Ms Patriot- Into the Labyrinth

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Ms Patriot- Into the Labyrinth Page 4

by Don Ship

  Leaping to her feet, Ms Patriot rushed up behind Minotaur and savagely kicked him in the nuts. Five times. That bent him over in pain, and she kicked him in the butt. That last kick sent him forward, to crash headfirst into the boulder.

  Minotaur was out.

  “Bravo, Ms Takes It Up the Asshole,” Dr. Chun Fang said. She sounded a bit annoyed. “I didn’t think you still had it in you. I guess you get to move on to the next perversion. Hahaha!”

  “Sicko,” Ms Patriot muttered, hurrying away.

  “Hey, that’s good. Running makes your naked titties bounce all over the place. Sweeeeet,” Dr. Chun Fang purred. “I like the way your fat ass jiggles, too. Bouncy hair, tits, and ass. A fine sight to behold, Ms Amazing Body.”

  Ms Patriot kept running. She understood she was putting on a show for the perverts, but she had to escape before Minotaur woke up. He could easily outrun her, and it would all be over again. This was her only chance to escape.

  Halfway across the cavern, she heard Minotaur roar with rage. She glanced back to see him racing after her, head down, wicked horns forward. She screamed in fear, throwing her hands up and ran for all she was worth.

  He was almost upon her when she reached the tiny pond at the base of the stone wall. She didn’t hesitate. Ms Patriot dived into the water at a full run. A second later she heard Minotaur hit the water. The curvaceous super heroine swam as hard as she could, seeing a tiny circle of an opening about five feet below the surface.

  Just as she reached it, Minotaur seized her left ankle.

  “Uuuggghh,” she screamed, kicking viciously.

  Her air was running out. Her lungs were burning after the long sprint and swim. Minotaur got hold of her other ankle, too. Her life as Minotaur’s sex slave, brood mare flashed before her mind’s eye. Panicking, she kicked for all she was worth and broke free. A second later she slipped through the hole. That passage was way too tiny for Minotaur to pass through, even without his horns.

  Reaching the other side, she spent another moment in the frigid water to wash away Minotaur’s cum. It was all over her body, and saturated her waist length black hair, too. Cum and sweat and mother’s milk. Her overfull tits ached obscenely, forcing her to take the time once again to squeeze them together hard, squirting out enough milk to make it comfortable.

  “Oh, yes, milk yourself, baby,” Dr. Chun Fang purred sexily. “You know how to turn us all on, Ms Babycakes. Now whip your long hair around, shake your monster mammaries at us before you bend over and give yourself a sexy bootie slap.”

  “I don’t think so, pervert,” Ms Patriot snarled. “I’m a superior woman. I will not degrade myself like that.”

  “Huh? Have you already forgotten what you did with our friend Minotaur? Or to and with those lovely inseminoid plants before him? Or the arachnotaur?”

  “Spare me your sick, demented humor,” Ms Patriot sneered as she pushed her wet hair straight back out of her face, and wrung is as dry as she could make it.

  An odd sound rose up around her. Like a tittering. A tiny laughter. Ms Patriot looked up and around, and froze. There had to be dozens of the ugliest, most twisted looking little green men she’d ever seen. They were hideous. Monstrously ugly.

  “Oh, forgive me, Ms Bimbiana. Please be kind enough to meet my newest creation. Goblins,” Dr. Chun Fang said. “Goblins, this is Ms Fuckmeat. She’s going to be the mother of your children. Bon appétit!”

  None of the goblins were more than three feet tall. But they had really big cocks. At eight inches on a three foot body, they looked to be mostly cock.

  “Nookie!” they cried in unison.

  “Oh shit!” Ms Patriot screamed while they surged at her as one.

  There had to be a hundred of the little monsters. Within seconds they were swarming all over her, swinging joyfully from her waist length hair, clutching at her nipples as their little bodies swung back and forth, shoving whole tiny fists up her ass and pussy.

  “Get…off…me!” the sexy super heroine cried, and managed to fling one of the little buggers off her right arm. He landed in the water behind her, and screamed bloody murder. In fact, all of the goblins frozen, staring at him in horror. She glanced back and noticed him quickly sink out of sight. “Great Freya, they sink like rocks!”

  The goblins all screamed in fear, but they didn’t scamper away. Oh no. Indeed, more of the tiny monsters climbed onto her. Within moments their weight bore the sexy super heroine to the ground. They brought up stakes and rope, and quickly had the sexy super heroine staked down spread-eagle.

  “Dr. Chun Fang! Call them off me this instant!” Ms Patriot screamed, suddenly feeling goblin cock penetrating her vulnerable pussy.

  A goblin with a distended belly and spindly arms and legs straddled her face, and pressed his cock to her full red lips. Then he leaned over, looking into her baby blues as he clutched at her ears.

  “Eat me.”

  In answer, Ms Patriot shook her head violently. He pressed his cock harder against her mouth, penetrating her lips, but stopped by her clinched teeth. This time, instead of holding onto her ears, he stuck a finger in each eye. As tears flowed, he growled a warning.

  “Suck me off, or I’ll take both of your eyes,” he said. “They are delicious!”

  “He’s not lying,” Dr. Chun Fang said. “Their favorite thing to eat are eyeballs. It’s really quite disgusting, but what can I do? Goblins will be goblins.”

  “This is so….uuggghhh,” Ms Patriot said. Tears rolling out of her aching eyes, Ms Patriot slowly opened her mouth for the goblin’s cock. He slipped in with a sigh of contentment. The goblin didn’t pull his fingers out of her eyes until she started sucking his cock in earnest. “Uuummmmmmm.”

  “That’s the way, girlie. Hum while you suck. Good vibrations,” he said in his tiny voice. “Suck me good.”

  “Uuuuggghh,” Ms Patriot groaned, lifting her hips a good six inches off the ground as another goblin shoved his fist and forearm up her ass. Triple penetrated, she lay there quaking with sexual need as countless goblins crawled all over her, fighting viciously for position. “Hhhhhhhhmmmmmmm.”

  Soon they discovered a new delight about her spectacular body.

  “MILK!” one cried.

  “Uuuuggggmmmmm,” she groaned as two sharp-toothed mouths clamped on her nipples, and started to suck with remarkable strength. Her tits gave it up easily, and soon she was being triple fucked to the sound of joyful slurping and gulping. “Hhhhhuuuuggghhhhhh.”

  “Oh my, they discovered another beloved treat. Milk. Oh, did I mention that super heroine milk seems to be a powerful aphrodisiac with goblins? Well, I’m telling you now. Steel yourself, for they are about to go into sexual overdrive, baby.”

  Suddenly, her pussy filled with cum. Ms Patriot’s body reacted profoundly, as it usually did to anyone coming inside her. She climaxed. “Aaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggghhhhhhh!”

  Another goblin replaced him before her belly stopped trembling, then the goblin in her mouth came. For the next three hours two goblins at a time fucked her pussy and mouth, while others took turns fisting her ass and drinking milk from her bottomless tits.

  For no reason she could understand, the goblins all stopped at once and moved back into a circle around her. Huffing and puffing, the weary super heroine withed in her bonds and tried to clear her head. Mostly, though, she missed the feel of cock inside of her.

  “What?!? Why?!? Ohhhh, I feel funny,” Ms Patriot groaned. “I think I’m going to be sick.”

  “No, you are about to have a baby,” Dr. Chun Fang said with laughter. “Did I mention goblin spunk is super potent? Did I mention their gestation period is three hours? Did I mention you’ve been their fuck toy for just over three hours?” Dr. Chun Fang cooed prettily.

  Ms Patriot looked down between her mammoth tits, at her distended belly. So big, and she now noticed the “kicking” and “tussling” going on deep inside her uterus.

  “I just wish I could get the minotaurs’ sperm to be that
potent,” Dr. Chun Fang said.

  “OH!” Ms Patriot cried, feeling her water break. Seconds later she felt an incredible rush as writhing little creatures started sliding out of her pussy. One after another.

  “Oh, by the way, goblins come in litters of six to ten,” Dr. Chun Fang. “There’s one, two, three….four, five….six…seven, eight….nine, ten….eleven, twelve…thirteen and FOURTEEN! Wow. You’re the mother of all mothers. You’re the Goblin Queen!”

  Ms Patriot looked down her shapely body, at all of her goblin progeny. And fainted.

  Ten days later…

  Dr. Chun Fang returned to the monitoring room after a good night’s sleep. Ms Patriot was not where she left her the night before, passed out after giving birth to another eight goblins. She wasn’t concerned. The goblins moved her after every birth. The ground between her legs was left muddy with afterbirth, after all. Even goblins weren’t disgusting enough to leave her in one spot.

  The gorgeous Asian villainess paused to remember all of those wicked disgusting births. Ms Patriot gave birth to a litter at least six times a day. She averaged ten goblins a litter, though had given as few as four and as many as twenty-one.

  “I wonder how many more babies they got off your super duper body while I slept?” Dr. Chun Fang muttered as she swept the entire sprawling cavern for her prize. The goblin domain was the largest of them all. They bred so quickly it had to be. But they also only lived about a year. “Where is she?”

  Finally in frustration, she zoomed in on a horde of goblins sitting around and picking the fleas of each other, like a group of apes.

  “Hey! Goblins. Where's the big baby maker, Ms Patriot?”

  “Escaped,” one said, and they all looked dejected.

  “What? How?”

  They all shrugged in unison. Goblins did everything in unison. They had a limited telepathic connection with each other, and acted as one more often than not. She really wanted to figure out how she gave that to them, so she could give it to the minotaurs. Not to mention give the minotaurs goblin potency.

  “Big girl gone when we wake up,” three said. “We look everywhere. Tracks lead to pool at other end. She gone. Have to play with own dicks again. You give us another big girl to play with?”

  “Hmmm, soon,” Dr. Chun Fang said. She was not pleased. If Ms Patriot escaped the goblins, then she was out of the labyrinth as well. The super whore escaped. “Dammit.”

  “Looking for me, Chun,” Ms Patriot snarled from behind the beautiful Chinese-American.

  Dr. Chun Fang’s eyes widened, then she slowly turned her head. Ms Patriot stood just within the door. She was locking the door as Dr. Chun Fang spotted her.

  “Hmm, look at that. No thugs to protect you, Chun,” Ms Patriot said, baby blues narrowed and dangerous. Her red gloved hands folded into fists. “And you have never needed protection so much in your miserable life.”

  Dr. Chun Fang moved with fluid graced as she climbed out of the chair and flowed into an elaborate Kung Fu stance. Ms Patriot looked her over warily. She’d forgotten that Dr. Chun Fang was a black belt in a dozen different martial arts. The raven-maned Asian wore a form-fitting red mini dress, with Mandarin collar and golden dragon designs writhing up one side. Her shapely legs were long, and stuffed into sky high stiletto pumps, with straps around her ankles.

  Ms Patriot had taken the time to go home, shower, and put on a spare costume. So she stood before her nemesis in her full super heroine glory. Unfortunately, she was still depowered because the labyrinth of horny horrors had climaxed her so often and thoroughly it'd be a week before she fully recovered. It was going to be classic girl fight, neither with super powers at their disposal.

  “I defeated you in personal battle twice already, Dr. Chun Fang,” Ms Patriot said as she started confidently across the room. Her sharp stilettos clacked loudly on the highly polished tile.

  “And I defeated you twice as well,” Dr. Chun Fang sneered. “Our tie is about to be broken, and you will suffered enormously for it, Ms Bimbolina.”

  “You’re overconfidence will be your undoing, Dr. Slut,” Ms Patriot sneered back.

  “Remember those infamous last words, Ms Patriot, while I am breeding you with my newest creations.”

  “In your dreams,” Ms Patriot snarled. “I am done providing you and your internet perverts with sexual entertainment. This time, I’ll be dishing out the entertainment.”

  She stopped halfway between the door and the scientist. Ms Patriot struck an arrogant super heroine pose: chin high, chest thrust out, back slightly bowed, and hands on hips. She looks so confident, so powerful, so damned sexy.

  “I don’t think so,” Dr. Chun Fang said, and then noticed just where Ms Patriot stopped before her. So tempting. Oh…so…tempting. And profitable, too. Hmmm. “Oh the Hell with it, breeding you with all of my creations would be fun, but not as much fun or as profitable as…THIS!”

  Dr. Chun Fang kicked out at the control console, and her slender stiletto hit the large red button. She spun around as the click of the latch releasing echoed through the room. Ms Patriot’s face was perfect, full of shock at being caught in the same trap as the floor dropped out from beneath her.

  “Oops, there she goes,” Dr. Chun Fang laughed, clapping her hands as Ms Patriot fell down the trap door, into the long, curving, looping, dizzying chute to another labyrinth, even lower and longer than the previous one. “What a bimbo!”

  Dr. Chun Fang punched in the code, and the cameras all changed to another chamber. It was the largest subterranean chamber she had.

  “Ooff! Great Freya, not again!” Ms Patriot’s voice echoed from the speakers.

  Dr. Chun Fang zoomed in on the discombobulated super heroine.

  “Busty bimbo, take two,” Dr. Chun Fang purred. “Don’t you worry your pretty little head too much, Ms Fucklicious. I’ll put a notice up on my porn site directing all our well paying horny friends around the world to this new labyrinth of kinky delight.”

  “New labyrinth?” the curvaceous cutie said, baby blues wide in disbelief as she looked all around for any threats.

  “Yes ma’am, Ms Licks-Them-All-Clean,” Dr. Chun Fang said. “Don’t worry. No arachnotaurs, minotaurs, or goblins. They are all so yesterday, after all. You know, you’ve been there, fucked them, and all. Nope. All new horny horrors for you, my fat titted cow.”

  “Like what?”

  “Well, first up….Centaurs! Don’t you love Greek mythology? I know I find it inspiring,” Dr. Chun Fang said, and laughed. “Oh, by the way, they really love it when you say they are hung like a horse. And they are, too.”


  “Oh, did I fail to mention it? Centauri are not solitary creatures like the minotaurs. Oh no, they travel in herds,” Dr. Chun Fang said. “Like the goblins, except with huge dicks!”

  “No! Get me out of here!” Ms Patriot cried. “I’m willing to negotiate. If you get me out now, I’ll put in a good word for you with the judge.”

  A low thunder began to rise up in the distance. Ms Patriot looked around, and spotted them. A herd of centaurs was heading towards her.

  “You suck at negotiating, Ms Cockcandy. Have fun, Fuckmeat,” Dr. Chun Fang sneered. Her glossy red lips curled at the corners, dark eyes narrowing with wicked glee, as she watched Ms Patriot squeal and take off running. And she ran the wrong direction, away from the one exit point in that cavern. Yeah, that exit was actually concealed, so it would take some effort and maybe weeks before the masked beauty found it. She could make a whole lotta babies before then, too. “I know I’ll have a grand time, watching you getting reamed out again and again and again.”


  * * * * *

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  Check out these other stories from Rogue House Press

  Don Ship (Author)

  Black Cat: Catfight

/>   Black Cat: Dr. Gadget

  Black Cat: Felonious

  Black Cat: Fierce Competition

  Black Cat Collection

  Justice Girl: Getting Randy

  Justice Girl: Jingle Bells

  Justice Girl: Milk Maid Madness

  Justice Girl: Wanton

  Justice Girl: When the Tide Turns

  Lady Katana: Shit Happens

  Lady Katana: Vice

  Lady Texas: Webmaster

  Lone Star: Subjugation

  Ms Crusader: Dirty Job

  Ms Patriot: Biggs Bimbos

  Ms Patriot: Into the Labyrinth

  Ms Patriot: No Holds Barred

  Platinum Angel: Silver Lining

  Star Brite's First Day

  Victory Girl: No Small Victory

  About the Author:

  Don has been hooked on sexy super heroines since the day he watched Frau Fausta Grables chloroform and capture Wonder Woman on TV. It was a simple step from there into super heroines in peril stories. Now he writes his own characters, and it having the time of his life doing so.




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