My Lucky #13 (Hockey Hotties)

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My Lucky #13 (Hockey Hotties) Page 12

by Piper Rayne

  There aren’t a lot of other people in the theater and the ones who are here seem more into each other than what’s playing on the screen. The lights dim and I slide down in my seat, spreading my knees wide and crossing my arms so I don’t try to get handsy with Saige.

  Fear comes on first and we sit through the movie, not saying much. She jumps a few times when Mark Wahlberg’s character gives us a scare. I get what she’s saying about this not being romantic.

  “I’m gonna get a snack, want one?” I ask her.

  “Anything chocolate,” she whispers.

  “Okay, I’ll be back.”

  Leaving the theater, I exhale a deep breath. Being so close to her and not being able to touch her in any way is torture. I need to control these feelings. A good beat-off job tonight should suffice. For a little while anyway.

  I leave the concession stand with Twizzlers and Peanut M&M’s. I hope she’s not allergic to peanuts. Surely I’d know that by now, right?

  “Excuse me, Mr. Drake?” The guy who helped me at the concession stand stops me before I can leave. I knew he was overly nice to me.


  “Could I get an autograph?” He holds out a napkin and pen.

  “Sure.” I set down the candy and scribble my signature.

  “Thanks. I’ll be at the game tomorrow night.”

  “Rooting for the home team?” I ask with a smile.

  He nods enthusiastically. “Yeah.”

  “Good for you, but I hate to tell you… you might be disappointed tomorrow night.”

  He laughs and looks down the hall, then gets me a tub of popcorn. “On the house.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “You’re, like, the only celebrity we’ve ever had in here. You’re lucky the manager hasn’t taken your picture to post in the lobby.”

  We both laugh and I walk away with a free popcorn and my candy.

  The next movie is already starting by the time I rejoin Saige. I hand her the Peanut M&M’s and she smiles, so I guess no nut allergy.

  She eyes my popcorn and I hold it out to her. “Free popcorn. Another perk.”

  She laughs and a couple in the back row shh us. Not sure why—when I passed them, they were getting a helluva lot more action than I am.

  We watch Cruel Intentions and if I thought the sex scenes in Fear were bad, this is downright blue ball material. The fact that I won’t be getting any when I head back to the hotel is forefront in my mind after watching this.

  The movie ends and I swear I deserve some sort of medal for not even putting my arm on the back of her chair. We follow the other guests out of the theater and it’s then I see a crowd of people outside. I cup Saige’s elbow and pull her back into the theater, down the aisle, and out the door that says Exit. The door slams shut behind us and we’re left in an alley.

  “I guess that whole ‘alarm will sound’ thing is a joke,” she says.

  I put my finger over my lips and take her hand, escorting her up the alley to the front of the theater. I peek around the corner, and as I assumed, it’s the fucking paps and a bunch of women, a few men scattered in. Saige looks and turns back to me with an open mouth and wide eyes. She pulls out her phone and hops on social media, then shows me that I was tagged at the movie theater by none other than the free popcorn guy. I should’ve just played the look-alike card.

  I text the driver to meet me on the next corner over. Once he messages back that he’s waiting, I lead Saige down the sidewalk away from the theater. I usher her into the car and the paps just figure it out when I climb in and lock the doors.

  “And that’s the con I was telling you about.” My lips are a thin line.

  Saige looks out the back window of the car. “The women are running, screaming out to you, but I can’t hear them.”

  “Just turn around,” I say.

  She eventually does face forward after we turn the corner and lose the crowd.

  “Man, I’ve never experienced something like that before.” She leans back. “What do you think would’ve happened if they got to us?”

  “Well, first they would’ve tried to figure out who you are, then reports of us dating would hit the fan sites and they probably would’ve smeared your name. Oh yeah, and we’d have some explaining to do to Joran. Not that we’ve crossed any lines, but you know what I mean. It doesn’t look good.”

  She stares out the window, not saying anything.

  I touch her knee. “Sorry I spoiled the mood.”

  What I keep to myself is that I’m bothered she can’t be mine. I’m pissed that I couldn’t take her hand and walk out of that theater with her, proud to say she’s my girl. And it’s not only because she’s with Joran, but also the fact that she’d be ridiculed by the female fans. They’ll point out everything they perceive as a flaw as though they’re perfect specimens. I’ve seen it time and time again. I don’t even want to think of what male fans might say. I have no idea if that’s something she’s willing to put herself through, but considering that she hated the way she was constantly criticized while skating, I can’t imagine she’d want to endure public scrutiny.

  The driver stops in front of the hotel entrance, and we file out of the car and into the lobby. Without stopping, we go straight to the elevator and I ask her if she wants to come to my room for a nightcap.

  “I probably shouldn’t,” she says, lingering by her door.

  This is the first time she’s turned me down and I can’t lie, it hurts. “Just one.”

  She shakes her head. “I had a lot of fun tonight. Thank you.”

  If I were a lesser man, I’d tell her the fun doesn’t have to be over. That I could show her a thing or two about fun in my room.

  I shift my weight. “You’re welcome. So we have to be at the courthouse around eleven tomorrow.”

  “I’ll be ready.”

  “Great. And just so you know, my cousin, Frankie… she’s kind of outspoken.”

  She nods. “Must be a family trait.”

  “I suppose so.” I nod for her to open the door. “Don’t be up late reading that bullshit self-help stuff, okay?”

  She uses her key card, and the green light makes me inwardly groan that this is the end of our night. The end of my time with her. “I’ll probably just pull out my vibrator after that movie.”

  I freeze and blink a few times. “You didn’t just say that.”

  “Oh, come on, I saw you shifting in your seat during that scene where Reese and Ryan make love.”

  She’s right, I was. “Actually I was thinking about that scene in Fear when they’re on the roller coaster. I’d love to do that sometime.”

  Her cheeks flush pink. I need to cut this off now if my dick’s gonna survive the beating I’ll need to give it to satisfy myself after this conversation.

  “Well, good night, Saige. If you need me, I’m right next door.”

  Our eyes lock and I’m ashamed of myself for almost begging her to accept my invitation for a drink.

  “Good night, Aiden,” she says, and I wait for her door to shut.

  My empty hotel room has never felt as lonely as it does tonight, especially knowing Saige is on the other side of the wall. She could be taking off those skintight jeans or the bra that hugged her tits so perfectly. Does she sleep naked, or does she have a matching silk set that shows how hard her nipples get?

  I drop to the bed, kicking off my shoes and begging my mind to stop torturing me, but the visions keep coming and I can’t stop them. What she looks like under those layers of clothes. How sweet she must look when she comes. The pleas that might come from her mouth if I denied her an orgasm.

  I undo my belt and open my jeans, pulling my half-hard length out of my boxer briefs. I tug and pull and pump, allowing my imagination to take me where I’m not allowed—into her bed. Feeling her thighs quiver as I settle between them and watching her back arch when my tongue slides up her folds and circles her clit. The soft purrs falling from her lips as I knead her breas
ts and pinch her nipples.

  “Fuck,” I mumble, pumping my dick faster.

  Now she’s riding me and I’m on my back, watching her tits bounce while she teases me. I slide in and out of her in a glorious, painstakingly slow motion. Needing more, I flip her over to take control, drilling into her as she tightens her thighs around my waist.

  I imagine her saying, “Fuck me, Aiden. Harder, harder. That’s it. Damn, you’re so good. We’re fucking perfect together.”

  I come with a jolt, and a spray of my semen lands all over my shirt. My dick convulses in my hand and I’m unable to stop jerking as more and more of my seed pours out.

  Once I think I’m done, I lie on the bed, sprawled out, wishing it wasn’t just my imagination. How long do I want to do this to myself? I’m clearly getting nowhere here—I’m not getting over her and I can’t get under her. What the hell’s a guy to do?

  Chapter Eighteen


  I’ll admit it, the next day, I’m in a pissy mood from the moment I wake up. Actually, from the time I went to bed after having to jerk off when I should’ve been deep inside Saige. My frustration level at not being able to pursue Saige outright is at its highest point yet.

  Now I sit in the courthouse about an hour outside of the city, watching my cousin, Frankie, with her husband as he adopts her daughter, Jolie. Frankie’s had a rough life. Jolie’s father was a shithead addict who’d get rough with Frankie. She doesn’t talk about it much and I’m sure I’ve only gotten part of the story, but needless to say, it wasn’t a healthy relationship. She got out and found Jax, who is an awesome guy and loves Jolie like his own. Now Frankie’s pregnant with Jax’s kid and they’re living that happily ever after most people assume they will get at some point.

  I always figured my time for that would come when I’m not playing anymore.

  “She’s adorable,” Saige whispers next to me, her eyes on Jolie.

  I nod and she crosses her legs the opposite way of me.

  After the family hugs and everyone claps, we file out of the courthouse, where all their friends wish them congratulations.

  “Hey, Frankie,” I say and kiss her cheek. “This is Saige.”

  Jolie runs up and catches my legs. “Aiden, did you see?”

  Jax joins us and I shake his hand, congratulating him, while Frankie tries to give Saige the third degree.

  I squat down to Jolie’s height. “So you’re an Owens now, huh?”

  She smiles proudly and nods.

  “I think that’s pretty awesome.”

  “I know.” She wraps her arms around my neck. “And I’m having a baby brother,” she whispers.

  I high-five her and pick her up. “Coolest big sis ever.”

  “We’re coming to see you tonight, right?” Jolie asks.

  “That’s the plan,” I say, glancing behind me to see Saige now talking with Jax and some of his friends. She’s explaining what position I play and pretty much bragging about me. I can’t say it doesn’t put a smile on my face.

  “I can’t wait. Jax let me stay up and watch a game the other night. One guy slammed this other guy into the boards.”

  “Jax, you letting Jolie watch hockey?” She nods. “Guess what?” I whisper.

  Jolie takes her hands and puts them and her lips at my ear. “What?”

  “Saige used to figure skate.” I tell her this to endear Saige to her, but her face twists.

  “Hockey’s better.”

  I squeeze Jolie and throw her in the air. “You know it. I’ll make you the best damn center in the game.”

  “She wants to be goalie,” Jax says, coming over.

  I stop in my tracks as we hit the bottom of the stairs outside. “Goalie?”

  “Yeah. They get to wear those fun helmets and do the splits.” Jolie’s eyes are wide.

  Jax clamps a hand down on my shoulder. “I tried to tell her.”

  “All they do is stop the puck. You want to be able to race around people, steal the puck, shoot the puck, and get the glory when you score.”

  “I like their gloves too,” she says.

  Jax laughs, stealing her from my arms. “That’s what I love about you. One-track mind just like your mama.” Jax nuzzles his face into hers and kisses her cheek.

  Jolie draws back as we reach the parking lot. “I’ll give you today, but then only kisses at night. I’m getting old.”

  We all laugh and file into the cars to head to the luncheon. None of our family from Wisconsin came because it’s hard for them to get off.

  “Your mom sent the most beautiful arrangement,” Frankie says from the front seat.

  Saige and I are wedged in the back with a child seat and Jolie’s wiggling body between us.

  “And cheese curds,” Jolie says.

  Frankie and I are distant from our parents in our own ways, although Frankie much more than me. She ran away young and met Jolie’s father. Her parents didn’t approve, and when they don’t approve, you don’t do it. Frankie did it without caring. I hope one day they’ll bridge that gap, but truthfully, I don’t blame her if she doesn’t.

  “Tell me your mom knows how to make them for you?” I ask.

  Frankie points at me. “Shut your mouth. I taught you how to make them.”

  We pull up to a restaurant called The Porterhouse. Once we’re all out of the car, Jolie takes my hand and one of Saige’s. We lift her and she giggles. Our eyes catch over Jolie’s head, and for some weird reason, I see a vivid flash of myself in the future doing just this. I shake the thought from my head because that’s ridiculous.

  We find our seats in the restaurant and order our drinks. Jax and Frankie disappear into the bathroom for a bit, and I get the distinct feeling they’re getting it on. Saige carries on a conversation with the other people at the table. The more time that passes, the sourer I get.

  “You okay?” Saige whispers in my ear.

  “I’m fine. Just didn’t sleep well last night.”

  She cringes a bit. “Hotel beds.”

  “Sure, that’s it.”

  Frankie and Jax finally return to the table and the meal is served.

  Frankie looks at my plate. “Why aren’t you having a steak?”

  She’ll think this is pathetic, but I tell her how I decided to have the same thing I ate before the last game since I had two goals and two assists.

  What the hell has happened to me? I used to have inherent luck. Hell, I was the guy who didn’t balk at wearing jersey number thirteen, and now I’m loading up on superstitions.

  “You really think that’s going to make a difference?” Frankie asks.

  “Dunno. But I have to perform. Trade deadline is in a few weeks.”

  “Trade deadline?” she asks because she doesn’t know anything about hockey.

  Saige nods. She’s probably crossing the days off on her calendar for when she can be rid of me. Too bad you’re stuck with me for the whole season, sweetheart.

  “The last day they can trade me.”

  “Aiden, you’re doing awesome. You’ve been a scoring machine,” Jax says.

  I sip my water and nod. “Because I’ve been adhering to the superstitions—”

  “The only good thing is that he doesn’t synchronize all his meals with a time,” Saige says.

  I glance at her and smile. I start to extend my arm around the back of her chair, but I stop myself halfway and tuck my hand under the table.

  “You really believe in all that?” Frankie asks.

  “I didn’t until I fell into the slump of all slumps.”

  “How do you know Saige isn’t your lucky charm?” she asks with a grin.

  I devour the rest of my sandwich, swallowing with a big gulp of water. “She is.”

  “Oh, that’s sweet,” Frankie says, looking at Jax.

  “It’s not what you think,” Saige says, shifting in her seat and looking a little uncomfortable.

  Frankie’s forehead wrinkles. “I don’t understand.”

  I che
ck my watch and wipe my mouth. “I have to get to the stadium.” I raise my hand at the server.

  “You should take a steak to go and have it after the game. You’ll probably be starving,” Jax says.

  The server comes over and sets down a glass of white wine like I’d arranged for earlier. I slide it over to Saige.

  “Ready?” she asks.

  “You don’t have to ask me that every time.” I put my arm on her chair and she briefly narrows her eyes at me.

  “Fine.” She tosses the wine in my face.

  Frankie gasps while it drips down my face, and everyone else in our private room stares at us.

  “I was just being polite.” Saige shrugs. Seems my mood is rubbing off on her.

  “I know. Sorry. Thanks though.” I wipe my face with a napkin and drop it on the table. “See you all tonight.”

  I stand and Saige follows suit.

  “Aiden,” Frankie says, standing and stopping me. “What—”

  I place my hand on her shoulder. “She throws a drink in my face before every game for good luck. Long story.” I bend over and kiss Frankie’s cheek. “See you tonight. Tickets are at will call.”

  “Thank you for having me. Lovely ceremony and family.” Saige touches Frankie’s hand and I pick up my wrist to look at my watch.

  We head back to the hotel, where I have to pack my bags and head down to Maksim’s room.

  At our doors, I ask, “Mind if I keep my bag in your room until after?”

  “You’re paying the bill. It’s your room.” She uses her key card to enter her room while I go in mine.

  “I’ll be over soon.”

  My room is quiet, and my bag is already packed except for the suit I have to change into and the clothes I wore today. Watching my cousin have her happily ever after was awesome but gut-wrenching at the same time. I always told myself I’d be cool to wait to find my person until my career was over. Having a serious relationship while trying to be at the top of your profession is an impossible feat. Both require dedication and focus, and there’s only so much time and effort a person has to give.

  Then Saige comes skipping along into my life and nothing seems as important as her, even my hockey career. I’m on the cusp of greatness in my field, could get a contract at the end of this year that would set records, and my mind is all tangled up in my feelings for a woman. A woman who doesn’t have any interest in me because I’m an athlete. Not that it matters because she’s already seeing someone. And I know something weird is going on with her and Joran because why is he never around? If they’re together, how can the bastard treat her like this?


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