Evil is... (Once a Demon Book 2)

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Evil is... (Once a Demon Book 2) Page 23

by P. S. Power

  She shook her head.

  “I could do that, of course. Really…” She shrugged and glanced at Jim. The boy was young and it was kind of clear that to Tor, important people were given important jobs. That or lots of gold, for no particular reason. “Let’s have Bollings here handle that. Something out back, in a medium sized building? You can pick the style and location. I’ll get you Zack’s number so you can set that part up with him. Will’s as well, so you know if Ravi got the job.”

  Fram nodded.

  “I have those for you, Mr. Bollings. That’s a good plan, since it will give you a reason to meet with most of the ambassadors here, asking their opinion of things… Just happening to bring your friend Tor along with you. I can see about setting up some of those meetings for you?”

  That was nice of him, and Tor actually beamed at first her, then Jim. As if the man had already managed something brilliant, just by being there. Which in a way, the young man had.

  Mr. Baker smiled at the younger man, very happily. In a way that almost seemed sexual, even if the feeling coming from him wasn’t that at all.

  “And here I was told you were of no particular value in this world, James! This seems to be moving up in the world, I must say. Being placed in charge of such an important project as this. At least the building portions of it. Or are you to be the liaison with the Ancient Zack as well, for the effort?”

  Tyler nodded and moved in, to slap James on the arm, gently.

  “Good point. You’ll have the number anyway, so do that and keep him in the loop on the plans. This totally isn’t the rest of us getting out of doing the work. Honest. Fram, you’re in on this as well? That will speed things up a lot.” Ty glanced at Torrance, as if he was the man that would need the explanation. “He has this whole place wired, after all. Which is why…” Tyler shrugged, looking at Keeley.

  It was a thing she knew already, after all, even if she didn’t totally agree with the plan. It was what Tyler wanted though, so she spoke the words out loud.

  “Which is why you recommended Fram as your replacement when the end of your ten-year term is done, as head of the Coalition of Nations. It’s a decent plan. Hard to pull off, since, well, I mentioned the part where we were recently evil. That’s not just going away. Plus, I don’t know about you, but I’m having trouble with the whole being good thing. I mean, clearly I’m not, but…”

  The words were meant to manipulate the people with her, even if it sounded a bit whiny. It was also the truth. Her innate being wasn’t suited for the task that she was attempting at the moment. That was going to be hard, until she learned what was needed.

  Fram just smiled at her.

  “I hear that one, Keelzabub. Just taking the title away doesn’t mean that everything about us will change. Then, we always knew we were a bunch of jerks. That part shouldn’t shock you all that much. It’s probably easier for most of the rest of us, given that they aren’t trying to be good at all. Just less evil. You know, cut back on the child rape and cannibalism by ten percent or so, that kind of a thing. Though I have to admit I did nearly kill the Crylosect Ambassador the other day. For annoying me. Notice, the being is still up and walking around, with his free will and everything. That’s because I’m awesome, not really all that good. The job means not killing the people you need to get it done. Anyone can manage that, right Keels?”

  Tor nodded, happily enough.

  “That’s the heart of it though, isn’t it? Not that we are good by another’s making, but that we try our best to aid and help those we can, because it is the thing that works better, over time.” The words were simple sounding and the kind of platitude that wouldn’t really impact her life, even while being mainly correct.

  No one took Fram to task for his thoughts of murder, either. It wasn’t even taken as being a sign that he was ill suited for the job of acting as the go between between Human beings and the other groups they had to deal with now.

  Keeley spoke her goodbyes after that, bowing toward Tor, who did that back, his words flowery, inviting her and her friend Ravi to come and visit him at his home, in his own world. She doubted that would happen, but smiled over the offer, since it was a real one.

  She even returned it.

  “You and your wife are welcome to come and stay at my place, here, if you want. It would be good to have the company, and isn’t that far from here. That could be fun.” It wasn’t the palace that they normally lived in, but she really doubted that the man in front of her would judge her for living simply.

  After they bowed again, with Jim getting a slap on the arm and a reminder to get with Zack about the node being put in, Keeley walked out, needing to kill another twenty minutes before going back to see if Ravi worked there yet or not.

  That meant pacing in the halls for a while, instead of bothering anyone.

  When she went back down to Deep Six, her pet name for their secret basement headquarters that everyone knew about, Ravi was still in with Will, though the door was open. They were talking about training, interestingly enough.

  Will waved her in, through the open door.

  “We were just covering that I want full agent training for Mr. Pendar here. He’s decided to sign on with us. Most of his work will be in transportation. That doesn’t mean he might not be needed in the field. I was thinking that we could place him with Rebeca Soars. You’re office side for the time being, so don’t need a field partner. Both of them are going to be in training for a while, though I want real field work as well. Everyone here needs to be up on how to get things done.”

  Will was trying to make a lot of their three-week training program, which wasn’t a big deal compared to the rest of what they needed to do with Ravi. He had a good base for controlling his mind now, thanks to his meditation skills. The next step would be in teaching him how to use his powers directly, on purpose.

  Then, well, he’d be a rather powerful being indeed.

  Chapter fourteen

  Tracking the movement of the dark beings wasn’t that hard at all, though it did take making some phone calls. Mainly to the homes of a few people who, interestingly, when she actually got ahold of someone willing to talk to her as a Coalition of Nation rep, turned out to all be Vampires. More to the point, the people had, in each area, been dropped on the yards of Master Vampires who were in control of those specific territories.

  It wasn’t every single state or anything at all, either. There were in fact, six different sets of people being dropped on various compounds. Each of them had fewer bodies than Tyler’s house had.

  Two of them, where the Vampires rather grudgingly admitted they weren’t all that powerful and not affiliated with the Council, had only one body each. The people had all lived however, since whoever was doing the work seemed to have flown in very low, letting them go only from about forty feet up. There were some broken bones. In each case the Humans had been taken to the hospital.

  So they were going to make it, thankfully.

  Three of the Vamps were slightly more important and each of them had received two people, leaving the last one, who was known to her, if only in passing. Cormack, the Iowa Ambassador for his people. That meant he worked for the Council directly. His present was a good deal nicer, being three rather plump young teens who were hardly injured at all, being delivered to him with only some bruises and sprains, having been settled almost comfortably by the dark beings that had flown over in the night.

  While he was home, watching them do it from his front walk.

  Meaning that Keeley decided to make a trip to meet up with the fellow that night. He was a day walker, but it was kind of clear that the beings that were surrounded by death weren’t planning to do things in the middle of the day just for her amusement. Based on the pattern though, it was clear to her that Scotty Laird had been correct in his guess about what might be going on. These weren’t attacks or terrorism at all.

  Just people moving into a new area and checking in with the local lords of the dead, lea
ving them living presents to eat, collected fresh from the local area. While a pain for the people that were injured or who had nearly died, it was almost sweet, on the other side.

  Very polite, too. It showed a certain amount of good will, bringing in nice presents like that.

  It even made sense that they’d gone to Tyler first. He wasn’t alive and literally commanded the forces of death, while being important. Not just in a local area, but to the whole nation. Possibly the world. He was, literally, the man to go to when dealing with all of the other groups and Humanity. Which spoke of the new beings have some kind of insight into local issues, such as politics. That could be due to their powers, mind reading or even just paying attention for a few days before moving in some place.

  Really, given what they’d been reported to show so far, it was probably that they could simply tell a lot about dead beings without directly interacting with them. Sure, it was annoying to her personally that they only dealt with the dead, but she could work with that. In fact, it was a thing for her to think about while she got ready for darkness to come in the mid-west.

  Instead of just calling up Cormack, Keeley thought for a few moments and tracked down another line to the man. The easiest one would be to get Eve, who knew both of them pretty well, to attend with her later that night. Her friend was still out of town though.

  In a different reality, as far as she could tell. It would take actual research to locate her and probably take too long to be worth doing in the moment.

  Rather than give up on her clever plan not to scare the Ambassador too much, she dialed a different number, which was picked up a few rings later.

  “This is the Vampire Council House. Marissa attending on the speaking device. How may I aid you this fine day?”

  Keeley let herself nod, since that was a name she actually recognized. They’d met before, on several different occasions, in fact.

  “Hello! This is Keeley Thomson, working with the Coalition of Nations, Division Six. I was wondering if Bey Transmorguire was around today or could be reached?” She didn't say why. Really, she didn't think her name would particularly ring any bells for Marissa, specifically, even if they’d had some minor dealings in the past.

  A thought that turned out to be wrong.

  “Mistress of Souls… May I ask what you need Bey for?” The Vampire on the other end of the line was tense about the issue. As if it were all a trick or trap.

  Which of course, she had no real reason to believe otherwise about. It nearly had to be that kind of thing. Keeley was living it and still not certain that it wasn’t. Even if Fram didn’t mean it that way, at least one of her people would try to turn the tables eventually. That it hadn’t happened yet probably meant she was missing some crucial piece of the puzzle. That could happen, even if she was decently bright most of the time. You had to have the right information in order to understand what was going on. Regardless of who you were.

  “Call me Keeley? I’ve given up the title. We all have, so, you know, that’s a thing. As for my plans with Bey…There was an event in Iowa, three young Humans dropped into the yard of Ambassador Cormack Gillhall there. I was hoping to talk to him and see if he’d let me use his home as a base of operations for a few days, to try and track down the beings that did this. Currently, I don’t think it’s a threat. They did something similar at Tyler Gartner’s home. That’s too near my own home and they were chased off, since we didn’t understand that the bodies being dropped were meant as gifts, at the time. I was hoping that Bey would go with me, so that the Ambassador won’t be afraid.”

  That sounded mean, since Cormack was probably as brave as any Vampire his age, if not more so. They weren’t cowards, as a people, at all. Regardless, Marissa inhaled sharply, the hermaphrodite making sounds that indicated she was literally clutching her heavy dress top.

  “Oh, my… I see. I don’t know that sending The Bey would actually help him feel at ease, however. Most try to flee when he goes to their area. I wouldn’t be of much comfort that way, either… Could… Perhaps Harland would suit for that? He should be known to the Ambassador, without his presence being a threat, instantly. He’s also on duty with me tonight.”

  Making him easy to find, later. It was still early in the day however, being just past eleven in the morning, her time.

  “That might work, thanks, Marissa. I can be by to get him at seven or so, your time? Or… I might be able to get the new Human line walker that works with the Coalition to get him?” That was a little risky, though she could pass the needed information to him to get to the Council House.

  There was an actual sigh from the phone in her hand.

  “There’s a new line walker? That makes… eight now? Amazing. A Human, as well? That’s most impressive. What would such service cost, do you think?”

  The words weren’t meant as a trap. No, they were all about avoiding one. After all, Keeley had suggested something unexpected, which meant that there was some kind of manipulation going on in the action. Which was, she realized, true. Even without her meaning it to be that kind of thing directly. She was putting Ravi forward, when it wasn’t needed, in order to make the situation seem less dangerous to the Council Vampires. Also, to help him develop contacts with a group that he might miss out on, otherwise. That was hardly an abiding sin, of course.

  She was the kind of being that gave even the powerful nightmares. Literally, she was worse than just a Greater Demon to some beings. Most Vampires were somewhat resistant to being taken as slaves by her kind. Except that her powers that way could beat that exemption. It was honestly so easy for her that she’d had to fight not to do it with more of them than she’d ever bothered to take that way. Even the hardiest of that sort had to think of her as a threat the likes of which they’d never thought to prepare for. Luckily, she was incredibly sweet and not planning to do that to any of them.

  Unless she was mildly annoyed, or perhaps angered. Like with the last two slaves she’d taken. At least Don fell into that category. Steve was, to be a bit more fair about it all, simply a new thing. She’d taken him as a slave to save lives while trying to find a way to help him. That one wasn’t actually evil of her or a major slip up. Holmstrum on the other hand was.

  There were ways for her to spin the actions. None of them were anything except her attempting to deny reality, so she shut the thoughts down.

  Smiling, even if no one could see her, since her office door was closed, she nodded. Both things that Marissa would be able to hear, given her keen senses.

  “I’ll ask about that? He’s working with Division Six, at least part of the time and this is legitimate business for us, so my guess is that it won’t cost you anything. We haven’t set his work hours yet, so that could be too late. Probably not. Even if it is going to mess up our date later. Then, that’s work for you, isn’t it? Always getting in the way of a good time.”

  There was true silence from the phone for a while. After twenty seconds or so, the lady on the other end of the line spoke again.

  “Well. Indeed. Duty can get in the way of fun, all too often. I… Not to pry in, but aren’t you engaged with a Human woman? The sister in life to young Steven York? Has that changed or…” She sounded scared, for some reason. Possibly wondering if Steve York was still alive.

  It was all kinds of leaping about, to reach that kind of position and her guess was very far off at the same time. To a level that could be construed as being rude. Which wouldn’t be Marissa’s intent, of course. She probably didn't want to die that badly.

  There was also a lack of trust that Keels was reformed at all.

  “We broke up. More to the point, she broke up with me, because I used to be a Greater Demon. Not really something I love. I… It’s been a bit rough. I get her reasoning, but… Well, you know. Vampires are nearly as territorial as my people are. By the way, we’re going by Wise Ones, now, in case you need something to call us while still being polite. I mean, sure, it’s a bit pretentious, but I’m trying to set a
tone here, so use that if you get a chance?”

  There was a smooth inhalation, so the Vampire could speak, then a soft sound.

  “I’m so sorry to hear about the dissolution of your relationship. It is, I fear, a thing that must happen, if you will live long enough. Plus, you’re already moving forward, which is a good sign. With a line walker, as well. That sounds promising. Is he pleasant?”

  It took a moment to realize that the woman, an ancient Vampire, was trying to be nice to her and distract her from the fact that she might be embarrassed about having been dumped. She wasn’t really. Pissed off about it, and annoyed. After all, for all it was about her, she couldn’t really see it that way.

  “Very. Really, you should make a point of meeting him. We’re dating and were before he learned to be a line walker. That doesn’t mean he can’t meet other women though. Men as well, but he’s a bit closed minded that way still, I think.” Straight in a Human style way.

  Marissa wasn’t strictly a woman, having both sex organs. She wore dresses and managed to be fairly cute about it, so if Ravi was prepared correctly first, it might not be a big deal for him. Hermaphrodites, by their nature, were different. That meant new rules had to apply.

  There was a bit of a chuckle from the device, which sounded a bit demurring.

  “We can expect him at the node here at seven, this evening, our time? You’ll meet Harland at the same time or…”

  How that was going to work, was probably important to the councilor.

  “That could work. Really, I should meet them at Cormack’s, if he’ll allow that. What do you think, can I call him up and explain myself without seeming like a horrible threat?”

  Instead of demurring or acting as if that was unlikely, Marissa chuckled. This time it was deep and throaty.

  “You know, I think you might well manage that. You’ve been most pleasant, Keeley. I do hope that we can work together in the future, in friendship. I must admit, I’ve heard good things about you in the past, from the Line Walker… Zachery, I mean.” She paused. “Is he also dropping his title?”


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