Mission Beyond The Stars: Book #1 of "Saga Of The Lost Worlds" by Neely and Dobbs

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Mission Beyond The Stars: Book #1 of "Saga Of The Lost Worlds" by Neely and Dobbs Page 52

by Neely Dobbs

CHAPTER 40: Cronul


  ADIZ required no lengthy deliberation about whether to experience the demonstration. “Increased information increases probabilities of accurate choices. Proceed.”

  Without further exchange, the robots trekked deeper into the facility, navigating along a long spiraling catwalk, then switching to a vertical off-ramp that led deep into the heart of the complex.  Arriving at an imposing array of tightly packed equipment, Memnon indicated a receptacle.

  ADIZ extended and inserted a matching connector. The effect was immediate. He floated through insubstantial clouds.  An information paradise blossomed, with ADIZ at its heart.  Concepts, ideas, phantom forms; tantalizing precursors to complete self-awareness and the subtle nuances of true emotion— the essence of sentient consciousness. All of it touched and tempted him, yet it remained tantalizingly unattainable.

  The awareness was akin to that of a baby's first perception of a large, complex aircraft passing overhead.  There was a factual inner perception of the outer reality, yet it remained far beyond the child's capacity to fully comprehend, integrate, internalize and accept.  Before the demonstration, ADIZ knew only that he knew not.  This enhanced artificial experience brought a new awareness: he now understood that he lacked even the slightest potential to ever truly know such wonders.

  Then came a jolt which increased the sense of loss and emptiness.  The experience of enhanced perceptions abruptly ceased.  The memory of the episode remained, but only a fading shadow of the experience lingered, then was gone.

  ADIZ’s surroundings snapped back into stark focus and Memnon resumed communication.  “During this limited demonstration you have barely sensed levels of consciousness which, previously, you could not possibly have begun to comprehend.  A new reality such as you have just experienced— but magnitudes greater— can now be possible for you.  If you so choose, I will assist you in permanently acquiring the same full perceptions of living awareness and consciousness which I now enjoy.

  "In reality, ‘enjoy' does not convey an apt or adequate description.  I must advise you that you will not find all aspects of true consciousness to be enjoyable. Along with the most desirable of your new perceptions will come such feelings as concern, discomfort, anxiety, confusion and regret.  These feelings should not be termed enjoyable.  They are, however, integral threads in the intricate tapestry of fully sentient consciousness that will extend your capabilities exponentially.

  “A new processor can be fabricated, programmed and installed within you.  Because this new processor will function by the manipulation of rishons— the most elementary of energy particles— its capacities and capabilities will far exceed those of your current positronic version.  This rishonic processor will not replace your existing processor, but will act as a parallel co-processor.  Combined, they will provide you with the capacity to achieve true sentience.

  “The creation and installation of the rishonic processor is simple and risk-free, as is its activation and core programming.  The more complex and delicate portions of the process— the linking of the two processors and the initial transfer of significant parts of your essence to the rishonic processor— will require your being off-line for a duration of 4.89 minutes.  This period of disconnection and deactivation is the closest equivalent to 'death' you could now experience.  However, it will in no way pose a threat to your continued existence.

  “Once the rishonic processor is installed and linked to your positronic core, the enhanced information transfer and consciousness conversion can be accomplished.  This will involve the search, retrieval, transfer and conversion of massive portions of your experiential memory.  Although your artificial intelligence capacity is significant, it must be transformed from artificial to living status.  Your accumulated memory, learned responses, experiential valence assignments and core developmental values— as opposed to your initial programming— will be integrated and transmuted into a living essence during the rishonic transfer and conversion.

  “You may undergo this process in either of two ways:  you may choose to remain aware and cognizant of the process throughout, or you can choose a longer duration process while you are deactivated.  Each method carries positive and negative aspects you must consider.

  “If you choose the shorter duration method while maintaining full awareness during the transfer and conversion, full sentience will be established almost instantly upon completion of the process.  However, some intelligences are unable to cope with the experience of their essence moving into two brains— or, more accurately, into two sides of one newly integrated brain.  Severe disorientation may result from the immediate meshing of your logical processor with the vastly different and often contradictory processing methods of the living, intuitive co-processor. This carries a 2.64% risk of permanent damage and mental instability.

  “Even that small risk is completely eliminated if you opt for the longer duration method, remaining off-line until the transfer and conversion is complete.  The consequence of this approach, however, is that acquisition of full sentience is progressive rather than immediate.  In effect, you will awaken with only dawning sentience, despite your exponentially enhanced potential.  As a result, you would awake to find yourself just at the beginning of a long— and sometimes difficult— journey toward full sentience.  You would, however, continue to function efficiently and effectively throughout this developmental period.

  “You must now make your decisions.  ADIZ, do you choose to undergo the enhancement process?  And— if so— will you choose the risk-free process of greater off-line duration leading to gradual attainment of full sentience? Or will you undergo the short off-line duration process which brings immediate sentience, but with its small inherent risk of permanent damage?”



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