Something To Prove (TNT Force Cheer Book 7)

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Something To Prove (TNT Force Cheer Book 7) Page 2

by Dana Burkey

  “30 seconds!”

  TJ’s announcement finally took my attention away from Jackson so I could focus instead on sitting in a split and side straddle enough to feel like my hips were warmed up a little. That was about all I had time for before we needed to get ready to warm up the routine. Much like at Worlds, the warm up was only 12 minutes. During that time we needed to practice our stunts, tumbling, and then run the full performance as best we could. From there, TJ gave us only 20 seconds to grab water before we ran our routine as if we were in front of a crowd. That meant every stunt, skill, and even facial expression was expected to be as if we were already in Florida. It was exhausting, to say the least, but it was literally what we had been training for all season.

  “Not bad,” TJ called out once the music stopped after an intense two and a half minute performance. “Take 30 seconds for water, then we’re running it all again.”

  Wiping sweat from my forehead with the neckline of my tank top, I quickly pulled it off and shoved it in my cheer bag. It left me in my black cheer shorts and teal and white team tank top that had the word NITRO across it in shiny silver letters. Around me most of the other girls had removed their tanks as well, not to mention all of the guys were only in their gym shorts, having started the evening without shirts as usual.

  “One down,” Juleah said beside me as she grabbed her water.

  “Lots to go,” I added, then turned to get ready for another full out.

  Our full outs continued for a while, then we moved on to running different parts of the routine to work on small details like timing and also consistency. Hitting skills the first time was great, but hitting them when we were already tired was even more important. We started with working on running tumbling, our dance, and then finally our stunts. The whole time I kept thinking about the videos TJ showed us. It felt like we were at our best at the final competition of the season, and were still riding that wave. We were peaking at the right time, and it felt amazing. Or at least it did until TJ turned to an already exhausted team to let us know we would be finishing the evening by running pyramid. Sitting down on the mat at his announcement, I mopped the sweat off my forehead and tried to catch my breath before we started work on one of the harder parts of our routine. As a flyer, pyramid meant I was doing a lot of extra spinning, flipping, and stretches all while being held high above the bases lifting me into the air. Sure, I did all of that in the rest of the routine as well, but for pyramid it was a lot faster and more elaborate.

  “Water?” Jackson asked, handing me my water bottle and sitting down next to me automatically. It was our usual routine so I hadn’t even bothered fighting the crowd of athletes around the cubbies, knowing Jackson would be stopping at my bag as well as his own. “How are you holding up?”

  “Good,” I managed between long drinks of water. “Want to work on tumbling early tomorrow?”

  “Can we get through tonight first?” he asked with a laugh.

  “I suppose.” I let out a sigh and rolled my eyes before joining him in laughing as well. “I’m just worried our spacing is getting a little off in the bounce backs.”

  “It looked good from where I was,” he assured me. “Not that I was really watching you for much more than making sure I didn't kick you in the head again, but yeah.”

  “You kicked me one time, and that was ages ago,” I reminded him. “I feel like it was okay, but I was closer to you after the turn then I’m used to, so I want to make sure we don’t start to lose our spacing.”

  “Well, let’s see what Connor thinks and we can go from there.”

  “See what I think about what?” Connor sat down on the other side of Jackson before continuing. “Talking about me behind my back are we?”

  “Of course,” I noddd. “Can you leave so I can finish the horrible story I was telling?”

  “Haha,” he said flatly. “For real though, what do you need to ask me?”

  “Do you want to come to the gym early tomorrow and work on tumbling?” Jackson asked for me. “Max thinks our spacing needs work.”

  “Uh, sure,” he agreed. “It looked good from where I was on the mat though.”

  “I said that too,” Jackson said simply.

  “Maybe I’m wrong.” I paused to think it over again in my head. “Or maybe it’s not a bad thing to practice a little more just in case.”

  “I just think we should wait to see how practice tonight goes,” Jackson finally tried again. “Not that more time tumbling isn’t good, I just don’t want to commit to being at the gym even earlier if we end up here way later than usual. Which you know is a likelihood since we’re this close to Worlds.”

  Connor agreed while running a hand through his hair. His dark brown curls looked even darker thanks to the sweat that covered his face and body from the hard work so far in the gym. He didn't look out of place though since everyone else on Nitro was also showing signs of fatigue. And, as TJ called us all back to work, I knew it was only likely to get worse. While Jackson grabbed our water bottles to put away, Connor gave me a hand to help me up. Once we were standing, as always, I was reminded just how tall he was compared to me. And even Jackson for that matter. Connor was the tallest guy on our team, and even the tallest in the gym, so as the shortest girl on Nitro he towered more than a full foot over me.

  “Let’s take it from Max’s basket,” TJ called out, moving all of us into action. Then, he came over to where I stood in position with Jackson and Connor and added, “By the way, Jackson, your bounce back is over-rotating and you end up a little close to Max. I want you three to come in early tomorrow to work on it.”

  “See, I told you,” I quickly whispered to Jackson, then turned my focus to our coach who was counting us into the pyramid portion of our routine.

  Juleah joined us in time for me to be tossed high into the air for a toe touch to start my part. Once I was caught, I turned and jogged to the back right corner of the mat. Counting in time with TJ and my fellow athletes, I performed a round off followed by a back handspring that put me in the arms of Craig, Jackson, and Jade who were waiting to catch me. Standing in their arms, I reached up to grab on to Abby’s hands. She was being held by her stunt group at their shoulder level, leaning down to grab me. Then, as my bases tossed me much like they had for my toe touch, I was launched up into the air. But, since I was holding onto Abby I didn’t go straight up, instead flying up and over her, spinning twice in the process. When I landed safely in the arms of a different set of bases that were now below me, I prepped my body so I could be ready to be spun around once while being lifted well over their heads. Once I was in the full extension position I lifted my right leg up next to me and held onto it with my left arm. I also stretched my right arm out and to the side, but in front of my leg to form what was known in cheer as a bow and arrow.

  While still in this body position, I linked hands with Emma who was at the center of the pyramid. Once holding onto her, I was flipped up and forward, her hold on me helping to keep my body in position as well as keep the stunt legal for our level. From there I was caught only to be spun around and lifted up a few more times for various skills before we reached the end of our pyramid. The second half of the section of the routine was easy compared to the start, or “up and over” as TJ called it. After I had performed the final pose of the pyramid and was lowered to the mat, I glanced over and saw the grin on my coach’s face.

  “Well done,” he called out as we all began quieting down. “That’s the best it’s looked so far this season.” He paused then added. “Alright, let’s run it a few more times.”

  “I had a feeling that was coming,” Jackson laughed, falling in step beside me. Around us many of our teammates let out groans as they got back into position. “Think we’ll be done any time soon?”

  “Depends on what your definition of soon is,” I shrugged.

  Giving his arm a quick bump with mine I took a deep breath, and got ready to be tossed into the air for my toe touch yet again. I made the mistak
e of glancing over and noticed the team that began practice well after us was already long gone. Not focusing on it too much, I instead reminded myself it would all be worth it when we hit a flawless routine in Florida. Then, just when I had almost caught my breath, TJ counted us in to run the pyramid yet again.

  Nitro’s practice ran until almost 10, a full hour over our usual 6-9 time frame. It was thanks to the almost hour spent watching videos from the season but still left no time to get homework done. With the upcoming trip to Florida, I had my normal workload as well as almost a full extra week to get caught up on. My teachers were nice enough to give me assignments ahead of time, but it meant a lot more work for me to do before we left. It also meant I was sitting at the kitchen table working hard on a math equation when the doorbell rang Tuesday afternoon.

  “Come in!” I called out, knowing it was my ride to the gym. “I’m in the kitchen.”

  “Looks like you’re having fun,” Jackson joked as he entered the room and spotted the books and papers surrounding me on the table. “Almost done?”

  “Not even close,” I frowned. “But I finished just about everything for tomorrow at least. I don’t know why two of my teachers need to have essays due literally the day I get back from Florida.”

  “Yet another reason you should do school online,” he noted. “It’s so much easier to work ahead, and I still have a lot more time to be in the gym.”

  “My dad’s still not sold.” Finishing the problem I had been working on I started packing my books into my backpack. “Plus I’m already at the gym almost as much as you. If I don’t have school to go to I’ll beat you to my standing double in no time flat.”

  Not wanting to get into the same old fight, Jackson helped me gather up everything instead. There wasn’t a real need to have a standing double, but as two competitive athletes, we had to have some goal to reach before one another. The standing double was the best to shoot for, only since I couldn’t base someone in a partner stunt, and Jackson wasn’t flexible enough that he would be able to pull impressive moves like a bow and arrow or needle any time soon.

  “Okay, I just need to change really quick and then I’m good to go,” I said after everything was in my bag. “Be right back.”

  Running down the hall to my room I traded my gray basketball shorts and blue Dallas Cowboys hoodie for my black cheer shorts and white Nitro sports bra. Not wanting to be too exposed for the trip across town I layered it with a teal team tank top then grabbed my long-sleeved gym shirt and headed back to get my cheer bag ready. Tossing a Gatorade and some snacks into it, I zipped it up then unclipped my cheer bow from the front so I could fix my hair in the car.

  “Ready?” Jackson asked finally.

  “I think so.” I turned to follow him outside but paused when I saw the look he was sending my way. “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah,” he shrugged.

  “You sure?” I asked again.

  “Just noticing how nice you look today,” he said simply. “No big deal.”

  I knew it clearly wasn’t ‘no big deal’ especially when he stepped closer to me and lifted a hand to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. Even once it was in place though he kept his hand there, his thumb lightly brushing my cheek. Instantly I could feel my pulse speed up, especially as I watched his gaze drop from my eyes to my lips. But, as always, that was where panic set it. I was hyper-aware of the fact that we were standing there alone in my kitchen. Usually Nina was with Jackson when I got picked up for practice, since they both stayed with the McDunn family for their year living in town to cheer at the gym. But, since we had the extra tumbling practice, we were there alone. Without Nina, and also without my dad. The thought seemed to suck the air out of both the room and my lungs at the same time.

  “We should go,” I announced suddenly.

  Turning away from Jackson in one swift movement, I only took one step before colliding with the chair that was just behind me. I wasn’t sure if I had hit hard enough to leave a bruise, but I already had enough from cheerleading so if it did it would blend in easily enough. My bruised ego was my biggest concern at that moment. Glancing at Jakson I was thankful he wasn’t laughing too hard, likely because of the disappointed look on his face. He recovered quickly enough though, helping me gather my cheer bag so we could head to his car.

  As soon as I was in the car I pulled out my phone and cued up a playlist of cheer music. I was worried Jackson might ask or make a comment about what had just happened in the kitchen, and I really wanted to avoid it if possible. It wasn’t the first time it had happened, but it felt like the closest one of our little moments had come to a kiss. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to kiss him, I just didn’t want to kiss him yet. Something about it felt really strange to me, likely thanks to my many years as a tomboy.

  In fact, Jackson was the first guy I had dated, or even had a crush on for that matter. So even after just over two months of dating, there were certain things I didn’t feel quite ready for. Holding hands and snuggling up next to him when we were with friends was one thing, but kissing somehow felt like a bit much to just dive into all of a sudden. Glancing his way, he looked like he was deep in thought, and possibly even about to bring up what had happened. Thankfully, my phone went off as a text came in, providing a nice distraction.

  “Connor just got to the gym and is rubbing it in that he beat us for once,” I told Jackson after reading the message.

  “We better hurry then,” he said with a sigh. “No stopping for coffee I guess.”

  “Are you sure about that?” I challenged. “I think being late but bringing coffee for Connor makes us the real winners.”

  “Wouldn't we win more if we had coffee and he didn’t?”

  “Maybe,” I replied. “But I don’t want to hear him complain.”

  “Yeah, that’s fair,” he laughed, turning his car towards the Starbucks just a few blocks from my house.

  Deciding not to respond to Connor I turned up the music and sang along as a familiar mix began playing. Jackson joined the sing-along, helping to ease any worry I had about him being frustrated or upset at all after our less than romantic moment in my kitchen. Like the last time a near kiss happened, I hoped that it would be more or less forgotten. The upcoming tumbling practice, not to mention a full evening of Nitro team practice, was sure to be a perfect distraction, at least for the time being.

  “Max, you’re not pushing with enough power after the bounce back,” TJ called out after we finished our tumbling pass yet again.

  “I’m getting tired,” I said through gritted teeth. “We’ve already run the pass 10 times.”

  “Is that going to be what you tell the judges when you don’t hit it at Worlds?” When I shook my head he continued. “Then set back up to do it again. I don’t want to hear ‘tired’ as an excuse.”

  As frustrated as it made me to hear the rather harsh words spoken by my coach, I knew he was right. So, taking a deep breath, I turned and walked to the back of the mat. I reminded myself not to roll my eyes or anything as I went, since I had learned the hard way that TJ often watched me through the mirrors along the back of the mat to make sure I wasn’t giving too much attitude. But even if I didn’t show an outward sign of frustration, it was there, just boiling under the surface. The tumbling practice wasn’t going as planned, and it was clear TJ was losing his patience with us quickly.

  Usually we could hit our special last pass in tumbling easily enough, but something wasn’t clicking. I wondered if it had anything to do with what happened with Jackson, but considering Connor was also struggling to get things right I assumed it had to be something else. Either way, TJ was starting to go a little harder than usual which of course made me think back to how hard he was on the three of us when we got home from NCA. Even thinking about my failure in Dallas made me equal parts mad and determined. I couldn’t go back and change things. Instead, I needed to work hard with Connor and Jackson on our tumbling section to make sure we would show everyone what we were c
apable of once and for all. Which I knew at the moment meant I needed to focus and perform the tumbling pass without worrying about how tired I might have been. Especially not worry about the words TJ had said to me moments before.

  “Hit this perfect and you can all take a break,” TJ announced, the edge thankfully more or less gone from his voice.

  “You got this Max,” Jackson called out to me from the opposite corner of the mat.

  As TJ hit play on our music, we counted in the few beats until it was time for our special tumbling pass, then Connor got started. Running a few steps from the front left corner of the mat towards the back right corner, he slammed both feet down together and flipped forward in a punch front. He stepped one foot out as he made contact with the ground again, then performed a round off followed by a back handspring. Finally, just a few feet from where I was standing on the mat, he performed a flip with a full twist. As he used the momentum of landing to flip forward I joined him, stepping in the direction he had just come from before twisting my body to perform a round off. Just as we had planned, our feet hit the ground at the same time, allowing our next move to happen in sync. The skill was called an arabian, which was a flip and twist that allowed us to be facing the opposite direction as we had been when we entered the flip. It is one of my favorite moves in the middle of a line of tumbling, since it almost seemed to happen in slow motion, allowing me a second to breathe.

  The second passed by quickly, as we both followed the arabian with a round off and a back handspring before ending that line in a full. Much like when Connor had landed near me, we had now both landed where Jackson was waiting for his turn to join in on the fun. While Connor and I performed a punch front to continue the line of skills, Jackson entered the sequence of tumbling the same way I had moments ago. The only difference was this time as Jackson stepped forward to join us, both Connor and I had to pivot so we were all now going from the front left corner of the mat to the front right corner. As hard as it was, we had been working on just that all afternoon, so as we all performed a round off followed by a whip and a full - we were almost working as one.


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