Chasing Red

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Chasing Red Page 7

by Kelsey Cheyenne

  “You’re welcome.” I smile while Chase hands over a long, skinny box of his own.

  “I know we don’t do gifts but this is as much of a gift for me as it is for you.” Two tickets rest inside the box but I can’t tell what they’re for.

  “Flyers tickets? Sick, dude, thanks.” Hunter beams at his best friend and apparently I should’ve just got him freaking hockey tickets. Boys will be boys.

  “They play the Columbus Blue Jackets that day. I figured we could pregame it and make it a whole day. It’s not until December so we got time to figure out the details.” They continue to talk shop when the waiter joins us.

  We order and dinner passes in a blur. My buzz from earlier has waned and I steer clear of liquor tonight. I want to be able to think clearly and it’s evident that mixing booze and Chase is not the brightest idea.

  Or… maybe it is.

  It’s late by the time we leave the restaurant. Tomorrow’s my last day with Hunter and while I still want answers about him and his trash bag fiancée, I don’t want her to ruin my last day with him either.

  I hug my brother goodbye as the valet pulls up with Chase’s SUV. “See you tomorrow.” He waves to his best friend and once again we’re back on the road for the hotel.

  Now what? Is he going to kiss me again when we get back or will he revert to being the perfect gentleman he’s been all night? Do I want to kiss him? Yes. Do I want to do more than kiss him? YES. My desire for him has only gotten stronger as the hours passed and it’s nearly intolerable now.

  I fidget in my seat, my not-so-subtle way to ease the ache between my thighs. “You okay?” There’s laughter in his tone like he knows what he’s doing to me.

  “Just have to pee.” Stupid. I’m so freaking stupid. When will my mouth grow a filter?

  I rub the nonexistent tension from my forehead and angle myself in my seat so I can study his profile. He’s, like, stupid handsome. I can see his perfect, straight, white teeth from his lazy smile. There’s always an undeniable air of confidence surrounding him, which is incredibly hot. He almost always has light stubble on his face and the look works for him well. He has a sole freckle on the right side of his neck and not another single spot or blemish is visible.

  His nose is straight, his hair is parted and styled without a single flaw; he always looks like a freaking runway model. With his height and build he could be the next Calvin Klein underwear model. I should submit him for consideration.

  “Why are you staring at me?” His lips pull into my favorite crooked smile of his. What a panty-melter.

  “You look sexy when you drive.” Why do all men look inherently sexy while driving? It’s like they want us to jump them and yet we can’t because, you know, they’re driving. I guess the anticipation leading to delayed gratification is the point, to get us all worked up. And it works too well, in my opinion.

  I didn’t mean to or plan to say those words out loud, but the cat’s out of the bag now. And considering how I was mewling all over him earlier like a dog in heat kind of gives my feelings away, regardless. Might as well own it.

  He looks at me, squinting his eyes. It’s dark enough in the car and since he’s the one behind the wheel, squinting is a little dangerous. But since his mouth is pulled up in a devilishly sexy smirk, I won’t comment.

  We park at the hotel and the air between us is charged. We climb into the elevator and thank God we’re not the only ones in here or else I’d be tempted to do something embarrassing without restraint.

  I pull on the sleeves of my dress as we walk side-by-side down the hallway to our rooms. Our arms brush as we walk and I look down, seeing his fingers twitch in my direction. It’s like he wants to touch me but is holding himself back.

  “Well, goodnight.” I wave at him like the awkward little dork I am.

  “Leaving so soon? I thought we could hang out. Watch a movie or something.” He looks so innocent, but I know he has an ulterior motive, or at least I want him to.

  “Did you expect me to buy that? That we’d hang out in your room, on your bed, and watch a movie?” I cross my arms, studying him. I’m pretending to glare at him when, in reality, there’s nothing more I want to do than hang out with him longer. Or at least make out with him.

  He shrugs and grins. It’s adorable and I already know I’m about to agree to whatever he wants. “Not really, but I’m still hoping you say yes.”

  I tilt my head side to side, pretending to weigh my options. “Lead the way.”



  Chase unlocks the hotel room door and opens it, holding it open for me to walk through first. I step over the threshold and glance around to take in the space which is identical to my room, but mirrored.

  “On second thought, I should change first so I don’t have to sit in this dress all night.” His face changes in an instant from concern to relief when he realizes I’m not bailing on him.

  “Sure, go ‘head. I’ll be here.” I never locked my adjoining door, since I’ve already forgotten my key once, which saves me a trip out into the hallway to get to my room.

  Although now I’m stuck in a conundrum. I still only have lingerie to wear and that may be slightly too suggestive for tonight. I have a white cotton t-shirt I was planning to wear on the ride home tomorrow, but I’ll have to pick something else for the trip.

  I throw the tee over my head and pair it with red silk shorts that have lace at the hem. I have a matching camisole, but for now, they’ll have to do.

  I run to the bathroom to brush my teeth quick just in case. Then I walk out, grabbing the door handle, but stop myself from opening the door. Should I just walk in? Should I knock? What if he’s changing too? Not that I would mind seeing him in his skivvies, but I should at least ask first.

  Since I’ve already taken too long and I’m as awkward as a prepubescent boy on his first date, I knock and then crack the door, peeking my head in.

  “Come on in.”

  Chase changed too, and holy shit it’s not fair. He’s in a pair of basketball shorts and nothing else. He’s deliciously shirtless, sitting on his bed on top of the comforter. His feet are bare and crossed at the ankle. One hand holds the remote while the other rests on his lap. He looks scrumptious. It’s not fair.

  His chuckle snaps me back to reality and shoots right to my already-buzzing lady business. I’m playing with freaking fire tonight and he better not burn me.

  “Come here, you weirdo.” He’s sitting in the middle of the bed, which forces me to practically sit on top of him. Okay, yes, the bed has plenty of room but I’m allowed to be dramatic and freak out a little, right? I take a deep breath because I need to chill. If he’s acting casual, then I can be casual too.

  I join him on the bed, sitting so close to the edge my left ass cheek is hanging off the mattress. “You can come closer, you know. I don’t bite, unless you’re into that sort of thing.”

  Is it warm in here? Is there a window or something I can crack to let in some air? I glance around and short of sitting on the balcony I don’t think I’ll be getting any air. My skin is scorching, and he hasn’t even touched me. This is bad.

  I scoot closer so my poor butt is on the bed. I catch him shaking his head in my peripheral vision. I’m acting like a child and it’s a turn off even to me. Men like confident women. I need to exude self-assurance and poise.

  I move closer one last time until our thighs touch. “Happy now?” I don’t know why my default setting is set to sassy, but I can’t change it.

  “Extremely.” He lifts his hand, grazing my cheek and looking into my eyes. His fingers drop to the end of my braid, which I so happened to leave styled since he had said he liked it. “You look cute.”

  Cute? No girl wants to be called cute. I want to be gorgeous, beautiful, sexy, stunning, hell, I’d even take hot. But not cute. I feel like my twelve-year-old self rocking pigtails and platform flip-flops.

  I frown, glancing down at my makeshift PJs and tugging on the cotton. “I me
ant that as a compliment. You always look good, Hails.” His fingers trail down my arm to where my hand rests on my thigh. He fingers the lacey material at the edge of my shorts. “I like these a lot.”

  I like where his hand is leading, but I don’t tell him that. Not yet. “Whatcha wanna watch?” I sit up, moving so his hand is no longer dragging across my thigh and driving me wild.

  He flips through the channels and stumbles upon some superhero movie. I’m not super into it but he got giddy like a school girl meeting One Direction so I let him keep it on.

  I’m feeling a little lame and desperate since Chase is super into this movie and not-so-into me, in more ways than one. He laughs and glances over at me, likely to catch my reaction.

  “I’m sorry, this is boring for you, isn’t it? Do you want to talk?”

  I shake my head slowly.

  I rise up on my knees so we’re face-to-face. With shaking hands, I place my right hand on his shoulder, supporting me, and the other hand holds his sharp jaw.

  I stare into his eyes. All my nerves are screaming at me to stop and take a step back, but I need to learn to go after what I want and what I want right now is him. I lick my lips and his gaze drops. Without thinking I lean in and my eyes flutter closed.

  I was expecting a soft kiss, but I’m met with fierce tenacity. His mouth is hungry against mine and the feeling is mutual. I’ve been replaying our earlier kiss in my mind over and over again for the last several hours. I couldn’t wait to do it again.

  His hand tangles in my hair, likely messing up the braid he loves so much. There’s a slight pull on my roots as he tugs at the strands. I angle my head to give him more, to open up to him more, and he groans in response.

  The sound ignites me. I pull him on top of me so I’m underneath him. I lift my torso, making my cotton t-shirt connect with his bare, muscular chest. His arm wraps around me, holding me against him and it’s my turn to moan.

  Every inch of us is touching from head to toe. It’s too much and not enough. I need more, but I’m already ready to explode.

  I feel him, his cock, rock hard under his shorts. It’s pushing at the fabric, begging for me to let him free. I grind against him with a fervent need, our most sensitive spots grazing through several layers of separation. Somehow, it’s even hotter that we’re not touching.

  He rolls us and now I’m on top of him. I sit up, admiring his body and tracing my fingers down his ridiculously toned abs. My hands find the V then trace the contours of those muscles. He shudders under my touch. I feel like the most powerful woman alive.

  “You don’t know how bad I want you.” My voice is a whisper, nearly lost in the sounds of our labored, needy breathing.

  “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.” Hearing him say that makes me want to do all the things I probably shouldn’t. He’s so nice and considerate. It’s a turn on.

  “But I want to.” I lift my arms, tugging off my shirt as I go. I still have a matching set of white lace hardly covering all my lady business. Thank God I came prepared for this trip. Drunken me knows how to pack.

  “Holy shit.” Large, warm palms cover my breasts. I can feel the heat radiating off him through the skimpy fabric. My nipples tighten, puckering to get to the source of heat.

  I think his erection gets even harder underneath me. Chase grips the end of my braid between his thumb and pointer finger and tugs, forcing me down to him, making our mouths connect once more.

  I’m grinding against him without an ounce of shame coursing through my veins. His hands travel to my back and I know he’s dying to pop the clasp on my bra. His fingers hover over the fastener, waiting for permission.

  My hands, which were back on his pecs, travel down once more. A finger slides under the waistband of his shorts and I trail it side-to-side, from hip-to-hip. I move a hair’s breadth down further and poke the head of his erection.

  There’s a sharp intake of breath from him and it starts a frenzy. He undoes my bra with one quick flick of his wrist. The material slides down my arms and I throw it out of the way.

  My breasts hang heavy, wanting his touch. My nipples point to him, begging for his attention. He cups them in his hand and we both groan at the contact. I let my head fall back, enjoying the sensation. But it’s not enough for Chase.

  I find myself on my back once more and his mouth finds my breast. His mouth is hot on my nipple as he sucks and bites the tender pink nub. His other hand pinches the other nipple, ensuring they receive equal attention.

  When he comes back up to kiss me, I push at his shorts. I want this, I want him, and I need his pants off now.

  “Are you sure?” I nod. He doesn’t like that. “I need you to say it, Hails.”

  “I’m sure, Chase. I want you. Desperately.” He grinds his hips into me and secures his mouth on mine again. I trail my nails down his back, trying to speed him up because I’m getting more frustrated by the minute.

  Finally, after ages, he sits up, pushing his shorts and boxers over his hips in one fell swoop. The gorgeous V leads down to a perfectly man-scaped, beautiful specimen of a cock. I didn’t know penises could be beautiful, but his is.

  “Wow.” I lick my lips and reach for the throbbing erection. It bobs as I pet it like a cat.

  I grip it in my fist, eliciting another moan from this sexy man. I work my hand over him, back and forth, taking my time. He’s impressively big. Nothing out of the world record book, but probably close and definitely larger than anything I’ve had before.

  His head hangs and his mouth is open to accommodate his labored breathing. I pick up the pace, jerking him off as I lie underneath him. There’s nothing I want more right now than to watch him come undone.

  “Hails—you can’t—I can’t—I.” He pulls back and his cock falls from my hand. My lips pull down in a slight frown. I may not be super experienced, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out how to jerk off a man.

  He leans down, whispering in my ear. “Your hand feels too good and tonight, if you’ll let me, I only want to come while I’m inside you.”

  He kisses my neck and any response I was planning to offer up stops in its tracks. His mouth moves down my neck, over my shoulder, and back to each breast, feasting on them. But soon he moves farther south, leaving wet kisses down toward my navel and across my stomach to each hip.

  His fingers tug on the waistband of my shorts, but he looks up at me for permission before removing them. “Please.” I’m panting. It’s embarrassing how desperate I am for him, and it’s agonizing how slowly he’s moving. The silk of my shorts glide down my legs, but he’s moving at a snail’s pace. I shimmy, trying to move him along, but he pins my legs down.

  “Not so fast. I want to savor this moment. I want to remember every sound, every face, and every taste.”

  I throw my head back and cover my eyes, groaning at his admission. His fingers follow the path my shorts are making, leaving an electric trail in their wake. My skin sears where he touches me. I want more.

  He tosses the red fabric and my underwear on the floor beside the bed and stares at me. I follow his gaze from the nail polish coloring my toes up my ankles, calves, thighs, and coming to a screeching halt at the apex of my legs. His hands splay across me, following the same path his eyes just made.

  His palms graze my outer thigh and up to my hips. I’m getting frustrated, knowing he’s intentionally avoiding the place I want him most. It’s a delicious kind of torture and I’m sure the delayed gratification will be well worth it.

  But I want it now.

  “Chase, please.” I’m already begging him, panting his name and we’re just getting started.

  A crooked smirk forms on his lips and I want to nip away his smile. “You’re beautiful, Hails. Look at you, all flushed and needy for me. I want to memorize you in this moment. You’re a goddess, a goddamn vixen, and I’m only getting started, Little Red.”

  “Little Red?” I’m not sure I care about the answer right now, but
my mouth asks, anyway.

  “I love it when you wear red. It’s my favorite color on you. Including the blush covering your body right now.” His breath tickles my inner thigh and I squirm. The anticipation is killing me. Is he going to—he is.

  My hips buck up as his lips graze my clit. His tongue pokes out, licking me, slow and lazy, savoring me like I’m an ice cream cone and he has all the time in the world. I groan, my frustration coming to a head—literally.

  My hands curl around the sheets, looking for some semblance of control. He’s eating me like I’m an ice cream cone and it’s not enough. My hand makes way to tangle into his unruly sandy locks.

  My hips have a mind of their own, swiveling in a circular motion to get the friction I’m desperate for. Chase, however, has other plans. He’s a master of torment as he pins my hips down with one of his arms.

  I groan, unfulfilled. He chuckles, the vibration hits my sensitive bud, and another moan erupts from me. At this point, I’m moaning so much I could star in porn.

  His hands make its way under my hips, wrapping around my thighs from underneath me. And then he feasts.

  “Oh, fuck,” I call out as his tongue dives deep between my folds. I feel like an appetizer, entrée, and dessert all rolled into one.

  He moans a low grumble rumbling from the back of his throat. It’s nearly my undoing as I climb higher and higher toward release. No man has ever made me come this way, but I have a feeling Chase will be my first.

  He’s a magician with his tongue and I’m lucky enough to be a part of the show. “I’m so close.” Somehow, the words egg him on. He’s more intense and determined and before I know it, I’m falling.

  White lights blind me as my orgasm erupts, all but knocking the wind out of me. I gasp for air, calling out his name. My back arches off the bed as my hand grips the back of his head, holding him in place. Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop. It’s a ride I never want to end.

  When my soul returns to my body I can barely move. I’m sated; my limbs heavy and jiggly like Jell-O. I blink at the King of Cunnilingus, my eyelids as weighed as the rest of my body.


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