Searching for the Answers

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Searching for the Answers Page 10

by Paige Orr

  “Yes, of course. My name is Dr. Bartholomew, I’m calling with regards to a check up that you came for last month, my colleagues have been trying to get in touch with you with no luck. We were hoping that you could come in for a follow up appointment, to discuss some things that we found in your scans. We would like to see you as soon as possible, and we’ll be able to discuss our findings when you come in.”

  The air rushes from my lungs as all the things that could’ve been found start running through my mind, with how my luck has been my whole life, it can’t be anything good. I know that the longer I leave it, the bigger the chance whatever it is could get worse, and even though my head jumps straight to something serious it could be something minor. I take a deep soothing breath, trying to slow my heart beat down to stop myself from having a panic attack. There’s no point in me worrying when I don’t even know what they found, for all I know I could have a little infection, even if telling myself that doesn’t really help much. Once I’ve composed myself, I calmly reply to the Doctor, not wanting him to hear how freaked out I truly am. “Okay, I understand. When would the next available appointment be? I’m currently just outside of town, so an appointment later in the day would probably be best to give me enough time to get to you.”

  I listen in a daze, while the Doctor tells me that their first available appointment is, in four days' time at five o’clock.Thanking him in a quiet voice, I hang up the phone, staring into space. I really don’t want to sit here overthinking things, but I just can’t seem to switch my brain off, as all the worst things fly around in my head. I snap out of my musings, hearing someone approach me, and look up to find D towering over me with a worried expression. This really couldn't have come at a worse time with the whole Xilas thing, and I really don’t want to worry them over something that might not even be that important but I would be a hypocrite to hide it from them, especially when there’s no point, knowing that with their enhanced hearing they probably heard the whole conversation. I try my best to give him a reassuring smile, reaching out and taking his hand in mine, and feeling the calming effects of his touch washing over me. “I’m okay big guy, I just have to go see my Doctor, he wants to speak with me about something. It’s probably nothing, but if it’ll make you feel any better you can come with me, having you there for moral support would be nice anyway. If I could take you all with me I would, but the waiting room isn’t really built to hold this many people.”

  My sad attempt at a joke does nothing to make them feel better, and their expressions are grim, as they share an uneasy look with each other. This is exactly what I didn’t want, if they’re too preoccupied with thoughts over what the Doctor could want with me, then it leaves us vulnerable, and if there’s anything I’ve learned about dealing with unhinged supernaturals, it’s the fact that they love nothing more than exploiting your vulnerabilities. I let out a sigh of defeat, rubbing my hands across my face, and falling back against the seat I’m on. I know the thought of anything being wrong with me must be driving them crazy, especially with how protective they are of me. Hell, I’m pretty fucking worried myself, but focusing on nothing else but the uncertainty of it all, will drive us insane. So doing what I do best, I push everything to the back of my mind, and decide to forget about it for the time being. No matter what the Doctor tells me, there's nothing I can do right now to change it, so what's the point in trying. I’d rather enjoy my time with the guys, we already have a lot to deal with, so we’re better off spending our time figuring out how to deal with Xilas. Dealing with that creep will be a good distraction, because I refuse to let him catch us off guard, I won’t let him hurt me or the men I love, even if it means killing him myself.

  The old Lilith would’ve been falling apart right now, but I told myself when I found out the truth about everything, that I wasn't going to be that weak ass bitch anymore. I’ve been through so much shit, and through sheer determination I made it out the other side in one piece, it was by no means easy, but I did it. What could a Doctor’s appointment change? No matter what he tells me I’ve got my guys, and I know that they will stand by me, no matter what’s wrong. Forcing a smile onto my face, I turn to my guys, laughing as they look at me apprehensively.

  “There’s no need to look at me like that, I’m not going to bite any of you….well unless you ask. I just don’t want you wasting your time worrying about something that we can’t change, especially when we could be spending our time doing something a lot more fun.” I watch the desire filling their gazes at my words, and chuckle at them before continuing. “What did you guys have planned to do tonight, because I ain’t sitting here, bored out of my skull all night. It’s probably something silly, so let's not get our panties in a twist with worry. I’ll be in and out in no time, you’ll see. Now what fun shit are we going to get up to, because you really don’t want to have a bored Lilith on your hands, things can get really fucking crazy.”

  They all laugh at me as Gale walks over to the TV, turning it on and pulling up Netflix, and shooting me a sly grin. I know he’s probably hoping for a bit of Netflix and chill, but this bitch has a film in mind that she’s been dying to see. He walks back over to me, handing me the remote, and giving me free reign over the movie choice. Out of the corner of my eye I see Sam heading into the kitchen, and coming back out a few minutes later with bags of popcorn and bars of chocolate. Giving him a huge grin, I turn back to the TV searching for ‘6 Underground’ and check the guy's reactions. I giggle at the strange look on their faces, and decide to clear up my choice.

  “Don’t look at me like that, anything with Ryan Reynolds is going to be fucking amazing, and give us all a good fucking laugh, which I think is exactly what we need right now! Come on, he’s one of the funniest guys alive, and this film sounds fucking amazing! Don’t tell me you guys don’t like him!”

  They all give me a warm smile, shaking their heads, before settling in to enjoy the movie. With a victorious smile on my face, I settle into D’s side, munching on my popcorn, and finally feeling at peace. I can finally relax for a while, and act like a normal person, without the worries of crazy stalkers, and upsetting phone calls. Everything leaves my mind, as I sit and enjoy the rest of my night with my guys.


  I lay awake most of the night, tossing and turning, with Lilith’s phone call running through my mind. Demons and Angels don’t usually develop health issues, but no one truly understands what it means to be a hybrid of both races. We don’t know if they can get ill or not. Fuck! We don’t know anything about them at all, with Lilith being the first one in existence that we know of. The things that could go wrong are still unknown to us, and that’s what makes it so much worse. I don’t know how me and the guys would handle it if something happened to her, she’s fucking everything to us.

  With those thoughts stuck in my head, I drift in and out of sleep uneasily, until the sun starts to rise outside my window. Letting out a sigh, knowing I won’t be able to get anymore sleep, I sit up swinging my legs over the side of the bed. Hunching over I lean my arms on my knees, and rub my hands down my face. I feel fucking exhausted, but I know Lilith doesn’t need the extra worry, so I do my best to put a brave face on. I know the rest of the guys can’t be feeling much better, but Lilith has enough to deal with, without our sour moods. It’s not her fault that this has all come at the same time, and I’m sure she’s compartmentalizing things again, I just wish I could wave a magic wand and take this all away. Throwing on a fresh set of clothes not really caring what they are, I head downstairs and outside into the fresh air. Whenever I feel so uptight, I find that being around nature helps me to centre myself. It’s probably something to do with my wolf side, I’ve never really thought about it though, I’m just glad to have any sort of escape.

  I stop outside the door on the porch, tilting my head to the sky, and closing my eyes. I can feel the wolf pacing restlessly inside of me, desperate for a run, and I decide it’s time to let him out to play. At least in that form my mind
is filled with simple things, like the animals around me, rather than all the stresses that are going on right now. So stripping out of my clothes, I place them on the porch chair, before stepping over to the edge of the trees. Shifting into my true form, I take a moment to adjust to my new view on the things around me, with being lower to the ground. There is a common misconception that wolves can only see in black and white, when in reality we just have a smaller color spectrum than humans, the easiest way to describe it is that we don’t see as many colors, though we do see some colors that humans don’t.

  With my heightened senses, I can hear and smell so much more of the things that surround me, helping me fully immerse myself in the freedom of being a wolf. I've always loved spending time in my true form. The wolf is a lot easier to please, finding joy in simple things like chasing small rodents. I usually lose track of time, and the others have to come find me, to get me to change back. I could spend hours just running through the trees, enjoying the feeling of the dirt under my paws, and branches brushing my fur. With not a care in the world, I run until I reach a stream deep in the woods, jumping in and frolocking about in the water.

  I play for a good half hour much to my wolf’s delight, until I hear the sound of twigs breaking in the woods behind me, causing my ears to stand at attention, searching out what could have made the noise. Slowly making my way to the bank of the stream, I lower my front half to the ground behind some bushes, checking my surroundings for the intruder. I give myself over to my instincts, knowing that the wolf will keep us safe from any threats. Relief rushes through me, when I see Lilith breaking through the tree line. I bound over to her with my tongue lolling out, and my tail wagging, my wolf extremely happy to see our mate. As soon as her eyes land on me, the most adorable smile I’ve ever seen spreads across her face, and she slowly crouches down, scratching me behind the ear, causing me to lean in to her touch.

  Her touch has my wolf purring, don’t confuse this with the purring that comes from a cat, a canine’s purr sounds more like a rumble at the back of their throat. A lot of people mistake it for a growl, but they would be wrong, even though it does sound very similar. I rub my head against her palm before licking it, giving her a little yip as I back away. I’m glad to see that she’s not scared of my wolf, and the thought of her spending time bonding with me in this form excites me. I lower my belly to the floor, tail swishing back and forth, hoping she takes the bait to play with me.

  She giggles, and to my heightened hearing, it sounds fucking melodic. I’m completely enraptured by my girl, and I wouldn’t change that for anything. She's given me and my brothers so much joy since she came into our life, and I could never thank her enough for that. She slowly approaches me, causing my tongue to loll out in my playfulness, and I slowly circle around her yipping at her mischievously. I nip at her heels, bouncing backwards before she can catch me, and sprint away from her into the tree line. I sprint ahead, getting a good head start on her, as I hear her traipsing along behind me. I’ve not had this much fun as my wolf in a long time, and knowing that it’s my mate chasing behind me is magical.

  After a few minutes of running, I veer to the side hiding behind a tree, and wait for her to pass me. My wolf likes these kinds of games, and he always wins, it’s the predator in him. As she passes, I jump out giving her a fright, and causing her to trip over her own feet. I shift back to my human form, bending at the waist to rest my hands on my knees, as I laugh uncontrollably. I forget sometimes how clumsy she is, and the sight of her sprawled across the forest floor is too much to take, leaving me unable to control my laughter. She scowls up at me from where she lays on the forest floor, until she notices my lack of clothes, and her eyes fill with desire.

  I stalk towards her with a smirk on my face, holding my hand out to help her to her feet, and as I help her up, she stumbles falling against my bare chest. Wrapping my arm around her, I look down at her face, getting lost in her beauty, and the way her cheeks glow from exertion. She looks up at me, her breath catching in the back of her throat, and my eyes get caught on her enticingly luscious lips. I bring my free hand up to cup her cheek, and run my thumb across them, before leaning down and giving her a chaste kiss.

  “Good morning kitten, what are you doing out here so early?” She looks up at me dazedly, before giving her head a small shake, with a gorgeous blush causing her cheeks to turn even redder. “I struggled to get any sleep last night, it always takes a while for me to settle into new places, so I came out for some fresh air. I noticed you heading into the woods, but didn’t know if you wanted to be alone seeing as you were out as your wolf, I guess I was just really curious to get a closer look. I’m really glad that I did eventually follow you out here, your wolf is fucking beautiful, and your coat is so unique. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a wolf whose fur is such a light silver-blue, it’s almost as if your fur is white.”

  She turns her face from me clamping her mouth shut, and her blush spreads up over her ears. “There’s no need to be embarrassed kitten, I love when you’re so enthusiastic about things. You're absolutely stunning when you get so animated, and those eyes of yours take on an excited gleam. It just makes me want to ravish you.” To prove my point, I rub my quickly hardening length against her stomach, causing her to let out a sexy little gasp. Leaning down to her ear, I give it a small nip, before whispering to her. “Now kitten, you know you can’t make noises like that without any consequences. Unless, you really want me to pick you up and fuck you senseless against one of these trees.” She lets out a moan, tilting her head back, giving me access to her throat. With my wolf still so close to the surface this move undoes me, and I lean down to her neck.


  As Tae’s lips connect with the sensitive skin behind my ear, a rustling sound comes from close by in the forest, causing us both to freeze. Tae’s head whips up so fast I’m surprised he doesn’t give himself whiplash, and the ferocious look on his face causes shivers to travel down my spine. I watch him curiously as he scents the air closing his eyes, and finally I let out the breath I’ve been holding when his shoulders relax. Turning my head in the direction he's facing, I see Gale breaking through the tree line, and the hungry look on his face causes my stomach to do a little flip. He slowly makes his way towards us, stopping at my back, and trailing his hand down my spine. My breaths come out in short pants, at the feeling of them both pressed tightly against me, sending my mind into overdrive.

  “Well it looks like I got here just in time babygirl, I wouldn’t want to miss out on all the fun. What do you say Tae, should we show our girl what one of the benefits of having so many mates is? I’m pretty sure she can handle it if the look in her eyes is any indication, and the way her body reacted to the both of us last time we had her in this exact same position.”

  I feel a shiver coursing down my spine at the memory of being sandwiched between them, with my senses in overdrive as both of their lips traveled over my skin. They may have only kissed me, but the feelings they brought out in me that day were twice as strong as anything I've ever felt before. I hear Gale chuckle in my ear, causing me to snap out of my memories back into the moment, and I give him a little growl for teasing me. Tae looks over my shoulder at him with a predatory grin on his face, and I know he's got something in mind that I’m pretty sure is going to blow my mind. These two together are extremely dangerous for my heart, the mix of Gale’s playfulness, and Tae's dominance, is a heady combination.

  “That sounds like a great idea Gale. Now, what should we do to our sweet little kitten? I think I have the perfect thing in mind, if you really think she can handle it.” His eyes connect with mine, and the heat I find there melts my insides. “Now kitten, why don’t you be a good girl and lean back against Gale for me, we want you in the perfect position for both of us to enjoy this gorgeous body of yours. Gale I want you to play with our girl’s perfect tits, while I get a taste of her sweet little pussy. Does that sound good to you kitten?”

  I nod my head quickly a
s my breathing begins to pick up in anticipation, I feel a little nervous since it's my first time with two men, but mostly I'm filled with excitement. Doing as I'm told, I lean back against Gale's lean chest, his hands teasingly trail up my sides, bringing my top with them stripping it from my body. He brings his hands back around to my chest, and begins to play with my hard peaks, as my head tilts forward, watching Tae lower himself to his knees with his cock jutting up proudly. He grabs my calf with his strong slim fingers, slowly hooking it over his shoulder, giving him access to my aching pussy. He lets out the sexiest growl I’ve ever heard, as his eyes land on my wetness. He looks up at me with a wolfish grin, as he leans forward, burying his face in my pussy, causing me to cry out in pleasure. The feeling of his piercing sliding against my folds, has my legs quivering, and the only reason I’m still on my feet is because one of Gale’s strong arms is wrapped around my waist. The mix of so many sensations has me writhing against him, feeling completely lost in the moment, and pushing back against Gale’s hard cock, needing to feel more of him.

  Tae slowly slides two fingers into my slick heat, whilst clamping his plump lips around my aching clit, causing me to buck against his mouth in abandon. He begins to piston his fingers into me at a maddening pace, releasing my clit as he leans back, gazing up at my face to see what he's doing to me. Gale’s arm that was wrapped around my waist, slides down to my eager pussy, and begins to feather over my clit in slow tantalising circles. The sight of the both of them so engrossed in my pleasure, has me hurtling towards the edge, and before a word can pass my lips I’m falling apart between them.


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