How Brands Grow

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How Brands Grow Page 24

by Byron Sharp

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  Bennett, Dag 2005, 'What car will they buy next?', report 19 for corporate members, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science, Adelaide.

  Berger, J & Fitzsimons, G 2008, 'Dogs on the street, pumas on your feet: how cues in the environment influence product evaluation and choice,' Journal of Marketing Research, vol. 45 (February), pp. 1-14.

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  Binet, Les & Field, Peter 2007, Marketing in the Era of Accountability, World Advertising Research Centre, available from

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  Bogomolova, Svetlana & Romaniuk, Jenni 2005, 'Why do they leave? An examination of the reasons for customer defection in the business banking industry', Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, Perth.

  Bogomolova, Svetlana & Romaniuk, Jenni 2009. 'Brand defection in a business-to-business financial service.' Journal of Business Research, 62:3, 291-96.

  Broadbent, Simon 1989, The Advertising Budget: The Advertiser's Guide to Budget Determination, NTC Publications Ltd for Institute of Practitioners in Advertising, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon, United Kingdom.

  Brodie, Rod, Bonfrer, Andre & Cutler, J 1996, 'Do managers overreact to each others' promotional activity? Further empirical evidence', International Journal of Research in Marketing, vol. 13, no. 4 (October), pp. 379 – 87.

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  Dolnicar, Sara & Rossiter, John 2008, 'The low stability of brand-attitude associations is partly due to market research methodology', International Journal of Research in Marketing, vol. 21, pp. 104-8.

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  East, Robert & Hammond, Kathy 2005, 'Good news about bad news: talking about word of mouth', report 34 for corporate members, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science, Adelaide.

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  Ehrenberg, Andrew 1998, 'Making data user-friendly', report 21 for corporate members, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science, Adelaide.

  Ehrenberg, Andrew 1999, 'What we can and cannot get from graphs, and why', Journal of Targeting, Measurement & Analysis for Marketing, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 113-34.

  Ehrenberg, Andrew 2000, 'Data reduction: analysing and interpreting statistical data', Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science, vol. 5, available at

  Ehrenberg, Andrew 2004, 'My research in marketing: how it happened', Marketing Research, vol. 16, pp. 36-41.

  Ehrenberg, Andrew, Barnard, N & Scriven, J 1997, 'Differentiation or salience', Journal of Advertising Research, vol. 37, pp. 7-14.

  Ehrenberg, Andrew & Bound, J 1999, 'Customer retention and switching in the car market', report 6 for corporate members, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science, Adelaide.

  Ehrenberg, Andrew, Hammond, Kathy & Goodhardt, Gerald 1994, 'The after-effects of price-related consumer promotions', Journal of Advertising Research, vol. 34, pp. 11-21.

  Ehrenberg, Andrew, Uncles, Mark & Goodhardt, Gerald 2004, 'Understanding brand performance measures: using Dirichlet benchmarks', Journal of Business Research, vol. 57, pp. 1307-25.

  Esslemont, Don & Wright, Malcolm 1994, 'Essentialism: an unrecognised problem for marketers', NZ Marketing Educators' Conference, pp. 240-2.

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  Fournier, S & Yao, J 1997, 'Reviving brand loyalty: a reconceptualization within the framework of consumer-brand relationships', International Journal of Research in Marketing, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 451-72.

  Gaillard, E & Romaniuk, J 2007, The uniqueness of brands', report 40 for corporate members, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science, Adelaide.

  Gaillard, Elise, Romaniuk, Jenni & Sharp, Anne 2005, 'Exploring consumer perceptions of visual distinctiveness', in Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, 5-7 December 2005, University of Western Australia, Fremantle.

  Goodhardt, G, Ehrenberg, A & Chatfield, C 1984, 'The Dirichlet: a comprehensive model of buying behaviour', Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, vol. 147, no. 5,
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  Grimes, A & Doole, I 1998, 'Exploring the relationship between colour and international branding: a cross cultural comparison of the UK and Taiwan', Journal of Marketing Management, vol. 14, pp. 799-817.

  Hall, D & Stamp, J 2004, Meaningful Marketing: 100 Data-proven Truths and 402 Practical Ideas for Selling More with Less Effort, Brain Brew Books, Ohio.

  Hamilton, W, East, R & Kalafatis, S 1997, 'The measurement and utility of brand price elasticities', Journal of Marketing Management, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 285-98.

  Hammond, K, Ehrenberg, A & Goodhardt, G 1996, 'Market segmentation for competitive brands', European Journal of Marketing, vol. 30, pp. 39-49.

  Hardie, B, Johnson, E & Fader, P 1993, 'Modeling loss aversion and reference dependence effects on brand choice', Marketing Science, vol. 12, no. 4 (Fall), pp. 378-94.

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  Heil, O & Helsen, K 2001, 'Toward an understanding of price wars: their nature and how they erupt', International Journal of Research in Marketing, vol. 18, pp. 83-98.

  Hu, Y, Lodish, L, Krieger, A & Hayati, B 2009, 'An analysis of real world TV advertising tests: a recent update', Journal of Advertising Research, vol. 49, pp. 201-6.

  Hunt, S & Morgan, R1995, 'The comparative advantage theory of competition', Journal of Marketing, vol. 59, pp. 1-15.

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  Kay, John 1993, Foundations of Corporate Success: How Business Strategies Add Value, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

  Kennedy, Rachel & Ehrenberg, Andrew 2000, 'Brand user profiles seldom differ', report 7 for corporate members, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science, Adelaide.

  Kennedy, R & Ehrenberg, A 2001a, 'Competing retailers generally have the same sorts of shoppers', Journal of Marketing Communications, vol. 7, pp. 1-8.

  Kennedy, R & Ehrenberg, A 2001b, 'There is no brand segmentation', Marketing Insights, Marketing Research, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 4-7.

  Kennedy, Rachel, Ehrenberg, Andrew & Long, Steven 2000, 'Competitive brands' user-profiles hardly differ', Market Research Society Conference, Brighton, UK.

  Kennedy, R, McDonald, Colin & Sharp, Byron 2008, 'Pure single source data and take off time for Project Apollo', Admap, pp. 32-5.

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  McDonald, Colin & Ehrenberg, Andrew 2002. 'Personal buying is like 'family' shopping.' Report 12 for Corporate Members: 1-17. Adelaide: Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science.

  McDonald, Colin & Ehrenberg, Andrew 2003, 'What happens when brands gain or lose share? Customer acquisition or increased loyalty?', report 31 for corporate members, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science, Adelaide.

  McDonald, Colin & Sharp, Byron 2005, 'Individual-level advertising effects', report 36 for corporate members, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science, Adelaide.

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