Evil is... (Once a Demon Book 2)

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Evil is... (Once a Demon Book 2) Page 11

by P. S. Power

  Dating Ravi might seem like she was getting back on the horse, or it could seem like she was taking some kind of petty revenge, depending on who was looking into the matter. What it didn’t seem like was her being desperate for attention. Even if she kind of was. A thing she didn't love admitting to herself at all.

  Pulling the condom off, after they were done, she moved with Ravi to her sofa, where they both cuddled for a bit, naked. He was broadcasting worry that she hadn’t really enjoyed herself with him. That he’d orgasmed too soon, which wasn’t really the case, or that his skills weren’t up to par. That was mainly true enough. A bit of practice would help with that kind of a thing a lot, however.

  Holding him tight, she sighed.

  “That was fun. You do realize that we’re dating now, right? Not that I can’t do a one night stand, just that I’m not, this time. Though, I guess I could leave you with a choice in the matter. What do you think? I work a lot and you might be busy soon, with that training.” It wasn’t that long of a shot, if he wanted to bother doing it.

  Rather than complain about being trapped by her domineering ways, he chuckled a bit.

  “We can do that. Date? I didn’t really get to ask you about all the questions I should have, at dinner. That was… Wild. Different. On the good side, I already know you can cook. Also that you’re kind of a bad ass and will help people that need it. I didn't really show much, did I?” He was, in a slightly shy and polite fashion, suggesting that she might not want to hook up with him, in particular. “Um… I don’t really get what you meant about line walker training.”

  Snuggling into his lean chest, Keeley turned her head and kissed him there. Her blonde hair tried to get into her mouth, being unfamiliar to her. She used a touch of magic to smooth it out of her way, not even really thinking about it.

  “Line walking is a form of teleportation. Like how we traveled to Arizona, earlier. The best line walkers can travel to other realities and lands, not just from point to point in a single world. Steve, the red haired Vampire, he’s in a program to learn that now and suggested that you and Will get hooked up, since he’s really sweet that way. It’s incredibly hard to get into the program, but he has contacts and is willing to use them for the both of you.”

  Ravi nodded. There was an odd reluctance in the move.

  “Um… Did you use to date?” The words were bland sounding. The kind of thing that you had to ask, even if you knew that having the information might not help you at all. On the good side, it wasn’t her talking about her ex on a date. At least she wasn’t the one dwelling on it and bringing it up.

  “Oh, no. He used to be a slave of mine. For about thirteen years, give or take. I dated his sister though, for nearly fifteen years. Hally. She left me…” There was a shrug then. “Honestly, she left me the night we first met. Because of what I am.”

  “A Wise One?”

  She nodded, since it was cute and she really was trying to get that name going for her people. It fit, after a fashion.

  “Exactly. Or, as most people call us, Greater Demons. I’m not one of those anymore, but I was one nearly the whole time I was with her, then one day… Well, you know that bit. Every Human does, now.”

  The thing there was that he truly did. Possibly better than Keeley could comprehend what it was like. He’d lived it, first hand. Keeley had only seen it happening from the outside. From the thoughts and memories of others, without truly having had the experience at all.

  Ravi took a sudden, rather sharp, breath.

  “She woke up one day, suddenly understanding that all the things she’d been told about her life, the things that she hadn’t believed in, not for real, actually existed. That Vampires really did run frozen yogurt shops and that the dog in her yard might be a man in a different shape. It was… Kind of a big deal at the time. I’d been following some of it, before that. I mean, people claiming to be Vampires, lifting cars and dying during the day. It was interesting. Fun. Except that I couldn’t really get it. I thought it was a game or faked up. Then I got it, all at once. It was a bit of a shock, let me assure you.”

  Reaching down, Keeley let her fingers play over his crotch. Not enough to push him into being ready again. Just enough to show that she liked him. That he was acceptable to her all the time. Even after she was done with him for the moment.

  “Except that she knows Vampires and Shifters. Her girlfriend was a Demon and when she woke up that day, she realized what that really had to mean. Even when I said I was giving the whole thing up, a few months later, it had to haunt her. Being a Greater Demon… It’s not a species or anything. Really, it was kind of a hereditary job. I didn’t get a choice in the matter. If I wanted to live, I had to play by certain rules, or the others would hunt me down and kill me, thinking I was weak.”

  There was a slow nod then.

  “Yeah? Like… What? I mean…”

  She got the idea. If they were dating and that was a serious thing, then he needed to know about her past. Hally hadn’t been able to deal with it. Ravi wasn’t her, though. For one thing, they hadn’t been together for fifteen years, with the data being held from true understanding the whole time. It could, possibly, make a difference.

  It had to be done, regardless.

  “Pretty much everything evil you can think of. I managed to never have to rape any children. That’s pretty much the end of what I managed to keep from doing. I certainly killed people of all types. Men, women and children. Humans and people from other groups. Not a lot of them, for what I was, but it happened. Probably about two thousand or so, just so you get the scope of this. I ate people, more than once… Raped them, too. I even raped Tyler once, so this isn’t some kind of thing that’s distant and remote. More often I had that done to people, forcing my slaves to take them by force. Again, no kids. So, if that wins me any brownie points? I stole, conned people out of money and goods, manipulated them… I’m all over gluttony as well as far as sins go. Not that I’m giving that one up. Then, most of us had a chance to stop being what we used to… and did it. It will probably take a few hundred years for anyone to really trust that we mean it.” Which was only correct of them.

  Keeley was living it and had been for months. She still wasn’t certain it was going to hold.

  Rather than making an excuse and running out, Ravi laughed a bit. It was hollow sounding. Soft at the same time, as if he didn't want to start a fight.

  “Well, that doesn’t sound good. So, are the cops out after you? We could… I don’t know, run away? I could get that training and take you to a different reality, where no one is looking for you.”

  She kissed him again. This time taking his right nipple into her mouth for a moment. Her tongue circled it, before pulling back. Mainly to remind him that she had all that sex available, for free, if he didn’t push her away.

  Even if he really should have, hearing what she’d just admitted to him. Even if it was all a lie and she’d never done any of it, that kind of crazy needed to be avoided by good people.

  “Hmm? I can take myself to other realities, if I want. Clearly. Besides, no one in the world is looking for me that way. If you have enough power, they functionally can’t. Just like no one can force any of us to be good people. The thing there is that we, most of my kind, are ready for a change. Believe it or not, most of us never wanted to be bad at all. Those that did… Well, they get that things are different suddenly. New things are happening now that we haven’t seen in most of our lifetimes.” She stopped then and shrugged.

  Then went on, after a few moments.

  “I’m thirty-two, by the way. That’s really young for my people. Half my friends are thousands of years old. Another perk of line walker training, if you do it. Once you master it, you won’t die of old age. Sure, a bullet to the head will do the trick, but you won’t get old or sick. It’s not a horrible perk. That and it should help you with your other powers. Making energy beings and constructs is a bit different than magic, strictly speaking. Still, useful
and entertaining. Especially once you learn to control them and make them in real time.”

  It took a bit of struggling, since she was half on top of him on the dark brown sofa, sticking to it a bit, since it was made of leather. Still, when he got up, standing all the way, he nodded.

  “Okay. I don’t really have any dark secrets. I mean… I’ve jerked off to the idea of having sex with my sister in law a few too many times… Plus, I guess I secretly want to do all the women that were at the party earlier. About half my female coworkers. I stole some candy from a store when I was five?” He was really trying to think of the things that he considered bad.

  It was adorable.

  Keeley nodded.

  “Making you the font of evil itself.” She stood too and hugged him. It was warm and close. They both smelled like sex and a bit like latex. The condom had found the top tied off so it wouldn’t leak, and was currently on her hard wood floor. She smiled at him and kissed him again. “On the good side, things like who you have sex with really don’t bother me. I can even hook you up with the right people from the party. Rebekah is with Jonas, but they’re both Vamps, so play by different rules that way. If you want to have sex with him… Well, then you need to ask her permission. For her, just call up and suggest it. Really though, she might say no. For an easy hookup the people at the party to get with would be Calley or Tyler. Or… Calley and Tyler? That could be interesting. Scotty Laird as well. Ginger… The one that looked like she was about fourteen and barely spoke all night? She isn’t that young, so that would work, if you made a bit of an effort.”

  There was a face made at some of the suggestions.

  “You think I like men? Here I thought that I proved otherwise pretty well, with you tonight.”

  She shrugged.

  “It’s more that I really don’t have the same rule set that way. If you want to have sex with any of them and they’re willing, then it isn’t a problem for me. Honestly, you should at least suggest it to most of them. As a group there were a lot of relatively important and powerful people there tonight. You made a decent impression on them, too. When things got weird, you helped. Most people wouldn’t have managed that. Not with bodies suddenly dropping from the sky. Then you went with us to help out some friends of friends. Even if you were just there with them, that will mean that you’re part of the team, to most of them. As long as you don’t let them forget you too easily.”

  Ravi might not have been the most aggressive man on the planet, but he knew when he was holding a cute naked girl. Leaning in, he kissed her again. Gently and on the lips. Possibly distracting himself from the fact that she was a one of the worst serial killers in history, if he was going to look at things that way.

  He started to get hard again, which probably meant his hormones at least weren’t planning to take things to heart in that particular direction. That or they were helping him out, placating her with his body. Reaching down, she started to stroke him there. Then tilted her head a bit. After all, she was able to change shape into a limitless amount of shapes and forms. There was no real reason for him to only be with one version of her that night.

  The man sighed a bit and closed his eyes. While he did that, she focused and shifted, her hand moving the whole time. He yelped a bit when he opened his eyes, catching the last moments of her change. It was only into the shape she’d been holding lately. The slightly older looking one that seemed about thirty, and wasn’t as cute. Even though she was still on a level that seemed to be fine with him.

  “Is this your real shape?”

  She shook her head, dropping to her knees. He was going to taste like rubber, so she focused and brought up the flavor of ripe melon, instead. The scent filled her nose as soon as she brought in even a hint of magical power to the whole thing. She used that carefully, more for the practice than anything else. Being efficient with her power was a hobby of hers, after all.

  Looking up at him, she spoke.

  “No. Do you remember what I looked like the first time we met? That’s pretty much my real form. As much as I have one. This one is what I’m going around looking like right now. For work, mainly, so that I won’t distract my boss too much. Anyway…”

  She used a bit more skill with him then, than she’d bothered with earlier. Mainly trying to keep him from realizing everything that she’d said. Or, more to the point, trying to make him think that it wasn’t a big deal. That her ability to use her lips and tongue somehow mitigated the fact that she’d killed more people in her life than he’d probably met on a close and personal level.

  The thing was, she knew that it wasn’t going to work. For the moment, as long as she kept him entertained actively, it might. As soon as he left, his mind would start to work again and he’d be clear headed on the whole thing. Then, as soon as that happened, it would be down to how much he believed her story of being reformed. His nature was kind enough and trusting, so he might give her a chance to at least prove herself.

  On the other hand, he was also intelligent. A lot more than she’d worked out on their first meeting, while he was scared and dazzled by her use of magic. That meant he could very well just decide not to bother with her at all. If that was the case… Well, she couldn’t really blame him.

  In the moment though, he grew harder in her mouth as she worked on him. Trying to use advanced sex tricks to get a rather average seeming man to like her. Showing off with magic in front of him and flat out sucking his cock like a professional, to keep him distracted. That kind of thing, while not bad or wrong, was a bit beneath her. The part where she was using tricks on him, in order to control what he was going to think about her, later.

  That didn't stop her from doing it or finishing up. After all, she was polite enough that way. As soon as he was spent, she stood, grinned at him and accepted a kiss. Then got his clothing for him, smiling the whole time.

  “I’ll get you to your house? We need to go outside for that. Rifting messes with space, and you don’t want warps all over the inside of your house like that. Or mine, once you learn to do it for yourself. Here…”

  They had to walk for a bit, then her new boyfriend was left on the sidewalk in front of his brother’s house, where he lived, his room being the tiny enclosed back porch. It was humble, of course. Then, the man had enough ambition to not be there forever. Even if he never called her again, he’d be fine that way. As long as he could live with an ex-Greater Demon stalking him, that was.

  Kissing her, he spoke, his voice low.

  “I’ll call you? Tomorrow. That… it’s not desperate if we’re dating, right? Only if I’m trying to play it cool, trying to score a second date.”

  She had to agree with that one.

  “That’s pretty close to mandatory, in fact. I probably won’t be able to see you every day or anything, since I work weird hours. A daily call would be good, especially at first. We can keep it short, so you don’t get bored, with me trying to talk to you for three hours.” She kissed him again, as a light came on at the front of the house. She giggled. “I think that your brother or sister in-law are trying to tell us something.”

  He nodded, not getting that it was the sister in-law. Keeley focused enough to catch her thoughts, which were slightly jealous. Mainly because she wanted to bang Ravi herself. As if Keeley being in the picture would stop that from happening. It wouldn’t, because Ravi never would have actually done that kind of thing. Being a good brother was important to him. More than getting a bit of naughty side-sex would ever be.

  Being good to his family was, in general. Even if he did want to have sex with his brother’s wife. Then, Emmy, his sister-in-law wasn’t going to act on her feelings either. She’d had her own thoughts and dreams that way. That didn't mean she was going to scuttle her marriage for a bit of her husband’s brother.

  In short, both of them were, by Human rules, better people than she was. It was a thing to keep in mind. Also to be honest about. Playing by Human rules wasn’t impossible for her at all. Really, she�
�d done that for the first seventeen years of her life, more or less.

  Her life had simply forced her to hold different habits for a long enough time that it seemed annoying, thinking about going back to how things used to be. Rather than try, she decided to simply focus on other parts of being a good person. Not killing people or taking things from them without permission. Not too much, anyway.

  Stepping through the rift into her front yard, she walked inside, her clothing too tight for her now. That was down to shape changing and grabbing the outfit that she’d been wearing all night. Inside, she cleaned up the sofa and the used condom on the floor, then got a shower and change of clothing going on. After that, she ate, for a very long time. Taking in as much as she could hold for once. The feeling of being complete that way took half the food she had in the house and would have been enough to make even the best of professional eaters think she was faking it, if she put it up on-line.

  Everyone would, probably.

  It was a lot of food to take in. Not that it showed at all. She didn’t process things like that in the same way that a regular being would. Most of the food turned directly into energy, that she stored carefully, for later use.

  After cleaning up her kitchen again, at about three in the morning, her cell phone rang. It was in her pocket, which meant it was up at her ear about the same time she noticed that it was from a number she didn't recognize.

  “Keeley Thomson, how may I help you?” She was ready for a death threat, or an emergency to have taken place. Instead she got breathing.

  Familiar breathing. Blinking a few times, she cleared her throat.

  “Hey, Hally. Are you okay? Is everything all right there? I hadn’t expected you to call.”

  After a moment there was a small gasp.

  “I… Sorry. I shouldn’t have. This is stupid of me. I just wanted to hear your voice. Sorry.” Then she hung up.


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