Ms Patriot- Into the Labyrinth

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Ms Patriot- Into the Labyrinth Page 1

by Don Ship


  (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril)


  Don Ship


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  Rogue House Press on Smashwords

  Copyright 2013 by Don Ship

  Cover by Isikol

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes:

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  Ms Patriot: Into the Labyrinth

  (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril)

  Grimme City's premier super heroine did a double-take. Was that? Yes, it was Dr. Chun Fang! Every super heroine in Grimme City was gunning for that busty Chinese-American super villainess. Especially since they learned she’d forced Bat Babe to be a brood mare to a bio-engineered Inseminoid plant for eighteen months. Producing a new brood every forty-eight hours. At the same time, she was using a captured Purple Avenger and Ninja Girl as milk cows, to make powerful aphrodisiacs from their potent milk. Ninja Girl spent nine months under her power, while Purple Avenger was lucky and only served the evil scientist’s perverted pleasures for five months. Between milkings, they both served as bad conduct prizes for her evil thugs and occasionally as brood mares for the menagerie of horrid creatures she loved to create.

  Silver Angel and Silver Girl rescued the three broken super heroines just three days back. So the full horror of their ordeal was not completely understood. Unfortunately, Dr. Chun Fang had unmasked Ninja Girl and Purple Avenger and let the world know their identities months ago. So it was the super heroine protection program for them. Bat Babe somehow escaped unmasking.

  “Today you feel the wrath of super heroine vengeance,” Ms Patriot declared, heading out in hot pursuit of the tall, beautiful Asian.

  Dr. Chun Fang was in a long black limo, driven by one of her masked thugs. Ms Patriot jumped into her red, white, and blue Patriot Mobile. She followed, wanting to find Dr. Fang’s secret lair. All of her vile experiments had to be located and destroyed, before they got loose and terrorized the city.

  The vivacious vigilante's glossy, full red lips curled into a smug smile. Of course it would be her to finally find and captured the infamous evil scientist Dr. Chun Fang. Who else? The other heroines, especially Uber Woman and Silver Angel, would be so jealous.

  Chun Fang drove to the outskirts of Grimme City, turning into a small industrial park. Small factories and warehouses lined the street. She finally pulled into the last building on the street. The company name: BioLabsInternational, LTD.

  “How appropriate,” the sexy super heroine said, crinkling her lovely nose. While Dr. Chun Fang’s limo waited for an automatic garage door to open and admit her, Ms Patriot prepared. She tugged up on her red and white striped strapless bustier top, and then snugged up her blue, star-spangled thong bottoms, before wiping dust off her red stiletto thigh boots. Lastly, she adjusted the golden tiara above her mask before getting out of her car. “Now that Dr. Chun Fang is tucked safely inside her lair, she feels safe enough to relax her guard. The perfect time to strike decisively!”

  Circling the building, the curvaceous super heroine found all doors locked. The last door she checked was the front entrance. It was locked, but it was also just glass. So the statuesque super heroine kicked it, shattering the door into a million pieces. So much for subterfuge.

  “Ms Patriot!” a black clad, masked minion cried.

  The front of the building was offices. Two black clad thugs raced out of a side room and confronted her. She grinned at them. Then she hit one with an office chair, and kicked the other in the stomach, back, chest, and chin, before he lay still.

  “When will you foolish men learn you are no match for Ms Patriot and her superior fighting skills?”

  “When you learn humility,” a thug said behind her.

  Before the shapely, patriotically clad super heroine could turn around, he kicked her in the small of the back and sent her stumbling farther into the building. She caught hold of a door jam, to stop herself, then dropped low and kicked out to catch the thug following. She snatched him up off the floor, and hurled him into the wall. Hard.

  The door at the end of the hallway opened, and another thug gawked at her, only his eyes showing within his ninja like mask. He turned and ran. Ms Patriot barked a laugh. The craven fool would lead her straight to Chun Fang. She took off after him. The door opened into a long white corridor. White walls. White ceiling. White floor tiles. Extremely highly polished white floor tiles. Ms Patriot didn’t realize it until she tried to stop running.

  “Yyeeeoooowwww!” she cried, slipping and falling, then sliding down the hall on her sweet round butt.

  “Get her!”

  Four minions swarmed the busty vigilante. She leaped to her red booted, stiletto heeled feet. And slipped back to her butt. The four thugs were joined by four more. They were joined by six more. Ms Patriot was swarmed and overwhelmed by superior numbers. She screamed as her power belt was removed. Super strength, speed, and endurance evaporated immediately. The sexy, massively-titted super heroine struggled ineffectually as they hauled her to her stiletto heeled feet.

  Ms Patriot slipped again, and again. The thugs laughed, dragging her into a side room. They were all wearing rubber soled shoes. Dr. Chun Fang waited across the room, watching a writhing, tentacle plant in a shatterproof glass enclosure. The floor had a tile floor, but it wasn’t nearly as well polished.

  The evil scientist was in truth a tall, gorgeous woman. Her almond eyes were alive with intelligence and mischief, her shimmering hair as long and black as Ms Patriot's waist length mane, and her body slim and feminine. She wore an expensive designer suit, with a red jacket and black mini-skirt. Her long legs were sheathed in dark hose and ended in designer stiletto pumps.

  “Well, well, well, what do we have here? Another busty bombshell volunteering to play with my horny experiments,” Dr. Chun Fang said, smirking as she accepted the golden power belt from a thug. Ms Patriot was forced to stand before her, glaring arrogantly at the beautiful Asian. “After I get you ‘introduced’ to some particularly nasty, oversexed creature, I’ll begin studying your wonderful power belt. I will reverse engineer it, and make millions selling replicas to all the evil criminals of the world.”

  “No!” Ms Patriot cried, lunged forward and ripped the power belt from Dr. Chun Fang’s grasp. She shoved the sexy villainess back at the same time, and paused as super strength and power surged back into her spectacular body. As she haughtily fastened the power belt around her narrow waist, “Now you will feel the wrath of Ms Patriot!”

  “Oh, poo,” Dr. Chun Fang said, not looking the least bit worried. “Do you like mazes, Ms Patriot?”


  “Oh, I don’t know,” Dr. Chun Fang said, and slapped a large red button on the console behind her. The floor below Ms Patriot’s feet dropped open, and the shapely super heroine plunged into the darkness below. “But you won’t like them once — IF — you get out.”

  “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” Ms Patriot cried as she slipped and slid down and around, this way and that, making her dizzy with all of the lightning fast turns and curves, before she was unceremoniously dumped into a dark, round chamber. “Oofff!”


  The lights came
on. Bright. The room was bare brown stone: floor, walls, ceiling. There was only one door.

  “Shall we play a game, Ms Patriot?” Dr. Fang said, sounding way too pleased.

  Ms Patriot looked around, and spotted a camera up just below the ceiling, opposite the one doorway. The shapely super heroine stepped to the center of the chamber and glared at the camera.

  “This will only slow justice down a day or two, Chun Fang. It won’t take long for me to escape this little trap, but I suspect you will be long gone. Coward. If you were a real woman, you’d stand and fight me. One-on-one,” Ms Patriot said.

  “I’m not going anywhere, Ms Patriot,” Dr. Chun Fang’s voice sang out. “But if you want to get out, you will have to go. You will have to run the gauntlet of my Labyrinth of Horny Horrors.”

  “Horny Horrors? Great Freya, why is it always about sex with you perverts?”

  “That’s kind of the definition of a pervert, isn’t it?” Dr. Chun Fang said through the hidden speaker. “Is there a non sexual perversion? I don’t know of any.”

  “You are hilarious,” Ms Patriot snarled. “Remind me to call Comedy Central after I get out and suggest you for one of their specials.”

  “Speaking of special, wait until you meet the inhabitants of that subterranean world. Creatures out of myth and legend, and out of nightmares. Run hard and run fast, Ms Patriot, for if you are caught…ooh la la. Their mutant seed is super potent. You’ll be Mutant Mama Patriot before you escape my little labyrinth. Hahahahaha!”

  “Laugh while you can, Chun Fang. But I will have the last laugh,” Ms Patriot snarled, baby blues narrowing.

  The curvaceous super heroine huffed, gave the camera a last baleful glare, and turned on a tall stiletto and marched through the doorway. The corridor beyond was dark, damp, and filled with cobwebs and foul stenches. She crinkled her perfect nose as cold water started seeping through the seams of her expensive, custom Jimmy Choo boots. Really, it was like a long twisting cave. It didn’t look manmade. The light was provided by glowing lichen growing on the cold, wet stone walls. It was an eerie sickly green light.

  “Ack! I hate spiders,” she whispered, brushing spider webs out of her shiny black hair, and pulled more off her super model gorgeous masked face. “This is so disgusting. Chun Fang is really going to wish she hadn’t dropped me down into this hell hole when I get through with her.”

  A scuffling noise brought her to a stop, breath held as she listened intently. What was that odd sound? Chittering? A million rats making dinner plans, with her as the main course?

  “Knowing Dr. Chun Fang’s perverted sense of humor, more likely ten foot long rats with foot long cocks. Make that very horny rats with foot long cocks.” She walked a little further, into an area devoid of the glowing lichen.

  “Yikes!” Ms Patriot cried, her foot coming down on nothing, and sending her head first down another slippery chute. This time on her firm DDs. The trip took less than thirty seconds, and dumped her onto a soft floor. “Oh, my aching boobies.”

  Ms Patriot rose up onto her knees and started massaging her titanic tits through her top, as well as rubbing her abused belly and upper thighs. It was still too dark to see, and that chittering she’d heard had stopped for a few seconds when she arrived, but started back up. It was coming from the dark opening before her.

  “Not chittering so much as clicking,” she muttered as she rose to her feet. Ms Patriot was the ultimate super heroine. When others ran away screaming of nightmares come alive, super heroines walked straight into the unknown with the curiosity of a doomed cat. Total lack of rational fear was one of the things that defined them. “Is someone in there? Hello? Hello? I’m Ms Patriot, the premier super heroine in…oh...what?...something…sticky.”

  Something sticky, springy barred her forward progress. It stuck to her left wrist, so she reached over with her right hand and tried to pull it loose. It wasn’t easy, but she finally pulled her left wrist free.

  “Great Freya, now my right hand is stuck,” she growled. She then realized her right leg and belly were stuck as well. So she twisted with all her super strength. The sticky material proved elastic, and she growled in frustration as she savagely twisted and turned in all directions, trying in vain to break free. Finally. “Hey, this is a spider web. And I am so…ugh…wrapped up in this crap it is ridiculous. I mean…spider web? Oh no.”

  “Oh yes, Ms Bimbolicious,” Chun Fang’s full, rich voice filled the tunnel. “Smile, you’re on horror camera! Hee hee. Riddle me this, Patriot; what do you find in a giant spider web?”

  “That’s the most pathetic excuse for a riddle I’ve ever heard,” Ms Patriot sneered.

  “Humor me.”

  “Grrrr. Fine,” Ms Patriot said through clenched teeth, still struggling to free herself. “Spiders live in spider webs. I’m not a spider. Duh.”

  “No, you are the fly,” Dr. Chun Fang said. “And the answer is not spiders. The answer is giant spiders live in giant spider webs. Mutant spiders. Horny spiders looking for a host to breed with. Welcome to the parlor, Patriot-FLY.”

  “Oh, fuck me to tears,” Ms Patriot whispered, seeing a gray blob with many legs coming down the web above her. In the dim light it had to get pretty close before she recognized the shiny black body of a horse-sized spider.

  “Oh, that will happen. Shortly,” Dr. Chun Fang’s amused voice sang out. “Have fun, you two love birds.”

  The beautiful super heroine gawked in horror. Her struggles had left her utterly immobilized. Helpless. Vulnerable.

  “Dr. Chun Fang! Dr. Chun Fang! Help me! Please, I beg you!” she cried desperately. “I’m helpless here. I can’t move. That..that…thing will eat me alive!”

  “That would be amusing,” Dr. Chun Fang said. "By the way, she's not exactly a spider, per say. She is my own invention, inspired by Greek myth. The Greeks had a myth where Athena turned an arrogant woman into a spider, and they also had the minotaur and centaurs. So I got the great idea of combining a woman and a spider, creating an…arachnotaur!"

  “Great Freya,” Ms Patriot gasped when the arachnotaur came completely within view. It looked completely like a black widow spider, expect with the upper portion of a woman's body attached at the waist on its "head." She really looked like a centaur with a spider body. But then the arachnotaur reached out its front set of legs and gently poked and prodded the helpless super heroine, hesitantly checking to ensure she was safe to approach. "What kind of monster are you, Chun, to create such an aberration!"

  The monster’s loomed above her. The black-haired "woman" upper body had vicious, crazy black eyes and long fangs dripping with what Ms Patriot could only image was poison. “If this thing bites me I will kill you!”

  “No, if my pretty little pet bites you then you will just lay there in a dazed stupor,” she said. “The poison lasts about forty-eight hours, though a super heroine might fight off its effects quicker.”

  The monster arachnotaur maneuvered around so that it was astride her in the web, its hideous mouth inches from her face. Its legs started manipulating the strands of web. At first she thought the arachnotaur was wrapping her up more, but quickly realized it was unraveling her. Whether the arachnotaur wanted to just fix her web, or free her to carry away for her children to eat, Ms Patriot didn’t know.

  Whether careless or crafty, the arachnotaur pulled off her top at one point. It sort of seemed like the top just got caught in her scary looking feet, but it was ripped to pieces as it came off and was cast aside. Moments later, the thong bottoms were ripped to shreds and one foot started probing the sexy super heroine’s pubic region.

  Ms Patriot looked down, and noticed that at the end of its bulbous butt a phallic like appendage was emerging. The horrid arachnotaur monster was already beginning to mimic humping movements.

  "I thought you said it was a girl!"

  "Well…umm," Dr. Fang said. "Kinda sorta. I never could get a male to live long enough to mate, so I fixed the females so I could breed them with human
s. Or more specifically, breed them with Valkyries like you."

  “This is so wrong!” Ms Patriot cried as that dripping, oozing phallic appendage rose up towards her aching, tingling twat. Her legs were freed already, so she crossed them protectively. The arachnotaur used one set of legs to pull her long, shapely legs wide. “I’d rather be eaten alive!”

  “Remember the potent seed I warned you about,” Dr. Chun Fang’s voice piped in.

  Ms Patriot’s baby blues went wide and her back arched as the arachnotaur began poking at her pussy lips and butt hole. She tried shaking and twisting her hips, anything to thwart the arachnotaur. But the monster was tenacious, and finally found the spot.

  “Uuuggghh…so disgusting,” she cried, her body rigid with the pain of penetration. “The arachnotaur has penetrated…my ASS…oh…oh…so big…oh Goddess.”

  “Oh, a hit and a miss,” Dr. Chun Fang said. Ms Patriot heard the villainess and her thugs laughing. “Round one to Ms Patriot.”

  The arachnotaur didn’t know she was in the wrong hole. She started trusting hard and fast. Ms Patriot felt her tall, mega-shapely body bouncing, felt her titanic tits jostling heavily. It was a nightmare. The sound track to her long nightmare was laughter and the oddest grunting noise. It took another five minutes of anal arachnotaur humping to realize the grunting sound was her. Her guttural grunts, accompanied with the squish of wet, wet fucking, all echoing back to her.

  Very quickly after penetration, to her astonishment and shame, Ms Patriot’s body began to respond to the sexual stimulation. It didn’t care if the man she loved was fucking her, or a creature out of nightmare. Fucking was fucking, and it felt good. So she was soon burning up with liquid heat, panting and grunting, gasping out with pleasure and revulsion.

  “No….no…I can’t…I won’t allow….Aaaaagggggghhhh!” she cried, her body erupting with divine pleasure. Her very core throbbed with pure pleasure, and soon it began building up again. “Oh Goddess, I shame myself…Aaaaiiiieeee!”


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