Dirty Dealings

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Dirty Dealings Page 3

by Gillian Godden

  ‘You could always follow her.’ Elle sat down beside them and poured herself a coffee. She knew she had dropped the bombshell, or rather, said just what Julie had wanted her to say, because the moment the words left her mouth Julie’s eyes lit up with excitement.

  ‘That’s a great idea, Elle. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it.’ Julie crossed her arms and had that smug satisfied grin on her face. At last someone had said what she had been thinking all along.

  Francesca looked at Elle in amazement. A frown creased her brow. Oh, now what has Elle suggested? she thought. She knew Julie would jump on board at this suggestion and that she couldn’t be blamed for stalking her own daughter if someone else suggested it.

  ‘You can’t possibly do that. Whatever would she say if she found out that you were spying on her?’ Francesca tried to calm Julie’s excitement, she wanted her to think reasonably about it.

  ‘No, you’re right, Elle. It is a bloke, well, fair enough. We’ve all been young. But if it isn’t, I need to know what’s wrong and why it’s such a secret. Okay, I agree Ralph will go bonkers if she has a boyfriend, the same as Tony protects his little girls. But they have to accept it. They are not little girls anymore. You’re right, Elle, we’ll go tonight.’ Julies mind was made up. She picked up her bag, ready to leave.

  Francesca had a feeling of foreboding. ‘What about the men? What excuses are we going to give Ralph and Tony? Bye, Tony,’ Francesca mocked, ‘dinner’s in the oven, we’re just popping out to spy on Diana!’

  ‘They’ve got a business meeting tonight. Which means they’re playing poker and getting pissed. Anyway, you should be grateful. It will give you a break. That old tom cat, Tony, is like a rabbit on steroids when he’s home. Sniffing around you and fondling you, thinking no one is noticing.’ Pointing her finger at Francesca, Julie warned, ‘I told you. You should have taken him straight down the vets when Adam was born. See you later, girls.’ Julie burst out laughing at her own joke and left.


  ‘Why are we in Elle’s car? For goodness sake, Julie, I feel like I’m on a stakeout.’ Francesca was surprised. Why had Julie turned up in her chauffeur-driven Rolls Royce if she wanted to borrow Elle’s car?

  ‘Because, you daft cow! Don’t you think Diana would recognise my Rolls Royce following her? This clapped out old banger is just right for the job.’ Julie was determined. She was driving along, watching Diana’s car, although holding back slightly. When she saw Diana’s car slowing down to park she stopped and pulled into a space further up the street. Julie’s jaw dropped. ‘What the hell is she going in there for?’ she said.

  Sitting closer to the windscreen to take a look, Francesca and Julie watched Diana. ‘What do you think she is going in there for? Do you think she is in trouble, Julie? Or some kind of community service?’ They both exchanged glances and shrugged. They couldn’t take their eyes off Diana as she stepped through a doorway.

  ‘Community service? At this time of night? I thought you were here to help me, Fran. That is only done in the day, isn’t it? They pick up paper out of the streets and make themselves look busy for a few hours. It doesn’t take all night. Let’s wait and see how long she’s in there for.’ Mesmerized, Julie watched the door. Half an hour later Diana emerged. Stunned into silence, Julie turned to look at Francesca, her eyes wide.

  ‘She’s in police uniform, Julie. She’s a special constable.’ Francesca sat staring, while stating the obvious.

  ‘Well, she’s not a fucking strippergram, is she?’ Julie snapped. ‘Diana’s a copper, I can’t believe it. Ralph will go bonkers. He would rather she had a dealer or something. Fucking hell, a boyfriend is nothing compared to this. No wonder she has kept it secret, Fran.’

  They both watched as Diana, dressed in her black uniform and hat, got into the front of a police car with what looked like a sergeant.

  ‘I thought she was studying languages and social services at college or something,’ said Fran.

  ‘I speak languages, Francesca. In fact, I am fucking bilingual. I speak bitch! Oh, yes, she’s working in the community, alright. The lying cow!’

  ‘Slow down, Julie, it’s a very respectable profession. I can see why she hasn’t told you and Ralph, though. The police aren’t exactly your favourite people, I know that. She must have sat exams or something and passed. But I do agree she should be honest with you.’ While wishing to herself that she had not been part of this, Francesca couldn’t help but wonder what Ralph’s response to this revelation would be when he found out Diana had been sneaking around and lying.

  ‘Apart from anything else, Fran, do you really think Ralph would want his little girl patrolling the streets of London at night, when they’re full of druggies and drunks? He would have her followed by an armed guard. Jesus, what am I going to tell him?’ The thought of telling Ralph set Julie’s teeth on edge.

  ‘I know, Julie, and I agree, the streets of London are full of unsavoury types, but it’s someone’s daughters and sons, isn’t it? Let’s go home, you’ve solved the mystery.’

  Taking out a cigarette, Julie lit it and took a drag, then exhaled a large amount of smoke into the car. ‘Don’t even think of complaining about this.’ Julie waved her cigarette in the air. ‘I need a drink to go with it. Let’s go back to yours, I’ve seen enough.’

  Francesca let the window down a little, but said nothing. She could see Julie’s mind was troubled. If she smoked, she would probably have one herself. God knows, the situation called for it.

  When they got back, Fran said, ‘Is everything okay, Elle?’ She knew it would be, because Elle looked after everyone, but she couldn’t help but ask if only for something to say. Julie had ranted and raved all the way home.

  ‘Everything’s fine,’ said Elle.

  ‘I’m going to check on Adam,’ said Fran, and she left the other two women to it.

  ‘Well, what happened?’ Elle was eager for the news. ‘Everyone is out for the evening so we can talk freely.’

  ‘Oh, she’s got a boyfriend alright, Elle. In fact, she has a hundred of them. In fact, it’s the whole of the Metropolitan police force!’ Julie shouted. ‘She’s only training to be a fucking copper. That is what all of this sneaking around has been about.’ Julie could now let go and vent her feelings. She stormed around the kitchen shouting about what they had witnessed.

  ‘Good for her.’ Elle didn’t give the shocked, disgusted reaction that Julie was hoping for. ‘Although, when I say, “good for her”, why all the sneaking around? I don’t like that part, but they don’t just accept anyone, you know. It’s a good career, so what is the problem?’

  Julie looked at her. ‘You have to ask?’

  ‘Oh,’ said Elle, as the penny dropped and knocked the wind out of her sails somewhat. The problem was Ralph and Tony. That is what all the concern was about. They were known gangland bosses and known to have their fingers in a lot of pies. But a lot of their so called ‘friends’ were police commissioners. They mixed with them on a regular basis.

  ‘Do you think she is some kind of informer or something, Julie? Because if you do, you are barking up the wrong tree. She cannot help the fact that her father has a crooked past. That’s his life, not hers. Why shouldn’t she do as she pleases? I would like to know how she joined without Ralph finding out from one of his police friends, mind. Most of them are informers, but for Ralph, aren’t they?’ Elle threw Julie a stern look; she was not going to back down. ‘You must admit, that is the real puzzle here. They check family records for criminal offences and things, you know. Ralph must have come out smelling of roses. She couldn’t lie about that, could she?’

  Elle was going to stand her ground and be as stubborn as Julie about this. It was a good profession and Diana had proved herself to be just like her mother. She had her own mind. She was her own woman and she didn’t care what anyone else thought. She was more like her parents than they gave her credit for.

  Waltzing into the kitchen and spying Julie’s sulky fac
e and Elle’s stern one, Francesca gathered Julie had shared her news. ‘You’ve told her, then? Personally, I think you both need to sit down and discuss this in a friendly manner. The more you fight with Diana, the more she will show her own stubborn side and you could end up losing her altogether.’

  Picking up her wine glass and taking a large gulp, Julie nodded. ‘You’re both right, of course. In any other circumstances it would be a great achievement but they weren’t the most honest of families, were they? Always ducking and diving. But it’s better if I mention it to Ralph first. It will soften the blow.’

  Julie was still in two minds about the situation and didn’t know how to approach it. She could see Francesca and Elle’s point of view, but the point was, where did Diana’s loyalties lie? Would word get out she was a grass and never to be trusted? Would she ever have to visit Ralph and Tony with another officer during an investigation? What was this going to do to her family and what can of worms would it open? She wasn’t sure.

  ‘Could I ask you not to mention this before the weekend? It’s Scarlet and Katie’s opening ceremony for the hair and beauty salon and Tony has arranged a party at the club. I know it sounds selfish, but it could cause ill feeling and take the shine off their day.’ Francesca felt embarrassed to ask, but needed to say it.

  ‘Course I won’t, Francesca. In fact, as far as I’m concerned, the longer I wait, the better I will feel. No. Scarlet has worked hard building this salon up. Let’s enjoy the family party while we still have a family, eh?’ Julie left, feeling slightly despondent.


  The day was upon them when Scarlet was opening her own hair and beauty salon, and no one knew the name. She had kept that very close to her chest. She had the signwriter put it up at the very last minute. This was her crowning glory, so to speak.

  She had always had a talent for styling hair and trawled through magazines looking at different styles and changing them. Some of her styles were outlandish but that was Scarlet. Now, with her sister Katie’s help, she was opening her own salon. She had passed the entrance exams at the Elite Hair and Beauty Academy and then done an apprenticeship, where she had been held back and told to sweep floors and make coffee all day. She had been bored until the manageress had been taken ill and was absent for a week.

  The assistant manageress had no choice but to let Scarlet help, because they were short staffed. Punching the air with glee, she had felt this was the chance to prove herself. Customers had liked the styles she suggested and asked her advice. On her return, the manageress had no choice but to let Scarlet carry on. Scarlet was making her money and the word had spread about the new stylist. She wasn’t happy, though, and she’d talked to Katie about it many times. One day they were in the usual coffee house where they met up at lunch times and yet again, she was letting out all her pent-up feelings for her employer.

  ‘I hate that old bag, Katie. She looks down on me all of the time. “Make some coffee, Scarlet, sweep the floor, Scarlet. Kiss my fucking arse, Scarlet”,’ she mimicked. Sulkily, Scarlet sat back in her seat.

  ‘Why don’t you open up your own place?’ said Christopher, Katie’s unofficial boyfriend.

  ‘What? Look, Clark Kent, I’m talking to my sister. No one asked you to tag along. And now that you have, you can keep your nose out.’

  ‘I asked him to tag along, Scarlet. And don’t be rude. We know you have had a bad day and yes, she does treat you like a maid. But I think she gets a kick out of it. You’re Scarlet Lambrianu and your father is loaded, and she has you sweeping the floor. To be fair to Christopher, it’s a good suggestion. You have done your apprenticeship. You have passed the exams. Why not open your own salon and get someone else to sweep your floors?’ Katie smiled at her to cheer her up, then gave her a wink for good measure.

  ‘I don’t know the business side of things, Katie. I’m a stylist and I know nothing whatsoever about running my own business.’

  ‘I do.’ Christopher had spoken up again much to Scarlet’s annoyance. He calmly looked over his horn-rimmed glasses to peer at her across the table, ignoring the icy glare she shot him.

  Sitting back in the chair with her arms folded and a sulky, stubborn look on her face, Scarlet challenged Christopher. ‘Go on, then. Say your piece. You know you’re dying to.’

  Ignoring her little tantrum Christopher carried on. ‘Your sister, Katie, is still training but is, none the less, an accountant. I am a trainee bank manager who advises people on their businesses. I’m sure that would cover the business side of things. All you need are premises, money and the ambition to succeed.’ His slow monotone voice pierced her ears, but he had caught her interest.

  ‘What? You would help me do this?’ Scarlet seemed surprised considering how she had tormented him over the last few months and had never been short of a sarcastic comment about him. She had only put up with him for Katie’s sake. When he had turned up wearing a cardigan, she had told him that he looked like one of those models on an old lady’s knitting pattern. But now he was talking sense and offering her advice. She had always thought she would like to run her own salon one day, just not this quickly.

  ‘No, I wouldn’t do this to help you, but I would do it to help Katie and stop you moaning. So, I would help Katie to help you.’ His sarcasm matched her own. It sounded almost like a reprimand.

  ‘Well, what do you suggest we do?’ Scarlet didn’t want to look too eager. She wasn’t sure if he was winding her up. But then, Christopher didn’t strike her as a joker!

  Adjusting his horn-rimmed glasses, he looked at Katie and then back at Scarlet. ‘I presume you have the money? So first you would need premises. I can keep a look out for that. But I suggest you get a mortgage. That way you can build up some credit rating. Would you ask your father to guarantee the mortgage?’ Christopher felt on safer ground now. This was his line of expertise. He spent all of his working days advising people how to set up their own businesses.

  Scarlet jumped forward with excitement. Christopher had already captured her imagination. ‘We could do it together, Katie. We have the money. We both got our inheritance when we were twenty-one. You’re the accountant and I’m the famous stylist.’ Preening, Scarlet looked over at Christopher, who didn’t seem very impressed.

  ‘Your job, Scarlet, is to make mental notes of all the customers that like you and ask for you especially. They are your customers. You should take them with you when the time comes. Eventually, you could hand out cards. If you hate your manageress so much, the best way I have found to take revenge is by taking someone’s money and poaching their business. The last thing people like is losing money.’ Again, his matter of fact way seemed to annoy Scarlet.

  ‘I’d really like to get her back for all the insults she has thrown at me. She hates me just because she knows Papa has a club and we’re not short of a bob or two. I suppose I could steal her custom.’ Scarlet was already making mental notes of the women that asked for her specifically. ‘What else do you want me to do?’

  ‘Nothing.’ Christopher gave a slight cough and cleared his throat. ‘You keep quiet about all of this. Don’t start boasting and telling people your plans. We need to get premises first. Then we need to get the mortgage. So ... you didn’t answer my question. Who would stand as guarantor for you?’

  ‘Mum will, Christopher. She has her own money and she still owns the house. She will stand guarantor for us.’ Scarlet looked hopefully at Katie and saw her nod.

  ‘You’re right, Scarlet. Mum will stand guarantor and let us get on with it, but Dad would take over.’ Katie gave them both the thumbs up.

  ‘So, Chris, when do we start?’ Scarlet was excited. She loved adrenalin and her whole life was based on impulse. This was her goal and with Katie and Christopher in her corner she couldn’t lose.

  ‘Call me Christopher, Scarlet. My name is Christopher,’ he stressed. ‘I have to get back to work now, Katie.’ He stood up and walked to the door and Katie followed him to walk him to his car. Scarlet’s curi
osity got the better of her and she couldn’t help but sit up and watch them through the window as they said goodbye.

  When she came back into the café, Katie walked up to the counter. ‘Do you want another coffee, Scarlet, or do you have to go as well?’

  ‘Yes, I will have one, thanks.’ A naughty grin appeared on her face as Katie sat down and put the cups on the table. ‘Tell me, Katie, is he always as passionate as that? Not exactly shoving his tongue down your throat, was he?’ Leaning forward, Scarlet’s grin widened. ‘Have you and Chris done it?’ The blueness of her eyes sparkled mischievously.

  ‘Done what, Scarlet? I don’t know what you mean.’ On the contrary, Katie knew exactly what Scarlet meant, but she wasn’t going to rise to it.

  ‘You know, “it”. Has Clark Kent taken his tie off and become a hot bed of passion? Underneath that boring exterior, is he a wild animal beneath the sheets?’ The very idea made Scarlet laugh. Slightly embarrassed, Katie looked around the café to see other people staring at them.

  ‘Shut up, Scarlet, people are listening.’ Katie’s cheeks flushed, heightening the blondeness of her hair. ‘I’m not discussing anything like that with you. Christopher and I are just good friends.’

  Christopher had been as good as his word. He had seen a shop that was being auctioned off down Tottenham Court Road. It was central and easy to get to. It had been a barber’s and so the plumbing for the sinks was already there. And the fact it already had a reputation as a hairdresser’s/barber’s shop made it more appealing.

  The man who had owned it had gone to Christopher because he wasn’t doing very well at the shop and was finding it hard to meet the mortgage payments. An idea had formed in Christopher’s head and he had convinced the man to sell up before getting into anymore debt. Considering the debts he had already, he agreed, and the bank had put it up for auction. The old barber’s shop needed a lot of work and money investing into it to make it a going concern, but so as long as they got their money back they didn’t care.

  ‘It has a flat above, Scarlet, it’s unoccupied and very grubby. Students had it, I think. It also has other rooms upstairs that you could probably use for tanning booths or something like that.’


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