Harley Merlin 8: Harley Merlin and the Challenge of Chaos

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Harley Merlin 8: Harley Merlin and the Challenge of Chaos Page 31

by Forrest, Bella

  Now, I was starting to understand why Katherine was so terrified of this book. I could literally flip to any page and look through the lens and I’d find spell after spell designed to stop her. As I’d discovered earlier, most of them were useless now, intended to be used before she’d reached this point in the rituals.

  But there was still this big one. I didn’t need to read it out to know that it was a powerful curse, meant to summon something. My money was on a Child of Chaos. A Dark one. Erebus, maybe? It certainly fit with the feeling I was getting, but I wasn’t completely sure. There also seemed to be a hint of some kind of trade in the spell, but I had no clue what I was supposed to give in order to get. Only one thing was certain—Chaos had clearly prepared for the eventuality of Katherine reaching the last ritual.

  I gripped the edge of the desk, my heart thundering. I had everything I needed right here, but there was one problem: How was I supposed to prepare for these spells and aim them at Katherine? And how was I supposed to know which one to choose? A big, shiny spear to throw at her, and plunge into her heart? There was always a chance I could miss. Maybe a massive sword that could cut her in two? But, then, I’d have to be sure I could get close enough. There was one spell that showed a way to break down powerful forcefields, but if I had to use that one and one to forge a weapon, as well as the one that would stop Katherine from absorbing the magic to finish the final ritual, I wasn’t sure my mind would be able to cope.

  I need a plan… I definitely need a plan.

  Finch’s phone beeped, snapping me out of my borderline breakdown. “Can you put that on silent? I’m trying to concentrate.” I knew I was being snappy, and he was bearing the brunt, but this Grimoire was much bigger than I’d ever expected. All of it was much bigger than I’d ever expected. And I was starting to feel the weight of that crushing down on me.

  He ignored me and checked his phone, his expression darkening. “Leave that for now.”

  “Are you insane?”

  “I mean it. You need to come with me to the infirmary, now.” He looked at me, obviously worried.

  “What is it? What’s happened?” If anything’s happened to Jacob, I won’t be able to go on. Worst-case scenarios exploded into my mind.

  “Louella finally tapped into Jacob’s noggin.”

  I shot up. “Then what are we waiting for?”

  I shoved the lens and the Grimoire into the satchel and slung it across my body, sprinting for the door. Being a lone wolf could take a back seat for a minute. Right now, the pack was more important. I could go back to pushing Finch and the Rag Team away once I knew Jacob was okay. If nothing else, it would give me the courage I needed to get on with this thing. Plus, if we had a lead into Jacob’s mind, we’d finally find out what had happened in Krieger’s office, and that was worth putting everything to the side, if only for a short time.

  I darted out of my bedroom, with Finch in hot pursuit, tearing through the SDC. I didn’t stop for a moment, eager to reach the infirmary as quickly as possible. Finch caught up a few moments later, running at my side.

  “You’re going to have a lot to answer for,” he warned.

  I flashed him a look. “I can manage.”

  A small smile turned up the corners of his lips. “Wade’s going to be so pissed when he finally gets back from Montana. I mean, you left him in Montana.”

  “Hey, it’s beautiful there.”

  “It’s in the ass end of nowhere!”

  “He’ll understand.”

  Finch snorted. “You better hope he does.”

  “Look, just don’t tell anyone what I’ve been doing, okay? Please, Finch. It’s important to me. You said you understood why I was doing this, and I need you to prove it. Keep my secret… please. I’m clearly not going to be able to get rid of you, and I can’t waste any more time pushing you away. But, if you want to help me out, I need you to do this. I need you to keep quiet.”

  He flashed me a grin and pulled his fingertips across his lips. “Not even the KGB could get it out of me. But, if you try and give me the slip, I’ll tell the Rag Team everything.”

  “Are you blackmailing me?”

  “I guess I didn’t forget everything my mother taught me.”

  I shuddered. “Fine. You stay silent, and you can keep helping me.”

  “I’d call that a deal, Sis. The Merlin siblings at large again, taking down Katherine Shipton side by side. Eris Island, mark two, locked and reloaded.”

  I chuckled wryly. “Don’t make me regret this.”

  Despite my laughter, I already did. He might’ve convinced himself that he was disposable. But, to me, he was anything but.



  We reached the infirmary ten minutes later, barreling into the room to find Imogene and Louella standing at Jacob’s bedside.

  Levi was fast asleep in his hospital bed, snoring softly, oblivious to the momentous occasion that was happening around him. At least that means Zalaam is down for the night, too.

  It was only seven o’clock in the evening here, but my concept of time was all over the place. I’d just come from France, where it had been the wee hours of the morning, and now I was back to San Diego time. It was disorienting, to say the least.

  I slowed to a walk and approached Jacob’s bed. I’d been waiting for so long for some sign that he was still sane inside that precious head of his, and I was impatient to find out what Louella had tapped into.

  “How is he?” I jumped right in, sitting down and taking Jacob’s hand in mine.

  “I managed to capture a few streams of his consciousness,” Louella replied. “It wasn’t very clear, but it felt like he was trying to tell me something. He mentioned your name, Harley, and he mentioned Imogene, too. That’s why I called you both here. I couldn’t reach you on your phone, Harley, so I tried Wade, then Finch.” She smiled. “I knew you’d be with one of them.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, my phone’s been on the blink for a while. I think it was all the portaling back and forth, before Jacob got hurt. It’s wrecked my SIM card.”

  “Well, at least you’re here now,” she replied. “That’s all that matters.”

  Imogene looked at me with worried eyes. “Is Wade not with you?”

  I swallowed my rising anxiety. “No, he had to go and look into something at Waterfront Park. I think there was a rare herb he wanted to get.”

  “Tibetan cordyceps, I think he said,” Finch chimed in.

  “Wow, he’ll be lucky getting those at Waterfront Park. He’ll be lucky getting them anywhere,” Louella said. I’d forgotten she had the knowledge of someone twice her age, but she wasn’t giving me any suspicious vibes. She was too focused on Jacob.

  “He should have come to me,” Imogene replied. “I would’ve been happy to try and source some for him.”

  “Well, if he doesn’t find any at Waterfront Park, I’ll get him to go to you.” I smiled at her gratefully. I envied Imogene for her ability to stay calm through just about anything, her face a picture of serenity, with only a hint of worry on her smooth brow. I need some of what she’s having. Finch and I were a complete mess, both of us panting like we’d run a marathon, sweat dripping down our faces. And I didn’t even want to know what I looked like in the mirror. Bedraggled wouldn’t have covered it.

  “Can you get hold of those streams again?” I asked.

  Louella nodded. “I was just waiting for you.”

  Taking a deep breath, she placed her palms on Jacob’s temples and closed her eyes. “He’s talking about what happened in Krieger’s office… He walked in with Isadora and the detector, after they’d tested it out in the Banquet Hall… He saw Imogene and Suri… Imogene was mad at him for bringing a human into the SDC… The detector started to whirr into life, and it showed… wait, no, that can’t be right…” Her brow furrowed, her mouth opening in a startled “O” of terror.

  “What did it show?” I urged. I wanted to know what was scaring her so much.

t showed… It showed the detector identifying Imogene as… as Katherine.” Tears began to roll down Louella’s cheeks as those words sank in.

  My eyes widened, and my heart damn near stopped as my blood ran cold. Time seemed to slow down completely, as if I’d wandered right into my worst nightmare. Beside me, Finch stiffened, his eyes snapping toward Imogene, his hand reaching for my shoulder like he was about to drag me out of there. Clearly, he hadn’t known any of this.

  “Suri stabbed Isadora,” Louella went on, her voice trembling. “She was working for Katherine… She wanted to be a magical… Katherine revealed herself and killed Suri… and then she killed Isadora.” Her words got clearer, as though the streams of consciousness were coming at her faster, tumbling out of her. “She plunged a scalpel into Isadora’s heart and cut herself so she could fool us all. She knocked Jacob out and put him in a strange stasis so he wouldn’t be able to breathe a word. Imogene is Katherine. For years, she’s been Katherine.”

  I couldn’t take my eyes off Imogene as she stood calmly at the foot of Jacob’s bed, a smile spreading across her face. A smile that Imogene would never have worn. It was a smile I recognized. Katherine’s victorious grin.

  My limbs felt like they were frozen. This wasn’t possible. It just wasn’t possible. Jacob had gotten it wrong—he had to have. And yet, that smile spoke volumes. No, no, no, no, no, no, no… I’d trusted Imogene. She’d been there for me in my darkest days, and now Louella was telling me that she’d been Katherine all along? No, that can’t be. She was a shining light, while Katherine was pure, dark evil. She’d given me that pendant, as a reminder of my family. She’d had it made so I’d have something to remember my lineage by.

  Realization slammed into me like a wrecking ball. I felt sick to my stomach, bile rising up my throat. That pendant made Wade try to kill me…

  Sliding my hand into the satchel, I took out the black lens. It was as though my hand didn’t even belong to me, like something else was driving me to do this. The Grimoire? I didn’t know, but I couldn’t stop it. My fingertips were shaking, barely able to hold the lens in my clammy palm. This lens was supposed to reveal hidden things. Did that mean people, too? Enemies who’d been hiding in plain sight this whole time? I had to know.

  Raising the lens, I peered through it, my throat completely dry. There she was… long red hair, wild green eyes, wearing one of her elaborate gowns beneath that expensive suit.

  The devil herself.



  I felt like taking a bow and basking in the abject horror that was positively thrumming from each and every one of these idiots. I would’ve preferred applause for all my time and effort, but I’d take what I could get, and shock and terror had their own brand of thrill. The cat was out of the bag, and, frankly, I couldn’t have been happier. It was like an enormous weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

  It was almost as though I was meeting them all for the first time, as Katherine and Imogene, all wrapped up in one glorious package. It was a strange sensation, and I probably should’ve been looking for an exit, but I wasn’t going to walk away from this. It was all too beautiful. I loved it. And besides, if you weren’t living life on a knife's edge, you were taking up too much room, and right now I was dancing along that sharp blade, about to jab it right into their hearts. Their beloved Imogene was a figment of my imagination. I’d been pulling the wool over their eyes. And, by now, they were all running through every encounter they’d ever had with Imogene, realizing just how stupid they’d been. I’d been right in front of them, this whole time. Dramatic irony at its most satisfying. And what a payoff! I couldn’t have planned it better myself.

  And why look for an exit, when I already knew I was getting out of here alive? I always had backups for my backups. This was no exception. I’d been thinking about this for a while, ever since that incident in the German’s office. And now, I had the control. Just the way I liked it. Ultimate domination, sunny-side up. I knew it would reach this point. With Louella’s lovely little power returning, it had only been a matter of time before Jacob’s memories started causing trouble, revealing the oh so shocking truth. I could’ve stood here all day, drinking in their shocked faces, as they tried to wrap their feeble minds around it all.

  “Isn’t it hilarious?” I grinned. “I’ve played you all for so long, and you didn’t even know. Off you all went, looking in all the wrong places, while I was standing right in front of you. You poured your hearts out to me. You looked to me for guidance. You even accepted gifts from me, without realizing that I had the power to hex them whenever I pleased. All this time, you were one step shy of worshiping Eris—she just had a different name. Imogene Whitehall. Oh, I’ve had so many wonderful nights, just laughing myself silly that not a single one of you noticed. You should see your faces! I wish I had a camera so I could savor this moment.”

  Harley lunged out of her seat, just as I’d known she would. Little Miss Wounded Heart. All of this revenge stuff was getting painfully tired, and she was so hilariously predictable. I could have counted, to the second, the moment she launched into attack mode. Opening my palms, I sent up a forcefield, the thin veil rising as smooth as butter. She could slam her Chaos against it until her heart gave out, and she wouldn’t be able to get in.

  Finch grabbed Harley around the waist and threw her backward, pushing a wave of Telekinesis into her to keep her away. Again, I could’ve done a countdown to him getting involved. It was all so boring. Did they really think they could just pummel me into submission?

  “Get the hell out of here, NOW!” he roared.

  “No way. I’m not—” she tried to reply, but he cut her off.

  “Leave, NOW!”

  Ooh, when did you grow a pair, son of mine? It was almost sweet, but I didn’t go in for all that saccharine stuff.

  Safe behind my forcefield, I sent out a veritable thunderstorm of Electro, nicely gathered from that Crux bitch. It hit Finch full in the chest, his body going into an immediate spasm that made me want to howl with laughter. He looked ridiculous, flopping to the ground and thrashing around like a fish who’d made a bid for freedom. Harley stared at him, clearly not knowing what to do with herself. First rule of Chaos Club… never hesitate.

  Right on time, a Strainer portal tore open a hole in time and space, a rush of wind crashing through the infirmary. Davin Doncaster stepped out, looking like James Bond in the flesh, flanked by a small group of my loyal cultists. He was wearing a dark green suit, which would have been an unusual choice, but I knew there was a deeper meaning behind his fashion selection. He never did anything without putting a great deal of thought into it. Aww, he wore my color, just for me. And man, did he look good.

  They blocked Harley’s exit, and I could actually see the moment she started to panic, her eyes wide and frantic. It was yet another sumptuous blow to her fragile ego, and my heart was singing opera. I might not have been the fat lady, but this wasn’t over until I started singing, and I was close to breaking into a damned aria. It was all so perfect.

  “Davin?” Harley’s voice came out as a choked gasp. Ah, you didn’t see that coming, either?

  “My apologies. I realize this may come as a shock, but my loyalty has never been to you or your cause.” He smiled roguishly, making my heart pound. I had no idea how he did it, but seeing him taunt her made him even sexier.

  “I should’ve listened to Finch. You snake!” she snarled. “What did you do to Alton? Where is he?”

  “Temper, temper,” he purred. “Alton gave me the slip, but he is on his last legs. We had quite the fight, and he did not make it out of the conflict unscathed. No, I imagine he is already dead. He wouldn’t have managed to get far before his heart gave out. Not after everything he put himself through, for you.”

  “I did warn you I was everywhere,” I added, just to really rub that salt in deep. “Davin, could you round these nice folks up?”

  “Of course, my darling. Get the girl,” Davin
commanded, pointing to Louella. I love it when he takes charge. Half of the cultists sprinted forward, leaping over the hospital bed. She tried to run, naturally—they always tried—but the cultists grappled her to the floor, pinning her there with her arms behind her back and clapping Atomic Cuffs on her wrists before she had the chance to drop an arm and make a run for it. That left one horse in the race. The prize mare, who’d lost sight of the finish line.

  Harley backed up, keeping an equal distance between herself, me, and Davin. Raising her palms, she launched a barrage of powerful attacks as she stepped into the gap between Jacob’s and Levi’s beds. I could see her fumbling for something in her jacket pocket.

  I laughed. “You think magic chalk is going to save you?”

  Her eyes flashed at me, spilling pure rage. “You won’t win, Katherine!”

  “Oh, my sweet, stupid girl, I already have.”

  As Davin and the remaining half of the cultists closed in on her, she stood her ground, sending wave after wave of Fire, and Water, and Air, and Earth, and Telekinesis at them. Every time they went hurtling backward, they just got up again, knowing I’d be the one to kill them if they didn’t capture Harley. I was far scarier than a little girl who was in way over her head. Although, I had to admit, it was pretty impressive to watch Orphan of the Year fight back in such close quarters.

  She knew there was no way she was getting through my forcefield, so she hadn’t even tried. That was slightly disappointing, but hey, I could deal with it. Poor thing had a lot on her plate.

  “I’ll kill you all! And I’m going to start with you, Katherine!” Harley howled, her face a picture of useless determination as she continued her barrage of attacks, until she’d backed herself against the wall. One hand was still fumbling for the piece of chalk. She was clueless. She’d barely get a single line drawn before one of my people stopped her, and then she’d have to live with the embarrassment of knowing she’d wasted time on drawing a silly line that was never going to get finished. She had tenacity, but I was getting impatient for this to be over. I had things to do. Clearly, she had no respect for my mission. So selfish.


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