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Revival Page 10

by Kirkpatrick, S.

  I nod to Jake to continue with whatever he was about to say before I somehow attracted everyone’s attention.

  “Okay, so I normally just tell people that I work in internet security, which is true. But what most people don’t know is that on top of that, I’m a hacker. The tech firm I work for is actually the same firm that created all the software and systems that the Department of Justice uses here in North Carolina. That includes the DHPD and the Department of Corrections.

  Since the girls went missing I’ve been working on a program where I can hack into these systems and get the information we’re looking for through a backdoor that it makes it look like a security sweep instead of an intrusion. But understand, what I’m doing is actually completely illegal and you aren’t to breathe a word of this to anyone, okay?”

  We all nod as he goes through some kind of tech talk explaining how he does this or that and why this specific formula will pull information a certain way. To be completely honest, none of it makes a damn bit of sense to me, but I pretend to listen as he rambles on.

  “So, what this means is that with the information Rob has listed on each one of these people, Jake can put it into an algorithm and have it run a backtrace for overlapping connections. If any of these phone numbers started having multiple conversations with new phone numbers, he’ll find out. If they’ve started talking to each other more regularly, he’ll find that too. If the GPS on their phones was in the same places, he’ll find out. And if they have a personal computer connected to Jake’s company’s security firm, he can access their hard drives and pull information off of those too.” Kat tells us all proudly.

  “Jesus fucking Christ. All of you, pull out your wallets and give me a dollar right now!” Shane says.

  We all look at him, confused by his sudden outburst.

  “Just do it, I’ll explain after.” He tells us.

  We all do as he says, handing him a dollar from our wallets or purses, waiting for him to put it all in his wallet so he can tell us what the hell is going on.

  “Congratulations, you’ve all hired yourselves a personal attorney and now all of this is attorney-client privilege. That means none of us will land our asses in jail while Jake breaks at least 30 state and federal laws.”

  We all laugh at that. Here we are, breaking the law in front of an attorney without anyone batting an eye. Hey, we’ve got to do whatever it takes right?

  “We need to figure out who that third row of people are and why they were on the wall, to begin with. I think that will give us a big lead to move forward on. I have a suspicion that once we figure that out, the rest of it will fall into place.” Sonya says.

  We all agree, scrambling right back to work on trying to solve this fucking Rubik’s cube of chaos.

  It’s well after 10 pm and we’re still going strong, Jake’s algorithms have been spitting out information faster than the girls can write it all down. It’s amazing how much work we’re able to get through together and how fired up everyone still is this late into the night.

  Brody made a RedBull run a couple of hours ago but I’m starting to think one of us will need to go again soon. No one is wanting to quit while we have so much information at our fingertips. It’s the first time any of us have been able to damn a thing to help the girls and no one wants to be the one to call it quits. I’m so proud to have this these people here with me, my family. Blood or not, that’s exactly what they are.

  Out of the corner of my eyes, I see a couple of the girls cover a yawn, hiding it from the rest of the group.

  “Okay, time to pull a Meredith and Cristina.” Karen exclaims, making her way to the stereo.

  “What’s a Meredith and Cristina?” Ryan asks.

  All three girls look at us like we’ve committed some massive crime against humanity.

  “You just had to ask.” Jake mumbles as he takes off his jacket and untucks his shirt from his dress pants. He left work earlier to come help us out and didn’t bother changing to get comfortable before we started on our own investigation.

  “It’s from Grey’s Anatomy, you uncultured apes. It means we need a dance party. It’s like a restart button. We need a quick break to boost us all back up. Expel the negative to focus on the positive.” Sonya explains.

  “We used to do it with Max a lot. It’s kind of our thing.” Kat says with a half-nostalgic smile on her face.

  Dex, Ryan, and Shane are all looking at me, eyes pleading, begging me not to make them get up and dance with the girls. Jake is already standing next to Kat, knowing he doesn’t have a choice. Brody stands next to me with a serious expression on his face. He’s willing to do whatever it takes, be whatever he needs to be, to get us all through this.

  If the girls need a dance party to keep powering through the night, then that’s damn sure what we will do. This is for Max and Bree.

  “Dance party it is.” I say, and all the guys physically droop in front of my eyes, knowing that they can complain all they want, but they won’t get out of this.

  “Fine, but I get to pick the music.” Ryan tells us all.

  He walks over to Karen and takes the iPod out of her hands, quickly selecting a song.

  “Get ready to air guitar your heart out ladies. It’s time to fight.”

  Just as he says that the unmistakable guitar riff of ‘Sound of Madness’ fills the room. The girls squeal and start moving, dancing, air guitar, and even air drums as they find their happy place amongst the music. We’re all jumping in the center of the room, yelling the lyrics to the top of our lungs, promising the world that we’re fighting for Max and Bree.

  “Good choice.” I yell over the music at Ryan.

  “We’ll bring ‘em home, Abel. We’re gonna fight until we do.” He tells me, his voice serious and determined.

  As soon as the song closes out, everyone gets back to work without skipping a beat, more rejuvenated than any amount of RedBull would have been able to do.

  You do what you gotta do.

  Just as Jake sits down as his laptop, it starts pinging like crazy. Turns out that the dance party happened at the perfect time. Now he’s got an update on one of the third row of nameless people.

  Just as he opens his mouth to go over the new information, my phone rings to show an unknown number calling. I answer eagerly, hoping it’s the Deacon Hill Police Department with an update.

  “This is Abel.”

  “Just the person I was looking for.” Rob’s British accent comes through the phone, making my spine lock in place.

  I wave my arms in the air to get everyone’s attention, put the phone on speaker, and place it on the table.

  “Rob, to what do I owe the pleasure?” I ask sarcastically.

  The girls gasp and cover their mouths, Shane pulls out his phone and starts recording the phone call.

  “All of my preparations are almost complete and then Maxine and I will be leaving to start our life together. Someplace fresh and very far away from all of you. But first I need you to do something for me.”

  “I’m not doing anything for you until I know the girls are safe.” I tell him.

  “Safe is a very suggestive word. But I assure you, I’ve been keeping an eye on them.” He laughs.

  “It’s not suggestive to me. And I won’t entertain a conversation with you until you let me speak to them.”

  “You can speak to your sister but that’s it.”

  “Deal. Let me talk to her.”

  “She’s sleeping at the moment and I’d hate to wake her. I’ll be sending you a list of demands tomorrow. Let me know when you’ve had a chance to look over them and then I’ll have her give you a call.

  He hangs up before I can respond.

  Chapter Eight


  I don’t remember a time in my life when I wasn’t apprehensive about silence. As far back as I can remember, silence always equated to trouble, struggle, and bad times. It meant Mom was passed out and wouldn’t
take care of us. Or that she was out on a bender again, no telling when she would be back. Or worse yet, the guys from BACA weren’t here to save us. Most people I’ve met enjoy the silence, want more of it in fact. Something I could never comprehend. When there are chaotic noises, boisterous laughter, car horns honking, and people hollering… That’s when you know that there’s life going on around you. That’s what I need in my life to stay sane.

  So for me, waking up on a cold cement slab, in pure darkness, pure silence, is completely fucking with my mental faculties. Is this reality, or is this a nightmare?

  I try to stand, to gain my bearings, but I am quite literally tied down. My arms are tied together above my head, my legs are tied together below me. And that’s when reality sets in and remind me of my circumstance. Another awful memory to add to my dread of silence.

  That is if I ever make it out of here.

  No. I can’t think like that. I know my brother and our self-made merry band of misfit family and friends are doing everything they can to find us. I have to stay positive. I have to hold on until they get to us. I have to stay strong. For me and Max.

  I don’t know if the darkness I’m ‘seeing’ is because I’m in a pitch-black room, or if it’s because my eyes are swollen shut. I don’t have enough energy to focus enough on my face to tell if my eyes are open or if I’m blinking. Because now, all I can focus on is the pain. And it’s everywhere.

  I’m physically weak from head to toe. I can feel the burn and sting, the reminder of the knife slicing through different parts of my body. I can feel the throbbing after-effects that his fists have left behind, and I can smell the dried blood I must be covered in. I can smell the urine covering my clothes. How much more can one body take? And more importantly, how long have I been gone?

  The sound of a metal door scraping against the floor has me writhing against my restraints. Every movement reverberates through my entire being, settling in all my battered body parts. My mind and body can’t seem to agree on making me stop. It’s involuntary at this point. This must be that fight or flight instinct. But I can’t tell in my own mind which one I’m currently attempting. Am I fighting? Or am I trying to flee?

  “Oh good. You’re awake.”

  That voice… It makes my skin crawl. I know how much pain he can inflict, how much more I have yet to endure is a mystery to me. But I don’t fear him, much to his dismay. I know he wants my fear, but I can’t give it to him. I would much rather he hurt me than Max. So every time I hear his voice, each time he comes back to me, I smile inside. Because it’s one less moment in time that he can hurt her.

  “I think it’s time for us to have a little chat. I’m going to undo the restraints on your legs so that you can sit up. I’m also going to undo your blindfold so that you can give me the respect I am due and actually look me in the eyes when I speak to you. You will still be restrained by your arms, I can’t very well let you go wandering around now can I? But at least this way, you get to move a little and let your blood circulate so that your body can heal. Turns out I can’t kill you just yet after all.”

  As he makes work of the restraints on my legs, I have to talk myself down from kicking him in the fucking face. I know all that’s going to do is piss him off and make this situation worse than it already is if don’t succeed in knocking him out. And even if I do knock him out, my arms are still restrained, I’m gagged, and my eyes are still blindfolded. I have to be smart about this and not just get a jab in where I can. If I want to get me and Max out of here, I have to be smart and think shit through. Even though I want to make this bastard pay for all he’s done.

  I’ve never understood how someone could commit murder before, to willingly take another human being’s life away and rationalize their actions. But now… Now I can understand it. Right now I am imagining myself choking him to death and watching the life drain from his cold, dead eyes. And I can’t do that without my hands being free.

  Once the blindfold is off, I take a few moments to blink and adjust to my surroundings. I am throbbing in pain from head to toe and my vision is pulsating in time with my heartbeat. I’m no doctor, but I’m pretty sure that’s not a good fucking sign.

  Once I’ve adjusted to the darkness, I swing my legs over the side of the concrete slab and move to sit up. The restraints on my arms are just long enough to let them dangle by my sides so that my muscles can semi-relax.

  “I didn’t gag you this time, so this means this is a two-way conversation. But keep in mind, I don’t want to hear your smart ass comments, whore. Each time you disrespect me, Maxine will pay the price. So think carefully before you respond.”

  You sick fuck.

  Yeah, I really fucking hate this guy.

  “Okay. What do you wanna talk about?”

  I take in the man sitting before me. He’s in a different outfit than the last time I saw him. Since his hair has grown out a bit since I’ve been here, he’s even styling it differently. Seeing this all leads me to believe it’s been at least a full day since our last torture session.

  The dark circles under his eyes are a little more pronounced. I can’t imagine a heavy conscience is keeping him up at night so that leads me to believe he probably has a pretty damn good amount of heroin pumping through his veins right now.

  Great, a deranged addict. Because just being a psychopath wasn’t good enough, he had to go and add that shit into the mix.

  Fuck! We are so screwed.

  “Wow, this is already going better than I expected. I didn’t think your loyalty would still lie with the woman who your brother chose over you. I was just curious to see how you responded to my idle threat. But now that I know you care so much, I will absolutely hold true to my previous statement.”


  “Anyways, it seems your brother isn’t being as cooperative as I need him to be. You’ve been gone for ten days and Maxine has been gone for six. I’ve kept her fed and watered, not that the bitch deserves it. And I’ve been pumping you full of fluids and nutrients via IV since you’ve been knocked out. Like I said, I can’t kill you just yet, sadly.

  But he can’t seem to be satisfied with meeting my demands until he speaks to one of you. Now I am damn sure not going to let him speak to Maxine, but I will allow you one phone call. You have five minutes. I will be right outside the door because I have to make a call myself, but I suggest you remember that this is the only thing I need you for now. If you make any wrong decisions here, and you will pay for it with your life.”

  “I understand. Please, just let me talk to Abel.”

  “Don’t you dare say his name!” He screams.

  “I’m sorry, I won’t. Please, just let me talk to my brother.”

  Rob dials the number and hands me the phone. He waits by the door until Abel answers and then holds up five fingers to remind me that I don’t have long.


  “Oh my gosh, Abel! It’s so good to hear your voice.”

  “Holy shit, Bree? Dex, come in here! Bree’s on the phone! That bastard actually let her call!”

  “Abel, please tell me you’re getting close to finding us. I don’t know how much longer I can last in here before I start making stupid choices without thinking them through.”

  “Breezie baby, it’s Dex. We’re doing everything we can. Can you tell us anything about where you are?”

  Tears immediately spring to my eyes hearing Dex’s voice. I miss him so much. I’ve been in love with him for half my life and I’ve dreamt about being with him for even longer. Just before I was kidnapped we finally admitted our feelings for one another so hearing him call me by my nickname and baby… It makes some of the pain subside.

  “He only gave me five minutes, I don’t have much time. I have no idea where we are. It’s just a big concrete box. No windows. I hear trains sometimes, but they sound far away. I have no idea what day or even what time it is right now. I just woke up a few minutes ago. I think I’ve been out
for a few days.”

  “A few days? What’s been happening over there, Bree? Are you girls okay?”

  “It’s been bad, Abel. But I’ve been taking the majority of it. Don’t worry about that, just find us.”

  “Did he hurt either of you?” Dex asks.

  “Yes.” I whisper. The tears are flowing now. I can’t lie to them.

  “What did he do?” Abel shouts.

  “That’s not important. Don’t focus on that. Just focus on finding us and bringing us home before he kills me. He already told me that after this phone call, I hold no more value. My time is running out. But you still have time to find Max.”

  Both the guys on the phone go silent. Not that I really expected a response to that, but I hate silence.

  “Please say something.” I croak out.

  “We are going to find you girls. And we are going to bring you home. Just… Don’t give up okay?”

  “I’ll try.”

  “She’s alive… right?” Abel’s voice is almost a whisper, hollow.

  “She was the last time I was awake. But like I said, I’ve been out for days. He told me she’s alive, but I haven’t seen her.”

  “Fuck. Okay, we are running out of time. I love you, Bree. Tell Max I love her too. We are doing everything we can to bring you girls home. Just hang in there the best you can, okay?.”

  “I love you too, Abel. I gotta go, Rob just walked back in.”

  “Put him on the phone.”

  I hand the phone over to Rob. Instead of putting it to his ear, he muffles it on his chest and looks at me with anger in his eyes.

  “What did I say? Huh? I said, don’t say his fucking name.” I’m blindsided by the punch that lands on my left temple. My vision goes completely black even though I remain coherent.

  “Listen to me and listen to me well, I gave you your phone call. Now give me what I want or she dies. You have forty-eight hours.”

  As soon as the phone call ends, Rob makes quick work of restraining and blindfolding me once again. But he doesn’t gag me again. I use this as an opportunity to ask a question.


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