Hokkai-engi (Skt. Dharma-dhatu). The realm of the Dharma. All things interpenetrate each other and exist without any hindrance. They do not exist independently. Therefore, the cause/condition/effect of all phenomena and things are affected by each other. This theory is one of the key concepts of the Kegon school of Buddhism.
Chapter 7 - Zen and the Fine Arts
1 material from Zen to Gei-jyutsu (Zen and the Arts).
2 material from Sho to Zen.
3 Omori Sogen and Terayama Katsujo, Zen and the Art of Calligraphy, trans. John Stevens (New York: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1983), 89.
4 Omori and Terayama, Zen and the Art of Calligraphy, 94.
5 Omori and Terayama, Zen and the Art of Calligraphy, 10.
Absolute Being, 154
adversity, 66
aesthetic appreciation, 154
Aikido, 103
ainuke (mutual passing), 72-73, 110-111; Harigaya Sekiun, 72; transcending dualism, 73
aiuchi (mutual killing), 109-110, 114; to master ainuke, 73
animal instincts, 107
arrest, during Army Officers Revolt, 45
arts, significance to training, 42
Asakusa Kannon, 112
Atsumi Masaru, spirit of cutting through difficulty, 31; touring with, 30-31
attachment, to the ego, 113; to thoughts, 118
Bankei Zenji, 80, 99
barrier, reaching one’s limit, 126, 128
becoming one with, 131
Bodhidharma, 118-119, 124
Bodhisattva Kannon, 112
bokki, 156, 158
Book of Five Rings, 108
breath, 120, 122; and kiryoku, 121-122, 158; counting, 122
bu (chivalry, martial arts), 102-103, 112
Buddha Mind, 154
Buddha, 91, 124-125, 136-137, 146, 152
Buddhist law, 137
Buddhist theory, 137-138, 144
Budo, 114; definition of, 102; mistaken aim of, 102, 108; Way of Tao, 102-103
bugei (martial arts), 102
bujutsu (combat techniques), 102
bun (culture, civilization, “letters”), 102-103
bundo, 112
bushi (warrior), 102
Bushido (Way of Samurai), 43, 106, 111
calligraphy, 155; developing an “eye” for, 36; mujibo (single straight line of calligraphy), 156
cause and conditions, 142, 144
center of being, 158
center of the universe, 66, 125
character, as developed by criticism, 92; as shown by cleaning, 86
chikusho heiho (beastly fighting), 107-109
Chozen-ji/International Zen Dojo, canon, 95; establishment of, 81-82
compassion, 135-136
concentration, 158
conditions, see cause and conditions.
Confucian relationships, 103
consciousness, like juzu (Buddhist rosary), 121; of the unconscious, 71
culture, see bun
Daie Soko (Ta-hui Tsung-kao), 124
Daisetz Suzuki, in Hawaii, 78; on shugyo, 37-38; regard for Ken to Zen, 71
Daito Kokushi, 65
delusion, 133, 146
Dharma gate, 151
Dharma, 150; definition of, 146; three truths of, 151
Dogen Zenji, 43, 98, 111, 133
Doing-nothing-time, 131
Dotoku (Tao-teh), 103
doubt, mass of, 126-128
dualism, 73, 111, 150, 154; as the original sin, 107; between killing and giving life, 110
ecology, 92
ego, 38, 92, 146, 150; used to transcend ego, 113; Zen negation of, 113
Eka, 123
Emperor, restoration of, 45
emptiness, 134, 137, 151
engiron, see cause and conditions.
Engo Kokugon (Yuan-wu Koch’in), 124
enlightenment, 28, 125-127; achieving, 134; Eno’s explanation of, 118; living according to true self-nature, 105; three necessities for, 133; through counting breaths, 120-121; through sutra, 130
Eno, 119-120
every day is a fine day, 151-152
evolution, 106
existence, as an individual, 92; in Buddhism, 136; in relation, 146
expectations, 66, 150
Farrington High School, 79
fatalism, 149
fearlessness, gift of, 112
February Incident, 45
fine arts, 154
five senses, 119
formlessness, 149
Fount of East-West Culture, 95
freedom, 127
gan (glare, stare), 113
Garland Sutra, 136
General Araki, 40-41
Great Life, 43
Great Vehicle, 58
Gudo Toshoku Zenji, 128
Gunin, (Hung-jen), 119
Hagakure, 106, 111
Hakko Ichiu (universal brotherhood), 53-54
Hakuin, 122, 126, 130-131, 152, 155
Hamachi Hachiro, 130
Hanazono University, president of, 88; professor at, 76
hara, 9, 176
Harigaya Sekiun, 109-110; and ainuke, 72
Hekigan Roku, 124
Hitsuzendo (Way of the Brush), 131-132, 155-156; beginnings of, 34
Hojo, 13-15, 155; and ki, 14; demonstrating in Europe, 95; demonstration for Tanouye Roshi, 80-81; four seasons, 13-14; Matsumoto Bizen no Kami Naokatsu, 13; one-hundredtimes practice, 14, 26
human existence, nature of, 114; structure of, 105-107
illusion, 146
Immovable Wisdom, 109
Imoto Saburo Yoshiaki, 4
Imperial Proclamation, 59
inka, 138
interdependence, 143
interpenetration, see jijimuge
intuitive perception, see kan
Japanese Buddhist League, 76
Japanese Red Army, 77
jijimuge (interpenetration without obstruction), 145
jikijitsu (head monk), 127
Jikishin Dojo, 41; daily routine at, 42; dissolution of, 54; headquarters of People’s Movement, 45; Kuroki Shosa, 41; role of Toyama Mitsuru, 42; role of Toyama Ryusuke, 41-42
Jikishin Kage School, 10-11
Joshu (Chao-chou), 124
Judo, 103-104; decision to study, 13; Kano Jigoro, 104
Kadowaki Kakichi, 95
kaido, 84
Kaisan Rekijyu Tenryu Tekio Osho Daizenji, 98
kalpa, 163
kan (intuitive perception), 80, 156, 158-159.
Kanemaru Sotetsu, 81
Kano Jigoro, 104
Kegon School (Chi Hua-yen), 91, 142
keiko, 37
Keio University, 79
Ken to Zen, 71, 79, 105
Kendo, 9, 79, 103-104; 24-hour training, 11; ainuke, 72; as work of art, 158; beginning of, 4; death of, 104; men, 11; samadhi, 116; zazen, 116
kensho, definition of, 118
ki, 156, 158
kiai, 80, 155-158; and zazen, 120, 133
kiryoku (vital energy), 121-122
knowledge, 142, 149
koan, 125; a dog’s Buddha nature, 124; and other activities, 123; and zazen, 123; answer to, 124-125; becoming one with, 134; before your parents were born, 126; beginning of, 123; break through, 28; definition of, 122; enlightenment, 127; how to kufu, 123-124; how to pacify the mind, 123; Kofu no Antoku, 122; method to solve, 124; mirror, 135; mu, 120-121, 125; samadhi, 128; sanzen, 124; satori, 134; sound of one hand clapping, 126; what walked here, 123
Koho-in, 59, 69, 96; home to Yamaoko Tesshu, 59; property dispute, 61; Seisetsu Roshi’s retreat, 59
kokoro (mind, heart), 112
Konoe Cabinet, 50
Konoe Fumimaro, and Manchurian Incident, 19
Konoe, refusal to get Imperial Mandate, 51-52
kufu (to strive or wrestle with), 37, 123
kunren, 37
Kuroki Shosa, and the Jikishin Dojo, 41
Lawyer’s Study Group, 69
lay person,
Lectures on the Record of the Rinzai, 74
life and death, 150
Lotus Sutra, 128
Maeda Torao, Shinpei Incident, 40
Maeno Jisui, 4-8
magistrate, 69
Maha Kasho, 140
make yourself master everywhere, 161
Mamiya Eiju, 127
Man, 93, 106; as center of the universe, 92-93; negation of, 111; survival of the fittest, 107-109
Manchurian Incident, 40
marriage, 47
Martial Arts, 154; and Way for Man, 104-105; difference from sports, 106
Martial Ways, 43, 103-104, 106
Matsumoto Bizen no Kami Naokatsu, 13
mediation, 71
Michel Foucault, 89-90
Middle Way, 142
mind and body, 152; unity of, 125
Miyamoto Musashi, 95,107-108, 111, 113; and arts, 110; enlightenment of, 108; Gorin no Sho, 108; immovable wisdom, 109; myoki (wonderous play), 110; principle of the Way, 108; shugyo, 108; swordsmanship, 109
monastery, 127
money, borrowing, 65
mu, as a koan, 24, 30; transcendance of, 125-127
Mujushinken Ryu (School of Non-Abiding Mind), see Harigaya Sekiun
Mumon Ekai (Wu-men Hui-k’ai), 124-125
Mumonkan, 124
munen muso (no thought), 133
mutual dependence, 148
mutual passing, see ainuke
myoki (wonderous play), 110
Myoshin-ji, 78
myoyo (use of the wonderous), 110
Nakae Toju, Bun Bu Mondo, 112; Okina Mondo, 102-103
Nakayama Hakudo, 4
Nangaku Ejo, 123
Nansobo, 128-129
Nanton School, 119
Nanzen-ji, 84-85
nature and Man, 92
nehan, see Nirvana
New Japan Anti-Communist League, 69
Nguyen Kao Ky, 74
Nio Zen, 122
Nishida Kitaro, 58
no-form, 118
no-mind, 113
no-self (muga), 113, 147
no-thought, 118
nothingness, mistaken view of, 137
now, absolute, 131
nuclear arms, 105, 114
Oda Sensei, 8-9
Omori Sogen, change of name, 4; death of mother, 5; enlightenment experience, 28; lectures, 77; public funeral, 97-99; typical schedule, 87
one-hundred-times practice, see hyappon keiko
oneness (ichinyo), 129, 152
Onishi Hidetaka, 14
Original Nature, 91
peace, 105-107; peace activists, 114
physical experience and theory, 92
space-being, 141
spiritual exchange to Europe, 95
spiritual poverty, 64
suchness, see Tathagata
suffering, 66-67, 150, 152; doing the right thing, 61-66; grabbing at straws, 63; sinking to the bottom, 63; spirit becoming impoverished, 63
Sumo Digest, 86
sutra, 138; how to read, 128-129
Suzuki Shozan, awakening thoughts, 114; Roankyo, 114, 117, 121
sword that “gives life,” 114
swordsmanship, 109
tanden, 121-122, 129, 133
Tanouye Tenshin, 78-82; inka shomei from Omori Roshi, 82; meeting Omori Roshi, 78; request of Omori Roshi, 80-81
tanren, 37
Tathagata, 152
Tendai School, 91, 142, 148
Tenryu-ji, Archbishop of, 84; commuting to, 64; entering priesthoood, 58; role in funeral, 97; Seki Bokuo, 56
The Logic of Listening, 69
Thich Quang Duc, 74-76
three truths of Buddhism, 142
time and space, 142
time, 143-144, 150
time-being, 141
Toji-in, 54
Toyama Mitsuru, 15-16; advice, 61; and the yakuza, 15; Black Dragon Society, 15; Dark Ocean Society, 15
Toyama Motokazu, 79
Toyama Ryusuke, 15, 17; anger of, 19; compassion of, 19; death of, 22; Diamond Sutra, 21; Manchurian Incident, 19; Sasaki Moko-o, 18; se mu i sha (giver of fearlessness), 22; tuberculosis, 19-20; will power, 21
training, 132-134; after realization, 137; Dharma principle, 140; enlightenment, 137; Entrance by Conduct, 136-138; Entrance by Reason, 136-138; finishing, 138; more than one lifetime, 138
tranquility, see Nirvana
transcending Life and Death, 111
Trevor Leggett, 95
Triple Alliance, 45
true Buddha life, 99
True Man without Rank, 74
True Nature, 119
True Self, 111, 126-128, 140, 155; and kensho, 118; through exhaling, 121
Tsukahara Bokuden, 80
uncertainty, 149
Unfathomable, see yugen
Universal Brotherhood, 53
Universal Life, 154
universe, the natural, 146
Upanishad philosophy, 146
Vietnam, Ambassador Emerson, 75; visit to, 74
vital energy, see kiryoku
Void, 154
wabi, 154
Way for Man, 104, 106
Way of swordsmanship, 112-114
Way of the Samurai, see Bushido
wisdom, 135
wisdom-compassion, 135
world of phenomenon, 152
World of Play, 107-111
World War II, 48-51; attempt to prevent Japan’s involvement, 48-50; Emperor’s decision to end, 59; obstructing Emperor’s broadcast, 51; Yokoyama Sensei, 51-52
Yagyu Sekishusai, 95
Yamada Ittokusai, Nippon Kendo-shi, (History of Japanese Kendo), 102, 104, 108; on Musashi, 107, 109
Yamada Jirokichi, 9-11, 36
Yamada Mumon Roshi, 28, 88
Yamaoka Tesshu, 111-113, 138
Yokoyama Setsudo, 155; 3-incense zazen, 33; critique of Zen priest calligraphy, 36; Japanese calligraphy, 16-17, 32, 36; mountain cave at Mt. Akagi, 34; seppuku, 51-52; teacher of, 33; teaching singing, 34-35
Yoshie Yamashita, 47
yugen, 154
Zazen Club, 78
zazen, 114, 120-122, 127; and delusions, 133; and kiai, 121; definition of, 118; different methods of, 116; essence of, 116; everything becomes zazen, 36-37; meaning of working zazen, 133; non-sitting form of, 137; transmission from India to China, 117; valorous mind, 26; while holding sword, 116
Zen and Swordsmanship, see Ken to Zen
Zen and Western People, 90-91
Zen, and the Ways, 104-105; art, 154, 158; Chinese influence on, 118; contribution to modern society, 90; different activities, 116; dynamic, 120; goal of, 132; historical development of, 119-120; method of, 126; philosophy of, 119; realization, 155; realized with body, 151; relationship to art, 154; training, 116-120, 154
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