The Homo and the Negro

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The Homo and the Negro Page 20

by James J O'Meara



  See Greg Johnson’s “Remembering Alan Watts: January 6, 1915 to November 16, 1973,” 2017/01/ remembering-alan-watts-2/; and my own “There and Then: Personal and Memorial Reflections on Alan Watts (1915–1973),” Watts, of course, ultimately rejected the Traditionalist view, stating in Beyond Theology: The Art of Godmanship (New York: Pantheon, 1964) that “there is not a scrap of evidence that the Christian hierarchy was ever aware of itself as one among several lines of transmission for a universal tradition”; for a Traditionalist reply, see “Anti-Theology and the Riddles of Alcyone” by Whitall N. Perry, Studies in Comparative Religion, Vol. 6, No. 3, Summer, 1972,


  See John N. Deck, Nature, Contemplation, and the One: A Study in the Philosophy of Plotinus (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1967; Reprinted: Burdett. N.Y.: Larson, 1991).


  See John Morgan, “What Would Evola Do?”, and my own “Two Orders, Same Man: Evola and Hesse,”


  For the historical background, see, herein, “A Band Apart: Wulf Grimsson’s Loki’s Way.”


  See Androphilia (2007; expanded edition, Milwaukee, Or.: Dissonant Hum: 2012—hey, that’s five years!) and of course


  See Kris Kershaw, The One-Eyed God: Odin and the (Indo-) Germanic Männerbunde (Washington, DC: Journal of Indo-European Studies Monograph No. 36, 2000).


  Sam Francis, Beautiful Losers: Essays on the Failure of American Conservatism (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1993).


  “Black Lives Matter Signs in Canada: ‘May We Never Again Need to Remind You That WE Built This’” by Steve Sailer; Unz Review, July 8, 2017,


  Thus differing from the Left’s partnership with Islam, which is based on Islam’s inherent hatred of the West.


  See “Fashion Tips for the Far-from-Fabulous Right,” herein, and “From Ultrasuede to Limelight: Halston & Gatien, Aryan Entrepreneurs in the Dark Age,” in my later collection Green Nazis in Space! New Essays on Literature, Art, & Culture, ed. Greg Johnson (San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2015).


  I actually “noticed” this due to the “gay” press periodically recycling articles deploring “racism in clubland” from the ’80s onward; an early example of virtue-signaling. “A profound streak of racism ran through the club-kid scene, which was made up largely of the pampered offspring of middle-class whites . . . ‘We don’t want any stupid niggers or lowlife spics coming to the club’ . . . Michael Alig said. ‘Black people aren’t cool. When the niggers start showing up, you know your club is over.’” Frank Owen: Clubland (New York: BroadwayBooks, 2003), p. 159. For more on Alig’s role as Loki, see “From Ultrasuede to Limelight,” loc. cit. Plus ça change: “Let’s start with the epicenter of your problematic behaviors towards my kind: your dating app profile. . . . To be clear, you’re allowed to describe the kind of guy you’re looking for and the things that turn you on, but specifying the race of your desired partner is a line that is not to be crossed. It comes off as racist, and that’s because it is.” Donovan Trott, “An Open Letter To Gay, White Men: No, You’re Not Allowed To Have A Racial Preference,” HuffPost, June 19, 2017,


  Though Gottfried’s contributions are immense, he is, perhaps, handicapped by his ethnic identity; he still seems to think “gay marriage” is the ultimate abomination of desolation, rather than simply the method used by the Judaic Left to forge the manacles of matrimony and replace the warrior band with the wedding band. See his “Yes, Virginia (Dare) There Is a Cultural Marxism—And It’s Taking Over Conservatism Inc,”, May 22, 2017,


  The proximate influences were the “Broadsheets of Ontological Anarchism” and “Communiques of the Association for Ontological Anarchy,” later reprinted as T.A.Z.: The Temporary Autonomous Zone (Brooklyn: Autonomedia, 1991) by “Hakim Bey,” aka Peter Lamborn Wilson, a private scholar whose own perverse renditions of Traditionalism, Islam, and archetypal psychology were pioneering efforts to update and “make hip” these very staid realms.


  Marquis de Sade, “Yet Another Effort, Frenchmen, If you would become Republicans,” in Philosophy in the Bedroom and Other Writings, trans. Richard Seaver and Austryn Wainhouse (New York: Grove Press, 1966), 296–384.



  Paul Grossweiler, The Method is the Message: Rethinking McLuhan through Critical Theory (Montreal: Black Rose, 1998), 155–81.


  Paul Levinson, Digital McLuhan: A Guide to the Information Millennium (New York: Routledge, 1999), 30.


  In Finnish New Rightist Kai Murros’ excellent but short-lived digital platform Le Journal de l’esthétique nouvelle de la revolution nationale,


  “The dissociative cognitive state is highly relevant to philosophy because it enables deep-level symbolic re-indexing of mental constructs. . . . Normally, for convenience, the mind uses linguistic and conceptual associations in a rigid, rutted, and repetitive way; debates are permanent standoffs, because the same cliched assumptions are carelessly adhered to every time words are used. Mastery of semantics and mental association matrixes enables one to release one’s assumptions about every single word or concept in an argument, not just a key term in isolation.” On the need to not give exhaustive definitions of one’s terms at the start of an investigation, in order to be able to produce new knowledge, see Jason Reza Jorjani’s Prometheus and Atlas (London: Arktos, 2016), Introduction.


  Alan Watts—In the Academy: Essays and Lectures (SUNY series in Transpersonal and Humanistic Psychology); edited and with an introduction by Peter J. Columbus and Donadrian L. Rice (Albany: SUNY Press, 2017); see my review


  New York: Pantheon, 1964.


  “‘God, I’m with a heathen’: The Rebirth of the Männerbund in Brian De Palma’s The Untouchables,” herein.


  “The Corner at the Center of the World: Traditional Metaphysics in a Late Tale of Henry James,” reprinted in The Eldritch Evola . . . & Others: Traditionalist Meditations on Literature, Art, & Culture, ed. Greg Johnson (San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2014), as well as in the premier issue of Aristokratia (Manticore, 2013).


  The title essay of The Eldritch Evola.


  “Have I been understood? —Dionysus Versus the Crucified.” Nietzsche, final line of Ecce Homo. “None of the rulers of this age understood it. For if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory” (1 Corinthians 2:8).


  But hope springs eternal! “Sweden far-right plans gay parade in mainly Muslim area,” Fatma Naid, Al-Jazeera, May 29, 2017,


  “How the Alt-Right Is Using Sex and Camp to Attract Gay Men to Fascism” by Donna Mi
nkowitz; June 5, 2017, online (I’m a “leader” according to the URL). To see what Minkowitz considers laudable, see “I Am Helping Donna Minkowitz Hide Her Perverted Family Incest” by Gilad Atzmon, June 15, 2017,


  Perhaps itself an instance of the manifesto method—keep punching away, facts be damned?


  A favorite line of BBC comedian Rik Mayall.


  A conclusion derived, with typical un-intelligence, from my lack of homophobia; and with such demonstrated inability to draw proper conclusions based on evidence, he purports nevertheless to instruct us in the finer points of genetic science. The idea, mutatis mutandis, that only black folks were, or could be, interested in desegregation, would make hash of the Right’s favorite idea that the civil rights movement was a “Jewish conspiracy.”


  “O’Meara again,” June 18, 2016,

  2016/06/18/omeara-again-61816/. This blogger, whose obsession with evolutionary psychology has apparently resulted in a Lovecraftian de-volution into knuckle-dragging “tough-guy” attitudes—see “Hard Men and Wild Boys,” within—habitually refers to me as “O’Meara,” tout court, which must surely upset Michael O’Meara. “These types can’t carry out connected thought for long without the reptilian brain stem breaking through to bark an obscenity. Their grip on reasoned discourse is not strong. Self-restraint again: not always in evidence on the Right, to be sure, but well-nigh extinct on the Left, even among Ivy League law professors.”—Commenter on John Derbyshire’s “Like Nazis after 1945: Never Forget The Bullet We Dodged When Hillary Was Defeated,” Unz Review, July 2, 2017,


  See the oddly titled “Baron von Steuben, ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Franklin to Washington” by Mark Segal, Gay History Project, Windy City Times, October 1, 2013,

  lgbt/Baron-von-Steuben-Dont-Ask-Dont-Tell-Franklin-to-Washington/44574.html. Indeed, Washington “surrounded himself with a group of young officers in a close-knit circle that was marked by affectionate bonds of unusual intensity, a group Washington himself referred to as his ‘family.’” A Männerbund, in short. See James Neill, The Origins and Role of Same-Sex Relations In Human Societies (Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 2011), p. 413; and see my review on Kindle.


  PC terminology likes to change frequently, so as to keep people confused and liable to “gotcha!” attacks at any moment. The LGBQT Person and the Black Body?


  For more on the importance of terminology at the start of any original investigation, see Jorjani, loc. cit.


  “Because I once wrote a story in which—for good and sufficient plot reasons—a young woman is killed an eaten by a dog, I am stereotyped by casual readers of my work as one writes nothing but stories of violence and cannibalism.” Harlan Ellison, Harlan Ellison’s Watching (Los Angeles: Underwood-Miller, 1989; New York, Open Road Media, 2014).


  Or perhaps “Mike Hammer, Occult Dick: Kiss Me Deadly as a Lovecraftian Tale, reprinted in The Eldritch Evola . . . & Others. From my entire oeuvre, I might point the curious to my recent Kindle essay, “Coffee? I like coffee! The Metaphysical Cinema of Coleman Francis (Amazon, 2017). It begins to seem as if I am not the “Camille Paglia of the New Right,” as Andy Nowicki quipped, but the Roger Ebert (minus the race-mixing); except that honor already belongs to Trevor Lynch; see Trevor Lynch’s White Nationalist Guide to the Movies; foreword by Kevin MacDonald; edited by Greg Johnson (San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2012) and its sequels.


  “Freshmen and seniors at about 200 colleges across the U.S. take a little-known test every year to measure how much better they get at learning to think. The results are discouraging. At more than half of schools, at least a third of seniors were unable to make a cohesive argument, assess the quality of evidence in a document or interpret data in a table, The Wall Street Journal found after reviewing the latest results from dozens of public colleges and universities that gave the exam between 2013 and 2016. At some of the most prestigious flagship universities, test results indicate the average graduate shows little or no improvement in critical thinking over four years.” See “Exclusive Test Data: Many Colleges Fail to Improve Critical-Thinking Skills” by Douglas Belkin, Wall Street Journal, June 5, 2017,


  And no wonder Bible-thumping conspiracy-monger Jay Dyer was so upset when I dared to point out that bragging about his “graduate studies in philosophy” was ill-advised, when he seemed unable to tell an argument from a hole in the ground. See my review of his Esoteric Hollywood,


  See H. Stuart Hughes, Oswald Spengler: A Critical Estimate (New York: Scribner’s, 1952), p. 71.


  Another, though rather a guilty pleasure than a source, is The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams (Founders Publishing Corp., 1995 and now in its 5th edition), where the Evangelical authors locate the sin of National Socialism in its anti-Semitism, which in turn is only a function of its homosexuality, which is a function of its paganism, which is au fond identical with its White racial origins; sorry, White Nationalist Christians, all of White, Western culture is merely more or less disguised sodomy, and the only hope of redemption is to worship the Jewish deity—or the Jews themselves. Obviously a farrago of nonsense, but a window into the Evangelical mentality and a striking way to state the truth—by inversion.


  Her key notion of “the swerve,” in art and cultural history, which I assimilate to the Guénonian notion of the spiral; see, most recently, “Coffee? I Like Coffee,” op. cit.


  One of the few—only?—authors to understand Paglia’s influence on both myself and the New Right in general is Peter D. Bredon; see his “St. Camille of the Alt Right,” Mr. Bredon, late of Trinity Coll., Oxford and part of the Metroland set, is one of the bright lights of Counter-Currents; he may be my only contribution to the movement, and if so, Ich habe genug.


  While the content of our books is quite different, Jorjani’s embrace of the paranormal no doubt makes his book as much feared and loathed as—my own. See my review, as well as Bredon, op. cit., who compares the “Promethean” endeavors of all three of us.


  Frithjof Schuon, Logic and Transcendence: A New Translation with Selected Letters, ed. James S. Cutsinger, trans. Mark Perry, Jean-Pierre Lafouge, and James S. Cutsinger (Bloomington, Ind.: World Wisdom, 2009), p. 33.


  Samuel Francis, Beautiful Losers: Essays on the Failure of American Conservatism (Columbia, Mo.: University of Missouri Press, 1993).


  Personal communication.


  Harry Oosterhuis, ed., Homosexuality and Male Bonding in Pre-Nazi Germany: The Youth Movement, the Gay Movement, and Male Bonding before Hitler’s Rise. Original Transcripts from Der Eigene, the First Gay Journal in the World, trans. Hubert Kennedy (Binghamton, N.Y.: Harrington Park Press, 1991), a collection of translations of selections from Der Eigene, published from 1896 to 1932 by Adolf Brand.


  Archived at


  Lou Lumenick, “10 Years Later ‘Fight Club’ Author Still Whining About
My Review,” New York Post, Nov. 17, 2009.


  Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams, The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party (Keizer, Or.: Founders Pub. Corp., 1995). Actually covering far more time and space than the subtitle would indicate; as usual with such polemics, everyone everywhere was (1) Gay and (2) Very bad indeed.


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