Mission Beyond The Stars: Book #1 of "Saga Of The Lost Worlds" by Neely and Dobbs

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Mission Beyond The Stars: Book #1 of "Saga Of The Lost Worlds" by Neely and Dobbs Page 35

by Neely Dobbs

CHAPTER 28:  Alliance


  All eyes were on Kyell as the echo of his shout “IT'S GONE” faded.  His out-thrust, pointing hand directed everyone's attention to the view screen.  It seemed shockingly empty as a result of the sudden disappearance.

  Agriel's voice sounded from the now unwatched com-screen.  “Admiral… Sir… the colossus is gone.  The Wasp is intact, but we're utterly alone.”

  Jazon keyed the master communication switch.  “Attention, all hands.  This is Admiral Ozier speaking.  Maintain alert status. Excepting only emergency reports, maintain communications silence until specific reports are requested by Commander Agriel or me.

  “Any station with immediately threatening damage or severe injury to personnel, report now.”  Following ten seconds of silence, Jazon continued, “Good!  Commander Agriel, please query your crew to assure that we have full communications and that all hands are accounted for.”

  Commander Agriel immediately announced, “Station officers report, confirmation or exceptions only, roll call sequence, starting with Ops.  Begin.”

  One after another, the replies were heard:  “Ops, here Sir. Com systems at 98%, and the crew has nothing worse than bumps and bruises,”  “Telemetry here, Sir. All secure...” Finally, with all stations reported in, the Commander's voice was heard. “Admiral, all stations and all thirty-five hands accounted for.  Operations are in the green. It looks like our worst injuries are just minor abrasions and bruises.”

  “Thank you, Commander.” Turning to his AIDD, Jazon said, “ADIZ, please sort, prioritize and summarize all station reports that arrived between Commodore Trandic’s mention of the Wasp's altered path and his report that the colossus was gone.  Also, provide more current updates as is timely and appropriate.”

  “Responding, sir.

  “First:  As shown on the viewers, the construct you have called ‘the Colossus' has disappeared without a trace.

  “Second:  The Wasp remains in our near space region and is undamaged by its encounter with the Colossus.

  “Third: the Wasp is now free of abnormal spin; all compartment doors on the Wasp are released from automatic lockdown and may be used…”

  Kelt's voice boomed out, interrupting the report.  “That's great!  Now we can get to the course correction motors and….”

  “Pipe down, Lieutenant!  Let the AIDD complete his report!”  His Commander's sharp order silenced Kelt immediately.

  Apparently unaffected by the outburst, ADIZ picked up exactly where he had left off.

  “…for normal access, both within the ship and for external docking and EVA.

  “Fourth:  Initial telemetry approximations show the Wasp's path has been changed by negative 3.35 degrees and velocity has been reduced by 19.5 percent.  The Wasp's revised vector places it near the trajectory required for insertion into orbit about Kepren.  The Wasp and Kepren are no longer on a collision course.”

  At this news, resounding cheers and shouts of joy from both the Wasp and the Command Center interrupted ADIZ.  Neither Commander Agriel nor Admiral Ozier attempted to quell the celebration; they were, in fact, leading it.  Hugs, cheers and backslaps continued for a full minute as ADIZ stood robotically inert, displaying neither patience nor pleasure.

  The Admiral 's voice, once again firm with the ring of authority, was heard as the happy sounds began to abate.  “All hands, hear this.”  Seconds later the din had faded completely and Jazon continued, “We're all delighted with this news, and I am delighted that it appears the worst of this crisis has passed.  However, ADIZ has not completed the report I have requested, and other matters must be dealt with at his report's conclusion.”

  After several seconds of silence, Jazon nodded and said, “ADIZ, continue, but please repeat the last few words of your report.”

  “…a collision course.  Final figures for course corrections required for optimal orbit insertion will be available within the hour.

  “Fifth:  The communications section aboard the Wasp reported the reception of a signal from the Colossus shortly before it vanished.  At this time, the signal has not been identified, although it was received on a standard communications band.

  “Sir, that completes my report, within the parameters you have requested.”

  Jazon nodded to ADIZ and turned toward the screen showing Commander Agriel.  Although it was clear that the crushing weight had been lifted from Vick's shoulders, the image also revealed the tired eyes and haggard face of a sleep-deprived officer who had received far too many shocks in far too short a time.  Jazon offered him a reassuring smile and spoke warmly.

  “Commander Agriel, I would like to commend you and your crew for the exceptional efforts in dealing with this crisis; under demanding conditions and trying circumstances, you have performed well.  Additionally, I want to offer my personal congratulations on your apparent safety.

  “I would like to order all hands to return to quarters immediately for an extended and much needed rest.  However— as much as I would personally like to issue that order, that is impossible at this time.  It is essential that we establish precisely what must be done to bring the Wasp safely into orbit around Kepren.  Accordingly, Commander Agriel, please determine who requires immediate medical attention and/or rest, and establish how to best effect the required course correction….”

  “Pardon me, Admiral.”

  Jazon spun in surprise at ADIZ’s interruption.  Somewhat gruffly he demanded, “Can't it wait?”

  “Perhaps, Sir.  But I have an update that is ‘timely and appropriate' to the orders you are issuing.  Do you wish that information now or should I wait until you complete your directives?”

  Jazon glanced at Sabanda, rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, and spoke much less curtly, “ADIZ, please provide us with the information you feel is pertinent.”

  “Certainly, Sir.  VSDI 473 reports that an accurate determination of the Wasp's new trajectory has been made.  It is now 100% certain that the Wasp will be able to achieve optimal orbital insertion with only a minor course correction.  If your desire is for the Wasp's crew to take their rest periods at this time, all projections indicate the crew may do so without concern for any immediate need to calculate and implement the final adjustments required to achieve Kepren orbit.”

  Vick, peering wide–eyed through the viewer at ADIZ, asked, “Are you trying to say that the Colossus altered our vector so precisely that we can achieve accurate orbital insertion if we wait several hours before effecting course adjustments?”

  “No, Sir.  I am attempting to communicate that the Wasp is on such an exact trajectory that the final course modification required is so small that you could safely wait multiple days before making it.”


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