Fortunately, I’ve already put half my plan into motion. I didn’t foresee it working out this way when I started it, but now I know how to complete it. Waiting until morning will be necessary. But that’s okay. I’m nothing if not a patient man.

  Maybe Serena will respond to one of my messages before morning. If she doesn’t, I’ll be ready to do what I need to do to show her how much she means to me.

  Meanwhile, I’d better make sure this meddling comes to an end once and for all.

  My mom answers on the first ring.

  “You know I love you, Mom,” I start.

  “Mmm-hmm. I’m waiting for the but…,” she replies, her voice sounding as confident as usual.

  “That’s right. And it’s a really important but. So please listen.”

  “I’m listening, my dear. First, however, tell me. Who is she?”

  I pause. “Who is she?”

  “Who did you open your heart to?”

  I’m not sure what to say. If I tell her that, yes, there’s a woman in my life, then she’ll claim it’s all because of her herbal tea. She’ll say I finally opened my heart up, and let love in.

  Well, I might as well face the inevitable.

  “She’s the most amazing woman I’ve ever met,” I confess. I look around the porch where Serena was just here not so long ago. Her cinnamon-spicy scent lingers in the air. I close my eyes and breathe in all I’m afraid I have left of her.

  “Well, if she’s the most amazing woman you’ve ever met, what are you doing talking to me? You need to go get her and now.”

  My mom’s feisty voice rouses me to action. I’m about to stand up and march out the door to go after Serena, but then I remember my plan.

  “Now, Mom. You’ve got to stop. Your interfering in my life needs to come to an end, and now.” I’ve never used this tone of voice with my mother, but it’s time to do it–in fact, it’s long overdue.

  “Son?” she asks in the sweetest tone. I can already tell, she’s going down memory lane. “You remember when you were maybe seven years old and your daddy took you fishing out at the Parkers’ pond?”

  “Of course, I remember. We went there every weekend. What’s the point.”

  “Well, I remember when you caught yourself your first big mouth bass. He was just wiggling and wiggling on the end of your line and you announced – ‘You’re mine! You’re mine! You’re never getting away!’ Your daddy laughed, but you sure did reel in that bass, and I could see then–when you set your mind to something, you got what you wanted. Now, you go get what you want, Son. She’s waiting for you.”


  It was a long night. Sunlight is coming through the curtains of my room, and I sit up in bed. No use tossing and turning thinking about Mark any more. I might as well get up and get busy.

  Daffodil looks at me groggily from her bed on the floor in the corner.

  “Come on, girl. Let’s go see if it’s warming up yet outside.”

  Already perked up, my puppy leaps out of her bed and rushes into the kitchen. I attach Daffodil’s leash to her collar, then slide open the door to the patio. Daffodil hurdles outside, sniffing everything to discover the mysteries of what happened in her yard overnight.

  The weather doesn’t exactly match my mood. I thought it was supposed to rain today, but the sky is as clear as can be. And it’s not as cool as it was yesterday morning.

  Daffodil runs back to me and looks up questioningly.

  I realize what she’s looking for and tell her, “No, Mark’s not coming this morning. He won’t be here in the garden when we wake up anymore.”

  Daffodil looks at me and raises her eyebrows. She looks very sad, or I’m imagining she feels the way I do.

  Well, the best way to stop thinking about Mark is to just do something–anything–to get him off my mind.

  “Want to go for a walk, girl?” I look towards the woods, and Daffodil looks that way for a second. Then she turns around and walks toward the garden.

  “You want to play in the garden? You know you’re not supposed to go in there.”

  But she’s reaching between the wires of the fence, pawing at the ground.

  “What have you got there, girl?” She’s really going at it, trying to dig something up in the bed of forget-me-nots. I kneel down beside her and look at what she’s found.

  It looks like she’s pulled a delicate gold chain out of the ground. How can that be? Mark sent someone over to till up this earth. If the people who lived here before lost a necklace in the yard, surely, we’d have noticed it while planting the garden.

  Gently, I dig away the dirt from the chain, unearthing what it’s attached to. There’s half a locket–one of those best friends’ heart lockets.

  “Whoever lost that must be very unhappy!” I say to Daffodil, who sits watching patiently, as if waiting for something.

  I pick up the half-heart, brush the dirt off, and read what’s engraved on it in tiny print – May our love grow. When I open the half-locket, out pour some ti
ny seeds into the earth.

  Amazed by this treasure, I’m only getting a glimmering of how this might have gotten planted in my garden. Then suddenly, Daffodil barks joyfully and runs off behind me.

  I turn and look up, and there’s Mark standing at the edge of the yard, holding a bouquet of roses. “Serena, please.”

  He walks toward me, and I stand up, pulling back on Daffodil’s leash to keep her from breaking away to get to Mark.

  “Please, let me explain what happened last night.” He tries to tell me some sort of story.

  I stop him and hold the half-locket up. “Did you plant this here?”

  He looks taken aback. “You found it already?”

  I pull Daffodil away from Mark by the leash and pick her up, cuddling her in my arms. “No, this is the one to blame for discovering your little treasure.” I try to emphasize what I think of his little trick. It’s meaningless to me, now that I know what he is really looking for in a woman.

  “But, my love, you don’t understand. Those texts my mom sent – that you read – right? You read my mom’s texts when they came in?”

  I tilt my head in admission and glare daggers at him.

  “Those are all my mom’s ideas, her way of seeing things. Her beliefs and mine, her goals for my life and mine–well, they diverge in many ways.”

  “She gave you herbal tea to attract ‘a good woman’?” I shake my head. “And you drank it?”

  “Just to get her off my back,” Mark admits. “I shouldn’t have done it. But I’ve had a talk with her. And I am done with her meddling ways.”

  I’m still doubting him, and I think he can tell. When he holds the roses out to me, I hold up my hand for him to stop. “Don’t.”

  Mark lays the flowers on the patio table. “Please, listen,” he pleads. “I know it may be hard for you to believe after seeing those messages from my mom. But that’s not what I’m looking for. You are the woman of my dreams, and no herbal tea could have caused you to come running toward me that day in the woods. That was fate. We’re meant to be together, Serena. The way the flowers open in spring, our hearts were meant to open for each other.”

  Tears are welling up in my eyes. I can’t resist as he comes closer to me now. And he’s holding out something, something dangling from a gold chain–it’s the other half of the heart locket I found in the earth.


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