Dirty Dealings

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Dirty Dealings Page 10

by Gillian Godden

  Jake’s face was a picture. He looked puzzled. ‘How the hell has he done that? She never said a word about handing over any rights to anyone. When did all this happen?’ Jake was amazed. He had expected that this guy had been helping himself to some of the profits, but not this. Not in his wildest dreams had he thought of this.

  Tony looked at him sadly. ‘To be honest, Jake, it’s all my fault. I should have helped her more. She always seemed so strong and in control, it never occurred to me that she needed me. We have been here so many times. Shit, I even shook that guy’s hand at the funeral and thanked him for looking after things. He must have been laughing his head off at me. We both knew she had a little dementia. It wasn’t just forgetfulness. Even Julie was tactful when Nonna called her Annette sometimes. Nonna saw a blonde woman in Italy and presumed it was my mother. Damn it. Why didn’t I see this coming? Well, I am going to go and see him and read him his rights. Come on, let’s go.’

  Jake was still sitting on the sofa. He was shocked. It was true Miriam was an old lady and now she had been robbed of everything she loved, and so had Tony. This was his family home. His roots. The only roots he had and now it was all gone. ‘If you’re thinking of killing him, Tony, you can get that out of your mind right now.’ Jake watched as Tony picked up his jacket and was about to leave the room. ‘Stop, Tony. Think about it. This is Don Carlos country. He is in charge of organised crime. Him and his whole family. You can’t go in there with all guns blazing, he will have you killed. You will die if you go up against him. You need his permission to kill that German bastard. He will give it, I have no doubt, but you need his blessing.’

  Jake blocked the doorway to stop Tony storming out in a rage. He had to make Tony see sense. They were in a different country, albeit Tony’s homeland. But another man and his family ruled this place with a rod of iron and God help anyone who went against his rules.

  Sweeping his hand through his silvery blonde mane, Tony let out a deep sigh. ‘What, then?’

  ‘Come on, Tony. We do what we have always done. We work out a plan and see it through. We’re going to scare the shit out of him and let him sign those papers back over to you of his own free will. Or something like that. Now, let’s have lunch with the family. Get back on track. You’re too wound up. This takes serious thought. It has to be done just as legally and as cunningly as he did it. Well, as legally as we can do anything.’ Jake started to smile. He knew Tony well enough to know that his mind would be working overtime now. They both knew Jake was right. Cross Don Carlos and they would both be going home in body bags. Murder the German and they could possibly still be going home in body bags, Don Carlos would be so angry.

  It did cross Jake’s mind to go and see Don Carlos and ask his advice. Then he thought, no, not just yet, let’s wait and see what Tony comes up with first.

  ‘‘Deep breath, Tony. Let’s go to lunch. Smile and be happy. You’re on holiday, remember?’

  When they got to the dining room lunch was already in full swing. The table was overflowing with dishes of food. Francesca and Scarlet were passing around plates. The house was full of chatter and laughter. Everyone was suntanned. Adam looked like he had put on weight after eating handfuls of grapes and surviving being force-fed by Rosanna, whose answer to everything was to eat something. It pleased him to hear that Adam had lapsed into Italian speech. Adam looked more Italian than any of them, with his dark hair and suntan. It was good to have roots.

  Surveying the room made Tony even more determined to sort this mess out. This was his family home and it was going to stay that way. ‘Right, guys, what is on the menu?’ he said. Slipping his arm around Francesca’s waist he kissed her on the cheek then took his place at the head of the table.

  ‘God, I’m stuffed.’ Scarlet sat back in her chair and rubbed her stomach. Thank goodness the house had air conditioning. They were all baking in the heat and now they had stuffed themselves to capacity.

  ‘Bloody hell, Jake don’t you ever stop eating?’ said Tony. Even though everyone was full and satisfied Jake was still eating hot crusty bread and dipping it into the lasagne sauce.

  ‘It’s lovely. Anyway, I like the after bits and pieces, dip it here and dip it there.’ He was nearly choking while he laughed at Tony.

  ‘Well, at least shut your mouth when you’re eating, it’s like looking into a washing machine.’ Even though Tony was shouting at him it wasn’t meant in a rude way, just more of their usual banter.

  Francesca interrupted them. ‘We could all stay a few more days,’ she said. ‘This trip has done everyone the world of good and I don’t seem to have spent much time alone with you, Tony. Maybe we should get the scooters out and have a ride around the village?’

  ‘Yes, we could do that. That would be nice.’ He reached over for her hand and kissed the back of it. ‘I just have a few things to do first and then I’m all yours.’

  ‘I have to get back soon, I need to keep an eye on the salon, and you will have to get back, Diana. When do you start back at work?’ Scarlet hadn’t meant to say anything, it had just slipped out. ‘Oh, God, Sorry, Diana. I didn’t mean anything.’ Scarlet was blushing profusely.

  Julie put her drink down and looked around the table. Suddenly everyone had gone silent and turned their heads towards Diana. A frown crossed Ralph’s face. He turned his head and looked from Scarlet to Diana. Obviously they had a secret that he wasn’t supposed to know.

  ‘What work, Diana? What job do you have that I don’t know about?’ Putting down his knife and fork, Ralph waited. It seemed everyone was waiting except Julie.

  ‘Leave it, Ralph, love. Now is not the time. We’ll discuss it later.’ Julie looked across at Fran. This wasn’t how she had intended it to come out. She was planning to tell Ralph and soften the blow.

  ‘Well? I’m waiting, Diana. Why the mystery?’

  Julie was about to butt in again, but Ralph stopped her. ‘She can speak for herself, Julie. It’s obviously not something I would approve of or there wouldn’t be such a secret. Spit it out, Diana.’

  Diana could see the sea of faces all staring at her. Sticking her chin out in the same stubborn manner as Julie did, she said, ‘I have joined the police force. I am a woman police officer and I’m still on probation. I have been accepted. I have sat my exams. There. Now you know. I knew you would disapprove or have to stick your oar in and get me in a superior position befitting my name. And that’s another matter. I have changed my name. Only my immediate superior officers know that I am called Diana Gold. I’m using Mum’s maiden name. I need to gain their trust before I reveal I am the daughter of a millionaire with a shady past.’

  ‘A shady past?’ Ralph glared around the table and then back at Diana. ‘What the hell is that supposed to mean? Just what have you done? And what do you mean, you have changed your name? You’re a Gold. You’re my daughter and I won’t hear any more of this silliness. It’s embarrassing. My daughter, a PC.’ Ralph was angry. It was the first time anyone had seen him angry with Diana.

  ‘It’s not silly. It’s a good, decent career! Thank you, Scarlet. I suppose your big mouth is going to spill the beans about you dating that Dominic guy?’

  ‘Dominic? You mean the guy who works for me?’ Tony said. Just when he thought this day couldn’t get any worse. ‘Are you telling me after all I said to you that you have been seeing that bloody doorman, Dominic?’

  ‘Will you both shut up? Listen to yourselves, for God’s sake.’ Julie had heard enough. These men were sitting around the table judging their children’s lives. Well, she thought, it’s a shame neither of them had anyone to judge their lives.

  ‘Julie. Are you telling me that you knew about this? You don’t seem very surprised.’ Ralph seemed amazed at this revelation.

  ‘Of course I knew. I followed her, with Fran, one night. I was going to tell you. We had already made our minds up to tell you on this holiday, hadn’t we, Fran? But now the cat is out the bag. Listen to you, like two dogs fighting over a bone. Fra
ncesca, put your hands over Adam’s ears.’

  Reaching forward, Francesca did as she was told. She knew a barrage of bad language was going to come out of Julie’s mouth. Then she had a better idea. ‘Rosanna, would you mind taking Adam outside or letting him play on his PlayStation for a while,’ said Francesca, knowing this wasn’t going to be a pretty sight. Julie was angry. She was standing in her daughter’s corner against two obstinate men.

  ‘I don’t like the idea of her walking the streets with drunks and druggies any more than you do, but this is her choice,’ Julie said, wagging her finger in Ralph’s face and giving him her glare. ‘And you.’ She looked across at Tony and glared at him, too. ‘The quickest way to make love stronger is to oppose it. Have you never heard of Romeo and Juliet? You’re both starstruck daddies who won’t let go. Well, I’m someone’s daughter, but it didn’t stop you. And you, Tony, well, the least said, the better.’ She shook her head at Tony.

  ‘Julie,’ said Ralph, ‘maybe we should go back to the villa and finish the conversation there. We need to talk in private.’ Ralph seemed embarrassed by the whole affair.

  ‘In private! Since when did anyone around this table do anything in private?’ Slamming her fist on the table, it was pretty obvious she was angry. ‘Let’s face it, Ralph, this is our family. It’s the only family we have had for over twenty years so stop looking so coy.’ Everyone sat there stunned. Julie’s usual jokey ways had disappeared. She wanted this sorting now. She turned to Diana. ‘Right, you, Miss PC ... How long have you been scheming and lying behind our backs and why? Surely you knew it would come out sooner or later.’

  There was silence around the table as everyone looked at Diana, waiting for an answer.

  ‘I’m sorry about that, Mum. Dad,’ Diana looked over at Ralph, ‘before I told you anything I wanted to see if I would be accepted and, I suppose, if I liked it. I knew you would disapprove for all kinds of reasons and even if you did approve, you would want to buy me into a higher position. I want to be accepted by my colleagues for me, not for being Ralph and Julie Gold’s daughter. I need to earn their trust and respect.’ Tears were falling down Diana’s face as she tried to explain herself.

  ‘So you felt the need to change your name so you wouldn’t be associated with me. Is that it? You think I’m a crook or something? Well, I’m not. I’m a businessman. Believe me, young lady, there are more crooks in your job then there are in mine,’ said Ralph.

  ‘I know you’re not squeaky clean, Dad. I read the papers. That is the point, we can all read the papers. We’re old enough to know that you’re some kind of gangland bosses with your rackets. But that was your choice and I love you. I love all of you. I couldn’t enter the force as a millionaire’s daughter. No one would take me seriously. They would think that I was playing at cops and robbers. Or worse, they would think I would be an informer or something. No, it was better this way. I talked it through with my recruiting sergeant and we both agreed this way would be for the best. Sorry.’ Again, the tears rolled down her face.

  ‘It’s okay, Diana. Come on, dry your eyes.’ Francesca walked around the table to where Diana sat and put her hand on her shoulder, giving her a comforting squeeze.

  ‘Right, then, that’s that in the open. Come on, Ralph, what else do you have to say? Because once you have had your say, it’s done.’ Julie was adamant this should be wrapped up quickly. ‘What does it matter, Ralph? She is still your daughter, isn’t she? And you, Tony, are you going to turn your back on her? If that is so, then both of you can turn your backs on me, too. Now, think about it carefully.’ Lighting a cigarette to calm her anger, Julie blew the smoke into the air. Her lips pursed, making her red lipstick even more prominent.

  ‘It’s not that, Julie, love.’ Ralph was shocked. The very thought of losing Julie and Diana frightened him. ‘For goodness sake. There are mad men out there. She is vulnerable … and what are the papers going to make of this? I’m just shocked. Don’t forget, I know a lot of the boys in blue. Does my daughter really want to be a part of that?’

  ‘They are not all bent, Ralph. There are actually some decent coppers out there who do their jobs with dignity. The point is, Diana has already taken all of what you have just said into consideration. Only way down the road will the papers find out about Diana being a copper. She has changed her name. She would probably be just as much an embarrassment to the force as she is to you, now. And whose fault is that? Yours? Well, I am proud of her. It’s a good career, although of course I’m worried for her safety. There are some nutters out there with guns and knives.’ Again, Julie looked around the table at Ralph, Tony and Jake. ‘Maybe it’s time all of you accepted that they are not children anymore. Your daughters are grown women with their own lives to lead, whether you like it or not.’ The ash fell off the end of Julie’s cigarette and on to the tablecloth. Brushing it off with a sweep of her hand, she looked around the table again, waiting for an answer.

  Nodding his head and looking rather sheepish, Ralph spoke up. ‘I don’t like the idea, Diana, that you felt you had to lie to us ... we are your parents. I know you hear rumours and I wouldn’t like to put you into a compromising position. If you should ever need my help, you know you only have to ask.’ Ralph pushed his chair back and opened his arms. It was a very emotional scene, watching Diana in her father’s arms. Wiping a tear from her own eye, Julie picked up the bottle of wine and poured herself another drink.

  She had put Ralph in a very awkward position. He had no choice but to accept the situation. And accept it he would. One day, she thought to herself, he might even be proud of her!

  ‘And what about you, Scarlet? You have had so much to say for yourself up to now, and now you’re silent?’ It was Francesca’s turn. ‘Hell, we might as well clear the whole skeleton cabinet while we’re at it.’

  Scarlet’s face burned red, highlighting her blondeness even more. Looking at her father from under her lashes, she could see the scowl on his face. ‘It’s true. I have been dating Dominic,’ she mumbled. ‘I like him and he likes me, which is why he has given his job up with you. In case you haven’t noticed, he no longer works for you.’ Her voice became more crisp and louder. She met Tony’s stare. His puzzled look confirmed what she had just said. Tony hadn’t even noticed Dominic no longer worked for him. ‘How come Katie’s allowed to bring her boyfriend on holiday with us and I get punished for dating Dominic?’

  Looking over at Christopher, Tony sighed. ‘Is that what you are, Christopher? Katie’s boyfriend?’ He didn’t sound angry, more matter-of-fact. After watching Ralph nearly lose his daughter he had to also admit defeat.

  ‘I suppose so, Mr Lambrianu.’ Christopher reached out for Katie’s hand and held it. She looked pleased that at last it had been said.

  Contemplating the situation and seeing his daughters properly for the women they were, Tony said, ‘Dominic worked for me, Scarlet. He was my employee and you were the golden goose. The boss’s daughter. Not a very good start to a relationship, is it? As for him,’ said Tony, waving his thumb at Christopher, ‘well, I don’t know when he turned up. How long have you been seeing him, Katie? And Scarlet, has Dominic been messing around with you? Asking you to do things that you’re not ready for? That randy little shit can keep his hands to himself.’ Tony was indignant.

  ‘I went to see him the day after the party to apologise. He was in an awful state and wouldn’t speak to me. Or rather, he couldn’t speak to me, after they broke his jaw! You and those gorillas of yours had him beaten up! And no, he hasn’t forced me to do anything. We’re not all like you.’ Scarlet’s voice was accusing and harsh. ‘Why, Papa? That night was all my fault.’

  Nodding, Julie agreed. ‘Well, you asked for that one. Let’s be honest, Tony, your trousers are like an elevator, they have always been up and down. You can’t tar everyone with the same brush. Maybe this guy has morals.’ Julie’s sarcastic laughter echoed throughout the room.

  ‘Tony, you didn’t. Did you?’ said Francesca. She l
ooked at him, horrified. ‘He’s a young man, there was no need for that. And yes, it was all Scarlet’s fault. Good God. By the time I was their age I had Bobby and had been married. I made a lot of bad decisions back then. People would probably say that I was dating the boss and saw you as the golden goose, eh?’

  ‘No, Francesca. You know that wasn’t the case.’ Standing up quickly and knocking his chair backwards, Tony walked over to Francesca’s side and put his arms around her. ‘No, Francesca. You saw me for who I am and I love you for it. I’m sorry if you think I have been an over-protective stupid old man. Oh, God, Francesca, I love you. Don’t hate me for loving our family and protecting them. That’s my job, I am their father.’ Tony and Francesca stood holding each other. He was almost squeezing the life out of her and she was trying to loosen his embrace and smiling. She kissed him on the lips. It had taken a lot for Tony to admit he had been wrong, but he had done it.

  ‘When we get back, young lady, you had better ask Dominic to come for Sunday lunch, okay? Is that okay with you, Tony?’ said Francesca.

  ‘That’s just fine with me, Fran.’ A faint smile crossed his face. ‘Well, Ralph, it seems we’re the father of grown women with strong minds of their own. Only to be expected, I suppose, with great parents like us.’

  If nothing else, it broke the ice and everyone laughed. Looking across the table at Francesca, Julie closed her eyes and nodded at her. Maybe now their husbands would realise their children were grownups. This was the next generation and it was going to be a bumpy ride!



  ‘Come on, Katie, let’s go for a walk.’ Christopher felt it was time to leave them all to it. The one thing he did know was that as much as the fathers claimed to have decided to back off and let their daughters lead their own lives without interfering, it was never going to happen. It just appeased their wives.


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