Thief: The Dove in the Darkness

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Thief: The Dove in the Darkness Page 6

by Katlynn Rose

  Ashley's head immediately snapped to him, trepidation and excitement mixing inside her belly. She trusted him, but that didn't stop her from being afraid. He wouldn't hurt her, she was sure of that, but she was nearly shaking with uncertainty. She felt like she was on the edge of a cliff, about to step off.

  Then, as soon as their eyes met, he turned from her and disappeared into the small bathroom. The faucet was turned on, and she heard the sound of running water. Ashley heaved a sigh, not sure what she should be feeling. Relief? Disappointment? Ashley slumped down on the bed and fell back exhausted. Her body craved him, but she tried to ignore it. It had been so long since a man touched her, held her, made love to her. Craig would have killed anyone who had hurt her, and he would never have tried anything without her wanting it. Oh, it had been so long.

  The time she spent waiting was unbearable. What was he thinking right now? Was he angry? Upset that he was swept up in Nikki's affairs? The unanswered questions tortured her.

  The water turned off, and Lance emerged, minus his shirt once again. Ashley sat up, forcing herself to stare into those penetrating green eyes. She was determined not to back down. He moved to her, standing so close that she had to crane her neck back to meet his eyes. He was so near her entire vision was filled with his broad frame, and the flames of passion leapt up ferociously inside her. He fingered a strand of her wavy, black hair, and continued to her neck, caressing her skin softly with his fingertips, yet he looked angry.

  His voice was rough as he whispered to her, "Are you going to keep running from me, Ash?"

  Ashley gasped, and began to pull away, intending to explain... Not you. I was never running from you.

  But the words died in her throat as Lance moved faster, bending to slip his other arm around her waist and pull her to her feet. Suddenly, she was crushed against his hard body. She didn't struggle. She couldn't struggle. Her strength could never match his, but she couldn't deny this was exactly where she longed to be. She just had to remember to breathe.

  Any fear that remained was washed away by the fire that raged through her body. Timidly, she raised her face to meet his eyes. Those stormy green pools could capture her soul. He lowered his face, gently brushing his lips across the top of hers. Her mouth opened beneath his, waiting for a kiss she wanted so badly, but he didn't give her the satisfaction. Instead, he pulled away to stare down at her once more.

  "I won't let you get away from me again." His voice was husky, evidence of the passion that raged inside him. Ashley gave way to her body's demands, and she pressed against him, euphoria and anticipation flooding through her. Her hands ran over his smooth back as she embraced him, and her lips brushed his tanned chest as she inhaled him. His eyes drifted shut, and his lips parted; his face a mask of rapture.

  Ashley needed more. She rose on tiptoe to press her hips against his, finding the hardened source of his passion, and his stillness broke. She felt more than heard his intake of his breath, and his hand that was trapped in her hair pulled her head to face him. His lips came crashing down on hers, almost hurting in their urgency. His tongue forced her lips apart, and she moaned into his mouth.

  He pulled away to move his kisses down the slender column of her throat, burning wherever they touched. She clung to him as shivers ran through her from head to toe, and her knees grew weak. His hands moved down her sides, to her hips and thighs, and she writhed against them, forcing every bit of pleasure she could from them. One hand cupped her breast and she arched herself into him, opening herself to him as his kisses steadily moved down her chest. A moan escaped her as she buried her hands in his hair, pulling his head against her. Her body jolted as she felt his teeth bite down through the cloth of her halter top, roughly teasing the hard peak of her breast.

  Her moan drew him to his full height again, beckoning his lips back to hers for more hungry kisses. The desire flooding her was a force that amazed her. She could feel the blood rushing through her body, carrying waves of intoxicated passion that made her dizzy. She didn't know how she remained standing! She could see him, smell him, feel him, and he was there with her, holding her. He offered her a new life, a way to start over. How could she refuse him?

  Suddenly, a banging on the door pulled her back to reality, and she jerked herself away from him, shaking uncontrollably from their bodies breaking apart. She quivered from the shock and turned an anxious look toward him to see the wild, smoky heat of passion that lingered in his eyes. Her skin burned everywhere he had touched her, branded her. She was trembling as she made her way to the door, tossing a wary look at Lance to see him buttoning the shirt that he hastily threw back on.  

  Pulling the door open revealed Craig standing there with a piece of rope in his hands. She jumped out of his way as the big man barged heedlessly into the room, leaving her to shut the door on the cool night air.

  "I don't trust him, Lea...." Craig started before pausing to look at her, his expression wounded. "I mean, Ashley." Her skin flushed in a different way, burning with embarrassment now. It was short lived, quickly replaced by worry as she registered the rope in Craig’s hands.

  "What are you going to do?" she gasped, suddenly frightened for Lance, but Craig looked down on her with that same hurt look. For a long moment, they stood that way until Craig finally reached out to gently cup her face in one of his big hands.

  "For my sake, kid. Either let me do this for tonight or I'm sleeping in here with you." Ashley saw the genuine care in his eyes and it touched her. Slowly, she turned away and nodded at Lance.

  "Let him decide. I'll do whichever." Her voice was soft. She would leave this decision to Lance since he was the one to be bound. The two men looked hard at one another until Lance finally turned, offering his hands together behind his back.

  Craig sighed and gestured to the end of the bed. "Over there and on the floor. I don't want you going anywhere." Ashley turned away as Lance complied. She huffed as she waited out the agonizing seconds as Craig bound Lance to the foot of the bed.

  Ashley felt Craig rise and approach her, and the massive form of him towering at her back made her feel small and frail. His big hand reached out to touch her arm and she pulled away, still feeling the fiery brand Lance had left on her. She turned to face Craig, meeting his wounded gaze.

  "Please, Ashley. Promise me you'll be careful with him. I'm in the room down from you. Scream if you need to. Just... Be careful." His voice was a whisper, meant for her ears alone. She stared up at him for a moment longer and nodded. The last thing she wanted to do was let him down again.

  "I promise..."

  Chapter 7 – Alone


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