The Line: The Complete Series

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The Line: The Complete Series Page 14

by Nikki Rose


  “Detective Stevenson?”

  “Yeah, who is this?”

  “It’s Addy.”

  “Addy? What’s wrong? Where are you?”

  “I’m at a truck stop right off exit 56.”

  “Stay there. I’m on my way.”


  “Alright, I’m here to break you out.” Chris’s welcomed voice echoed in the hall that led to the holding cell Stevenson had thrown me in before rushing out like a bat out of hell.

  “Damn, it’s about time.” I stood up from the edge of my cot and rushed to the barred door.

  “It would have helped if you’d actually given me a call.”

  “That asshole detective refused to let me use the phone. Said he could hold me twenty-four hours without charging me or letting me use the phone.”

  “We gotta talk about that asshole but first, let’s get you out of here.” He motioned behind him. We weren’t alone. Another police officer came up and unlocked my door.

  Once we got my phone back, I rushed to Chris’s car.

  “I’ve got to get back to the cabin ASAP. Addy’s probably panicking being locked in my hidden room all this time.”

  “Shit, I didn’t think about that.”

  Chris ran around to his side of the car and jumped inside. We barely had time to close our doors before he was flying out of the parking lot.

  As we flew down the highway, Chris glanced my way.

  “We gotta talk.”

  “If it’s about Addy, I know I can’t keep holding her like I have been. I really think if I tell her—”

  “It’s not about that.”

  “What is it?”

  “It’s about Stevenson. He’s in on the corruption deals with Judge Andrews”

  “That lowlife?”

  “Intel says he’s one of their clean-up guys. He helps make sure cases go the way they need them to.”

  “Shit.” I sliced my hand through my hair. “I should have known. It’s probably why he insisted on taking Addy into WITSEC himself.”

  “I arranged a tail on him after I found out. They should be in place by morning.”

  “Good. I want to know everyone he comes in contact with. He might be able to lead us to the big hitters.”

  “My thoughts exactly.”

  We pulled up at the cabin just before the sun would be rising. I jumped out of the car before Chris could even put it in park and ran for the front door. I stuck my key into the lock but it was unlocked. Fear rushed through my whole body, pumping pure adrenaline through my veins. I pushed open the door and glanced from side to side, clearing each room as I went. Maybe I’d forgotten to lock up before leaving with Detective Stevenson. I couldn’t remember locking the door. I let my guard down, running a beeline to the closet. Poor Addy had been locked in there for hours. She was probably terrified and most likely pissed that I’d left her there so long.

  I’d have to make it up to her—even if it wasn’t my fault.

  I pushed open the closet door and froze at the sight of the hidden door open wide. The inside was a mess. My hidden fire-safe box laid open on the floor and the velvet pouch was open on top. She’d found the key. I was both relieved and worried at the same time. Addy got out on her own and ran. But she was gone. She ran from me after I’d thought we were getting so close.

  I needed to find her so I could explain everything. She needed to know I would have never left her there by choice. She needed to know how I felt about her, the truth about who I was, and why I couldn’t say anything sooner.

  “Hunter,” Chris called with urgency as he rushed into the bedroom.

  “She’s gone. She ran away from me.”

  “I know. But we got bigger problems.”

  “What do you mean?” I turned back to look at his worried expression.

  “I just got word from one of my contacts at the station. Detective Stevenson got a phone call just before he left you to rot in that cell. He was overheard addressing the person as Addy.

  Shit. He had been her handler while in witness protection, it made sense he would be the one she’d turn to at a time when she didn’t know who she could trust. “We gotta find her.”

  “Already on it. I’ve got guys keeping their eye out for his car but he’d be too smart for a tail. I’ve set up checkpoints. Last time he was spotted going south on 95.”

  “I know where he’s going.”



  After Detective Stevenson picked me up at the truck stop, I could finally relax for the first time in a long time. I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes as we drove down the empty highway.

  “You look exhausted.” He spoke with pity in his voice.

  “I am.”

  “Why don’t you take a little nap while we’re on the road?”

  “That sounds nice.”

  “Here.” He reached into the backseat and pulled out his police jacket. He draped it over me with his free hand before returning it to the wheel. “Better?”

  “Yes. Thank you.” I pulled the jacket up to my neck and sunk into the soft leather seat.

  I dreamed of Hunter. We were in the woods, kissing, painting, cuddling while we made s’mores. He had never truly been cruel to me. What if he hadn’t left me in that room? What if something had happened to him?

  You’re an idiot. He kidnapped you, tied you up, and locked you in a room.

  I hadn’t realized I’d started to cry until Detective Stevenson lightly shook my shoulder. “Addy? Addy, are you okay? What’s wrong?”

  I batted my eyes open. We were stopped but it was so dark I couldn’t see much around us other than there were trees.

  “Yeah, it was just a bad dream.”

  “Come on, we’re here.”

  “Where’s here?” I unbuckled and got out of the car, finally seeing the familiar cabin from before he took me in to witness protection.

  “I thought it might be nice to be somewhere familiar until we figure everything out.”

  “Figure what out?”

  “We think we found the murderer which means you shouldn’t have to go back into WITSEC.”

  “You did?” I should be relieved but instead, all I felt was panic. What if that’s why Hunter didn’t come back? What if they arrested him? I cleared my throat and tried to sound less upset. “You found him?”

  Daniel raised a brow at me and nodded. “We think so.”

  “Who is it?”

  “Why don’t we get you inside. It’s freezing out here.” He put his hand on the small of my back and nudged me toward the door.

  “Yeah, okay.” I tried to fight the sick worry in the pit of my stomach as he led me inside.

  Daniel led me through the doorway and into the small living room.

  “You hungry? I could make us something to eat.”

  “No, thank you. I just want to sleep if that’s okay.”

  “Sure thing. I’m going to get the fireplace lit and get us some heat going. You remember where the bedroom is?”

  “Yeah.” I forced a smile and slipped into the bedroom but I couldn’t shake the unease.

  As tired as I was, it still took me a good while for sleep to finally take me. I couldn’t get my mind off of Hunter. How could I have fallen for a murderer?

  I slept for a little while, but finally, the dreams of Hunter pulled me from my sleep. He was a good man. He may have done bad things, but he was a good man.

  My door had been closed when I fell asleep but it was now slightly open. I sat up in bed as Daniel’s hushed voice floated in.

  “She doesn’t, she never saw his face...I just checked on her. She’s still asleep...I thought I just had to get rid of the girl, now you say you want me to get answers from her first? That’s gonna get messy...No. I can take care of it.”

  Was there someone else there? I couldn’t hear another voice. I wondered if maybe he was on the phone. One thing was clear, that her was me and I didn’t like the
sound of the rest. I needed to get closer. I had to see if someone else was out there. I stepped out of bed and crept toward the open door when a board under my foot creaked.

  “Hang on. I think she’s up...I need to go.”

  I turned back from the door and stood just at the foot of the bed when he came in.

  “You’re up.”

  “Yeah, I was just heading to the bathroom.”

  “Good. You do that and I’ll make us some tea.”


  I’d have a few minutes before he’d get suspicious. I locked the door behind me and looked around for an escape but there were no windows and nothing that could be used as a weapon. I’d have to bide my time and hope his lack of surprise would work in my favor.

  “Addy, tea’s ready,” Daniel called from the door and made me jump.


  I washed my hands and splashed cold water on my face before walking out into the living room.

  Daniel sat on the couch with a teacup in hand and another on the coffee table. The fire crackled and set a flickering glow one might find romantic in the right circumstances but in this situation, I just found the deep shadows and orange glow unsettling.

  He smiled and motioned me over. “Come have a seat.” Placing his tea on the table, he handed me my cup.

  “Thank you.” I took a sip of the tea and set it down.

  “Addy. I know this can’t be easy but I need to ask you some questions.” He turned to look at me with soft eyes. Maybe I misunderstood what he was saying on the phone. Him getting answers from me may just be asking me some questions. I’d become cynical.


  He let out a sigh. “Why did you decide to leave WITSEC?”

  “I—um...” I closed my eyes and let out a sigh. “It was just too hard. I needed to get away.”

  “So, you left of your own will?”

  “Of course.” My heart pounded in my chest and I took another sip of my tea

  “When you left your house, where did you go? Where were you staying?”

  “I... I was staying with a friend.” I sipped the tea which seemed to calm me. In fact, it was relaxing me a little too much. My body felt too heavy and I leaned back in my seat.

  “Addy? You okay?”

  “Yeah, I just... What kind of tea was that?”

  “Oh, this? An herbal blend. Do you like it?”

  “It’s good. I just, I don’t feel very well. I think I need to go lay down.” I stood and the room spun, the floor jerking out from under my feet. Daniel jumped up, wrapping his arms around me to keep me from falling.

  “Whoa, I think you need to sit down.”

  “I just...I don’t know what’s wrong...” My eyelids drooped and I struggled to keep them open.

  “Oh, it might be the drugs I put in your tea,” Daniel said casually. I was able to force my eyes open for one last moment before they closed and the world went black.

  I fought through the fog that surrounded my mind. Wake up. Wake up. Open your eyes. I ordered myself as the fog slowly lifted. I forced my eyes open and was startled to see Daniel’s face staring back.

  “What? What happened?” I was sitting in the living room chair but when I tried to move, I couldn’t.

  “Oh good, you’re awake.”

  I moved my arm and I rattled against the restraints. There was a burning feeling in my arm and I looked down to see an I.V. line coming from tape on my hand.

  “What? What—?”

  “Oh, that’s just fluids.”

  “You drugged me.”

  “I thought you needed to relax. Plus, it was easier to tie you up this way.”


  “I need some answers and you were lying to me.”

  “Who are you? Cops don’t do this.”

  “Let's just say I have a special skill set.” He smirked at me and walked to the I.V. with another I.V. bag in his hand.

  “What’s that? What are you doing?”

  “Oh, this is just a little sodium thiopental. It will help make sure you are honest with your answers.”

  “No, please. I’ll answer—”

  “Oh, I know you will and this will ensure it.” He hooked up the drip and I fought against the restraints as the liquids mixed and made their way down the tube to my hand.

  Within minutes, the effects of the medicine took over. I was dazed, almost euphoric. Everything looked fuzzy.

  “First of all, I want to apologize. You seem like a real sweet girl. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Why did you leave WITSEC?”

  “I was taken.”

  “Taken by who?”

  “Hunter.” The answers poured from my lips effortlessly.

  “And where did he keep you?”

  “At his cabin, in his bedroom. He added bars to the windows so I couldn’t get away and put a lock on the door.”

  “Who is Hunter?”

  “He was the guy I was dating. He was so handsome and so gentlemanly. And oh my god, he was so good in bed.” I giggled.

  “Why did he take you?”

  “I recognized his tattoo from the alley when he killed that judge.”

  Daniel jumped up and dialed someone on his phone. “Hey, it's me. It was Wright. We got him.”

  “What?” He roared after listening to what they had to say. “What do you mean he’s gone?... Well, find him.” He demanded then hung up the phone.

  Daniel rushed over to me only a couple inches from my face. “Where is he?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve been with you.”


  “You lying bitch. Where is he?” I heard Detective Stevenson’s voice roar from behind the door as I slipped around the bushes that line the cabin.

  “I don’t know.” Addy pleaded and all I wanted was to get in there to her.

  I crept quietly up to the door, fighting my urge to rush as Chris rounded to the back door. I had to be smart or I could get us all killed. I peeked through the window to get a better idea of where everyone was located. Stevenson’s hand came down hard on the side of Addy’s face, throwing her head to the side. She cried out and sobbed “I really didn’t know.”

  I’d kill him. With my gun ready, I kicked the door open with a loud clatter and the door jamb exploded into splinters.

  Daniel whipped his head around in shock. “Touch her again and they will be scraping your brains off the walls for a week. Now, back away from her slowly.”

  Daniel put his hands up in surrender and started to step to the side before the coward dove behind Addy’s chair. He pulled his gun from his ankle and held it to her head. That’s when the thin plastic tube running from Addy’s hand up to an I.V. stand caught my eye. Whatever he was giving her was making her groggy and unable to think clearly because she smiled at me.

  “Hunter, you’re here.” She smiled even with the gun digging at her temple.

  “Yes Addy, I’m here. Everything is going to be okay.”

  “Of course, it is. Because I realized you’re not such a bad guy. You do bad things sometimes but you’re a good man.”

  “Can we talk about this later? Like, maybe when a psycho doesn’t have a gun to her head.” Chris said as he appeared from the kitchen door of the small cabin.

  We kept our guns pointed at Stevenson. But he kept his gun on Addy. “No one move or I kill her.”

  “Then we kill you. There’s only one way you leave here alive. Put the gun down and slide it over to me.” I demanded.

  Daniel must have known he had no way out. He let out a loud roar before moving the gun from Addy’s head to his. Before anyone could move, he pulled the trigger. There was a loud blast mixed with Addy’s scream. Red mist-covered Addy’s face along with larger splatters against the fireplace

  My professionalism disintegrated as I yelled out and ran to Addy. “Addy, are you okay? What did he do to you?” I pulled the I.V. from her arm and she hisse
d at the pain.

  “It was sodium...theo-something.”

  “Sodium thiopental?”

  “Yeah, that’s it.” She smiled at me. “You’re smart.”

  “Thanks.” I couldn’t help but smile. The drugs were making her loopy. She was adorable. I lifted her into my arms. “The effects of the drug won’t last long. Let’s get you out of here.”

  She weakly wrapped her arms around my neck as I carried her to Chris’s car.

  I laid her in the backseat and closed the door as Chris met me by the car.

  “I called it in. A cleanup team is on its way. They are also hacking his phone records so we can find out how high this goes. We know Stevenson was the cleanup guy for the judge, but he also worked for some other corrupt higher-ups. The team will also do a sweep for intel before making it look like he skipped town.”

  “Sounds good.” I glanced back at the car. “I gotta tell her the truth.”

  “I know. You do what you have to. We’ll deal with any fall back as it comes.”

  I clasped Chris’s shoulder. “Thanks.”

  “No problem. Let’s get her out of here.”



  It wasn’t long before I passed out after Hunter put me in the car. The drugs and lack of sleep had made me groggy. It felt good to let go and sleep.

  When I finally woke up again, I squinted in the painfully bright light that poured through a large open window. There were no trees in sight. I blinked, letting my eyes adjust before sitting up in bed. My head spun but I found my equilibrium quickly.

  I rubbed my eyes and stretched to look out the window. I was back in the city but it wasn’t my old apartment. This one was much nicer than mine. Hunter was asleep in the chair beside the bed. He was still fully dressed and his head hung at an awkward angle.

  “Hunter,” I whispered.

  His eyes fluttered open and he smiled sleepily as he straightened in the chair. “Hey, you’re awake.”

  “Yeah. How long was I out?”

  He checked his watch and his brows lifted. “Nine hours.”

  “Wow. That was one hell of a nap.”


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