The Line: The Complete Series

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The Line: The Complete Series Page 31

by Nikki Rose

  I waited outside for Mason to arrive in hopes that the fresh air and distance from Caroline helped me think. It didn’t. All I could think about was her and the shift I’d seen between a spoiled brat and a deep, caring woman. I rubbed my hand roughly over my face and heard the sound of Mason’s truck tires on the drive.

  I stood on the porch waiting as Mason parked beside my car and hopped out. While Hunter was my best friend, Mason and I had a lot in common and became fast friends after he joined the team a little over a year ago. Mason was a lot like me—carefree and the life of the party. Except when we were on the job which we both took very seriously. If Hunter couldn’t be the one to watch Caroline, Mason was my next choice.

  “Hey man. Damn, you look rough.” I hadn’t realized the toll this trouble with Caroline had taken on me until Mason said something. He didn’t know about the situation in full and even he could see what it was doing to me.

  “It’s been a rough week.”

  “I can see that. Anything I can help with?” He came up to the porch and we embraced briefly with a firm slap to the shoulders.

  “You got a time machine?”


  “It’s nothing. I’ve got it under control.”

  “If you say so man.”

  “I better get going. Hunter’s waiting.”

  “No prob. I got things covered here.”

  Mason opened the front door but I called out to him just before he closed the door behind him. “Hey, Mason.”


  “Whatever you do, don’t trust her to be alone.”

  His brow furrowed with confusion but he nodded. He hadn’t heard about the first day when she’d snuck out of the house. Only Hunter knew about that embarrassment.

  As I drove to the office, thoughts of Caroline flooded my mind. I could still feel her soft body in my arms, yielding to me, melding to me. We fit together like we were puzzle pieces made for each other. I could still hear her soft moans and the cries of pleasure as we both reached our climax. She was so beautiful, glistening with sweat as her back arched and pushed her perfect breasts into my hands.

  What was wrong with me? I had to get this girl out of my mind. We couldn’t be together. There could never be a repeat of that night together no matter how much I craved to feel her writhing under me, to taste her sweetness again, to hear her screams. I needed to finish this job and get the hell away from her before those thoughts destroyed me and everything I’d worked for.

  I turned into the parking lot of the old abandoned warehouse and pulled around back. The office didn’t look like much but that was the whole point. No one would suspect the large, disheveled warehouse would be headquarters for secret government agents.

  I hurried inside to find Hunter. As much as I needed time away from Caroline, the truth was, she was still in danger and I hated leaving her alone for any amount of time until the threats had been neutralized.

  I walked past the well-lit area of the main office and down a dimmed corridor to the occupied interrogation room. I tapped on the one-way mirror where I could see Hunter, another agent, and who I assumed was Jackson with his back turned toward me. Hunter stood and walked out to meet me.

  “Hey man, thanks for coming on such short notice. You get the girl secured?”

  “Yeah, she’s at home under guard.”

  “Good. Okay, so here’s the deal. Apparently, they were about to take Jackson to be locked up in some hole for the rest of his miserable life when he conveniently hinted at possible info on another attack.”

  “Another attack? Shit. His last one took out nearly ten men from team 8.”

  “See why I needed you here? We were the closest agents to the case that made it out alive and no one can beat us when it comes to interrogation which is why we were called in.”

  “Does the Director know about this?”

  “Not yet. He’s in blacked out meetings all day.”

  “Okay. Has he let anything slip so far?”

  “Nothing other than wanting a deal.”

  “A deal? After all the lives he’s cost us?”

  “We will have to come up with another way to persuade him or he could cost us many more.”

  “Well, let's not waste any more time. Let's get this done.”

  It’s not an easy thing to break a man who feels he has nothing to lose. Especially since Hunter and I refused to use the same tactics that some of the other agents employ. It took us three hours, but in the end, we got the information we needed to stop the future attack. In return, Jackson will be living out his days in an ultra-secure facility knowing his family will be taken care of.

  The drive back to Caroline drug on. I was anxious to see that she was okay even though I’d been in contact with her guards every half hour I’d been away. With the Director gone, it was just Caroline and myself when the employees weren’t around and it was painfully clear she wanted nothing to do with me. She’d been baking in the kitchen all afternoon and had barely acknowledged me when I came back from my errand. Sitting in the Director’s study off the main living room I pretended to be busy on my computer when she walked in.

  “I’m going to go give a cupcake to the guard at the front gate.”

  “Okay. Just make sure to come right back.”

  “I will.” She reached into the plastic Tupperware container and pulled out a cupcake with chocolate icing. “I brought one for you, too.”

  I finally looked up from my laptop and studied her for a minute. Was this her way of trying to make amends? I smiled and reached out to take the cupcake from her outstretched hand. “Thank you. It looks great and smelling them bake all day has been torture.”

  “It’s nothing fancy but, I hope you like it.” Caroline forced a smile. I’d learned to tell the difference between her genuine smile and the smile she used when putting on a show. It was still difficult to interact with each other and I didn’t see that easing off until we were out of each other’s way. At least she was trying.

  I didn’t like when she walked out that front door without me being with her to watch over her but both of us needed a little space from one another. She would be safe on the grounds. It was fully gated with security cameras that fed to my laptop, and the guardhouse.

  I’d had security jobs in the past but they were all business. I’d never let myself blur the line between business and pleasure before and my dumb ass chose to make an exception with the Director’s daughter of all people. I just needed to focus on keeping her safe. I took a big bite of the cupcake she’d made for me. Once this mission was over, I could move on and hopefully one day forget about the spoiled brat who somehow managed to embed herself in my thoughts. The only problem was, once this mission was over, the need to protect her wasn’t going to go away.

  Knocking on the large wooden door of the Director’s study pulled me from a dreamless sleep. My pounding head rested on the keyboard of my laptop and I rubbed my face to try to focus. I couldn’t remember falling asleep in the study or what I was even working on when I fell asleep.

  I looked up from the desk to see the cleaning lady, Ms. James standing in the doorway.

  “Are you alright, sir?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. What time is it?”

  “Almost eight. I’m sorry to wake you but I was concerned when no one was up.”

  Panic rushed through me. “Caroline’s not awake?”

  “I thought she might have slept over at Amanda’s last night. Her bed was still made when I went to her room.”

  “Still made?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Shit.” I barked out and took off up to Caroline’s room to see for myself.

  “I’ve searched the whole house for her.” Ms. James was surprisingly quick as she followed me.

  I made it up the stairs and into Caroline’s room in record time and just as Ms. James had said, her bed was untouched. Panic rose up inside me but I needed to keep a level head. There had to be a good explanation as to where the wom
an I was supposed to be guarding had gone.

  Desperate to find her, I called her name as I ran down the hall. I rushed out the front door, bolting toward the guardhouse when a disheveled looking security guard stepped out.

  “Caroline? Have you seen her?”

  “Not since she dropped off cupcakes last night.”

  “Do you know where she went from there?”

  “She didn’t go back to the house?”

  “I don’t know. All I do know is she’s gone.”



  The car hit a large pothole and my head knocked against the window, waking me. The old road was lined with trees so thick you couldn’t see anything else. I’d been dreaming about Chris and was disappointed to wake up without him.

  I shook my head and looked out the window. I needed to get that man out of my head. He’d turned into a different person the past couple weeks and I still couldn’t figure out why. Except, to think maybe the new of our relationship—if I could even call it that—had worn off and he got bored. But he hadn’t seemed bored when we’d slept together just a half hour before breakfast.

  He was the best sex I’d ever had but it wasn’t just about that. Chris saw a side of me I rarely let show. Most people see a spoiled rich girl and that’s fine with me. Better them think that then the truth, that I’m scared and hurting and trying to protect myself.

  I glanced over at Derek and a sickening feeling of regret sank into my stomach. Is this really the type of guy you want to be wasting your time with?

  This is exactly what I need, a weekend away, unplugged. Away from my father’s lackeys—away from Chris.

  I needed time to clear my mind of him completely and being around him, twenty-four-seven was not going to let me get over him.

  The trees rushed by us as my mind turned back to Chris. As much as I wanted to forget, he kept popping up in my mind. I needed a distraction to take my mind off of him.

  “So, who all is going to be at the campgrounds?”

  Derek glanced at me. “A bunch of people. I don’t know them all but it will be a great time. You need this. Get a few drinks in you, maybe a little something else too. That should loosen you up some and help you relax.”

  “I don’t do drugs, Derek. You know that.”

  “Damn it, babe. Don’t be such a prude.” He looked at me with annoyance.

  I pinned him with a warning look and he turned his gaze back to the road. “Well, a few shots of tequila then. Either way, the time away will be good for you.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. I’ve been cooped up way too long.”

  I checked the clock on the radio. Chris would be awake by now and so would the guard. I hoped my little stunt wouldn’t get them in too much trouble with my dad but, I needed to get away and they gave me no choice. You always have a choice. My dad’s voice reminded me.

  The guilt of what I’d done flooded my mind with a slideshow of events from the night before. Chris had only been following my dad’s orders. But I reminded myself that he’d also been an asshole on numerous occasions.

  “You have to get away. There’s a big camping trip going on this weekend. We are all unplugging from our phones for the whole weekend. It would do you some good.”

  “It sounds nice but there’s no way I could shake my security detail.”

  “I might have an idea for that.”

  And he did. I stood over the mixing bowl filled with chocolate icing as I added the sleeping pills to the mix and stirred. Chris’s errand couldn’t have come at a better time. It gave me the freedom to drug the cupcakes without looking over my shoulder.

  It was so hard to give Chris that cupcake. He seemed so grateful at what he assumed was my amends when in reality it was my escape. I almost turned back to stop him from eating it but I was desperate. I felt as though I was a cornered animal, desperate to get out. Once Chris and the guard were both asleep, I disabled the security cameras before Derek picked me up.

  “You sure are quiet this trip.”

  “Sorry. I just feel bad for—well, you know—drugging the security team.”

  “You did what you had to.”


  “You’ll go back and say sorry once you have a weekend away to recharge.”

  “I know, I know. You’re right. This is what I need.”

  “If you can ever relax. Why don’t you grab the tequila from the back and take a swig?”

  “Tequila? You can’t have that in your backseat. It has to be in the trunk.”

  “See. This is what I’m talking about. For just this one weekend, can’t you try to let go a little bit? For your own sake?”

  “You’re right. What the hell? I’m not the one driving.” I reached back and grasped the brown paper bag that hid the tequila and took a big swig straight from the bottle.”

  “There you go. That’s what I’m talking about.”

  Derek took the opened bottle from me and took a drink himself. It was everything I could do to not argue against him drinking and driving but he was right—I needed to let go and relax.

  I did my best to make myself relax after that. I turned on the radio and sang along to the songs I knew. Closing my eyes and letting the warm air rush over my face and tangle my hair helped me to chill out. The shot of tequila helped.

  The highways turned to smaller streets and those turned to worn out roads that wound up the mountains. We'd driven for miles with no sign of a store or gas station anywhere. Derek took a bend in the road too fast and I gasped as I clutched hard to the handle that hung overhead.

  As I recuperated from the scare, I looked out to see a wide clearing by a small river where several cars and tents were scattered around. Loud music poured from the crowds of people and a few danced around the campfire set up in the middle of the chaos.

  It wasn’t exactly my idea of a relaxing time, drinking and camping, but Derek was right about one thing—I needed time away. We parked and I hopped out of Derek's rundown Honda Civic and followed him to a small group huddled by a large oak.

  “Hey guys, you remember Caroline, right?” I barely recognized their faces as some of Derek’s friends we’d run into at some house party he’d drug me to several months back.

  “Nice to see you guys again.”

  Everyone welcomed me with enthusiastic greetings, shaking my hand and even pulling me into hugs like I was one of them.

  One cheery girl with strawberry blonde hair handed each of us a can of beer. “Hi, I’m Camy. Welcome. Come on. The fun’s just starting.”

  She grinned and ushered us over to the roaring campfire. Several people sat around on cut logs or large rocks arranged around the fire. Several couples and singles lounged around the fire all talking and laughing. One guy who appeared to be the center of attention called to Derek. Grabbing my hand, he pulled me along as the man got out his guitar.

  We found a comfortable spot on a log and I sipped on my beer while we listened to the music that made me sway as I chatted with Camy.

  “This is Marcus.” She beamed as a tall, dark, and very handsome man sat beside her and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her up against him.

  “Nice to meet you.” He offered a smile and I nodded.

  “Nice to meet you too.”

  “You guys hungry? I thought we might roast some hot dogs.” Another guy with sandy blonde hair that reminded me of your typical California surfer came up with all the materials needed to roast our own hotdogs.

  “I’m starving. How ‘bout you, babe?” Derek gave my hand a little squeeze. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until they’d brought up food so I happily accepted.

  Surfer guy passed out the hotdogs and plopped down on the dirt near us.

  “I’m Drew, by the way.” He offered his hand and I shook it.


  “Damn, Derek. Where have you been hiding this one?”

  I flushed at the way his eyes drank me in but the fact that I’d been referr
ed to as this one was not lost on me.

  “I wanted to keep her all to myself.”

  “Well I’m glad you decided to share her now.” He gave me a wink but I only squirmed, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable.

  “Relax, sweetheart. I’m only teasing your boy here.” Drew grinned a genuine grin and let out a soft chuckle. Once Derek laughed, I realized they were only teasing each other.

  Once the hot dogs were done, the guitar player took a break and someone turned on an old-timey radio that ran on batteries so we’d have some music. We talked and laughed and somewhere along the way I’d finished my third beer which was unusual for me. Its relaxing effects were welcome and when a particularly good song came on the radio, Camy jumped up, grabbed my hand, and tugged me to my feet.

  “Come on, Caroline. Let’s dance.”

  With the alcohol in my system I was bolder than I usually was and I happily followed her closer to the fire. We danced, joined by a couple other girls while the guys leered at us all in fun. We made a point to put on a good show for the guys until a couple of them couldn’t help themselves and rushed their girlfriends to claim a kiss.

  When Marcus threw Camy over his shoulder and hauled her off to his tent, we all couldn’t help but laugh while the guys hooped and hollered. It was all very immature but it was just what I needed to unwind.

  Soon after, the music slowed and the dancing calmed back down as people began making their way to their sleeping bags and tents. Derek and I sat around talking with everyone until there was hardly a soul left awake.

  The night grew late and the fire turned into nothing more than embers glowing by the lake as most of the couples retired to their tents.

  “I’m exhausted from the drive. What do you say we head inside the tent?” Derek wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close but for some reason it was Chris who came to mind when his hands were on me.

  “Sounds good. I just have to pee first.”

  “Okay well, hurry up” Derek playfully slapped my ass and I hurried off to pee. I was having a good time but throughout the night Derek’s flirting didn’t hold the same effects it used to. Every time he’d tried to kiss me, I had to come up with a way to avoid it. I couldn’t bring myself to kiss him much less anything more. It felt wrong and all I could think of was Chris. Which only pissed me off because Chris wasn’t interested in me like that. He made that very clear. I needed to forget about some unspoken loyalty I held for Chris that he didn’t deserve but something inside me wouldn’t let me cross that line with Derek again.


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