A Child for Elizabeth

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A Child for Elizabeth Page 11

by Carrie Mollenkopf

  “Scandal? Elizabeth is the victim here! Any fire was either an accident or self-defense. It is the word of a respectable woman against that of a criminal!”

  “No one denies that, but they will use anything to discredit her. A lack of soundness of mind perhaps, or even you may be slandered, for allowing her to walk unescorted.”

  “This is preposterous! A woman of excellent reputation is abducted and it is presumed to be her fault? And the servant goes to prison while the master runs free? Is that it?” Darcy snapped.

  “Not exactly, but that is where I must defer to the wisdom of Lady Jane Hanneford. I believe that she has come up with a solution that all may find palatable.”

  Darcy eyed the lady in question curiously. He was not well acquainted with the woman, but knew she possessed a reputation for practical good sense. If it meant that Elizabeth would be spared reliving her ordeal, he was willing to listen.

  “As many here already are aware, Lord Upton and I were once engaged. Most believe it was called off due to the indiscretion involving his sister, but it was not. I have first-hand experience with Peter Endicott’s temper and am willing to testify if need be on Mrs. Darcy’s behalf. But… I believe there can be a more equitable solution. First, and foremost, all monies due to Rosamund will be bequeathed accordingly. Her child, be it male or female, shall be named heir. And lastly, Peter will quit Upton Chase and retire to a location of his choice, provided it is outside of England.”

  “And suppose I don’t agree?” snapped Peter Endicott from where he remained shackled to a chair. At first, he had smiled smugly at the suggestions, until the last ultimatum was made. How dare anyone suggest he give up his rightful place?

  “Take your chances with the courts… but I assure you, either way you will lose. It does not look well for a peer to misuse position. Have you forgotten that Mr. Darcy is the grandson of an Earl? History has seen its share of nobles stripped of their titles for less. Besides, should you remain here, your personal safety will never be guaranteed. If one gentleman can get away with such deeds, why can’t another? Mr. Darcy? Do you not agree?”

  “It would be unfortunate if something were to befall anyone in this situation, but accidents do happen all the time,” Darcy agreed. He was not entirely satisfied, but would accept the agreement. Peter Endicott may have escaped prison, but it also kept Darcy from becoming a murderer. Eventually, he would kill him for what he had done, and not be sorry.

  Peter Endicott was silent, the threatening glare of revenge in Darcy’s eyes bore into his soul. Although he had never heard a word against the master of Pemberley in terms of temper, nor seen any evidence himself, the man before him was terrifying. Nodding in consent, the shackles were removed, allowing for a slow circulation to return. Papers would be drawn up immediately for signature.

  This discourse, had not involved the burly man who sat quietly crying next to his employer. Not a person had said a word as to what would become of those hired to do Peter Endicott’s dirty work. Already, he had given the names of his cousin and aunt, as well as his own, but as the only guilty person present of the three, would all blame be his? Looking up at Lady Hanneford, his eyes pleaded for leniency. The formidable woman appeared to be the one making decisions and returned his gaze with a wry frown.

  “And you, Malcolm Rogers, do not think you have been forgotten. The courts will decide your fate, but a word shall be put in for your cooperation, especially if your kinsman is found. Perhaps you will escape the hangman, but I suggest you find a different line of work.”

  Blubbering his thanks, the large man was led away just as a maid slipped into the chamber. Tugging discreetly on Darcy’s sleeve, she whispered to him before quickly exiting.

  “If we are finished here, do excuse me, I believe Elizabeth needs me now.”


  By late that following evening, Darcy and Elizabeth became the proud parents of a lovely baby boy. Small, but perfectly formed, young Nicholas Fitzwilliam Darcy came into the world, squalling his displeasure at being relocated from his place, but soon grew content in the arms of his father. Now, at the grand age of three weeks, the proud papa carried his swaddled son about their bedchamber, burbling nonsense to the infant, much to Elizabeth’s delight.

  “He really is far to young to understand a word,” she insisted and put out her arms to take the child for feeding. Having long ago made the decision to forego a wet nurse, and arranged a nursery in an adjoining chamber, Elizabeth relished the contact of her child and could not imagine anything other. In all, it had been a perfectly routine lying-in despite the circumstances and location. It had been nearly a fortnight until Maura had pronounced her fit to travel and return to Pemberley. By then, so much had happened that had completely altered the place in which her son had made an entrance. Upton Chase, had been completely rid of anything that served as a reminder of Peter Endicott. Rosamund and Andrew had temporarily taken up residence, but were unsettled as to if it would be permanent.

  “I did not study to become a vicar to simply toss it away. It is a calling that cannot be abandoned. Besides, this is your inheritance, not mine. Do what you wish with the place,” Andrew had insisted the morning that Elizabeth and Darcy departed. The newlyweds, eagerly expecting the imminent arrival of their own child, had sought the Darcys’ advice.

  “Won’t you consider staying permanently? It would be wonderful if Nicholas and I could visit regularly.” Elizabeth had insisted, but was met with a shrug. Despite what the women had been through together, Rosamund was still hesitant in her acceptance of friends.

  “I have not decided yet. At first, I offered the entire pile of rocks to Maura. After all, she is my aunt. Imagine my father’s face if she turned the place into a home for unmarried women? He’d have an apoplexy, where ever he is, but she declined. Too many bad memories here.” Rosamund said and let the topic drop. It was the only time that Darcy and Elizabeth had heard her mention her father, and that was best for everyone. The last that had been seen of Peter Endicott, Lord Upton, was boarding a ship for Calais. Sir Edmund Harker had seen to it that he had not tried to abandon the agreement and had personally escorted the cantankerous man to his cabin, ordering the door locked until England was no longer in sight. Pains had also been taken to see that Rosamund’s father never had the means to attempt such things again. A modest, but limited income had been arranged. He would need to live sparingly, but it was better than prison. As for the two men hired to abduct Rosamund, Malcom Rogers had been more than cooperative in assisting the authorities in finding his brother Johnny and they too were bound aboard a ship. But this was headed for indenture in Australia, the very place to which Elizabeth had been threatened. In the end, she had also been relieved to not have to go and testify, but not out of fear. No, she cared not what any barrister might say against her person. She simply wanted to forget the whole ordeal. Even the death of Mamie Rogers did not haunt her, for in his confession, Malcolm had admitted that the old woman had slipped and fallen in the spilled lamp oil. Her death was from hitting her head, not the fire. On a happier note, Darcy had returned her favorite cross pendant, but on a new twisted chain.

  “This is what gave me hope that you were still alive.”

  “I am glad of it. The loss had made me melancholy as it would forever serve as a memory of that place… and those people. I wonder what makes a person do such things?”

  “Money, greed, envy… any number of vices. I believe in Peter Endicott’s case it was regret. He had everything, but was never content,” Darcy surmised.

  “Well, I for one, cannot say the same. You, Mr. Darcy, and our darling boy, have made me the most content person on earth. I shall not want for anything else again.”

  “Never? That is a very long time…” Darcy teased.

  Elizabeth only gazed down at her child and smiled, her thoughts already picturing a distant future with more children. But for now, she was indeed very content.


  Six months l

  Elizabeth Darcy was pleased that current fashions still opted for higher waistlines as she donned her academy uniform for the day. It was still a bit tight in the bustline, but not so much as to be uncomfortable. In truth, she never looked better. With a fullness to her features, and glow to her skin, any observer would believe that she was finding motherhood to be definitely agreeable. But, for Elizabeth, it was not the all-consuming occupation she thought it would be. Although she loved darling Nicholas, and he was of a serene disposition, the desire to have a greater purpose in the world still beckoned. Fortunately, as one of the programs currently offered by the Darcy Ladies Academy was the training of professional nannies, a virtual army of assistance allowed her to return to her duties. It was an ideal situation. The girls learned their tasks while Nicholas basked in the attention of his unofficial ‘aunties’ as Elizabeth conducted her own classes. In her second week back, she turned over the responsibility of headmistress to Georgiana. The young woman had definitely earned her position; teaching music, deportment, French and geography, as well as attending to the mundane business of bookkeeping. Now, with a class of young ladies ready to enter their professions, and more students arriving, it had been necessary to expand their modest accommodations. But in the end, it had all worked out splendidly. As Lilyhaven nearly bordered the school property, Elizabeth approached Maura Runnymede with an offer too good to refuse.

  “Why don’t you join us? Not just as a teacher, heaven knows what a good midwife is worth, but as a partner. Your knowledge of botany and medicine rivals that of any university graduate. Someday I would like to see our students go beyond being house servants. We could train nurses and more, but it takes people like you to make it happen.”

  Of this proposal, Maura had immediately agreed. Although she could have done the same independently, her friendship had grown with Elizabeth. Loneliness was not a factor when one did not realize what they were missing… and she worried about Melinda’s future. What would happen to her if Maura was not there to care for her anymore? Although she had family in Rosamund and Andrew Hanneford, it was not the same as true friendship and she could not press upon them to take responsibility for Melinda. Rosamund, having been delivered of a healthy boy some weeks after Elizabeth, was still reserved in her acceptance of others. She had kept Upton Chase and managed the estate herself with Andrew taking on the now absent post of vicar at Lambton. Old Reverend Munson had died peacefully in his sleep, leaving Pemberley and the surrounding countryside without services.

  “I should like to accept your offer, but on one condition…more of a personal request,” Maura said with reservation.

  “I am sure whatever it is, it can be arranged.” Elizabeth insisted.

  “Melinda… she may well outlive me. I would see her protected, both legally and emotionally.”

  “But of course, we would do anything for you and Melinda. Darcy and I see you both as part of our family.”

  “Then would you do me the honor of becoming her godmother? I am afraid that position has been neglected.”

  “I should be honored, and will treat her as if she were my own.”

  Within the week, Elizabeth and Darcy had papers drawn up to create a trust for Melinda, naming both of them as joint guardians with Georgiana as an alternate should any misfortune befall Maura.

  “I expect you to live well into your dotage,” Elizabeth said to Maura after all the signatures were witnessed.

  “I hope so, but I feel better now that she is taken care of.”

  “A mother always wants what is best for their children,” Elizabeth agreed, but her expression was strange, as if she found the entire situation amusing.

  “What is so funny?” Maura asked with an air of irritation before the realization dawned upon her. All of the signs were there, she had simply not noticed. Worry had interfered with her skills of observation.

  “I believe that I may be in need of your services again,” Elizabeth admitted.

  “Again? So soon?” Maura replied, giving Darcy a look of censure, but received a shrug in askance in return.

  “Elizabeth always has her way.”

  “Indeed, I do! Has it not worked out for the best?”

  To this, none could argue, for it was the truth.




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