by James Ellroy
Dues time/time running out--RUN
Herrick 187PC--six lA men and SidRiegle co-opted. Forty-eight hours in:
No eyewitnesses, no vehicle pegged. No prints, no Richie-to-Mom letters found. Confirmed. ihe dogs sucked stelfactiznide chloride.
Background check:
Laura and Christine Herrick--nice girls. Good students, square boyfriends--almost Hancock Park wives.
Joan Renfrew Herrick--secret boozer Suicide attempts, suicide. A neighbor doctor told me:
Joanie burned herself, and begged morphine. Demerol prescribed; selfinflicted burns kept it coming. Zombie matron--all-day jazz on cloud nine.
"She _drank_ Drano, Lieutenant. Her ultimate suicide was inevitable, and a merciful relief for the people who cared about her"
Richie Herrick--shy boy, chump musician. One friend--"This hood Tommy," "Oil and watei him and Tommy--I think Richie had a crush on Tommy's sister " Neighborhood shock expressed: shy Richie the dope peddler The Bakersfield PD queried: Richie was bagged dead to rights, openand-shut. No co-defendants, no Tommy involved--three-to-four Chino.
Richie 's prison file--missing. Misplaced? Misfiled? Stolen ?--possible suspect Dan Wilhite--just a hunch.
Warden's aides searching for it: I wanted to nail Richie's Chino K4s.
Escape reports 9/57--adios, Richie--no details, no leads.
Mike Breuning--no call from him yet--my B&.E lead was tapped out.
Phillip Herrick:
No record, no Vice Squad sheets City/County
Chemical manufacturer.
PH Solvents, Inc.--dry-cleaning supplies.
Stelfactiznide chloride--made in-house.
Distributed statewide--to dry-cleaning shops and industrial plants.
NOT a customer: E-Z Kleen/J C Kafesjian.
PH employees alibi-checked---clean straight across.
Cross-family background check:
Phillip Herrick--DOB 5/14/06--Scranton, Pennsylvania.
John Charles Kafesjian--DOB 1/15/03--Scranton, Pennsylvania.
No Pennsylvania criminal records/State Police employment check:
1930--32--Balustrol Chemicals, Scranton. Phillip Herrick: solvent analyst; .L C Kafesjian: laborer/mixer
California DMV check:
6/32--both men glom drivers permits.
Birth record check:
1932--37: Tommy/Lucille, Richie/Laura/Christine born.
Time ticking--RUN----custody looming.
Running separate--Exley and Noonan--chasing bank writs.
Noonan moving east--furtive--petitioning Fed jurists. Exley sticking west--slower, no connections.
Name it ALL. the Kafesjian/Herrick case.
Breaking now--CRAAAZY volition.
Crazy fake press leaks--my idea.
We announced a fake APB, then fake withdrew it. One fake suspect fed to the press: an unnamed psycho. Bait: to calm Richie down and lure Tommy to him.
A help: Richie 's mug shot on page one--a bum likeness, peeper sketch imperfect.
A hindrance: Feds dogging THEM.
Exley, page-one tweaks:
"Dave Klein is a very savvy detective."
"He has worked on a burglary case that may be tangentially connected."
Bait: push THEM toward Richie/push THEM toward me.
One glitch: Fed lockstep surveillance on the Kafesjians.
Juniors funeral--mandatory Bureau attendance. Exley there for PR, Dudley Smith somber Stemmons, Sr, still distraugh4 sedative bombed.
Father-son farewell: Sad-ass Bible readings. Thirty years since First Dutch Lutheran, catch the gist: mercy for the sick and insane.
RUN--Sheriff's Homicide chasers--"routine" questions, two sessions' worth:
Were you hired to tail Glenda Bledsoe?
Did you become intimate with her?
Did she steal from Howard Hughes 'guest homes?
Yes, yes, no--one cop smirking.
Did you argue with Harold John Miciak?
Yes--this cop-hater shitbird. Instant empathy, a smirky punch line: don't you think Mr Hughes might try to fuck you for taking his money and his girlfriend?
Running with me--Sid Riegle/six IA men: background checks/ interviews/shitwork. Meg working on a title search--4980 Spindrift/"Why meet there?" My own sister: searching records, tracing money--Phillip Herrick 's fortune, find me filth--
Kafesjian/Herrick--Mom to Richie: "Long history of insanity both our families."
Killer Richie--no.
Killer Tommy--doubtful.
Leaning toward: Mr Third Party insane.
Narco men running scared--persistent Bureau rumors. Mass cop divestment: Kafesjian gratuities dumped. Rumors had Dan Wilhite begging Exley: say something, do something.
Exley noncommittal; Fed rumors: nineteen subpoenas headed Narco way.
My subpoenas on hold--via Fed custody extortion. Key witness Dave Klein, compromisable: if that movie showed up on Noonan 's desk. Call "if" wishful thinking--I kept waiting the delivery out--time ticking slow.
Running thinking:
THEY made the film--Chick Vecchio their point man. Make him snitch: THEY coerced my starring role.
Conspiracy indictments potentially pending-- "maybe" one tainted witness skates.
Maybe wishful thinking.
Running, watching:
THEIR house--night surveillance, parked three doors down. SRO: Feds in front, Feds out back. Family tantrums inside--my nostalgia soundtrack--
The Two Tonys--pomade spatter off point-blank head shots. "No, my children "--a clip victim weeping. Rape-o double-header--buckshot tore this nigger faceless.
Silk dresses for Meg-penance gifts. Meg with Jack Woods now--her own killer Meg holding ten grand--Jack stuffed, Junior otherwise dead. A stray thought Abe Voldrich snuffed, a car spotted. Jack's car: that make, that model.
Music to watch by: car-radio bop night one. Night two-straight Champ Dineen.
Soft: Richie and Lucille, maybe lovers. Soft: Glenda turning my way off a skid, all this courage.
Champ Dineen--my car radio on low. Echoed out Lucille 's window--the same station.
Lucille in her window--no makeup, new hair--Richie's bedroom pictures life-size.
A nightgown on--almost prim.
Feds on the street--family close.
Johnny begging--constant refrains--unshakable.
Two days down, two days left before custody. Two late nights with Glenda.
She said, "We might not walk."
I said, "You will."
She said, "You're tired."
She said, "You want to confess."
Well, this writ _does_ appear to be in order. But what's this stamp on the bottom?"
Agent Henstell: "It's a routing stamp. The U.S. attorney here sent the paperwork to a judge back east."
"Was there a reason for that?"
To bypass Exley-friendly jurists--open the vault, you officious little shit.
"No, Mr. Noonan simply knew that the Federal judge for this district was too busy to read writ requests."
"I see. Well, I suppose--"
I goosed him: "The writ's valid, so let's move this along."
"There's no need to be brusque. This way, _gentlemen_."
Teller cages, guard station, walk-in vault. Unlocked--a Pinkerton at parade rest. Henstell: "Before we go in, I want to recap Mr. Noonan's instructions."
"I'm listening."
"One, you're allowed to keep any money you might find. Two, you're allowed to go through any personal papers you might find, alone, in an examination cubicle here on bank property. After you go through them, they are to be turned over to me, for booking as Federal evidence. Three, any contraband items such as narcotics, or firearms, will be seized as evidence immediately."
"Firearms"--icy tingles. "Agreed."
"All right, then. Mr. Welborn, after you."
Quick march--Welborn leading. Gray metal aisles--safe-deposit boxes recessed floor to ceiling. Left turn, right turn, stop.
Welborn, dangling keys: "5290 and 5291. There's an examination room around the corner."
"And you're to leave Agent Henstell and me alone."
"As you wish."
Two boxes knee-high; four key slots. Tingles--I stuck my keys in.
Welborn--master keys in--clicks simultaneous.
Handkerchiefs up my sleeves.
Welborn, prissy: "Good day, Officers."
Quick now--Henstell picking a cuticle, bored--
I cracked the drawers--paper piles bulged the boxes wide. RIGHT THERE on top:
A revolver--evidence bagged. Powder-dusted prints on the grips and barrel housing--protective glazed.
Henstell picking his nose.
Unwrap the gun--bury it--paper-pile cover.
Henstell: "What have we got?"
"Folders and paperwork so far."
"Noonan wants it all, and I wouldn't mind being out of here by lunchtIme."
I dropped my hands; the handkerchiefs fell out. Block his view--wipe the piece--
Three times--Glenda--make sure.
I handed it over. "Henstell, look at this."
He twirled the gun and snapped quick draws--bad déjà vu.
"Pearl grips--this Stemmons guy must have had a cowboy fetish. And look, no numbers on the barrel plate."
I pulled the drawers out. "Do you want to look through these for narcotics?"
"No, but Noonan wants it all when you're finished. He said I should pat-search you afterwards, but that's not my style."
"You're going to love Federal custody. Noonan pops for steak lunch every day."
Fake grunts: "You want to give me a hand with this?"
"Come on, they can't be _that_ heavy."
Good fake out--I moved on it--over to a catty-corner cubicle. One table, one chair, no inside lock--I jammed the chair under the doorknob.
Dump the drawers, check the contents:
Folders, photos, odd papers--I stacked them on the table.
Four keys on a fob--"Brownell's Locksmiths, 4024 Wabash Aye, East Los Angeles."
Loose newspaper clippings--I smoothed out the crumples.
Go--skim it all:
Typed depositions--Glenda Bledsoe/Dwight Gilette--Murder One. My evidence suppression--detailed in longhand.
Georgie Ainge's statement: a typed original and five carbons.
Photo blow-ups: Glenda's juvie print strip and the gun prints. A fingerprint analysis report; photo glossies with comparison points checked.
Witness Disposition Report:
"Mr. Ainge is currently living under an assumed name at an undisclosed location in the San Francisco area. I have telephone access to him and have given him money so that he might hide out and escape potential reprisals from Lieutenant David D. Klein. He remains available to me should he be called as a witness in the matter of the County of Los Angeles vs. Glenda Louise Bledsoe."
My bullshit detector clicked in--Ainge bugged out on his own--I'd bet money.
Handwritten pages--doodles, scrawls--half-legible hieroglyphics:
(Unreadable)/"I've got a trail worked out on paper"/(unreadable)/ "He's spent a fortune so far"/(unreadable)/ink smears. "So he's spent a fortune operating Officer John Duhamel"--smears--"But of course he's a rich kid policeman whose father died (April 1958) and left him millions."
Scribbles/penis drawings-doped-up homo Junior. "Rich kid" Exley-- easy make--working Johnny D.--no huge surprise. Doodles/gun drawings/indecipherable gobbledygook. "Operating this guy whose story you won't believe." Coffee stains/smears/cock drawings/"See file marked Evidence #1."
Check the stack--there--a folder:
Newspaper clippings: mid-April '58. Human-interest schmaltz:
Johnny Duhamel turns pro-his "wealthy" parents died penniless and USC dunned their estate. Johnny: attending grad school, three jobs--no pro fight career plans. USC cracks down: repay your college debt or drop out.
That piece--the L.A. _Times_, 4/18/58. Three recaps--the _Herald_/_Examiner_/_Mirror_--4/24, 5/2, 5/3.
Four L.A. dailies/four stories--no new facts exposited, no new angles probed. Gallaudet's file check confirmed: Duhamel's parents died broke.
More "Evidence #1": num6ered document photos. I flashed back to Junior's pad--that Minox camera.
Photos 1, 2, 3: Security First National Bank forms. Checking and savings accounts opened: Walton White, 2750 N. Edgemont, Los Angeles. Two thirty-grand deposits coming off hinky: Edgemont stopped at 2400.
Notations on the back:
#1--"Manager described 'Walton White' as 'familiar somehow,' 6'2", 170, blond-gray hair, glasses, late thirties."
#2--"Manager shown magazine photograph of Edmund Exley. Confirms that E.E. opened the 'Walton White' accounts."
#3--"Manager stated that 'Walton White' (E.E.) requested blank bank checks immediately so that he could begin fulfilling transactions."
Hot now--I started sweating.
Photos 4, 5, 6--cancelled "Walton White" checks. Four grand, four grand, five grand--4/23, 4/27, 4/30/58.
Made out to:
Fritzie Huntz, Paul Smitson, Frank Brigantino.
Bingo: the bylines on those copycat articles.
Photo #7--a cancelled check. Eleven grand and change paid out to: the USC Alumni Debt Fund.
"So he's spent a fortune operating Officer John Duhamel."
"Operating this guy whose story you won't believe."
Reporters bribed.
Johnny bought.
Junior glomming bank records--intimidation prowess and charm preCRAAAZY.
Sweating--dripping on my file swag:
Duhamel fight clippings.
A deposition--Chuck "the Greek" Chamales--matchmaker, Olympic Auditorium.
"Revealed under the threat to expose his liaison with Lurleen Ruth Cressmeyer, age 14":
Johnny D. tanked his one pro fight.
Ed Exley paid him to do it.
Duhamel told Chamales this--"one night when he was drunk." The Greek to Junior, verbatim: "He didn't get specific. He just told me on the QT that that Exley guy had special work for him."
Odd pages left--gibberish/doodling. One sheet block-printed:
As former Academy evidence instructor I was invited to the October 16th retirement party for Sgt. Dennis Payne. Talked about my recent sergeantcy and transfer to Ad Vice with Capt. Didion, who told me my father had old Dep. Chief Green move Dave Klein up to the Ad Vice command as only a Lieutenant partially to grease things for my ultimately taking a spot there. Capt. Didion told Dave "The Enforcer" stories for half an hour, and I only listened because I wanted to tap the grapevine for information on Johnny. Capt Didion told me that Exley personally requested that Johnny graduate early (the 7/10/58 cycle) in order to fill a potential Wilshire Patrol vacancy, which made no sense to him. Also, Dennis Payne confirmed what I suspected when Johnny was yanked early from my evidence class: that Exley urged those undercover assignments on him personally, asking Capt. Didion that he be assigned to them while still technically a cadet.
Exley and Duhamel--operating partners--operating WHO?
The Kafesjians.
"This guy whose story you won't believe."
"This guy"--singular A semantic fuck-up----maybe, maybe not.
Single-o suspects:
Tommy K.
Dan Wilhite.
Skewed--I couldn't link them directly to Johnny.
Crack the door--Henstell on the walkway, pacing. Shove the chair back, jam the knob shut, go--
I lit a match and torched a file page: faggot artwork sizzled. More matches, more pages--a contained blaze right there on t
he table.
Smoke out the floor crack--
Henstell banged on the door. "Klein, Goddamn it, what the hell are you doing!"
Flames, charred paper, smoke. I kicked the table over, stomped the blaze out.
"Klein, Goddamn it!"
Jerk the door open, shove him back, coughing smoke--
"Tell Noonan it was personal. Tell him I'm still his witness, and now I owe _him_ one."
o o o
Out to East L.A., light-headed--light smoke inhalation. Custody fortyseven hours off--two days to GET it:
Olympic east--rain clouds dousing smog. Chasing/chased/partnered up/partner fucked:
Richie's Chino file was still missing--warden's aides were tossing storage bins for it. Sid Riegle was out chasing Richie--Darktown/Hancock Park--no leads.
Six IA men tapped out: no new Herrick/Kafesjian links. Links extant: Pennsylvania/chemical work/L.A. arrivals '31--'32. Late-'31 marriages: Joan Renfrew, Madge Clarkson--no criminal records--their hometowns queried.
Meg chasing real estate: a Spindrift pad title search. Zero so far, Meg persisting.
The Kafesjians at home, cabin-fevered--Feds out front, Feds out back. Partnered-up-family-tight--no way to tell them:
You and the Herricks--filthy together. Liquor bottles smashed/dogs blinded/music trashed--murder/suicide/castration--I can TASTE it. You'll tell me, you'll tell somebody--I'm partnered up strong on my ride down.
Strong and dirty: Exley. Strong/cautious/grasping: Noonan.
Use them both: fight/squirm/lie/beg/ manipulate them.
Exley: Johnny D. as my wedge. The Feds--no lever yet--that fire fried my momentum. Henstell: "You know, Mr. Noonan was starting to think you'd be a pretty good witness."
Was/is/could be/would be: DUES TIME. Junior nullified now--Glenda safe--punch my new grief ticket: FEDERAL.
No pre-court testimony taken yet--custody meant interrogation. Noonan--cautious/grasping--shooting me wake-up phone calls:
"You're commanding a homicide case-how odd."
"Would Richard Herrick be the Richie you seem to be so interested in? The man Tommy Kafesjian seems to be rather concerned with? Chief Exley told the _Herald_ that you worked on a burglary case that may be tangentially connected to the killings. We _must_ discuss this after you enter custody."