Dirty Dealings

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Dirty Dealings Page 7

by Gillian Godden

  Tony picked up the tape and looked at it, weighing up what Graham had told him and the contents of the tape. ‘When you say an inside job, Graham, I take it you mean members of the staff and this tape has footage of them helping themselves to my money and bringing any other activities to the attention of the authorities?’

  Graham started edging towards the end of his seat nervously. Tony couldn’t help but wonder why Graham was so nervous and agitated. Surely he should have been pleased that he had accomplished his mission. ‘Are Ralph and Julie Gold on this tape, Graham? Is that why you’re acting so nervous?’ The thought had crossed his mind.

  Shaking his head emphatically, Graham spoke louder than he should have. In fact, he was almost shouting. ‘No. No way, Mr Lambrianu. Definitely not. Just watch the tape when I have gone; it will answer all of your questions.’

  ‘Okay, Graham, I will, thanks.’ Tony could see Graham couldn’t wait to get out of the room and, furthermore, he couldn’t wait to see what was on the recording. Graham stood up and left without further ado.

  Tony put the recording on and waited. He saw nothing of particular interest at first, but then he spotted a group of young men come in and instantly spread out towards the card tables. Looking closely, Tony saw a woman turn around and kiss the man she was standing next to. She was adorned in furs and diamonds. It was pretty obvious she had been drinking because she was a little unsteady on her feet and using the man for support.

  Suddenly feeling the bile rise in his throat, Tony wanted to be sick. Pausing the recording, he stared at the woman on the screen. Now he understood why Graham had looked so uncomfortable and nervous. His head was swimming and he felt dizzy; he ran to the bathroom and vomit spewed from his mouth. He was shaking as he bent down over the toilet. Tears were brimming in his eyes. Picking up a hand towel and wiping his mouth, he wandered back into the room and stared at the screen again. He poured a large whisky, then sat down and rested his head on the back of the sofa.

  His emotions were all over the place, he felt confused and lost. For the first time in his life he didn’t know what to do. He felt anger, betrayal and most of all sadness. Did he destroy the recording and forget what he had seen? Or did he show it to Ralph Gold? Tony was in turmoil. He had never had to face anything like this before.

  Loyalty was a double-edged sword and he had been betrayed. His thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. He presumed it would be the waiter with the food he had ordered earlier, and it was. But standing behind the waiter was Ralph Gold.

  Seeing Tony’s ashen face, Ralph promptly took out his wallet and tipped the waiter, then took the tray of coffee and sandwiches off him. Saying nothing, Ralph walked into the room and put the tray on the table.

  Looking over at the image still paused on the screen, Ralph raised his eyebrows. ‘I saw Graham leave and I thought I would give you enough time to see that. Sit down, lad, you look like you have seen a ghost.’ Tony sat down and waited for Ralph to comment about the paused image on the screen.

  ‘Shall we watch the rest of it together, Tony? After all, it’s what you came for.’ That was all Ralph said as he picked up the remote control and pressed ‘play’. The room was filled with nervous tension, each of them waiting for the other to speak. Feeling slightly disadvantaged, still wearing only his bathrobe, Tony looked across at Ralph, who was immaculately turned out in suit and tie.

  Sitting in silence, they watched the remainder of the recording. Sharon, Jake’s wife, was standing there as clear as day dressed in all her finery. Her arm was around some young man’s waist. She was laughing and flirting whilst this young man was placing bets at the blackjack table. Eventually Tony felt it was time to break the silence. Considering what they had just witnessed, Ralph was acting very calm throughout all of this.

  ‘You already knew about this, didn’t you, Ralph?’ Seeing Ralph nod his head proved that he was right.

  ‘I did, Tony, but I wanted to wait until I had more evidence. The bottom line here is that you had to find out for yourself. You weren’t just going to take my word for it. She is like a sister to you. You have known her for years. She is Jake’s wife. Why would you believe my poisonous tongue if you hadn’t seen it for yourself?’

  ‘When did you find out? Or rather, how?’ Tony was intrigued. How long had Ralph known about Sharon’s betrayal? Their voices were low and civil. As much as they had solved the mystery it felt like they were mourning a loved one at a funeral.

  ‘Julie. Julie spotted her a few weeks ago. She had come to Paris on her normal shopping spree, popped in here and saw Sharon with her new boyfriend. Now, Tony, we both know Julie is not averse to someone having a boyfriend or playing away from home. She never made herself known to Sharon and left. It was only when I mentioned to her that we were losing money that she told me about Sharon and I started digging a little deeper. Was it just a woman having an affair or was it a well-informed member of our family taking us for every penny and betraying our trust? That’s what I had to find out.’ Lighting his cigar, Ralph blew the smoke out into the air and waited. He looked relaxed, his arm across the back of the sofa and his legs crossed. Tony wasn’t quite sure what he wanted him to say. ‘This new boyfriend of Sharon’s is spending our money all over Paris, Tony. This two-bit nobody is suddenly driving around in a big car and wearing Rolex watches. People notice these things. Weren’t you in the least bit suspicious when nothing happened all the time Jake was here? She knew he was coming to Paris. She also knows the delivery is here, but she hasn’t come. He’s told her, hasn’t he?’ Ralph looked disgusted at the idea that Jake had probably told Sharon he was going to Paris.

  ‘Well, Francesca knew I was coming to Paris; is there a point to this? Are you saying she is guilty also?’

  ‘Good God, no, Tony. Francesca would believe black was white if you told her so. She is the innocent one here. She knows nothing of our special business deals. On the other hand, Julie knows everything. She is up to her neck in it, as much as we are. Jake has told Sharon much more than he should have, I’m sure of that.’ He stabbed a finger at the screen. ‘She’s keeping that bastard, and on our money, Tony! Look at the face on that poor croupier. He’s sweating buckets. He is doing just what she is telling him to do, poor bastard daren’t do anything else.’

  ‘She’s had the money turned into chips, though, Ralph. How come?’

  ‘For fuck’s sake, Tony. She knows the cashiers to go to when the money needs changing. They are hired specially and paid beyond their means. They are not local. They are people I and Don Carlos know. They have worked for us for years. However strange they may think it is, they are having to take her shit money and give her real chips to play at the tables.’

  Realisation of what Ralph was saying suddenly brought Tony back down to earth. He didn’t want to believe it. Why would Sharon do this? She had everything she wanted. She didn’t need money, she had bundles of it. Upset and unhappy, Tony could feel the bile rising in his throat again. Sharon knew when the money was being delivered. She knew the rules about how the money was supposed to be drip fed as gamblers moved on to different tables.

  ‘Who is this man, Ralph? Do we know him? Is he part of a gang we know or something?’

  ‘I’m working on that. He’s very young, mid-twenties. He has found the golden goose in a cougar like Sharon. Let’s be honest, it’s not the first time she has shit on Jake, is it? The bottom line, Tony, mate, is this. The money I don’t care about, but what else has she told this fucking chancer? She has taken him right to the heart of it. For God’s sake, Tony, she is a loose cannon. That paper trail is going to lead right back to our door, and once the casino investigators come along with their police friends, who knows what they will dig up? We are looking at a twenty-year stretch. It’s over to you, Tony, you need to sort this out.’ Still holding his cigar, Ralph pointed his finger at Tony. ‘Find out if Jake knows anything about this. This is your family, you sort it … or I will.’

  His words hung in the ai
r. ‘What do you propose I do about it, Ralph?’ Tony knew the answer to his question, they both knew there was only one option, but Tony was shaking inside. He didn’t want to say it.

  ‘Sharon is like a ticking time bomb. I don’t know what her reasons are, but the answer is execution. You know that. We have to get rid of the problem and then we sell this place and never come back again. Tell people it was just losing money, they don’t care.’ Ralph stood up to leave. He had said his piece and given Tony the option to sort it out nice and cleanly or Ralph’s way. The thought of someone putting Julie in Holloway for twenty years boiled Ralph’s blood. All his venom and hate would come out. He would make Sharon suffer and Tony knew it.

  No sooner had Ralph left than Tony ran into the bedroom and started to pack his suitcase. He was more concerned about Jake. What was he going to tell him? Thank God he had always kept Francesca out of his business dealings. That woman could take a lie detector test and pass. Julie was Ralph’s partner-in-crime as well as life; she knew everything. But just what other information had Jake mentioned to Sharon in passing? She knew most things. He supposed she had been their ‘Julie’ at one time. She was involved in the club and had known their scheming ways since they started out. Hindsight was a wonderful thing. It was time to go home and find out the full story. He took the recording and put it in his suitcase with his other things.



  ‘Papa, you’re home. Did you bring us anything back?’ Scarlet kissed her father on the cheek and gave him a hug. That was quickly followed by a hug from Katie and Adam’s squeals of excitement at seeing his father.

  Tony was glad to be back in the bosom of his family. Everything seemed surreal. Everything was normal. Breakfast was on the table. Elle was cooking. While looking around at this family scene the horror of Sharon’s betrayal flashed before him.

  Walking through the kitchen he saw Francesca waiting for him with her arms open. ‘Why is it, Francesca? Yours is the first face I look for and the last one I see?’ He felt safe in her arms. Holding her tightly, a thought crossed his mind. With a click of her fingers Sharon could end all of this.

  Kissing her tenderly on the lips Tony turned and waited. Normally when he kissed Francesca in front of Scarlet and Katie there were the usual looks of disgust and comments about their parents always kissing and being embarrassing, but none came. Katie picked up a piece of toast. ‘I’m going for a shower; are you coming, Scarlet? Adam, you can play on your game for half an hour and that is it. Leave Mum and Dad alone for a few minutes.’

  ‘Bloody hell, Elle, what happened to them two? I’ve only been away for a few days.’ Feeling more relaxed, Tony couldn’t help but laugh. He had become used to the jibes and comments.

  ‘Sit down, Tony love, and have a proper English breakfast,’ said Elle, putting his bacon and eggs on the table. ‘That will be because of what Jack said at the party the other week.’ Elle was making herself busy sorting out the breakfast things. She was a lot older now and a lot slower, but she still liked looking after the family.

  Tony’s curiosity suddenly got the better of him. ‘What do you mean, Elle? What has Jack said?’ Tony looked at Elle’s familiar figure, standing at the cooker with her back to him. She looked the same as she always had, only now she had grey hair.

  ‘While you and Fran were dancing at the party Scarlet couldn’t help herself moaning about how embarrassing you were. But Jack looked quite upset and had drank far too much. He snapped at her and said that he wished his parents were embarrassing. Jake and Sharon are always arguing these days, apparently. Has he said anything to you, Tony?’ Elle was concerned. She didn’t like to think Jake was unhappy.

  ‘What are they arguing about, Elle? Do you know?’

  Elle stroked her hand through Tony’s hair. He looked tired, she noticed, and had dark shadows under his eyes. He looked like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. ‘Oh, just one of those rough patches, I expect. They’ll sort it. Come on, Tony, eat your breakfast while it’s hot.’ Elle had brushed it off, but Tony’s brain was in turmoil. The jigsaw was beginning to fit together. But why hadn’t Jake told him about his troubles sooner?

  When Tony walked into the club the next morning the first person he saw standing behind the bar was Sharon. She was sorting out the rotas for the strippers and filling up the cash registers with their floats. She was a handsome woman, with her long blonde hair and engaging smile. ‘Morning, Tony,’ was all she said, and that was more than enough for Tony. His blood boiled. Knowing what he knew now, her smiling face made him feel sick. He was overwhelmed by bitterness and hate. What was it Ralph always said? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. He knew he mustn’t let her think anything had changed.

  ‘Morning,’ he said. He nodded politely then walked towards his office.

  ‘Tony, you’re back. How are things? I thought you were going to call me.’ Jake looked genuinely pleased to see Tony. He was sitting at the desk, going through the receipts.

  After the usual preliminaries, Tony couldn’t help but ask, ‘Jake, does Sharon know that I stayed on in Paris?’ He knew it was an odd question but he needed to know what Jake had said to her.

  ‘No, not under the circumstances, mate. I told her that there was nothing to report and you were just spending a few days with Fran. Thankfully, Sharon and Francesca are not that close so no one would know. Why do you ask?’ Jake was puzzled. Tony was acting strangely. But then he always acted strangely.

  ‘Nothing, Jake. Nothing really, I just wanted to know what excuse you had made for my absence.’

  ‘Anyway, Tony, first things first. Mark is a little upset that you had his son, Dominic, beaten up. There was no need for that. He has asked to see you.’

  ‘Go and get him. Let’s see what he has to say.’ Tony couldn’t be bothered with this. In fact, he had forgotten that he had instructed his men to give Dominic a beating up outside.

  ‘Boss.’ Mark, an immaculately dressed tall man with dark hair and an Elvis quiff, stood before Tony. He was well-built and stout, and had worked for Tony for years, but he still felt nervous standing in front of him. Seated behind his desk in his large leather chair, wearing his suit and tie, Tony looked quite the authoritative figure. His face never moved as Mark entered the room.

  ‘Say what you have to say, Mark, and leave. I really don’t want to hear it. I presume you’re going to complain about twinkletoes, your son, Dominic?’ His stern, bored expression said it all. ‘Well, that isn’t what I pay him for. He is here to mind the doors, keep the riff-raff out and help look after the cars. He’s a mechanic or something, isn’t he?’

  Mark was nervous, licking his lips and moving from foot to foot, but he felt he had to say something to protect his son from Tony’s wrath.

  ‘I’ve had a word with Dominic. He didn’t know what to do, boss, when Scarlet asked him to dance. If he’d said no it would have sounded rude. But saying yes got him a real battering. They broke his jaw.’ Mark looked down at the floor; he meant no disrespect to Tony, but Dominic was his son. ‘He meant no harm. Yes, he is a mechanic and does a good job on the cars. He’s a good boy, boss.’ Mark looked almost apologetic for his son. He wanted to know if Tony was going to take it any further.

  ‘I don’t want a grease monkey near my daughter, got it? As long as he has learned his lesson that is the end of it as far as I am concerned. I didn’t want them to break his legs in case I needed him to drive somewhere. But without a jaw he couldn’t whisper sweet nothings into my daughter’s ears, could he?’ Tony looked down at his invoice book, which meant Mark was dismissed.

  Shutting the door, Jake walked around to Tony’s side. ‘I didn’t know that you had got them to do him over good and proper. Mark is a good guy, Tony. He wants to protect his family, that’s all. You would want to protect your family, I know that for a fact.’

  Not being in the mood to discuss family loyalties, Tony gave him a stern look. ‘And what are your family
loyalties, Jake?’

  Jake was puzzled and hurt by the offensive remark. ‘What is that supposed to mean?’

  ‘Oh, nothing.’ Tony couldn’t take back the sarcasm, but he wished he had bitten his tongue. ‘I just think Scarlet can do better than some grease monkey cum doorman.’

  Jake burst out laughing. ‘You are taking the piss, Tony. It’s not that long ago that you were a grease monkey sniffing around the ladies.’

  ‘I’m in no mood for joking, Jake, and that was a long time ago. Plus, I didn’t go messing around with my boss’s daughter.’

  ‘No, you didn’t, Tony. You just screwed his fucking wife and ended up in prison for it!’ Jake opened the door and left, slamming it behind him.

  Tony threw down his pen, put his elbows on the desk and buried his head in his hands. He thought to himself, what the fuck am I going to do? He needed to have a talk with Jake, but how to approach it was a different matter. First things first. Telephone Ralph Gold and see how much time he was going to give him on this.

  ‘Ralph, it’s Tony. That matter we need to sort out; how long are you going to give me?’

  ‘How long would you give me, Tony?’ Ralph laughed on the other end of the telephone. ‘Soon, Tony, that’s all I can say. I have already arranged that no more money gets delivered to the casino and I am arranging for it to be put up for sale. That’s how I like it, son, short and sweet.’ Tony was still holding the telephone when the line went dead. That was Ralph’s ultimatum, then. When the telephone rang again, Tony presumed it was Ralph calling back with another solution to their problem, but it wasn’t. It was Francesca.


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