Mission Beyond The Stars: Book #1 of "Saga Of The Lost Worlds" by Neely and Dobbs

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Mission Beyond The Stars: Book #1 of "Saga Of The Lost Worlds" by Neely and Dobbs Page 27

by Neely Dobbs

CHAPTER 21: Coalition

  The console shifted about both its vertical and horizontal axes to better position the observer to view the impending action overhead.  The dark star-flecked vault was illuminated by a nebulous haze, bathing the console in faint purplish light.  The console brightened to a clear violet as the activity increased.  Briin shifted his head and adjusted his jacket to relieve the pressure under his arms.  Comfortably positioned, with a clear view of the target area, he waited expectantly.

  Suddenly, the haze brightened within the halo, its flaring brilliance momentarily dominating the sky.  Then the haze vanished.

  An complete stellar system— a new solar system— was revealed.

  Even having witnessed such phenomena several times before, Lord Ptoriil Briin sat in awe of the power. An entire system, not merely unshrouded…but captured!

  Briin spoke.  “Has FSO Laytonn confirmed the transfer?”

  “Yes, Your Grace." replied Qiirron, one of Briin's trusted assistants.  "The First Science Officer reports that the planetary system made a nominal transition, on schedule and intact.  Preliminary data indicates no significant damage.”

  Briin chuckled.  “Sounds just like her report on H39283…and we nearly lost it in transit."

  "Not quite sir.  She also reports this system came from different dimensional coordinates than the last dozen such events.  It seems the process of transition was similar, yet almost unrelated.  Also, the building design and materials of the only “settlement” in the new system— apparently an automated observation post— are different than any found on previous captures. Finally, the signals it transmits are being sent on different frequencies, employing different technologies, and in a language not previously identified. Initial attempts at translation had not yet succeeded."

  "Those are significant differences." Briin thought for a moment, rubbing his temples. I hope this isn't some new development that comes back to bite us. Well, nothing I can do about it now. "OK... Ask her to write it up and send it to me. And then, Qiirron, would you meet me at my private office?”

  “Yes, Your Grace.”

  Briin dismounted from his cushioned contour couch.  The chamber resumed normal lighting conditions.  He moved to the transport docking area, musing.  Why do her reports sometimes reflect as much optimism as fact?  Still, her intuition is exceptional and her optimism is invariably well founded. She is, without doubt, the best Science Officer ever to occupy the position. I'm sure she knows I couldn’t easily replace her.  Worse, she senses how I feel about her— I’ve seen it in her eyes.  She knows!  I’m not sure whether to be worried or pleased.

  He returned to the Regent's office suite, followed shortly by Qiirron.  The moment they were comfortably settled, Briin began.  “Record.  Have FSO Laytonn check for life signs on the newly captured planets.  Check for any damage that may have resulted and confirm that all planetary temperatures remain free of significant variations from norm.  Also, establish the level of machine intelligence present, and whether any sentient life forms made the transition.

   “Also, ask Laytonn to direct a thorough examination of all field generators.  Check for damage, phase alignment discrepancies, and need for any to be transferred to repair and/or maintenance status.  Further, if any must be taken off-line, arrange for the nearest available replacements to be activated and vectored in.”

  Briin paused, knowing Eebri would handle those standard procedures without his request.  He wanted his memo specific enough to communicate that he wanted more than pro-forma reports.  He got up, paced around the room, then sat back down.  The aide waited quietly for several minutes, then cleared his throat.  Briin glanced up with a little start, and hesitantly continued.  “Uh... yes, Qiirron… request that Officer Laytonn join me as soon as these directives have been carried out.  Instruct her to bring all her notes, together with full visuals of the capture... and whatever else she feels could be of interest.”

  The aide looked up questioningly.

  Briin flushed slightly. “That’s all for now.  If I think of anything else I’ll page you… Oh, is there any hot brew left in the outer office?”

  “I don’t think so, Sir, but if there is, shall I bring you a beaker?”

  “Please.  And if there’s anything left to eat, bring that also… but if the cupboard’s empty, don’t bother ordering anything from stores.”

  Qiirron departed and Briin leaned back in his cushion.  He couldn’t help rehashing old concerns.  Hopefully, we’ll finally learn more about the home civilization of these captured planets.  If there has never been anything but massive self-replicating machines on the planets, it reveals a sophisticated level of technology.  But what if we find even more evidence that all past inhabitants have been evacuated?  Does it mean they've learned to detect the subtle signs which precede the captures?  If so, how could we use that information to improve the transfer process and better protect any worlds we might capture in the future?


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