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Reborn- Evoker

Page 6

by Luka Petrov

  “Where are we going?” Walter asked, attempting to keep up while I led the charge.

  “All right guys,” I said as I walked backward so I could explain further the plan. Cecily, Yves, and Walter followed, appearing to be bewildered by my sense of urgency. “We are going to practice spells that are not taught at Draererth and not known by our Mage Order,” I explained, moving at a brisk pace, careful not to trip over my heels as I let my friends to the area that Kyna suggested.

  “I still don’t understand,” countered Yves. “First of all, why are we going to learn spells that are not taught by this Mage Order. Second, where in the world are, we are going?”

  Still walking backward, I started, “First of all guys, thank you. Thank you for your supporting willingness to follow me.”

  Walter interjected, “I don’t like how this is sounding already.”

  Cecily affirmed my haste and action, “Ed, we are always on your side. We will help you no matter what.”

  Yves finally got with the program, “Ed, we trust you, but where are we going?” As she finished her sentence, I fell backward as the ground sloped downward.

  “Goodness, Ed! Are you all right?” Walter asked as he stood on the shelf of soil that was above me while I laid flat on my back.

  “I’m fine. Thanks,” I replied getting to my feet and figuring out where I had landed. My eyes could not believe what I saw. On the northwest corner of the school, right before the transparent barrier where the Enchanted Forest started was a circular, pressed area of land of dark soil. The depression must have been at least two feet and was cut out in a perfect circle. How in the world did Kyna know about this area?

  “Well, I found what I was looking for!” I announced.

  “What is this?” Yves asked.

  “It is our new training area,” I proclaimed. “Look, we can practice the spells here, and we have a slight covering from prying eyes since we are lower. We will not be overtly visible to students who are passing by.”

  Cecily added, “I think Ed is on to something. It seems a little unorthodox, but I believe we could be great mages if we follow him.”

  “Thanks, Cecily,” I replied.

  “Here, let me scratch out our dueling square,” Cecily said as she found a stick and outlined two squares in the dirt. She went to the middle of the circle to make the centerline, separating each opponent.

  As Cecily finished creating the dueling square, I went to one side. “Do I have any volunteers for a duel?” I asked.

  “I’ll volunteer for the duel!” Yves announced raising her hand and walking toward the dueling square.

  “Hey Yves, before we begin, what does your stat cards say?” I asked. “I want to see what I’m working with.

  Yves Cammie

  Level: 3

  Class: Mage

  XP: 900

  Alignment: Lawful Good

  HP: 12/12

  AC: 12

  Proficiency Bonus: +2

  Strength10 (-0)

  Dexterity14 (+2)

  Const.10 (+0)

  Intelligence16 (+3)

  Wisdom12 (+1)

  Charisma10 (+0)

  Ability Proficiency: Intelligence, Wisdom

  Ability Saving Throw: Intelligence, Wisdom

  Skills: Arcana, Insight

  Class Features: Arcane Recovery, Spell Casting, Arcane Tradition

  “Awesome!” I shouted. I appreciated Yves’ techniques and attention to detail. She always came across as a formidable opponent. “You have a decent stat sheet,” I added.

  Yves stood in the square opposite me. “Clipeum!” I shouted. A blueish-transparent, curved disc appeared over my left arm.

  Edward cast Shield.

  Spell: Shield

  School: Abjuration

  Skill Level: 1st-Level

  Effect: An invisible force shield that hovers in front of the caster. It negates attacks directed at them. It is formed in the shape of a disk and can ricochet attacks if hit at the correct angle. For a limited time.

  “How did you do that?” Yves asked looking perplexed at the spell that I cast.

  “Yves, the magic word to activate this spell is Clipeum,” I instructed. “The curve will appear wherever your focus is. To make the shield moveable, I made sure to cast it on my arm.”

  “Clipeum!” Yves shouted and the same blueish-transparent, curved disc appeared on her arm.

  Yves cast Shield.

  “Very good!” I commended.

  “I’m ready!” Yves announced.

  On that note, I needed to come up with a spell that I want to practice but will not be too dangerous to try on my friends. As I pondered my first offensive strike, it came to me. I’ve been wanting to try out these gravity spells. I shouted, “Gravitas liqueur diaboli!” I concentrated on Yves’ position and modified the glyphs of the runes that appeared before me.

  Edward cast Gravity Snare.

  Spell: Gravity Snare

  School: Evocation

  Skill Level: 6th-Level

  Effect: The weight of the spell pins down and crushes the opponent, anchoring them to the ground. Target takes bludgeoning damage, which can be halved on a successful check.

  As I finished the last syllable of the magic word, I watched Yves collapse to her knees. “Aaaahhh!” Yves shouted, her shoulders being pulled to the ground and she was unable to move her arms.

  Walter shouted from the sidelines of the dueling square, “Ed! What in the world did you cast? Undo it this instant!”

  “It’s a gravity spell. It's intended to slow the opponent down,” I explained.

  Yves could not muster any words from where she kneeled. Grunting in pain she breathed, “Ow!” I could tell that her struggling meant that she was not getting oxygen through her airway. The gravitational force must be pulling down on her neck as well.

  I couldn’t watch this anymore. It was apparent that Yves was in a great deal of pain. “Oblittero!” I shouted as I focused on Yves’ body that was pulled to the ground.

  I was able to cancel the spell, and the gravitational force that pulled Yves downward released her. She flipped over on her back, breathing heavily to catch her breath. I stood at my end of the dueling square, watching her regain her strength. Immediately, she got to her feet and stomped over to me.

  “That was dirty!” yelled Yves. “You are a low-down dirty scoundrel. No wonder no one at this school likes you!” Yves continued to huff to catch her breath. “I could not even raise my arms!”

  Cecily inspected the impression in the dirt where Yves laid while she gave me a piece of her mind. “Hey Yves!” Cecily shouted. “Consider yourself lucky!”

  “Oh yeah, why?” Yves shouted.

  “Luckily this dirt was soft. If it had been any harder, you would have broken your legs,” responded Cecily.

  I winced at the sound of that. I didn’t want to break Yves’ legs. Cecily continued, “Yves, take a break. Let me have a crack at him!”

  Yves still stared at me. “This is not over,” she muttered as she stomped off to the side of the dueling square next to Walter.

  Cecily took her position in the dueling square, opposite me. “Let’s look at your stat card first,” I suggest. “Let’s find out what’s under the hood,” I mused.

  “Under what?” Cecily ask.

  “Oh, nothing,” I stated, remembering that that was a phrase from my previous life.

  Cecily Kerral

  Level: 3

  Class: Mage

  XP: 900

  Alignment: Chaotic Good

  HP: 12/12

  AC: 11

  Proficiency Bonus: +2

  Strength12 (+1)

  Dexterity12 (+1)

  Const.10 (+0)

  Intelligence14 (+2)

  Wisdom12 (+1)

  Charisma10 (+0)

  Ability Proficiency: Intelligence, Wisdom

  Ability Saving Throw: Intelligence, Wisdom

  Skills: Arcana, History

  Class Features: Arc
ane Recovery, Spell Casting, Arcane Tradition (Evocation)

  I felt her eyes piercing through me as she narrowed her focus. “Clipeum!” I shouted, activating Shield.

  Edward cast Shield.

  “Clipeum!” Cecily shouted, activating hers.

  Cecily cast Shield.

  “Fulgar ignis!” I shouted, watching the reddish-orange bolt of fire emerge from my fingertip.

  Edward cast Fire Bolt.

  Cecily instinctively blocked the firebolt with her shield, sending the stream of energy back in my direction.

  While I was distracted, Cecily shouted, “Pruinae fulguri!”

  Cecily cast Frost Bolt.

  Spell: Frost Bolt

  School: Evocation

  Skill Level: Cantrip

  Effect: A ball of magical frost is hurled at an opponent within range. The opponent will take cold damage. Can be halved on a successful Constitution check.

  A ball of arctic energy came toward me along with my firebolt that ricocheted off of Cecily’s shield. I held both offensive attacks off with my shield, but the time on my shield was soon to run out.

  Cecily had come quite a long way in her elemental magic and was giving me a run for my money. Catching me off guard as she did also was a little dirty. However, if we wanted to beat the Demon Lord, we were going to need to know how to defend dirty.

  “Excandescunt!” I shouted.

  Edward cast Flare.

  Spell: Flare

  School: Evocation

  Skill Level: Cantrip

  Effect: A burst of light causes opponents to be dazed and temporarily blinded by the flash of light.

  A flash of light came from my palms, piercing my eyes. As I covered mine to protect them, I saw Cecily having to shield her eyes from the flash with her arms. Now was my chance!

  I focused inward and pleased as much energy as I could to subdue Cecily.

  Edward silent cast Fire Bolt, Frost Bolt, and Dark Sphere.

  Spell: Dark Sphere

  School: Evocation

  Skill Level: 8th-Level

  Effect: Caster summons an orb of darkness that deals damage to anyone caught in its confines. This spell utilizes the absence of matter and energy to create its power. The absence of energy and matter is just as powerful as those type of spells rendering dark-elemental damage on those who are within range, exploding upon impact. The damage can be seen by inky-black blotches where the absence of energy occurred in an opponent and the surrounding area.

  First, I cast a Firebolt to render quick damage to Cecily while she shielded her eyes from the Flare spell. The Fire Bolt mostly hit her Shield; however, time should be running out for that spell.

  Then I hurled the Frost Bolt at Cecily, sending the arctic energy over to her. She would never expect that. Not to mention her Shield shout be occupied with the Fire Bolt, this Frost Bolt should render cold damage like she never experienced before.

  Finally, I needed to practice a new spell. One that I had only been visioning and formulating in my spell book, but never had materialized until now. Dark Sphere. I grew an orb of black and purple anti-energy between my palms. Summoning the antithesis of matter, I felt the emptiness of the ball between my hands grow with power. The strange thing is, the absence of energy is just as powerful as energy itself. This spell reminded me of my high school physics class in my former life. Good thing I was a science nerd and could borrow my previous education and experiences for this incarnation. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to come up with half of these spells I’ve conjured.

  I hurled the dark, purplish sphere toward Cecily and waited with anticipation. I could not wait to find out what this spell does, and I was thrilled that my friends decided to support me with trying out different schools of magic. I could not wait to try other spells on them, especially Walter—

  Yves let out a bloodcurdling scream. “Ed! What in the world did do?” Yves yelled.

  “Oblittero!” I shouted, not able to see anything beyond the orb that moved toward Cecily. I heard the two bolts hit Cecily and was eager to find out what the Dark Sphere exactly did, but Yves’ screams sparked me to rethink my offensive plan.

  After I shouted the magical words to cancel the Dark Sphere, I became astonished by the sight. Inky blackness covered the entire square. The sight looked like tar, spread all over the dueling grounds. As I took a moment to study my surroundings, I found Cecily flat on her back, unconscious.

  As I moved over to Cecily to make sure she was all right, Yves and Walter were already there tending to her. “Cecily! Are you OK?” I shouted, panicked that I hurt her. Goodness, what was I thinking?

  Her eyes slightly separated as she came to, “Ed! How did you do that?” Cecily asked.

  “Oh? Glad to see you are all right. Goodness, I was not sure what got into me,” I replied, relieved that she was going to be just fine.

  “I’m serious,” Cecily continued, lifting her head. “How did you do all of that? And so fast? I did not even hear you announce the spells.”

  “Oh, right.” I was just relieved that she was all right, still calming down from the slight panic that I had killed her. “Let me teach you the activation words for the Flare and Dark Sphere spells,” I said, getting my wits about me again.

  “The activation word for Flare is Excandescunt. The magic word for Dark Sphere is sphere tenebris,” I explained. I realized that the more spells my friends knew, the better off we would be when we faced the Demon Lord once again. Plus, I was more confident in their abilities to perform these spells. These guys were doing quite well with their magical abilities.

  “And how did you perform these spells without the activation words?” Yves asked.

  I could not tell them about the new ability that I had from the figure in the mirror. To cover myself I replied, “I said the words. I just don’t think you heard me.”

  “Oh, OK…” Walter replied. “Weird. I was watching you the entire time. I didn’t even see your mouth move.”

  “It did. Perhaps you were blinded from the Flare?” I hastily retreated but astonished at my cleverness to keep coming up with these lines.

  “Perhaps,” he said while he shrugged.

  Walter took a moment and glanced around at the circular depression that we were practicing in. “Gees, this does not look good,” he stated. He had a point. The ground was scarred with large pieces missing all around. Other parts of the ground looked like they had been scorched.

  Yves affirmed, “Right! This ground is very soft. There are scars all around. It looks like an absolute mess.”

  They were right. “We may want to build something permanent in this spot. I would hate to catch the school on fire accidentally. We just rebuilt Draererth. I’d hate to destroy it again,” I suggested.

  “Great idea!” Cecily shouted she was now getting to her feet. “Ed, ask the headmaster for permission.”

  “Well, why can’t you ask?” I retorted.

  “I’ve already asked for a larger library wing. I surely can’t ask for a structure to house our illegal dueling practice now, can I?” Cecily replied.

  I was not certain if I believed her. As I thought about it more, I felt Cecily was telling a lie, but figured it was not worth arguing about. “All right!” I shouted as I sprang into action. “I will go ask Headmaster Wavernjack for a building for our dueling practice!” I climbed up out of the depression in the ground and made my way to the headmaster’s office.

  After running across campus, I found myself at Wavernjack’s office. Knocking on the closed door, I was surprised to see the handle engage and Headmaster Wavernjack opened it. “Edward!” Wavernjack shouted. “What brings you by? Everything fine with your classes?”

  I took a moment and realized I did not want to go into the issues with my instructors and classmates. I replied, “Yes, everything is just dandy!”

  “Well, good. Come on in. Have a seat,” welcomed Headmaster Wavernjack as he pointed to two leather sofa chairs that were set opposite his mahogany desk.
He moved back to his seat behind his desk. “What can I do for you?” Wavernjack asked, peering over his spectacles.

  Not precisely knowing where to begin, I started, “The private dueling rooms haven’t been rebuilt yet.”

  “Right.” Wavernjack nodded in agreement. “Ed, I hate to interrupt. I am extremely busy at the moment. Could you get to the point”

  “All right. I would like your permission to build a private dueling room on the northwest part of the school, out there by the barrier,” I explained.

  “I really don’t have the resources to do that at this time,” explained the headmaster.

  “That is fine. Walter, Yves, Cecily, and I are willing to do all of the work. I’m only asking for your permission to embark on such an endeavor,” I reiterated.

  “Ah! I see. That is fine as long as you and your friends do all of the work.” Wavernjack hesitated and looked over his spectacles at me again. “You cannot spend any money to build anything professionally, but since the land is not being used, I don’t see how it could hurt.”

  “Really?” I shouted, surprised at how easy it was to talk the headmaster into my plan.

  As I got up to leave, Wavernjack said, “I will need to inspect your structure when you are done. You know, to make sure that it is safe. I wouldn’t want any accidents happening on Draererth’s property.”

  “Right!” I replied. “Thank you! I will let you. Know when it is ready to be inspected.” I left, on my way back to my friends to tell them the good news.

  Chapter Four

  A Few Weeks Later…

  “We are almost done with this structure!” I exclaimed, admiring the structure that surrounded our dueling square made of mud and clay that we dug out from the ground and Walter used a melding spell to meld the earth elements together. “I never thought we would finish this enclosure so quickly!” I enthused.


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