Dirty Dealings

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Dirty Dealings Page 29

by Gillian Godden

  ‘I need to sit down.’ Francesca did, then asked the usual questions. ‘How long have you known? Was it an accident? I thought you were on contraception?’ Francesca looked at Katie, bewildered, then looked at Julie’s bored expression as she blew her cigarette smoke in the air.

  ‘Oy, Mrs. Shit happens,’ snapped Julie. ‘Personally I agree with Scarlet. I didn’t think he had it in him. Obviously there is more to him than meets the eye.’ Julie winked at Katie to make her feel more at ease. ‘Don’t worry, Katie. You wouldn’t be the first woman to be pregnant while taking her vows, would she, Francesca?’ Casting her a knowing look, Julie remembered when Francesca and Tony had got married in Italy and she, too, was in the very early days of pregnancy. ‘All you got to do now is tell Tony he is going to be a grandfather.’ The very thought of that made Julie laugh. ‘Grandpa Tony. Oh, please,’ Julie put her hands together in prayer, ‘please let me be the one to tell him.’

  ‘Julie, stop it! This isn’t funny.’ The very idea of Tony blowing his top at this and going all self-righteous made Francesca feel sick. He had only just got used to the idea of them being engaged.

  ‘It bloody is, you know.’ Julie wiped a tear from her eye. ‘Grandpa Tony. Fuck, he’ll be suicidal!’

  ‘Does Christopher know?’ As usual, Elle was the voice of reason. ‘Surely he should be the one you should tell first.’

  Katie nodded. ‘He knows, Elle. It’s still early days and I don’t want to jinx it, but we’re both happy about it now that it has happened. It was an accident, but most babies are.’

  ‘Oh, for Christ’s sake, Francesca. She’s having a baby. It’s about time we had some good news around here for a change,’ Julie snapped again. She knew why Francesca was worried. But she also knew she was right. There had been enough turmoil in the family. This was good news. Not exactly the way it should be, but very, very good news.

  ‘Of course it is, love. Sorry, I was just a bit stunned, that’s all.’ Standing up and taking her daughter in her arms, Francesca hugged her. ‘Julie’s right. It’s lovely news. Congratulations.’ The thought of breaking this news to Tony lay heavy her mind, but for now she wanted to congratulate her daughter and reassure her.

  ‘Of course, there is one way we don’t have to break the news to Tony.’ Julie’s mind was in overdrive. Everyone turned to look at her. How could they possibly not tell him? He would see for himself.

  ‘If you’re going to bring the wedding forward, it can be done in a couple of months. I have arranged weddings in less time, haven’t I, Francesca?’

  Again, Julie humbled Francesca. Julie had fast-tracked her wedding to Tony so much her head had spun.

  ‘As for Tony, we don’t fucking tell him. He’ll never notice. He’s a bloke. He will just think you’re getting fat. Anyway, you won’t be showing in a couple of months. That’s the best way, Katie. It’s not worth the hassle, let him find out afterwards. Let’s say …’ Julie thought for a moment. ‘You’re bringing the wedding forward because you’re going to Italy soon to live. Sounds okay to me.’ Looking around the room at the stunned faces before her, Julie shrugged. It all seemed perfectly simple to her, if they wanted to avoid another one of Tony’s tantrums.

  ‘What about you, Scarlet?’ Katie looked at her sister, who was beaming at the news. ‘Why don’t you have your own wedding in your own good time? When you’re ready.’

  ‘I’m ready now, and if Julie can fix it, like we all know she can, then let’s go for it. Yes, the sooner I am married to Dominic, the better. Why wait?’

  ‘Okay. Are we all agreed, then? Zip it.’ Julie made the motion of zipping her mouth with her hand and waited.

  Elle spoke up first. ‘Yes. That might be for the best. That is, if you want to, Katie. Don’t feel rushed or ashamed. We’re only trying to avoid the hassle of Tony and his lectures. And he really is the last person to lecture anyone on the sanctities of marriage.’ Again, this felt like another snub to Francesca.

  ‘It’s a deal, then. Operation Let’s Get Married is now about to begin. I will get a wedding planner. Don’t look so worried, Katie love. We’re doing this to save you the earache from grandpa!’ Julie burst out laughing. The very thought of it made her laugh. That really would dampen Tony’s ego if he realised he was going to be a grandpa.

  ‘Oh, that must be Ralph.’ Julie saw the car coming through the gates on the security monitors.

  ‘Are you okay with this, Katie?’ Scarlet held her sister’s hand. She could see she was nervous.

  ‘If you are, Scarlet. Although I would have like to have got married in Italy. In that lovely chapel, like Mum did.’

  ‘If that is what you want, Katie, then Italy it is.’ Although Scarlet had set her heart on a celebrity wedding, she was prepared to go along with her sister’s wishes.

  ‘No, Scarlet. If it can be done and I don’t look like a beached whale, let’s have your celebrity wedding. I am sure Dad would want it here, too. He can invite the world! I can always have a blessing in Miriam’s chapel.’

  ‘Just one thing, young ladies.’ Elle shook her ladle at them. ‘Don’t you think you should tell those young men of yours they are getting married?’

  ‘Only when we have a date, Elle. All they need to know is what time to turn up and, of course, when they can have their stag night.’ Scarlet hugged her sister again. This was turning out to be a great day!


  ‘Julie, we have to talk sometime, you know. I have been in hospital, I am having treatment and still you won’t discuss it. It has been a couple of months now. Today is Scarlet and Katie’s wedding day. You did say that after all the planning we would sit and talk.’ Ralph was at his wits’ end. The more he tried to talk to Julie, the less she seemed to hear him.

  ‘Well, today isn’t the day, is it, Ralph? It’s the wedding and you still have to get dressed.’ Julie was busying herself packing her bag to go the hotel to have her hair done. She had insisted that, after all her efforts, Scarlet did her hair. Noticing Ralph’s crushed expression, Julie paused. ‘Wait. Ralph, I promise you, love. We will have that talk, but there is no rush. We both know what is wrong and if you think saying it out loud will make you feel better, then do it. I remember your mum. She didn’t have half the chances you have today – or the money to go private.’

  ‘Go on. Get yourself to the women. This can wait. Tony’s as nervous as can be. You would think this was his wedding day.’ They avoided each other’s eyes. Denial was their only defence.

  The church was packed to the hilt. Everyone was dressed up to the nines, trying to outdo each other in clothes and jewellery. Not only had Julie masterminded this day very quickly, she had put her head together with Elle and both realised that two months from the day they decided to arrange the wedding it was Tony’s birthday! Not only did this soften the blow when he was told, they thought he would be flattered.

  Scarlet had chosen the biggest and most expensive dress she could find. It had so many underskirts everyone was concerned whether she would actually fit into the car! She had encouraged Katie to have the same design, saying that it would help hide her ‘bump’. Diamante crystals had been sewn into the white satin gowns, with their bodice tops. The veils alone were nine feet long and were to trail behind them up the aisle.

  Scarlet and Katie had already had many photos taken, standing at the top of the hotel’s winding staircase with their veils trailing down behind them on every step. They looked beautiful.

  The newspapers loved it. They lapped it up. Tony Lambrianu’s beautiful twin daughters in identical wedding gowns. This was indeed the event of the year. And, as father of the brides, he would walk them both up the aisle. One on each arm.

  Dressed in their grey morning suits and top hats, all the men looked just as glamorous.

  Tony standing in between his two daughters made a picture indeed. Three blondes. All identical, it seemed. That would definitely be the front page of the glossy magazine that had asked Julie if they could have exclusive photos
and paid a hefty price for the pleasure.

  Julie wore a gold ball gown, and with her new ash blonde hairstyle she made quite the statement. Preceding them, before Scarlet, Katie and Tony walked up the aisle, were Francesca and Adam, him dressed in his morning suit. He had been practicing for weeks how to walk slowly up the aisle with Francesca. ‘Right foot, together. Left foot together,’ Francesca heard him whisper to himself. They had heard this for weeks.

  The pink and cream theme suited everyone to perfection. It was the Lambrianu signature colour. Even the wedding cars were pink, including the huge Rolls Royce that took the brides and their father to the church.

  Julie had arranged a Catholic wedding and so before they began the priest gave Mass. It was all very formal and, according to Julie, long-winded, but Tony enjoyed it. This was the best birthday present ever. Julie and Francesca had also organised balloons to be placed in the hotel dining room saying ‘Happy Birthday Tony’. He would never forget this day.

  There were two, three-tiered cakes for the brides and one large one for Tony’s birthday. Francesca thought he would burst into tears when his newly married daughters stood and sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to him.

  ‘You have done a beautiful job, Julie,’ said Francesca. ‘Everything looks fantastic. But then, I don’t know why I am so surprised. It’s lovely being surrounded by the whole family. My brothers and their wives with their children. Us with our children. It’s a beautiful day, thank you.’

  ‘Oh, shut up.’ Julie held her hand up for the waiter to pour more champagne into her glass and gave a wry smile. ‘It has been great fun spending all Tony’s money. He must have been having a heart attack when all the bills came rolling in.’ She was a little tipsy and her laughter seemed even louder than usual.

  ‘Julie. You seem in very high spirits. Or is it just spirits? You seem very loud. What is so funny’?’ Sally’s voice dripped sarcasm. She was the mistress of one of the men that worked for Ralph and felt she could call Julie by her first name. This was only allowed by invitation.

  A grin passed over Julie’s face, although her eyes were angry at the sarcastic greeting. ‘You know, honey, I would slap your face for that in normal circumstances, but that would be animal abuse. Now fuck off.’

  Sally blushed and looked across at Francesca to save the day and intervene, but there was nothing. So she tried again. ‘How are you, Francesca? You must be very proud. It’s a lovely wedding.’ This time she seemed a little more humble.

  ‘Excuse me, miss, or whatever you are. This is Mrs Lambrianu, unless stated otherwise. Just because you’re sleeping with one of the employees does not put you on intimate terms with us. I am Mrs Gold to you.’

  ‘Thank you, Sally. I hope you’re enjoying yourself.’ Francesca felt now was the time to say something. Not only had Julie had far too much champagne, she had taken offence at Sally’s jibe at her loud laugh and high spirits.

  Watching her walk away, Julie leaned closer to Francesca’s ear. ‘She gets on my nerves. Just because she is the flavour of the month, we’re all best pals,’ Julie slurred. Then, noticing Albert on another table, she stood up. ‘Come on, Albert. It’s time I danced with the most handsome man in the room. You may be married to Elle, but I can borrow you for a few minutes.’ Almost dragging poor Albert off his feet, Julie made him dance, much to Elle’s amusement.

  ‘Well, I’ve done my bit.’ Tony at last joined Francesca at the table. ‘I have danced with each bride, the mothers of the grooms, Elle, and even been dragged around by Julie. Now it is time I danced with the most beautiful woman in the room.’

  ‘Happy birthday, Tony,’ Francesca whispered in his ear, as she stood up. She took his hand to join him on the dance floor.

  ‘A purple satin mermaid dress with thin shoulder straps. That’s what Julie said, and that is what we have all abided by. Haven’t you noticed?’ Tony’s velvety whisper breathed into her ear.

  Taking her head off his shoulder as they slowly danced, Francesca looked at Tony and realised he was wearing a purple cravat, and then she looked across at Ralph and saw that he was wearing a gold one. Each male member of the family was wearing the exact same coloured cravat as their partner’s dress. Nice touch. Even Adam’s was purple!



  ‘Scarlet, why don’t you go on honeymoon like other women do?’ Tony had welcomed the idea of Scarlet not being at the club, she was getting on his nerves, but she had insisted that the honeymoon could wait. She had wanted to supervise the opening of the club after the engagement party and now she wanted to make sure everything was running smoothly.

  ‘Dominic is busy. Katie and Christopher have their own plans and will soon be on a permanent holiday in Italy. I want to see things through here. Is there a problem?’

  ‘No, no problem, but you are a newlywed and business usually takes a back seat. Anyway, I need to see Angus. It seems one of the restaurant owners doesn’t want to pay his dues. I need to sort it out.’

  ‘Huh! That Angus is an idiot. I can hardly understand what he is saying half of the time.’

  Slowly taking off his glasses and putting them on his desk, Tony rubbed his eyes and looked up at his daughter, who stood before him.

  ‘That idiot Angus, as you call him, has been a very loyal and trusted employee. He has kept the wolves baying for my blood firmly away from my door. He has looked after the south of London in military fashion.’ Wagging his finger at his ‘know it all’ daughter, Tony watched her sulky, disgruntled face.

  ‘So, what is it he has to sort out?’ Feeling she had gone too far, Scarlet decided to change the subject.

  ‘You know we have a security firm, Scarlet. I have seen and heard you snooping around and so I can’t be bothered trying to lie to you. Anyway, one restauranteur with a few restaurants in the area isn’t paying his dues and so I need to get Angus on to it.’

  A glint flashed in Scarlet’s eyes. ‘Maybe I could help.’ Over the last months she had seen and heard about her father’s other dealings. She had also witnessed first-hand what he was capable of.

  Tony let out a huge sigh. ‘For God’s sake, Scarlet, I know you mean well, but these guys turn nasty when you catch up with them. What are you going to do, eh?’ Rubbing his face from tiredness and a long day he couldn’t help but sound bored and tired of her.

  ‘Well, we won’t find out until you try me, will we?’ Scarlet was adamant. This was her chance to become more than the tolerated hired help. She wanted more.

  ‘Fuck it.’ Tony wrote down the address and threw the piece of paper at her. ‘Get on with it and when it goes tits up don’t come back crying. Then I’ll send in the boys who know what they are doing.’ He had lost his patience. He couldn’t be bothered anymore. It seemed he was doing everyone’s work. Ralph was only there in between hospital appointments and there was no reliable Jake. Shit, there was only so many directions he could be pulled in!

  Scooping up the paper, Scarlet smiled. ‘I will bring back your money.’ With that, she stormed out the door.

  ‘She seemed in a hurry.’ Mark was just entering as Scarlet barged her way past him.

  ‘Don’t ask, Mark. I feel sorry for Dominic. Now she’s all power and pisses.’

  ‘You never know, Tony, she could surprise you. Maybe it’s the gentle touch that’s needed sometimes.’

  Mark was slowly becoming Tony’s right-hand man, helping him out where he could and letting Tony rant and blow off steam to him.


  Walking into the restaurant, Scarlet could see it was busy. There was no hardship here. There was no reason why they hadn’t paid for protection. The place was overflowing with customers.

  After walking up to the bar and ordering a drink, she looked at the piece of paper again. ‘Is the manager around, please?’ She had been going to ask for him by name then decided not to.

  The barman looked at her and smiled. He seemed to presume she was after a waitressing job or something. ‘Come th
rough.’ Feeling pleased that she had actually obtained access without force or argument, she followed the barman to a little cubbyhole out the back.

  Inside it was a man in a white apron. Looking around the back and the kitchen area made her feel sick. The walls were greasy. There was steam everywhere and plates piled up waiting to be put in the dishwasher. This place looked great from the front, but behind the scenes? It was a shithole.

  ‘Sit down, love. What do you want? I am a busy man.’

  ‘I’m Scarlet Lambrianu. I believe you owe me some money.’ Now she put her business face on. She had this man at a disadvantage. If anything, he had presumed men would go in there looking for him. Never in his wildest dreams did he think a young blonde woman would go to collect money.

  Eyeing her while smoking his cigarette, he smiled. ‘So, this is the best of it, is it, sweetie? Daddy sending his kids to do his dirty work.’ Mocking her, he stubbed his cigarette out and got up to walk into the steamy kitchen area.

  Scarlet followed him. Her face was flushed and she was trying hard to contain her anger, nearly slipping on the greasy floor in the process.

  ‘There is no need for insults, James. Just pay what you owe and I will leave, thank you.’

  Ignoring her, the manager went about his business, making sure the huge fat fryers were ready for the chips and the temperatures were right.

  Scarlet tried again. This guy was really pissing her off. She wanted to remain calm but her anger was reaching its peak. There were other people in the kitchen. Some were peeling potatoes and others were grilling steaks. They all turned to look at her, but they all in turn ignored her.

  ‘Will you listen to me? I won’t be ignored.’ She spoke as calmly as possible. ‘You know why I am here. Surely it’s better you deal with me than have anyone else coming here to collect what you owe.’ She tried her best to appease him hoping that maybe, just maybe, he would see the sense of it.


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